View Full Version : Joel "MedeDust" Ramirez (02/17/94 - 10/19/15)

10-19-2015, 02:09 PM
Joel "MedeDust" Ramirez

It is with great sadness that I learned that good friend and long-time companion of ours, whom we knew as MedeDust, had passed away this morning. Joel had been battling against cancer, a particularly vicious form of Leukemia, and finally passed peacefully early this morning around 8:00 AM EST. Our deepest condolences for his family and friends. May he rest in peace.


http://puu.sh/kQ3EV/ab6575aa20.jpg http://puu.sh/kQ3dA/b997585d88.jpg

I invite everyone here who knew him to share their stories about how you knew Joel, the times you shared with him, and the memories. Hopefully these comments can remain as a collection of how he impacted all of us, and our entire community.

My first interactions with him were when he was leading BLUE alongside Dr Doom when I first joined the community. He was always a light-hearted person who frequently joked, and was always good to have in the party. He was always a graphics guy, making people signature images and avatars, and a wide swath of lore-focused images for the armies. For several years straight he was the primary graphics person for the website, designing banners and usergroups, logos and flags, everything that helped bring this website alive.

He was always one of the most dedicated veterans of our community. He joined back in February of 2008, during the Halo 3 wars, and helped shape this community into what it is. I myself was never one of his closest friends, so I asked Raz, one of the main founders of our community, to say a few words of his own:

The best memories I have with Mededust, was working with him on creating the next set of graphics for the web site, he may have gotten me frustrated at times, but you knew he would always deliver. Back in the day of RvBr and the first days of Forerunner Conflict, Joel was always there to lend his skills in the graphic arts department. He created a lot and continued to create the best stuff for the web site. He worked hard, but you can tell that he has a passion for it. I looked up to him when I started to create my own sigs and avatars. He kicked ass at it.

To all of the friends and family that were close to him: I am sorry for your loss, I hope you find comfort in these words.

“He Is Not Dead

I cannot say, and I will not say
That he is dead. He is just away.
With a cheery smile, and a wave of the hand,
He has wandered into an unknown land
And left us dreaming how very fair
It needs must be, since he lingers there.
And you—oh you, who the wildest yearn
For an old-time step, and the glad return,
Think of him faring on, as dear
In the love of There as the love of Here.
Think of him still as the same. I say,
He is not dead—he is just away.”
― James Whitcomb Riley

Rest easy friend. Thank you for everything you did to help make Forerunner Conflict what it is now.

Spartans Never Die.

If anyone would like to say a few words, please do. Here are a few links as well:

His Facebook profile. (https://www.facebook.com/joel.ramirez.1238?fref=ts )
The original post where we learned of his passing. (https://www.facebook.com/vogangwarrior?fref=nf&pnref=story)
His Introductions thread here. (http://fcwars.net/forums/showthread.php?4-MedeDust)

If anyone wishes to donate in memory of Joel Ramirez, please click here (https://www.americancancerfund.or g/donation-options/donate-online/).
If you donate, please let us know the amount so we can inform the family.

10-19-2015, 02:12 PM
He was the one who originally pushed Kuhblam to give me my first shot in HC back in Reach, and stayed as my LTG my first tenure as FM afterwards. I don't claim to know him like you older vets did, but he did a lot, in the background, that people don't actively notice, and was a great guy.

Would it be appropriate to do some sort of event or memorial for this? Perhaps a donation to a cancer fund in his name? It's truly the least we can do for the hundreds, if not thousands of dollars worth of graphical work he did for us, and years of service.

No one deserves this. Especially not someone like him.

10-19-2015, 02:18 PM
Would it be appropriate to do some sort of event or memorial for this? Perhaps a donation to a cancer fund in his name? It's truly the least we can do for the hundreds, if not thousands of dollars worth of graphical work he did for us, and years of service.

I think it would be appropriate, but then again I don't exactly have the greatest judgement for those kind of things. I was never really close to Mede but we would joke around when we were in a party together or shit talk each others football team when they played against one another. I was always impressed by the work he did and thankful for the time put into it for the site. Mede will be missed.

Barry Soap
10-19-2015, 02:19 PM
Unfortunately I never had the chance to meet him but it's scary how things like this can happen - thoughts and prayers for his family.

