View Full Version : Proudest gaming accomplishment(s)?

09-05-2015, 08:15 PM
Hi All,

So I was just curious to know what you all consider to be some of your greatest video game accomplishments in life. It can be either single-player related or multi-player related (such as winning a war in FC). What are some moments in your gaming lifetime that really stick out that you're very proud of?

For me (in no particular order):

1. Winning TWO Division 1 Elite Championships on NHL14 EASHL, with my second championship being won by just Mcl00v and I. We won on the very last day we had the opportunity to do so before I left for Italy last year.

2. First time I beat Halo 1 on Legendary when I was 12 by myself

3. When I beat Gary on the original Pokemon Red when I was 6 for the very first time. It was down to his Blastoise w/ half health against my Charizard with 1HP left. His Blastoise missed a Hydro Pump and I then got a critical hit with Slash and won.

4. Winning REDD Army's Medal of Honor for the war victory in the Summer of 2008 on Halo 3 (due to several battle heroics).

5. Winning the Waterworks Hill 30 Battle, 2006

6. Being part of a rather large and famous HALO Machinima group called Injured Knee Productions (IKP), where we created an entire Halo series called LOST: Halostyle and I was a script writer & voice actor


09-06-2015, 07:12 AM
off the top of my head

1. Getting the #1 spot on a worldwide leaderboard.

2. halo LASO achievements

3. Completion of numerous hard games (IE: Dark souls)

4. The moment when I was allowed to announce half life 3 (technically a future event, but eh)

5. competing in a proffessional gamer league

09-06-2015, 10:27 AM
1. Being XO of Wolf Squad in the first war of Halo 3. Not winning a game until Epitaph where we proceeded to go almost undefeated, only dropping a game Red's powerhouse Squad. Just goes to show that it isn't all about skill, but about strategy. That same game, Emmett commenting on our emblems and calling us the Fruitloop Squad because our Wolf Emblems had different colored rings.

2. Defending our capital on Valhalla against the Red Wolf Squad I believe. We were down by a few kills so Metkil and I took a Mongoose into Red base, stole their tank, and proceeded to go on a rampage. All I could hear was the close proximity mic of Seanzilla from Red go "JUST FUCKING RUN!! RUN AWAY!!!" Ended up losing but that was hilarious.

3. Driving a full Warthog on Valhalla and singing "What is Love" on a battle night straight into a Spartan Laser.

4. Defending our capital multiple times that first war and then going to push Red all the way back to their capital to win the War.

5. Creating the largest Unit in FC History. ;3

6. REDWATCH winning our Capital Battle game and then only being told after that that win won us the war lol.

Ah the good ol' FC memories.

Nicholas Sapien
09-06-2015, 10:58 AM
1. Beating Dark souls 1 and 2

2. Beating Dark souls 1 and 2 without throwing my controller at the TV

3. Met a friend via a random halo wars match and actually found out we live in the same city and went to the same school(small world)

4. Kill an entire doom platoon by myself(really good World of tanks players that always get together and have high WN8 ratings)

5. Earn a pool's medal(kill 10 enemy tanks in one game) and a kolobanov's medal(be the last man alive versus 5 or more enemy tanks and win) in the same match. My hands were shaking after that match.

6. Killed Ornstein and Smough(it was so good to beat them, and I felt so great. Only bosses from dark souls to mention)

7. Becoming a god to a bunch of scrubs in H3, I was just a really good player compared to them(last clan before I joined FC)

8. Beating Halo 3 Legendary and hunting down the skulls with my brother and 2 other unnamed people that I cannot remember. Many laughs and cries of anger.

9. Any FC battle that my squad knew we were gonna lose, but end up winning instead.

10. Finally beating my dad in a video game(he was always so good, but now he doesn't play anymore)

11. Beating snowfall temple in Majora's mask, my brother and I were stuck in the temple and couldn't figure out what to do, it wasn't til two year later when we're fucking around and suddenly Matt punched the giant pillar in the middle causing the brick in the pillar to be destroyed and lowered the height of the pillar. After coming in our pants, we proceeded to finish the temple and finish the game in the following week.

12. Beating water temple in ocarina of time.

09-06-2015, 01:07 PM
1: Getting all of the achievements in Left 4 Dead legit. This doesn't include the DLC achievements because my friends stopped playing by that point. What are you Trying to Prove was especially challenging because you had to beat all the campaigns on Expert, which if you played Left 4 Dead, is actually harder than any Dark Souls boss.

2: Leading Divinity/Renegade

3: There was a moment on Black Ops where the enemy team needed 1 more kill to win and we needed 3. I was being shot and and said "fuck it" and charged head on to a group of 4 camping in the upstairs area. My flamethrower killed them all and won us the game xD

4: Call of Duty WaW Nazi Zombies, screaming "nuke the door!" as we continuously throw grenades at the door to stop the tide of zombies (it worked!)

5. Winning the BLUE Medal of Honor twice in a row for my first 2 wars

There's more I just can't really remember.

Solus Exsequor
09-06-2015, 10:07 PM
fuck all

I hit a 360 quickscope once

09-06-2015, 11:09 PM
1. Achieving R.E.D.D Medal of Honor after Rec 5.

2. Beating Halo 2 Classic on Legendary when I was only 10 years old.

3. Halo Reach got my first Killamanjaro in a BTB match only with a four man team. (Everyone else ditched)

4. Joined my first halo community in 2012 and meeting you lovely people.

5. Watched Manders beat Haha in a 1v1.

6. Creating and leading Beyond Belief ( 2.5 months) and Eclipse (Zeta created but handed full leadership to me for 4 months).

