View Full Version : A New Use For vCash

Barry Soap
11-12-2015, 10:02 AM
WELL, I tried to post this in the War Council chat but because everyone in there is too busy being busy, I'll post it here for some more opinions.

If any of you watch competitive Halo, you're probably aware of the term 'Money 8s, 4s, 2s' etc. I was brainstorming an idea that could either be really good, or really bad. We don't really use vCash anymore, and I was under the impression that it would be removed from the website. But, the more likely option is that a vCash reset will happen instead, which sees everyone put back to 100 or so.

Alongside the vBookie, I could hold an event (not sure how often it should occur yet) in which people can use their vCash to buy in, much like a poker match, and those players will play a custom game of any type in which the 3 top players take the accumulative vCash. Here is an example (I will be using 'VC' as the currency).

Player Name
Buy-in Amount

Player 1

Player 2

Player 3

Player 4

Player 5

Player 6

Player 7

Player 8

Also, if possible, it'd be amazing to have an automated leaderboard based on vCash on the website. If not, it's possible to do manually but takes quite a bit of time. An example of gametypes that could be used:

Money 8s #1 - FFA
Money 8s #2 - FFA SWAT
Money 8s #3 - FFA Fiesta Slayer
Money 8s #4 - Infection

Also, teams are possible in this scenario, in which each member of the winning team wins back double their buy in amount.

I could also increase the buy in to make matches more tense.

Any thoughts, suggestions, etc. are greatly appreciated. :)

11-12-2015, 12:30 PM
sure, right now the stuff is so useless i haven't really checked mine in like a year.

i also make unnecessarily large bets on things because it's literally no loss to me if i lose.

11-12-2015, 01:46 PM
Can you explain what a "money 8s" or whatever is. There are people (myself included) who have absolutely no clue what you're talking about lol.

From what I can gather it's like poker? I dunno can you elaborate a little more?

11-12-2015, 02:36 PM
Sure we can introduce a new gambling ring for the vcash but other then pretend gambling what other function does the vcash serve? Lets just toss the whole thing if we are not going to use vcash in the wars.

11-12-2015, 03:38 PM
I like it, I'm just unsure how often these games could be organized. Perhaps we could implement vCash into more custom game nights or events

11-12-2015, 04:26 PM
While I like this idea, I have to comment on this.

The current status of vCash (and vBookie for that matter) are up in the air, though it's leaning towards them being removed since they have no purpose. We can come up with ideas on how to make vCash, but I need some good ideas on how to spend them and allow them to have a 'value'.

Barry Soap
11-12-2015, 06:35 PM
Can you explain what a "money 8s" or whatever is. There are people (myself included) who have absolutely no clue what you're talking about lol.

From what I can gather it's like poker? I dunno can you elaborate a little more?

Pro players usually have scrimmages in which everyone puts in small amounts of money (let's say each of the 8 players puts in $2). They'll play with that money on the line, and the winning team will double up in money (ie. each player on the winning team gets $4).

Sure we can introduce a new gambling ring for the vcash but other then pretend gambling what other function does the vcash serve? Lets just toss the whole thing if we are not going to use vcash in the wars.

I was hoping someone would have an idea, all I have is the leaderboard thing.

11-12-2015, 08:30 PM
I really don't see the point of vCash at all. The current mechanisms for earning vCash are fine. The problem is with spending vCash

11-12-2015, 09:20 PM
User titles, sigbombs (which are just amazing), user title color.

Perhaps buy customizations for your main profile. Spend to have a roast of another member. Tournament "buy-ins" that return vCash. There are a lot of ways to use vCash. Those were just off the top of my head...

(don't close the vBookie!!!)

11-13-2015, 01:09 AM
I would say scrap the vCash system. Not enough to do with it honestly. :/

11-13-2015, 02:35 AM
While I like this idea, I have to comment on this.

The current status of vCash (and vBookie for that matter) are up in the air, though it's leaning towards them being removed since they have no purpose. We can come up with ideas on how to make vCash, but I need some good ideas on how to spend them and allow them to have a 'value'.

you could always let us buy FC merch off the store for exorbitant amounts of vcash.