View Full Version : Calling All Baseball Fans!

03-25-2016, 07:09 AM

My fantasy baseball league has had a few members leave and our draft is on Sunday. If anybody is interested in joining or trying it out for the first time let me know. We need at least 1 team but can take up to 5 more. There is a $50 entrance fee however, but all funds are securely deposited into a safe account. We have cash prizes for the teams that place 1st, 2nd, and 3rd.

For any baseball fans this is a lot of fun to try out. If it's your first time doing a fantasy league this is a really friendly group of guys and they're all more than willing to help new members figure out the ropes. If your experienced then you may also like the challenge of other players who know what they're doing. We've been doing it since about 2011 and we have a pretty established set up.
