View Full Version : Feedback from a recruit

BrightShadow NL
08-25-2015, 12:30 PM
Hi, first of all, thanks to whoever wants to read this. I know I'm just a recruit and I don't want to mingle in another discussion. What I do want is tell you guys whats on my mind and maybe even help out a little.

The title of the post I replied to before joining was "Interested in a mature community? (Not a clan!)" on the Xbox forums.
In my eyes, a community means a group of friends playing games together. There would be a LIGHT competetive edge as said in the post...

I sent a message to join. Posted a bit, sent some messages but have never been spoken too nor someone explaining anything about what you do and who you are as a community. Yes there was someone sending me answers too my question, but does the recruit have to take the initiative, or the community?

I get you are all having troubles recruiting, but maybe you should actually help the recruits, talk to them, keep them posted on whatever is going on.
For example, the people that want to be recruit lists of blue and redd together is 239 pages long, while the bootcamp request page of redd is 2 pages long? Is this just me, or is the system not working?
Once there is no information or anything coming from the community, recruits walk away from the idea of joining. At least thats what I now think about doing.

Maybe you should not just focus on the recruiting, but also the phase after that. And settle a bit on your thoughts about what kind of community you want to be: bunch of friends playing together or a competitive one. Because the subject on your forum lately seems to be about skill levels, not about other things.
Or maybe you need to recruit differently, be honest on what you want. If you are looking for decent players, just post this, like ask the persons K/D ratio.

I played one game with you guys last sunday. I can say I was maybe the worst player. And wow, there was no more invite anymore for the next game, I waited for 2 hours. It's not like that doens't ring a bell for me...

Sorry for my English btw. Just wanted to share my thoughts. I may have just joined at a bad timing, but hey, we're all people here and can take some critisism. Maybe I'm the one being wrong but then I'd like it if I was explained this. Thanks!

08-25-2015, 12:45 PM
Thank you for your perspective. It is rare to find somebody posting who isn't a long time community member.

You are right, we do need to work on how we process recruits and get them into the community. It is more than just getting people to signup on the website.

Nicholas Sapien
08-25-2015, 12:54 PM
I get you are all having troubles recruiting, but maybe you should actually help the recruits, talk to them, keep them posted on whatever is going on.
For example, the people that want to be recruit lists of blue and redd together is 239 pages long, while the bootcamp request page of redd is 2 pages long? Is this just me, or is the system not working?
Once there is no information or anything coming from the community, recruits walk away from the idea of joining. At least thats what I now think about doing.

Usually the DI gets a hold of the recruit first, as he would/might have trouble locating the bootcamp request thread.

Maybe you should not just focus on the recruiting, but also the phase after that. And settle a bit on your thoughts about what kind of community you want to be: bunch of friends playing together or a competitive one. Because the subject on your forum lately seems to be about skill levels, not about other things.
Or maybe you need to recruit differently, be honest on what you want. If you are looking for decent players, just post this, like ask the persons K/D ratio.

It's really just a casual community, although the thing about the skill levels would require a different topic to be made, or to look at another topic that has discussion over the skill imbalance

I played one game with you guys last sunday. I can say I was maybe the worst player. And wow, there was no more invite anymore for the next game, I waited for 2 hours. It's not like that doens't ring a bell for me...

You aren't the worst, I haven't played with FC since I stepped down from FM during our H4 wars.

People should have invited you, would mind telling me who is your squad leader?

Also if you want someone to play with just hit me up, I'll friend you or w/e you do on the xbox one to friend someone. I play mostly World of tanks and Warframe, but I wouldn't mind playing halo so long as it's not H4 multiplayer

Barry Soap
08-25-2015, 12:57 PM
Apologies for not inviting you, but the battles were going on (hence the couple of hours wait). To participate in the battles, we need you through a boot camp (which I am still trying to set up!)

Unfortunately REDD is currently lacking drill instructors to run boot camps (despite flak from others), so running boot camps can take a while. :(

BrightShadow NL
08-25-2015, 01:00 PM
Thanks a lot for your replies, I was afraid I would get flamed at but I'm glad that's not the case.
As for my squad leader, I don't know who that is. I didn't even knew I was in a squad.

I'm sorry but while typing this message I got someone on the door coming on a visit so I will reply when they left. Shouldn't be too long.
So Ill give you guys a proper reply later if you dont mind :) Thanks

BrightShadow NL
08-25-2015, 03:30 PM
Hey Barry Soap, there was no offense on you really for not inviting. I get the fact that this community comes with certain rules and I'm happy about that. Otherwise it'd maybe be some uncontrolled chaos.

And thanks Nicholas Sapien, I'll add you for some World of Tanks and Halo games!

08-25-2015, 04:30 PM
And thanks Nicholas Sapien, I'll add you for some World of Tanks and Halo games!

Dear god Nick actually has someone to play world of tanks with now, let the world rejoice!!

Also if you want someone to play with just hit me up, I'll friend you or w/e you do on the xbox one to friend someone. I play mostly World of tanks and Warframe, but I wouldn't mind playing halo so long as it's not H4 multiplayer

Same if you are up for some H4 matchmaking, hit me up sometime and I can join you guys

Nicholas Sapien
08-25-2015, 05:43 PM
Dear god Nick actually has someone to play world of tanks with now, let the world rejoice!!