Rest in peace, MedeDust.

10-19-2015, 02:23 PM
I also cannot claim to have been close with Mede, but we played customs from time to time. As most people will say his graphics work was the best around. He was my absolute favorite artist to make Sigs for me.

When I was REDD FM and HC he was not my first choice for advice on tough decisions but we did speak a few times and he had some very wise words to give me.

Joel had a lot to offer Forerunner Conflict and the world, I and the rest of the community will cherish and honor the memories we have of him.

10-19-2015, 02:23 PM
Unfortunately I never had the chance to meet him but it's scary how things like this can happen - thoughts and prayers for his family.

Rest in piece, MedeDust.

same, it saddens me that i never got to become friends with him.

10-19-2015, 02:27 PM
I cannot say much about Mede for I haven't known him for a long time. All I can remember of Mede is what he has done for me and helped me with a while back during Reclamation Wars.

Helped me with my first sig and further more taught me how to create one. Even told me about precursors and how to become one. I truly wish I could've known him a little better and actually soon to see him as a friend than a teacher. I'm truly going to miss you my friend...we all are. Everyone who has been by your side since day one. I don't like goodbyes, not at all. I just want to say, I'll see you again one day.

10-19-2015, 02:33 PM
As someone who is also battling cancer at the moment, I can personally tell you all that Joel fought hard. Harder than many get a chance to. Him and I were diagnosed just 2 month apart and talked a lot then. He had a ruthless type of leukemia that refused to retreat. But he still fought hard. When chemo, radiation, and bone marrow transplants weren't enough he transferred to a research clinic and given immune therapy. This is probably the best part of this tragic event. Immune therapy is in early to mid stages of research but it's extremely promising in allowing the body to fight cancer off on its own without the destructive side effects of chemo. Unfortunately for advancement we require sacrifice. Joel was one of many to be sacrificed to hopefully save millions one day.

God damn was he a bad ass. And had a fucking awesome attitude all the way through. I'm gonna miss him.

10-19-2015, 02:37 PM
i met Mede during my time here in FC; he let me in on the April Fools Day prank when the whole site went Purple; he also made some graphics for me and let me assist him on the WarMap once; My thoughts and prayers go out to his family during this difficult time;

10-19-2015, 03:35 PM
This is surreal. Had no idea that Mede was going through this battle. Over the years I got to know Joel fairly well yet this was one thing that I had never known or would have never guessed. It really goes to show his selfless nature that he was very private about his illness (only telling a few people online) as he didn't want to cause others pain or have special treatment on the site.

I know most of you will remember him for his great graphic work, but you should also remember him as a very humorous and easygoing guy. He was always one to crack jokes. It really saddens me to hear of his passing.

My condolences to his family and to anyone in Legacy who were much closer friends to him then I was and may be taking this news hard.

Lol its James
10-19-2015, 03:46 PM
I can't say that I knew Mede that well but my first ever interaction with him was when I first joined. I was full of questions and I was getting used to the signature part of the profile. I saw that he was gifted in graphic design and asked him to help me with a Sig. He responded right away and made me my first signature ever for a website. He answered my little questions that I had too.

I wish I knew him more than the graphic design person for the website, but I know he was more than that for a lot of people. I hope he rests in peace.




10-19-2015, 03:59 PM
It truly is hard to put into words how sad this is. Time passes, and every once in a while you stop and realize how much time you have spent with many of the people here. Joel was an amazing guy; great attitude, great sense of humor. Just remember that whenever you visit this site, you will see that he left his finger prints all over it, and helped shape FC into what it is today and going forward.

Rest in peace.

10-19-2015, 04:16 PM
To start I'd like to thank Mythonian and all the other behind the scenes folks for putting this together on such short notice. Thank you also to Forest who alerted me to this early this morning.

Early this morning I was informed by a friend that posts had starting appearing on Joel's Facebook regarding his passing. After speaking with a few of his closer friends his passing was confirmed at around 0500 PDT this morning. I have reached out to his girlfriend, friends and family, on behalf of the community in which Joel was an essential building block during the years.

