View Full Version : Hardcore Draft

08-24-2015, 10:53 PM
The idea of a player draft is a hot topic right now. I’m in favor of a draft, but it’s not without its down side. We will almost undoubtedly lose members, and that is not a good thing especially in this time of low population (a reoccurring theme in my posts). In order for a draft to be worthwhile, it is going to have to have extreme changes made alongside it. So, in the spirit of change, I present my idea.

To make a draft most effective, every member should immediately demoted to private rank. All active players demoted this way are given 3 votes. They can then use each of these votes to choose 3 separate individuals as FMs of the new armies. 3 armies would allow for more changes to be enacted when something is unbalanced or outdated. The community would no longer be hindered by a 50/50 vote. Now it would more often be 66/33, allowing for adaptability for the community in changing times.

Once the FM for Brotherhood Legion Under Exile (BLUE), Royal Enforcer Deployment Division (REDD), and Peoples United Response Protecting Limited Exports (PURPLE). Each FM is allowed to designate one person as their general. In order to prevent one army from getting first pick every round of the draft. It should be set on a rotation. Which ever army gets first pick first round, gets last pick second round, second pick third round, and it continues on this rotation with all the armies until all active players have been drafted.

At this point, both the FM and General of all three armies should sit down, and redraft Accords to include a third army as well as update any and all previous articles in need of redrafting.

This plan accounts for issues present from people of both current armies. A draft that rebalances the distribution of “power players,” and updates the community to hopefully correct any old rules and make new ones.

These new rules could include conditions for which the community can deem it necessary for a draft to be held again if it is successful, and if not a way to do it differently. Flexibility in the community is necessary to maintain population and keep the fun in it for everyone as well as keep one army from becoming too good.

This isn’t a solution to every problem, but simply an idea. Its drastic yes, but something drastic has to happen. Please leave constructive comments on how this could be accomplished, or why it wouldn’t be a good idea.

Legendary Nova
08-24-2015, 10:58 PM

Sorry, but a draft this drastic sounds great in theory, but just doesn't work when it's actually implemented. Lots of people have worked hard for their ranks and to take them away just because of a draft would make a lot of people very upset. That, and a third army would be a nightmare to handle on Battle Nights. Having to sort rotations for two armies worth of squads is already hard enough. Sorting through three armies and trying to work around everyone having an even amount of play time would decimate what efficiency we already have on the night. Waiting times and errors (statbook and such) would be through the roof.

08-24-2015, 11:19 PM

Also we already have a PURPLE Army. PURPLE is led by Wookienaas002, and it PURPLE stands for:
People's Unified Republic for the Policing and Liberation of Earth


08-24-2015, 11:26 PM
purple isnt at battle night..........

08-24-2015, 11:28 PM
It's still preparing...just you wait...PURPLE IS COMING!

08-24-2015, 11:57 PM

Sorry, but a draft this drastic sounds great in theory, but just doesn't work when it's actually implemented. Lots of people have worked hard for their ranks and to take them away just because of a draft would make a lot of people very upset. That, and a third army would be a nightmare to handle on Battle Nights. Having to sort rotations for two armies worth of squads is already hard enough. Sorting through three armies and trying to work around everyone having an even amount of play time would decimate what efficiency we already have on the night. Waiting times and errors (statbook and such) would be through the roof.

Basically this, it won't work plain and simple...

08-25-2015, 03:10 AM
Yeah, removing ranks and making a third army will cause way more problems than it fixes. I'd accept a player draft, but no need to push it any closer to firestorm than the idea is already.

08-25-2015, 04:05 AM

Sorry, but a draft this drastic sounds great in theory, but just doesn't work when it's actually implemented. Lots of people have worked hard for their ranks and to take them away just because of a draft would make a lot of people very upset. That, and a third army would be a nightmare to handle on Battle Nights. Having to sort rotations for two armies worth of squads is already hard enough. Sorting through three armies and trying to work around everyone having an even amount of play time would decimate what efficiency we already have on the night. Waiting times and errors (statbook and such) would be through the roof.

A lot of people have also gained their rank cause there was no one else to fill the position.

Nicholas Sapien
08-25-2015, 07:31 AM
A lot of people have also gained their rank cause there was no one else to fill the position.

agreed, we are low in terms of leadership as well

08-25-2015, 09:33 AM
Everyone should get a skill rating like in a fantasy draft !

08-25-2015, 10:54 AM
Everyone should get a skill rating like in a fantasy draft !

blackhawk rating= -42

08-25-2015, 10:59 AM
Everyone should get a skill rating like in a fantasy draft !

blackhawk rating= -42

08-25-2015, 11:41 AM
Everyone should get a skill rating like in a fantasy draft !

This is something that is extremely hard to measure in Halo. Do you have any ideas on how to do it?

Nicholas Sapien
08-25-2015, 11:48 AM
This is something that is extremely hard to measure in Halo. Do you have any ideas on how to do it?

1v1 tournament

08-25-2015, 11:58 AM
1v1 tournament

I'll be the lowest rank person in the community then.