View Full Version : FC's 10th Anniversary Celebration

06-13-2016, 11:55 PM
10th Anniversary Celebrations

Hello everyone! We had a great capital battle last week battle night and now is the time for peace. We can all get along and relax from the games for a while. It's been a great war, we had our laughs, our problems, our doubts, etc; however, we still survived did we? I joined this community in 2012 during the conclusion of the Reach Wars and the beginning of Reclamation. I cannot tell you how much fun this community has been. Learning the community was founded in 2006 by a group of friends and look how this community has grown. It had its up's and down's, but we as a family stayed together. Additionally, we have a special message from one of the original founders who put time and effort in this community. You all may know him as the "Founder of Hill 30".

Greeting, Forerunner Conflict.

This month, June of 2016, marks the 10 year anniversary of Forerunner Conflict (originally Red vs. Blue: Retaliation, AKA RvBR). I take great pride in saying that we have sustained a community as fun, dedicated, and diverse as ours for ten freaking years! Most online communities never last more than a couple of months, let alone a year, let alone TEN YEARS. It is a great honor to be part of such a passionate group of people who care so deeply about what our foundation is about, and it is astounding the amount of time and effort we have put into this community just to make sure it stays functional and remains a beacon of hope for all of those lost in the online gaming world.

Not to sound cheesy, but it honestly does feel like just the other day I was still only 14 years old in a Halo 2 lobby for hours upon hours developing a new type of war simulation community that would have a foundation so solid it would stand to last the test of time (for online gaming that is). I was 14 freaking years old; I had never had romantic relationships, never had a job, never had anything else to worry about in life except for high school grades and what we were about to create on Halo 2. Ten years later, I am a college graduate, I'm working 55+ hours a week, I have a serious relationship, moved into my own town-home, have bills to worry about, and yet I am still part of the very same video game community that I and a few others created years ago with no idea of what else would be in store for life. Now granted I, unfortunately, do not have nowhere near as much time to put into Forerunner Conflict, I am extremely happy with what it has become, and am continually excited for where it is going.

Not only has Forerunner Conflict impacted my personal life, but even more so I am proud to also say that over the ten years this community has forged HUNDREDS of friendships over the years. I have met FOUR people in person because of this community. Forerunner Conflict has even created a freaking baby from a relationship started through here (and ironically that baby was born on Halo 4's release date)! If all of you who have been here for a decent amount of time look at your friend's lists, I'd be comfortable betting that most of your lists are comprised 75% of people you met through Forerunner Conflict. That is a testament to how influential this community has had on your online and personal lives.

Just think about all of the great experiences and challenging experiences we have overcome since the start. When RvBR originally started, it took us a year and a half to get one war finished. By the time Halo 3 rolled around and we changed our name to Forerunner Conflict, we were in full swing with hundreds of people on each side fighting some of the greatest battles in FC. By Reach's entrance, we were completely re-working our Accords to make sure we were the premiere war simulation community and to provide a much more strategic focus on battles through Forge and auxiliary bonuses. Then came Operation Firestorm and we blew up the community temporarily, and to all of those who have stuck around since Op Firestorm, you deserve a medal! We then went to Halo 4, where we experience some of our greatest growth, as well as some of our toughest issues. Just remember, FC still survived MCC; that speaks for itself. Now we are in Halo 5 and our community has literally spanned over 10 different Halo titles that were released (including Halo 2). We are continually striving each day to improve our foundation and make sure that the GREAT experiences that keep bringing us back become more frequent to each and ever new and old member.

I would like to personally thank each and every one of you in Forerunner Conflict today. You all are so passionate and dedicated to our core values, and I honestly can't even explain how appreciative I am for all the hard work. I hope you all continue to push Forerunner Conflict to greater heights, and continue to push our values out there and show to people that we are still the legendary community that dozens of others have tried to copy, yet failed because they did not carry the passion and dedication that we do. Without you, Forerunner Conflict is nothing!