During his professional career here at Forerunner Conflict, Joel was an essential part of the early years. For the first stretch of the community as RvBR and into the early years of FC, Joel was the primary "go to man" for all of the GFX we needed. From forum banners to avatars, to usergroup ribbons and signatures, even the warmaps both static and interactive, Joel was our guy. He was well known to be a premier gfx artist and global moderator over the years as well, often being a stern but fair voice when issues arose.

Joel served as a high command member in both armies over his tenure with us, providing strong leadership and direction for all under his command. He was also an accomplished drill instructor, squad leader, and assisted in the creation of training programs within both the R.E.D.D. and B.L.U.E. Joel was also one of our original Precursors when the group was established and he continued to be an example of what a "good community member" was up until his final days of activity.

The impact of Joel's passing on the community reaches much farther than a loss of a strong leader and skilled artist. Joel had many close friends here in the community, especially within the "old guard" who had the pleasure of playing with him since the early days in Halo 2. He was consistently a source of laughter and positive memories both during and outside of FC events and was a good friend to many.

Personally, Joel was a good friend of mine. He and I met during Halo 2 where we, along with my cousin and other long time members, began a long time friendship of building the community you see now. Many nights were spent learning GFX skills from Mede, helping him pick out what to use and what to scrap. He was often someone I would go to for advice on issues, and I him. I appreciated his stern and fair reasoning that was so often the final word on many issues of old. I still proudly wear the signature he made me at the release of Halo 4.

When he received his diagnosis some time ago, we were all shocked and upset with the news, but Joel pushed onwards with confidence. He was determined to beat this disease and return to his normal activities with time. Checking in with him regularly was strangely uplifting. He would always be positive, always talking of how he was going to win the fight against his cancer and often asking how the community was doing. Joel was someone who truly put his soul into his work and loved being apart of this great place so many of us call home.

Today is going to be a difficult day for many of us who knew Joel personally. Hearing the news this morning was both numbing and gut wrenching. Joel was a hell of a friend, and a good man. His passing was too early for a man of his potential and skills. The world was robbed of someone who brought some much good into it with his work and attitude towards life.

Joel, we miss you and love you buddy. We're all thinking of you and are glad you're in a better place. I spoke to Mike and he wants me to tell you he's going to miss the late night photoshop battles and wishes he had been more in touch in the past few months.

10-19-2015, 04:25 PM
I didn't know Mede very much, just from the occasions I'd see him in a party and I think the fewer times I saw him during BN's. He's gone but will never be forgotten.

10-19-2015, 04:32 PM
RIP Mede.

10-19-2015, 04:38 PM
As long as the website skin lasts, we'll still have our original Mexican. <3

Mede, simply, was a badass. He lived an awesome life. Had hundreds who loved him IRL. Had hundreds who loved him through gaming.

I'm still processing all of this, as I talked to him what feels like a month ago via XBL. I'll miss him.

Spartans never die, they're just missing in action.

Requiescat in Pace.

Solus Exsequor
10-19-2015, 05:02 PM
This is deeply saddening, no words can honestly equal the loss of Mede.

RIP Mede

10-19-2015, 05:41 PM
As an additional to my earlier post, I would like to add the following...

I have been in touch with Joel's sister Grace who has informed me they will be making an attempt to broadcast his vigil so that his "online friends" can be apart of the ceremonies. Apparently Joel spoke of us frequently and his family wants to reach out and include us as best they can.

I will also be organizing a card to be sent to his family on behalf of the community.

10-19-2015, 05:56 PM
I will also be organizing a card to be sent to his family on behalf of the community.

Thank you very much Cody.

10-19-2015, 06:40 PM
For anyone who has already donated to the cancer fund linked at the bottom of the first post, or who is considering doing so, please let us know the amount donated. We'd like to inform the family of the total and have no other way to track.

For the livestream that his family is trying to get setup, as soon as we know details of the date, time, and URL, we will get that posted so everyone is aware of it.

10-19-2015, 07:14 PM
It's been a minute since I posted here.

I was never super close with Mede. We were friends, but for the most part we served in opposing armies during the initial half of my career. He was a good guy, a true community vet; you knew he cared about what we were all a part of. My only regret is that we didn't play more games together. His friendship is a testament to the brotherhood myself and many others forged here over the years, and I hope his memory fosters more of the same personal and social growth in all of you that I personally attribute to this place.

