View Full Version : slightly awekard Introduction To Cerberus

Mays Demise
09-22-2015, 10:36 PM
My Name is Cerberus,My gamertag is Cerberus 5728. But my friends just like to call me Caboose for reasons that you may be unfortunate enough to find out as to why later. I'am Usally a happy friend to all gamer. I will keep all of your secrets (even the bad ones) :) And try to keep everyone happy. I have been called,insane,crazy,And many other things..But that is okay. I have been told I seem to know people before we even known each other in 9 minutes. I'am there for my friends and allies. My skill level varies on my mood. I Love making bad puns, Like a baker who makes buns.. (Sorry could not resist) I have been told my odd sense of humor seems relatible to Sharknado puns. Freakishly long and tacky Bio short.. I could very well be one of the most *Unique* People you will ever meet...My condolences. I would like to sign up with R.E.D.D team.

Nicholas Sapien
09-22-2015, 10:54 PM
My Name is Cerberus,My gamertag is Cerberus 5728. But my friends just like to call me Caboose for reasons that you may be unfortunate enough to find out as to why later. I'am Usally a happy friend to all gamer. I will keep all of your secrets (even the bad ones) :) And try to keep everyone happy. I have been called,insane,crazy,And many other things..But that is okay. I have been told I seem to know people before we even known each other in 9 minutes. I'am there for my friends and allies. My skill level varies on my mood. I Love making bad puns, Like a baker who makes buns.. (Sorry could not resist) I have been told my odd sense of humor seems relatible to Sharknado puns. Freakishly long and tacky Bio short.. I could very well be one of the most *Unique* People you will ever meet...My condolences. I would like to sign up with R.E.D.D team.

I hope I wasn't the only one that read that in caboose's voice

Welcome to the community though :)

09-22-2015, 10:56 PM

Legendary Nova
09-22-2015, 11:09 PM
I have been called,insane,crazy,And many other things..But that is okay.

In all honesty, you're weird in FC if you don't get called any of those things! =P

09-22-2015, 11:10 PM
Welcome fellow psycho!

Mays Demise
09-22-2015, 11:50 PM
Because before I deicded. I looked at the games and wins and blue won a lot by alot so I was all like...These bros could use some help. :) And it is okay blue man,we can still be friends. :)

Mays Demise
09-23-2015, 01:52 AM
Also please note I'm NOT the actor Joel Heyman. So please don't get the nickname I've picked up in the past mixed up with the red vs blue cast. One guy mis-understood that and It was really awekard to explain the diffrence and misconseption If you want the full blown reason why it stuck I may tell you
later if we meet and you ask.

Barry Soap
09-23-2015, 06:36 AM
Welcome Cerberus! Very interesting thread you've made here, if you have any questions regarding REDD army, please message any of the following people (by site name):

WSxPhoenix (Field Marshall of REDD)
Barry Soap (General of REDD)
Raptor (Major General of REDD)
Solus Exsequor (Lieutenant General of REDD)
Legendary Nova (Master Sergeant of REDD).

Most of what you've said here makes you sound awesome, I look forward to fighting alongside you. Welcome to FC!