Lastly, I would like to give a quick shout out specifically to Mythonian and Metkil. The amount of work that these two have done and continually do behind the scenes over the years is honestly mind-boggling. Be it for war-specific issues, community issues, website features and overall website maintenance and ownership, these two have dedicated thousands of their own personal hours (more than anyone else, without a doubt) in life to making sure FC runs as smoothly as possible. Both of them are incredibly intelligent, and never in my 10 years here have I seen such dedication and hard work in every single aspect that makes up Forerunner Conflict. Without them, we would be nowhere close to where we are today. Thank you Metkil and Mythonian for the hard work you two have put in!

Thank you all again, and I hope you all enjoy Forerunner Conflict's 10th Anniversary! I can't wait for our 20th Anniversary!


SpartanBH, Founder & Foreunner

For this week, I want us to celebrate as a community and to reward those that are still here. We have lots of events on the table. Ideas brainstormed by the entire War Council. ($135 total prize value) Obviously, not everyone is going to get something, but we want everyone to participate and enjoy the fun. If you want to receive outstanding prizes, I suggest participating in all events.

There will be more details about prizes and the points later. Here is the schedule for all the events for our 10th Anniversary:

Friday will be the start of the 10th Anniversary and the games we have in stock will be non-Halo based. For our line-up we have the following:

Cards Against Humanity
Time: 6:00PM EDT
Players: 6+ per game

Unlimited Amount of Rounds until everyone drops. Play a humorous card game to your endless desire as you battle against your friends to see who has the funniest deck. This game can be access on a PC. You do not have to download to those who haven't tried CAH before. The game will be run by Legendary Nova, and he will provide more knowledge about the rules.

Will be posted by Legendary Nova

Town of Salem
Time: 8:00PM EDT
Players: 7-15 players per lobby

Unlimited Amount of Rounds.Town of Salem is a browser-based game that challenges players on their ability to convincingly lie as well as detect when other players are lying. The game ranges from 7 to 15 players. These players are randomly divided into alignments - Town, Mafia, and Neutrals. The game will also run by LegendaryNova.

Will be later posted by Legendary Nova

Saturday will host a couple of Halo 5 noncompetitive customs. This night will be hosted by LegendaryNova as well.

Time: 6:00PM EDT
Players: 16 players per lobby

Unlimited Rounds. As stated by the title, CUSTOMS will be a random selection of maps by the host of the lobby. Go all out on endless fun. Watch out for FATMAN as he slowly move his way to slay you with his friends. Mavenuer your way from incoming projectiles, and crash agaisnt your fellow friends in a bit of Derby.

Posted Later by Legendary Nova

Finally, the last day of our wonderful 10th Anniversary. For this night, we will host competitive games on Halo 5. This night will be hosted by Silversleek.

Nova's Tournament Conclusion!
Time: 4:00PM EDT
Players: 1v1's

Starting at 4 pm, The exciting finale will be livestreamed, ALL the remaining games are scheduled to be played this day, in a best of 3. Sorry for the inconvenience of those unable to make it that day, but them's the breaks.

Movement Mastery
Time: ~6PM EDT
Players: Around 6 people/lobby

Immediately after the conclusion, we'll be setting up lobbies for Parkour/ninja warrior/etc maps, Only the first place winner will get 3 points, everyone else in the lobby will get 1 participation point.

Puzzle power
Time: 6:30/7 PM EDT
Players: Around 4 people/lobby

Next, the only cooperative event of the night, We'll be going through a puzzle map. Successful completion will reward everyone in the lobby 3 points, failure after one hour will award 1 point.

Grand Battle Royale
Time: 7:30/8 PM EDT
Players: Around 6 people/lobby

Finally, The grand battle royale! We will have free for all lobbies on FC maps with FC settings (as best replicated for FFA.) It will be non-stop, till we no longer have enough people to play, Each game, winner will get 3 points, second place 2 points, and one point for everyone else.

HOWEVER, Based upon popular opinion, This event may be replaced by the following, or we may switch over part way through the night.