...Rest in peace, Joel.


RaZ Vader
10-19-2015, 07:28 PM
I consider him one of the greats. He was dedicated. I respected everything he did. He was so passionate about anything he did here. Thanks Joel. Damn, we will miss you.

10-19-2015, 07:46 PM
Only got to play with him outside FC on a couple of occasions, and it was a lot of fun. He did a lot a graphical work for me and it was a blessing to be part of this community with a guy like him. RIP Mede

Ps: i know he will never see it, but i think he deserves his very own user group

EriRi 1138
10-19-2015, 08:00 PM
Joel and I had an extremely similar journey through our time at RVBR, and Forerunner Conflict. We joined around the same time, loved Assassin's Creed, enjoyed creating graphics for the Armies' lore, held various leadership positions, participated in many battles, and eventually we and some others became the first Precursors.

Where we differed, is that he was better than I at all of that. He was way, way more motivated and passionate than I could ever be. He never stopped making graphics because it took too much time, never shy'd away from being active in this community. Where I became lazy, unmotivated and stressed at keeping up with doing graphics for this community, he only pushed harder and created more than I could imagine possible. Where I began to lose touch with the current events and politics of this place, he stayed ever-vigil and kept his eye on many topics and important decisions, always giving a sound opinion.

All this to say, I respect the hell out of him and his work ethic, leadership skills and professionalism. Beyond that, he was an incredibly kind person and was probably the picture-perfect member of this community.

He will be sorely missed.

We should all challenge ourselves to be as important to this community as he was. If you think you can help improve this group, offer your talents. Take some time out of your day to make something better, more effective, and stronger. He put so much work and heart into this place, it's time we matched his level of compassion. And not just in Forerunner Conflict, but in your day to day lives as well.

Lastly, consider how abrupt this was. Shit like this can happen to anyone. Take some time today and tell your loved ones how much you mean to them, and go out of your way to make someone's day if possible. Let's pay it forward.

I'd like to leave this post with a quote from one of Joel's favorite characters. This series meant a lot to the both of us.


Requiescat in Pace

10-19-2015, 08:27 PM
I never really knew mede, we weren't that close, but an early death sucks no matter what.

10-19-2015, 08:30 PM
Oh man, I knew Joel but not nearly in the same way so many of you did. I knew Doug had been going through this process of terrible life events, but I'm so off in my own world I didn't know about Mede.

My thoughts for anyone who was close with him, and just for all of us as a community. We're all so young, and so close in so many varying ways.

I think John Green may have said it best with regard to young lives being taken.

"A short life, can be a good life too."

Thanks Joel for being a friend to people I care about, and being so strong through a fight you shouldn't have ever had to have fought.


P.S. The donation link appears to be broke.
P.S.S. Thanks Cody and everyone else for getting this together so quickly.

10-19-2015, 08:36 PM
P.S. The donation link appears to be broke.


10-19-2015, 09:52 PM
oh wow... That's... Really tragic. Death is never easy, my condolences to friends and family...

Rest in Peace

His spirit remains with the site and all the graphics he has done for it

10-19-2015, 10:18 PM
Guess heaven needed some REAL artistic work done. I know he won't disappoint.

Didn't know him well, but I somehow remember very, very vaguely interacting with him. I remember it being a good interaction, and I wish I could've had more like it.

RIP, Mede

10-19-2015, 10:34 PM
"Spartans Never Die"

This for you Mede and for everyone that have fought by your side. You may have lost the battle my friend but your journey still continues beyond death. You are a spartan at it's core, a true fighter. You have friends, brothers and sisters...a family here and there. You've done things others wish they could have done. You have motivated, helped, assisted, and dedicated your time to the community and your family. It's sad to see another spartan fall but you will never be forgotten by us, your family. This community will always be your home...Until next time my friend, our brother, we will continue the fight. Rest In Peace Mede.



10-20-2015, 03:08 PM
Mededust was an integral part of Forerunner Conflict's success over the years. And he was as nice and one of the most reasonable level-headed human beings that I've ever know. It was an honor to work with him over the years and to call him a friend. He is missed and will always be missed. RIP Mede.