09-07-2015, 04:17 AM
Beating Through the Fire and Flames on expert in Guitar Hero 3.

09-07-2015, 04:48 AM
Getting a 17.1 sec laptime and 5 perfect laps in Wipeout 2097 on PS1, Piranha ship, Phantom Class on Talons Reach.

Beating Halo 2 solo on Legendary back in the day.

I think I did Modern Warfare 2 on Veteran.

09-07-2015, 09:16 AM
fuck all

I hit a 360 quickscope once

Oooh yeah! That reminded me, getting a noscope across Sandtrap in Halo 3 on Shenmue xD

Barry Soap
09-07-2015, 12:46 PM
Beating Through the Fire and Flames on expert in Guitar Hero 3.

You must be a wizard

09-07-2015, 02:20 PM
1. Not really "gaming" per se, but first getting announced as Field Marshal of BLUE back for the first war of Reach, right after we moved to this site from the old one. Link (http://fcwars.net/forums/showthread.php?42).

2. Completing all the Vidmaster achievements in Halo 3 and ODST to earn Recon. Before joining FC, I had done all of them except Deja Vu, but it was with others from FC that I finally finished the last one. (Deja Vu was also the last one I needed to 100% ODST)

3. Being a part of the awesomesauce that was Cyberdyne Squad during the beta war and first war of Halo 4. This barely beat out being a part of Echo Squad during the end of Halo 3, but Echo Squad still deserves an honorable mention.

4. Partaking in the amazing, neck-and-neck game between CyberPhoenix and Resistance to win the first Halo 4 war. Definitely #1 out of the top 5 games I've played in FC. Video (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=utQY2tYh01c). This was amazing!

5. The other games in my top 5:
--High Command Battle to end the Halo 3 wars before we went to Reach. (was actually a best of 7 series of games, but deal with it)
--Cyberdyne vs Vanguard in Rec0.3. To kick off the start of the battle night, we tied 104-104 in Conflict. Was back and forth the entire time, but neither team was able to come out on top. Link (https://app.halowaypoint.com/en-us/Halo4/HarryTheChin/wargamescustom/match-8be1588437047a45).
--Subbing in with Phalanx squad during Rec5.08, we actually tied a game of Occupation, 991-991. First and only time I've ever seen an Occupation game tied. Link (https://app.halowaypoint.com/en-us/Halo4/Houdini%20H/wargamescustom/match-c3944addb110fb0c).
--End of the 4th Reach War. Was one of the closest Capital Battles ever, with REDD claiming victory 4 sets to 3 sets. The HC battle at the end was also close, but unfortunately a BLUE win 397-359. Was still a great moment, though. Link (https://haloreachstats.halowaypoi nt.com/en-us/players/Maxdoggy/haloreach/gamehistory#/?game=1051680360&section=Custom).

6. First time doing Vault of Glass and bringing down Atheon after 16 grueling hours. After 12 straight hours the first day, we called it a day and came back the next day to spend 4 hours attempting Atheon until we finally got it.

7. During the first attempts of Vault of Glass hard-mode, the Confluxes were so insanely difficult (most people were #forever29). We ended up needing 5 people doing left/center, and I was handling the entire right side solo.

8. Wrecking people in Rumble to get Gjallarhorn. (wasn't my first Gjallarhorn, but was memorable because I got hate-mail from every other person in that game lol) Video (http://xboxdvr.com/gamer/Mythonian/video/4214216).

9. First Bullet Proof medal (http://xboxdvr.com/gamer/Mythonian/video/6977464). First Mark of the Unbroken medal (http://xboxdvr.com/gamer/Mythonian/video/7226571). Both of these occurred within a few days of each other.

09-07-2015, 04:12 PM
1. Becoming on of the most powerful Sith Lords on the server back in SWG.

2. Securing victory for the Empire in the Battle of Corellia after 7 long intense hours. (It was opening weekend of new open world PvP areas on 3 planets. Our server agreed to give each faction 1 planet and duke it out on Corellia.)

3. Defeating Skolas and becoming Legend.

4.Completing Halo 2 on Legendary solo on the original Xbox.

4. Partaking in the amazing, neck-and-neck game between CyberPhoenix and Resistance to win the first Halo 4 war. Definitely #1 out of the top 5 games I've played in FC. Video (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=utQY2tYh01c). This was amazing!

6. Leading both Resistance and 101st Airborne company, two of the greatest companies in recent FC history.

Mi Boys Dinner
09-08-2015, 09:25 AM
The Inhuman Achievement Achievement.

Defeating a stacked and jacked Phoenix Squad in Halo 3 Wars.

Defeating Legendary solo on recent Halo games.

Endure. (Nam flashbacks)

Making it through Year One Destiny without killing myself.

09-08-2015, 10:09 PM
1. Being a part of the squad and a part of the battle that won the war during my first (and kind of last because look at my activity :P) war.

2. NOT blowing up Donkey and myself on the mongoose when I got us stuck between a rock and a high explosive in my bootcamp when I first signed on to FC.

3. Halo 3: Ramming some a*****e with a wraith on Valhalla. Unless I boarded it and stuck a grenade in it. Or I was still driving the wraith and I shot him with it. I only clearly remember the a*****e and the wraith. (Only reason it's an achievement was because I recognized the gamer tag of the guy who beat one of my friends badly during one of his first halo matches.)

My memory aint that good.