Same if you are up for some H4 matchmaking, hit me up sometime and I can join you guys

Sweet jesus I found somebody!

Solus Exsequor
08-25-2015, 06:26 PM
Hi, first of all, thanks to whoever wants to read this. I know I'm just a recruit and I don't want to mingle in another discussion. What I do want is tell you guys whats on my mind and maybe even help out a little.

The title of the post I replied to before joining was "Interested in a mature community? (Not a clan!)" on the Xbox forums.
In my eyes, a community means a group of friends playing games together. There would be a LIGHT competetive edge as said in the post...

I sent a message to join. Posted a bit, sent some messages but have never been spoken too nor someone explaining anything about what you do and who you are as a community. Yes there was someone sending me answers too my question, but does the recruit have to take the initiative, or the community?

I get you are all having troubles recruiting, but maybe you should actually help the recruits, talk to them, keep them posted on whatever is going on.
For example, the people that want to be recruit lists of blue and redd together is 239 pages long, while the bootcamp request page of redd is 2 pages long? Is this just me, or is the system not working?
Once there is no information or anything coming from the community, recruits walk away from the idea of joining. At least thats what I now think about doing.

Maybe you should not just focus on the recruiting, but also the phase after that. And settle a bit on your thoughts about what kind of community you want to be: bunch of friends playing together or a competitive one. Because the subject on your forum lately seems to be about skill levels, not about other things.
Or maybe you need to recruit differently, be honest on what you want. If you are looking for decent players, just post this, like ask the persons K/D ratio.

I played one game with you guys last sunday. I can say I was maybe the worst player. And wow, there was no more invite anymore for the next game, I waited for 2 hours. It's not like that doens't ring a bell for me...

Sorry for my English btw. Just wanted to share my thoughts. I may have just joined at a bad timing, but hey, we're all people here and can take some critisism. Maybe I'm the one being wrong but then I'd like it if I was explained this. Thanks!

All the credit has to go to you Brightshadow, to come out and say that when you're this new to the community in commendable. You've shown yourself to be mature and forward. Hopefully you stay and stick in here, it's not always this bad trust me! I can see you having a 'Bright' future here ;)

Sir Nihlus
08-25-2015, 06:39 PM
I agree with Solus, you should never feel intimidated to come out and give us feedback. The passion of the community's members are what drives it to success through rough patches. I see great potential in you, recruit! :)

BrightShadow NL
08-26-2015, 02:56 AM
Well I'm really glad I got to point this out, and the responses from you are just great :) Thanks.

As for now, I know I mentioned in my post: "Once there is no information or anything coming from the community, recruits walk away from the idea of joining. At least thats what I now think about doing". I kinda gave this another thought and won't take the easy way of walking away from you guys. I'll try to help as much as I can and grow better in Halo, those will be my main focusses now.

So if any of you need someone to complete a team for just a match or anything shoot me a message! I'll do my very best to be online at that time.

As for World of Tanks, it's actually kinda fun, although I haven't played it in a while lol.

08-26-2015, 03:23 AM
Just something to throw out there, we use to do faction neutral bootcamps when there was a great deal of recruits to get into boot camps or if the army DIs were unable to get someone through a bootcamp in time for sunday. Might be time we bring those back. My bootcamp was a neutral bootcamp and I got a much better feel for what the community was about then some of the army bootcamps I have help run or sit in on.

08-26-2015, 06:37 AM
Just something to throw out there, we use to do faction neutral bootcamps when there was a great deal of recruits to get into boot camps or if the army DIs were unable to get someone through a bootcamp in time for sunday. Might be time we bring those back. My bootcamp was a neutral bootcamp and I got a much better feel for what the community was about then some of the army bootcamps I have help run or sit in on.

to be honest, I don't know why we stopped doing it that way. It was much more rounded out getting perspectives from both armies.

BrightShadow NL
08-26-2015, 06:44 AM
A (neutral)bootcamp actually makes more sence: getting info about REDD and BLUE before actually choosing a side.
Otherwise you have too choose before you even know the difference (if there are any).

Nicholas Sapien
08-26-2015, 07:39 AM
A (neutral)bootcamp actually makes more sence: getting info about REDD and BLUE before actually choosing a side.
Otherwise you have too choose before you even know the difference (if there are any).

It might have stopped cause during the bootcamp we would have needed DIs from both armies which would cause more of a hassle cause of their availability.

BrightShadow NL
08-26-2015, 08:26 AM
Alright I see, makes sence. Maybe one neutral DI then? Just thinking out loud here.

Nicholas Sapien
08-26-2015, 12:00 PM
Alright I see, makes sence. Maybe one neutral DI then? Just thinking out loud here.

That would be better, I'll bring it up in tonight's meeting along with the other stuff that we will be discussing

Sir Nihlus
08-26-2015, 06:04 PM
Being the Head DI of BLUE at the time when neutral boot camps was a thing led by Spartan BH and Raz Vader, I can confirm that part of the reason why it fell flat was due to the availability of DIs and circumstances exclusive to that time. I couldn't commit personally because I had my high school exams for uni for example (man, that was a long time ago....).

08-31-2015, 08:55 AM
Damn bro sorry for the inconvenience. You can add me @ b14ck hawk40