View Full Version : Res1.02 Map Notes (Deadlock/Plaza)

03-22-2016, 05:08 PM
"Res1 Deadlock v1"
-Spartan Laser now spawns in all gametypes.
-Spawns should be a bit more reliable now (you'll spawn on the enemy side of the map less frequently).
-Stronghold locations have been adjusted. Inside of inside each base, they have been moved to the Red/Blue Lookouts (i.e., where Camo spawns).

"Res1 Plaza v1"
-Sniper Rifle now spawns in all gametypes.
-Hydra now spawns in all gametypes.
-Overshield now spawns in all gametypes.
-Camo(which only spawned in Strongholds) has been removed.
-Railgun (which only spawned in Strongholds) has been removed.
-Stronghold locations have been adjusted. Instead of Plaza/Bottom Mid/Cinema they are now Eastgate/Tram Street/Flowers. This will significantly change how the map plays in this gametype, but was a necessary change since the Sniper Rifle is now available in the gametype. http://puu.sh/nbNZE/45cf246a77.jpg