10-21-2015, 10:11 AM
This post brought out the old wood work of FC. It seems I stumbled upon an old yet still active civilization.

May God rest his young, creative, beautiful soul.

10-23-2015, 02:25 PM
Wow, this was truly wonderful for you guys to do. Rest in Peace.

10-23-2015, 05:19 PM
Didn't get to know you a while lot really and that's sad. This is extremely unfortunate news. The times that I did get to talk to you were always a blast. See you around man.

Sir Nihlus
10-25-2015, 08:08 PM
Unfortunately I never had the pleasure of being in your company, Mede. I think we met in passing about once or twice, but I have noticed the work you have done in FC and its significant impact on the community as a whole. May your soul rest eternally in peace in the great company of those in Heaven; who will watch over you, and guide you.

IX Dr Doom XI
10-26-2015, 05:50 AM
Man I remember going through our first bootcamp together back when Halo 3 was just released. I remember who was leading that bootcamp too, VerbotenDonkey. We didn't kno it yet but we getting ourselves into such awesome community & that we'd be a vital part of it further down the line.

Sir may you rest in peace, while shooting up grunts cause why the heck not.

10-26-2015, 08:55 PM
Saw this a couple days ago, finally have Internet set up at the new place.

Good dude. I think anyone who spoke with mede for any amount of time could agree. I'll miss the laughs we had playing late night halo, the discussions of how tom brady is the GOAT, the countless memories shared in lobbies over the years.

Safe to say you had an impact on my life Joel. Not a day will go by without me thinking of that. You will be missed.

11-23-2015, 04:34 PM
This is the first time I've stumbled across this thread... i was trying to look for an FC logo and decided to click on the "MedeDust GFX" logo on fcwars.net's homepage and i just... am so shocked.

I may not have known MedeDust the best but from all of my time here at FC it seemed as if almost all (if not every) graphic design pictures/logos/signatures were made by the man himself, Mede..

In fact , he made the current signature that you may see under my post...

Reading this now is a bit surreal and his passing sure must be detrimental to all those close to him (FC included).

I for one will be keeping this signature for as long as I can.

Thank you MedeDust for all that you've done

your works of art will continue to go long ways for as long as FC exists

11-23-2015, 04:44 PM
This is the first time I've stumbled across this thread... i was trying to look for an FC logo and decided to click on the "MedeDust GFX" logo on fcwars.net's homepage and i just... am so shocked.

I may not have known MedeDust the best but from all of my time here at FC it seemed as if almost all (if not every) graphic design pictures/logos/signatures were made by the man himself, Mede..

In fact , he made the current signature that you may see under my post...

Reading this now is a bit surreal and his passing sure must be detrimental to all those close to him (FC included).

I for one will be keeping this signature for as long as I can.

Thank you MedeDust for all that you've done

your works of art will continue to go long ways for as long as FC exists

Mede made my Bioshock Sig as well - will never let it go. RIP Mede

11-24-2015, 11:37 PM
Oh man I am just seeing this now and am so sad to hear this :'( But I wanna talk about the good times of MedeDust. When I first joined FC, I joined a squad that featured Waluigi my CO Alcapone, Fiery Grave, Mcloov, and LT Medeon. If you couldn't that that was MedeDust's old GT back then. I remember playing with this squad and probably having some of my best memories back with these guys. I remember looking at MedeDust and saying you have a ton of potential and I am excited to hear things about you in the future. We went through wars together and had some many great memories together. We all even got to know things about each other on a personal level as well. We were a well connected squad that had a ton of fun together. Im gonna miss you man and I hope you are pain free now. Blue Phoenix forever <3

Here is some of the artwork (I believe he made them all) for Blue Phoenix


12-20-2015, 10:27 PM
I don't frequent this community like I used to but having just learned this information, I am deeply saddened. Mede was of the few people that kept contact with during my short FC run. I always had fun talking with him and helping him when he asked. I always used to tell him I loved his work. As we became better friends he showed me the ropes on PS and answered any question I had the minute I had it. He was a great funny guy from what I knew about him. I think it's wonderful how he's touched people and how his work and memory lives on. Miss you, Mede.