View Full Version : Battle Night

Legendary Nova
03-17-2016, 03:45 PM
Many words have been thrown around in (currently) broken Skype chats, so let's get a permanent thing going here.

New Thread/Poll (http://fcwars.net/forums/showthread.php?15741-Battle-Night-Part-2)

This thread will stay open for discussion and opinions on the matter.

The results are open for everyone to see, and can be found here (https://docs.google.com/forms/d/1SGELB4KEY1lr2zWwDEyj4dUG VgJiepYU_EehVu_u-Ic/viewanalytics).

03-17-2016, 03:56 PM
FC is based primarily in NA that has traditionally utilized the EST time zone to plan events. The majority of the player base in Halo are American/European, with a competitive mindset that are in their late teens to early twenties in age. While words like diversity and openness are all fine and dandy, those are more for places like halowaypoint.com or forgehub.com where national or time barriers are minimized by a broader audience and different content goals (forging a map and sharing it requires little meeting time and a much more flexible schedule than a weekly tournament (or such equivalence).

While I'm all about folks being able to join us, but not at the expense of delivering the best experience to FC's primary userbase, being NA residents. If we happen to recruit people from other nations or timezones, and those people are able to attend our events, then by all means let's get them, but I can't see the logic of potentially inconveniencing our primary userbase to appeal to general outlier groups of people.

However, if we find that the current general population of FC can conveniently move to a Saturday night battlenight, I'm all game.

Personally, I think we should just go back to the 2 BN a week format and have battles on Thursdays/Wednesdays. But that's just me. :)

03-17-2016, 04:40 PM
I don't think this inconveniences anyone really since you know... Army wide scrims have historically been on the same day. Sunday is a wind down day for work or school the next day anyway, not really for high octane BNs at least in my opinion.

03-17-2016, 05:24 PM
I don't think this inconveniences anyone really since you know... Army wide scrims have historically been on the same day. Sunday is a wind down day for work or school the next day anyway, not really for high octane BNs at least in my opinion.

Keep in mind that this would push Battles to Saturday, Scrims to Friday, and then any Friday squad practice back to an earlier day in the week. Just some food for thought.

03-17-2016, 05:28 PM
Personally, I think we should just go back to the 2 BN a week format and have battles on Thursdays/Wednesdays. But that's just me. :)

I was just thinking along a similar wave;ength with 2 BNs, but you beat me to it. In my head I don't necessarily have days of the week in mind aside from (at least) one weekend date.

As far as diversity and openness, what's the true harm in exploring ventures that might allow the ideals to be realized? Outside of the condescending tone used to explain it in other media, whether intentional or not, (not you, Phoenix) it is quite true that focus improves quality while diversity can and sometimes does result in broad failure of an endeavor. However, you kind of need to think outside the narrow box that is FC and consider the fact that some of us DO play with quality gamers who would be interested in joining FC, if only it were at a more convenient time. This statement is, of course, relative to any person in question and subject to change over time as well as with local time zone. But these points aren't relevant until we look into metrics that can quantify points justifying the very arguments which have been going in circles for the better part of the afternoon. Until such time as we get the results of this poll, none of us have a full understanding of which weekend night works best for everyone already in FC, let alone which weeknights could be viable if the poll were opened up that wide.

Maybe checking in between wars via a simple poll about the best nights to hold BNs in the next war could be all it takes to keep the quality and allow for a smidge of diversification. You might hear a little bitching and moaning, but in the end you'll have your metrics and be able to move on with an idea of when the current members are truly available. Meanwhile, we all have squad and army-wide activities to occupy other nights of our week. I'll just keep showing up regardless. :)

03-17-2016, 05:58 PM
Boo change.

03-17-2016, 06:09 PM
However, if we find that the current general population of FC can conveniently move to a Saturday night battlenight, I'm all game.

well, so far it's looking that way.

Barry Soap
03-17-2016, 06:24 PM
My post was deleted for some reason

How many times have I tried to do this?

Nova, I neither agree nor disagree with you, but the modus operandi of scheduling within FC isn't going to change for as long as it sees numbers. I'll vote for it but I doubt it's gonna go far. I will say though, (and this is to everyone) - be mindful of both sides of the coin. Don't be arrogant if someone has a different opinion.


03-18-2016, 03:10 AM
My work schedule sees me more busy on Sunday from 3-7 pm est than Saturday. I'll be attending more.

03-18-2016, 12:22 PM
Quoting Toast post, keep in mind that if we try to host battle nights on Saturday, everything will have to be pushed back. Attack Plans will have to be known and confirmed at least by Tuesday or Wednesday. Myth, along with the forge department works on the map which may take up to half a day or a day at least. The maps will have to be tested exactly Thursday or Friday. Practices will be pushed back as well. If this is approved, we can host a test run after this week or whenever War Council feels comfortable placing it on a specific date. We're open for new or returning ideas and would like to give it a test and compare and contrast the results.

03-18-2016, 12:37 PM
I know I personally would make even less battle nights if on a Saturday. Saturday nights is for social events and going out with friends for me. Sunday is the relax day before the work week.

L0rd Kanti
03-18-2016, 01:14 PM
I myself would prefer the BN stay on the weekend. Wouldn't mind it starting earlier perhaps and ending before dinner, do one map one weekend day and one on another.

Solus Exsequor
03-19-2016, 01:27 PM
I wouldn't have the event starting any earlier, 6 is a good time for most even those outwith NA. I.e. it is 11pm here and I have set up my work schedule so that I finish at 10:15 and am home for 10:30. Any earlier and I wouldn't be able to make it, although moving to a Saturday is much easier for anyone outside NA because it isn't entering into Monday. Most normal people have school or work then closing off the potential for this community to grow. You can say that we are only aiming to get NA people but with the H5 community shrinking, can we afford to? No.

03-20-2016, 08:52 AM
the modus operandi of scheduling within FC isn't going to change for as long as it sees numbers.

I think it is pretty clear that FC isn't seeing the numbers people expected with Halo 5.