View Full Version : Project Emrys, Art of Civilization & Replayability Consortium

07-08-2015, 06:33 PM
Jobs – Project Emrys, Art of Civilization & the Replayability

Do you love games? Or, more specifically, open-world games, and/or survival simulations?
Does the prospect of testing your survival and twitch skills online with your friends in a vast, beautiful
open-world that you and your friends can build and develop make your pulse race? Do you have game
development skills?

The Replayability Consortium is the spiritual home of an elite team of programmers, artists,
designers, and producers. We’re not building an army; we’re building the Jedi Knights of gamers. If you
think you have what it takes to join us and help to create the ultimate open-world games of all time,
we want to hear from you!

Who we are looking for:
Currently seeking those people who have:
• Video-game design experience, or
• A burning desire to learn.
We need people to perform one or more of the following duties:
• As with all our positions, a love of gaming is a must
• Song, Music, and Story Writers
• Character Creators
• Concept Artists
• Programmers, (Knowledge of Knowledge of C/C++, C# and higher-level languages such
as Lua, Python, or Ruby would be awesome :) ) **also looking for a few awesome
Automation Programmers (So as to help us all to free up some time with automation
• Excellent understanding of QA methodologies and experience writing Test Plans
and Test Cases
• A customer oriented mindset, with good communication skills
• Experience in console, mobile, and/or PC development a plus (all three is
• Self motivated with a focus on delivering results
• A degree in Computer Science or equivalent is a plus, but not required
• 3D Modelers and Designers
• Game-Play Balance Tester

The programs under construction have been described as "reinventing the internet,
entertainment, education, and video game industries". It has varied potentials from
real-world applications, such as: aerospace engineering, testing and design, to providing
a very realistic and seamless gaming environment with unmatched immersion for a
totally unique gaming experience. Other applications can include, but are not limited
to: navigation, education, business, and many others.

If you've got skills and/or a desire to be more than you currently are. . . a burning desire
to become a part of something larger and more ambitious, yet still attainable and
world-changing/awe-inspiring. . . Then, we here at the Replayability Consortium would
be very happy to have you with us.
Please visit www.replayability-consortium.enjin.com
What you can expect from us...
• You can expect to work with people you admire, respect, and trust... and you can
expect to have that admiration, respect, and trust returned in kind. We are not a
common game development team; You won’t find anyone’s name in front of our game
titles, or any single person taking credit for the design of the game.
• You can expect to work on a game you are excited about, while also living a full life. We
have a proven track record of building and nurturing development cultures that are
respectful of personal lives and families.
• You can expect to work in open, collaborative environments, and that everyone else in
the company will do the same. Offices, cubicles, and development culture just don’t
• You can expect to work for a company that pursues excellence and sets ambitious goals.
We’re not in this to create mere games; we’re in this to create cultural phenomena.
• You can expect to be asked to contribute to the design of the game and challenge the
boundaries of your role, rather than working strictly to a specification that someone
else gives you.
• You can expect candor, honesty, and transparency from the company. We’re in this
together, and we’ll treat you as a friend... we are all friends here... no exceptions.
• You can expect to be compensated more than fairly for your hard work. You should be
passionate about what you do for a living, but you should never let anyone try to
shame you into believing that you must sacrifice fair compensation for a job that you
• You can expect to love your job. In fact, you should demand it.

If you’d like to know more about what to expect from us — and what we’ll expect from you —
you can check out the official 'The Spirit of the Philosophy of Emrys, aka: the Icebreaker'.
Right now, until we acquire more support and more financial power, everyone on the team is
volunteering their time, effort, heart and soul into making Emrys and Art of Civilization a reality. As
demand grows, and financial support is maintained, that 'fair compensation' mentioned above will be
granted to everyone on the team.

What we are truly looking for is people who have hearts and spirits of solid gold... not implied
perfection. Where a heart and soul is gold, little else is needed. They already have their riches...
money is merely a requirement for our every-day living. We are friends with personal and professional
lives... but that professionalism does not mean without genuine warm friendship.
Emrys and Art of Civilization is a labor of love to all involved... and the future of it means no
more paying for useless DLCs, no more promises from development franchises for features to games
that they make us all hyped up for, just to break our hearts and souls when they fail to deliver... a
future where all gamers are equal and can equally share their imaginations, and freely make them
real. If this is you... and/or any of your friends, then please don't hesitate any further... contact us!

Rights And responsibilities

All individuals strive for hope of total success in their endeavors. In order for us to achieve total
success (which is to make the best darn games on the market), we MUST be clear what our intentions
are, be true to those intentions, and work to make things a total success. To clarify what our team
needs in every friend working with us, below will be your rights and your responsibilities on the team.
You have the right to voice your opinion on anything within the project, or outside the project
as we are collaborating as friends. In fact, your opinions are required. Keep in mind to keep it
respectful. You have the right to dissent (disagree), again, as long as you keep it respectful. That’s what
a team is for; to integrate ones ideas into the collective ideas of the whole team.
As a friend and employee of the team, it is the responsibility of everyone to help and inspire all
as a whole… finding together the highest expressions (happiness) in each other to reach the greatest
aspirations in our lives. We are sharing our time for a common cause, so let us fulfill that purpose and
potential together with the true spirit of friendship, and cooperation. Teamwork is an absolute
requirement for the job.

Below is a list to make you aware of your rights, and responsibilities… Your signature will be
required to ensure that you, as a person of free will, knowingly, willingly, and intelligently agree
with all of the information provided in the entirety of this document.
• To voice your opinion(s) and to be heard.
• To agree/disagree with anyone, so long as it is respectful and considerate of
• To have all natural rights as a human being be respected, including, but not
limited to, any constitutional rights afforded by your resident country.
• To leave the team if you have no other personal contractual obligation with
Replayability Consortium for any terms of employment.
• To communicate my intentions… if you have any other obligations, duties, family
matters, etc… you will promptly let someone on the team know so it can be
documented that I will be unable to fulfill the tasks. Notification is paramount!
• To express any concerns to any supervisor or any other team member that is
qualified to help address my concerns. To avoid any miscommunication, I fully
understand the importance in carefully and fully addressing any and all concerns
you may have.
• To be honest and respectful to all friends, collaborators, and no less all people.
• To be responsible for all of my actions, duties, and obligations.

Dark Remalf
07-08-2015, 08:50 PM
Hmmm....this looks extremely interesting and tempting. Would like to talk to you more in dept about it.