View Full Version : Third option for SWAT/Fiesta

Barry Soap
08-17-2015, 02:37 PM
*Oh boy, here comes another Barry Soap suggestion...*

I don't know why people haven't suggested this, but I assume I'll be told the reason soon enough in the replies.

SWAT and Fiesta aren't for everyone (myself included), but I know that more casual players want them in the wars to give them a chance against higher skilled players/squads. Some members were telling me that they missed the 'fun customs after battles', which I don't seem to remember. Given that they don't happen anymore, wouldn't it be a good idea to integrate customs like SWAT and Fiesta after battles as well as some other fun customs? That way you're appealing to both competitive and casual players, as they will still get a chance to play their preferred gametypes with the community.

I think it would also be better for these customs to have no effect on the wars, to eliminate a competitive atmosphere and any potential conflict. Also, players who have finished their games on both maps can just start the customs right away, rather than ending on such an abrupt note. This abrupt ending to battles is probably a contributor towards the tension between armies.

Any input or thoughts on this is appreciated.

08-17-2015, 02:39 PM

08-17-2015, 03:12 PM
FC settings are very casual imo.

Here are the some of the problems with this suggestion.

1. People have work in the morning and battle nights sometimes ends really late ( before battlenight might hold better results )
2. People don't wanna waste time in playing a game-type , Game , or players they have zero interest in.
3. Community is low on population and is not very active (H5 might change that)

Anyways people signed up for FC for a warsim. If people want to play fun gametypes they can start lobbys before battlenight , after battlenight without having to integrate it into FC or asking FC for permission. If you want it , just do it and i dont think you should just limit the lobbys to the FC community ,maybe invite your friends and other people across the halo community? This could be a way to introduce people to the good side of the community instead of being introduced into a spawn trap and/or salt.

Legendary Nova
08-17-2015, 03:13 PM
Le competitive FC players:

*Le playing BN*
*Looks at time*
Guy 1: "Hey, look at the time. That was our last game."
Guy 2: "Yeah it was. Do you want to go to that thing they set up for after battles even though it has no effect in the war?"
*Le both laugh super duper loud for a bit before going back to Destiny or something*

If FC has taught me one thing, is that nobody will even come to an event unless you pay them or it's a battle night.

08-17-2015, 03:18 PM
It would work out good if people from both armies come to blow off steam

Barry Soap
08-17-2015, 03:19 PM
FC settings are very casual imo.

Here are the some of the problems with this suggestion.

1. People have work in the morning and battle nights sometimes ends really late ( before battlenight might hold better results )
2. People don't wanna waste time in playing a game-type , Game , or players they have zero interest in.
3. Community is low on population and is not very active (H5 might change that)

Anyways people signed up for FC for a warsim. If people want to play fun gametypes they can start lobbys before battlenight , after battlenight without having to integrate it into FC or asking FC for permission. If you want it , just do it and i dont think you should just limit the lobbys to the FC community ,maybe invite your friends and other people across the halo community? This could be a way to introduce people to the good side of the community instead of being introduced into a spawn trap and/or salt.

Yeah, good points. Maybe it isn't worth doing until H5, but something which should be done right off the bat.

Le competitive FC players:

*Le playing BN*
*Looks at time*
Guy 1: "Hey, look at the time. That was our last game."
Guy 2: "Yeah it was. Do you want to go to that thing they set up for after battles even though it has no effect in the war?"
*Le both laugh super duper loud for a bit before going back to Destiny or something*

If FC has taught me one thing, is that nobody will even come to an event unless you pay them or it's a battle night.

I don't know if you posted this for attention or not... Doesn't really contribute to anything.

Solus Exsequor
08-17-2015, 08:08 PM
We already have custom game night though, this is just an extension to it.

08-17-2015, 09:17 PM
I don't think I would go to anything after battle nights. Battle nights are already ending ~10:00pm EST or later (not always, but sometimes). There really isn't time to do anything more. Something before battle nights might work better. It would get people online early (so we can have rotations actually ready at 6:00pm EST), and people could have fun.

08-17-2015, 09:18 PM
You guys should check out the second half of this post: http://fcwars.net/forums/showthread.php?15456

purple gamer 17
08-17-2015, 09:45 PM
1. People have work in the morning and battle nights sometimes ends really late ( before battlenight might hold better results )

08-18-2015, 04:18 PM
I don't think I would go to anything after battle nights. Battle nights are already ending ~10:00pm EST or later (not always, but sometimes). There really isn't time to do anything more. Something before battle nights might work better. It would get people online early (so we can have rotations actually ready at 6:00pm EST), and people could have fun.

Good to know some things never change :P Least you're finishing them now!

And to stay on topic, skirmishes sounds like fun (but what do I know xd)

08-18-2015, 05:00 PM
You guys should check out the second half of this post: http://fcwars.net/forums/showthread.php?15456