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04-16-2018, 10:40 PM
Res3 Peacetime Update #3
Everyone Takes a Step Back Before a Big Leap Forward...


Last week's mock battle night was amazing. Both armies fielded two squads of four each. While everyone can always find a point to criticize or critique, let's just acknowledge that both armies got together, fought for control of Halo 5 maps, and had a good time doing it. Games were relatively close, and camaraderie was to be had by all. It made this old vet happy to see that fun like that could still be found on battle night, this many years into Halo 5.

The Elephant Not In The Room

This would be a poor announcement post if it did not provide all the news. Therefore, it is with regret that I must inform you all that Death has stepped down as Field Marshall of REDD, and has left the community. What ultimately led to his actions is known only to him, but I can say with some confidence that he did not necessarily get along with the War Council, nor did he especially feel the need to be accountable to his position. Rather than talk things out, Death has chosen to leave the community, as is his prerogative. From what we've been able to gather, he has encouraged a sort of ultimatum mentality with those who participated in custom game nights with him. He's saying that it is either him, or FC.

Frankly, nothing could be further from the truth.

Now, Death may have wanted to do things his way, and so he's gone to create his own community. That's all fine. Not everyone is cut out for leadership here, and it is better that he acknowledges it now than to find out further down the road. However, FC does not maintain an ultimatum policy with its members. We've always allowed members to be members of clans, etc, while they are in FC. FC is a warsim community, not a clan. So for those who feel like they have to choose between Death and FC, you don't really have to. We're not going to ask that you stop hanging out with whoever you want to hang out with. That's all fine. FC will continue to host community events, regardless of membership changes, but we wanted to be entirely transparent regarding membership exclusivity.


Next Steps

Regardless, FC has to continue to move forward, and we're going to work on that. After Death stepped down as FM, the War Council immediately appointed Soulless as Death's successor, who then appointed WSxPhoenix as his General, in order to assist in administrating the army.

Recruitment is going to be ramped up between both armies, and we're going to be working towards building a consistent game and battle night in the future. We're asking that those who want to help, or those who are still interested in being notified about FC events, please post below.

Next Saturday, April 21st, will be another customs night. With all the leadership changes, the War Council thought it best to host an event, but not put the expectation of a battle night on such an event. We will begin playing at 6:30 EDT. We hope to see you there.

04-16-2018, 10:59 PM
Man it felt great to get boots on the ground again. And for the right side this time against those scummy redds. (I know my user group on the site doesn't reflect it right now, but I'm a BLUE PFC.)

I am.. disappointed with Death's actions, however, based on his past behaviour, such a break was inevitable. I hope everyone takes your words to heart, We absolutely allow people to play halo with more than one group, if Death wants exclusivity, that's on him. I hope everyone who participated remembers the fun they had playing and will continue to support FC.

The games were all fun, and there was no egregious balance issues like We've had in the past. Each map came down to one game I believe, and their were equal numbers between armies.

I understand it's not likely to stay this way as we re-organize after Death's departure, but hopefully we can put that behind us quickly and get things rolling again.

04-17-2018, 09:07 PM
Sad that I missed the mock battle. Wish I was boots first on the ground again :(

04-24-2018, 04:35 PM
Hopefully y'all can keep this thing going for a few more weeks. I'll have my xbox over the summer.