Team Battle Royale
Time: 7:30/8 PM EDT
Players: 4v4

4v4's with FC gametypes on FC maps, teams to be decided as we go. 2 points for everyone on the winning team, nothing for the losers. Play till everyone drops!

Did Someone Say Prizes?!

Now it's time for our fabulous prizes. There something's for everyone, but not everyone can have it. These events are just a look through FC's History and espeically for Halo Customs. Unfortunately, not much was donated in this year anniversary than the 9th anniversary. 9th Anniversary had a total of $250 total worth of prizes; for the 10th we only have $135 total worth of prizes. There were more prizes, but a few individuals had financial issues to take care of.

[U]Top Prize Pool
Halo Wars 2 (Donated by SilverSleek)

Other Prizes
2x FC Shirts (Donated by Maxdoggy)
1x FC Shirt (Donated by Ominous Solace)

Sign Up For Events

As Myth stated in his past update for the anniversary, we will be using Skype to coordinate the 10th Anniversary. Making sure everyone is online and interested in participating in the 10th Anniversary. To be added to the Skype group, please reply with your skype name below and we'll add you in ASAP. The group will be made sometime between Tuesday or Wednesday.

Hope everyone enjoys our 10th Anniversary! I wish everyone a good time and good luck.

~Friendly Neighborhood Reptar

06-14-2016, 12:04 AM
Only 8 more years until we can take FC to the strip club! Inb4 Raz's yearly post

Dark Remalf
06-14-2016, 07:53 AM
Addz miiiiiii

06-14-2016, 10:38 AM

06-14-2016, 10:42 AM
Oh man it's Town of Salem, time for Wezabi to shine. He's been training all year for this event.

Barry Soap
06-14-2016, 10:50 AM
Oh man it's Town of Salem, time for Wezabi to shine. He's been training all year for this event.

Wezabi is GF confirmed

06-14-2016, 10:54 AM
Wezabi is GF confirmed

Barry is Jester confirmed

06-14-2016, 06:27 PM
Damn I'm proud of what this community has done. Not only for the friendships, but for the lessons and fun had along the way.

Here's to another 10!

06-14-2016, 06:59 PM
Oh man it's Town of Salem, time for Wezabi to shine. He's been training all year for this event.

Donkey is Godarsowolf hang him lads ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

06-14-2016, 08:06 PM
Donkey is Godarsowolf hang him lads ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

How can you hang me when I'm already hung ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

06-15-2016, 12:00 AM
How can you hang me when I'm already hung ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

06-15-2016, 11:06 AM
( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

06-16-2016, 12:56 AM
I'm not sure if I'll participate, but if I get lots of Skype notifications I may get on.

Add me: Houdini.H

06-16-2016, 02:12 PM
Ehhhh 10 years then

06-17-2016, 10:45 AM
It's so cute seeing nearly nobody who has been around those ten years posting. Lol xD

06-17-2016, 11:12 AM
It's so cute seeing nearly nobody who has been around those ten years posting. Lol xD

Ten years is a long time. Wouldn't expect many to have made it the full 10. Hell, i've been here like 5 years or something like that and even that feels like an eternity :P

(quarter of my life!)

06-17-2016, 11:56 AM
It's so cute seeing nearly nobody who has been around those ten years posting. Lol xD

I've been here nine, does that count? :c

06-17-2016, 02:50 PM
I've also been here 9, on and off however. Lol Sadly I can't make it to these game nights. The FC baby is visiting her mom for the weekend, so daddy is going out to play.

06-17-2016, 05:05 PM
I've also been here 9, on and off however. Lol Sadly I can't make it to these game nights. The FC baby is visiting her mom for the weekend, so daddy is going out to play.

Thanks dad.

Drth spartan
06-17-2016, 05:49 PM
11 min

06-17-2016, 11:11 PM
I thought the 10 year celebration was going to be some crazy lan party or something

06-18-2016, 11:34 PM
to another 10