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09-18-2010, 05:17 AM
Well of course not every games perfect, why would Reach be? Here is a place for you to address (not whine) about some issues that you feel should be patched or fixed.

1) Beat downs will not kill someone unless you completely break their shield. In other words you need to 4 shot beat them down. In Halo 2 and 3 you could just shoot them twice and beat them down. I really hope they patch this otherwise beat downs are pretty pointless (unless your sprinting and going for a double beat down).

2) Only one person can watch a video in theater mode, in Halo 3 you could have 4. This makes no sense at all, I have no clue why they would only allow one. Most people like to watch videos together to show people and talk to them about it. Everyone I know dislikes that it's only 1 person allowed. This is a completely backwards step that they made here.

3) DMR is a 5 shot to kill, I would rather have it be a 4 shot. It shoots slightly faster than a BR though so they say it doesn't really make a difference. I kind of liked the BR spread as compared to the single DMR shot though. Maybe I just miss the BR.

4) The special assassinations look cool and all but all it does is waste time when your playing. I know you have to hold it in order to go into it but sometimes I do it accidentally and it gets me killed. There should be an option to completely remove it from gameplay so that it doesn't happen accidentally and mess you up. This really only applies to competitive gameplay.

5) Maps, really bungie your maps get worse every single video game. Thank god forge is amazing otherwise I would be annoyed. Can't wait for all those forge pros to go crazy and make some amazing maps.

6) Sword, if you beat down a sword guy swinging at you it won't kill you. I guess they really wanted to make the sword worse and worse each game. In halo 2 you could lunge really far and swing it really quickly so stopping the sword was almost impossible. Halo 3 it doesnt lunge as far and the swing is slower so its easier to kill. Halo Reach it has a slightly shorter lunge and if you sword a guy and he melees at the same time it won't kill him. Leaving time for him to maybe luckily escape or for an enemy teammate to kill the you before you finish the job. This one isn't a big deal, more of an observation.

7) Rockets and Shotgun, both are way too overpowered. If their was a scope on the shotgun I bet you could shoot people across the map.

8) Pistol, should be more ammo in each clip. I find that it's pretty pointless to use considering you have to reload with it every second resulting in you most likely dieing. It seems to be better than a dmr up close though.

If I didn't cover them all feel free to mention some lol. Also please comment if you think I am wrong or right on whatever I said.

09-18-2010, 11:32 AM
Eh the only thing I've noticed but not sure if I hate it or love it, is how the sniper rifle can take down a scorpion tank in a couple shots. Just seems weird.

09-18-2010, 11:42 AM
Paradiso (sido) makes me want to strangle bungie...
And Boardwalk. It's huge, has huge amounts of power weapons (in odd places) and only seems to work with swat or snipes

09-18-2010, 11:51 AM
i agree with some of your problems but others i disagree with almost fully.

1) beatdowns, while sometime the need for the double beatdowns gets annoying, mostly when your one shot and trying to finish a multikill and your enemies shields aren't all the way down, then you hit them once and they smack you right back and you die, then it gets annoying.

2) Theater mode, being mag made 1 person only was a necessary sacrifice, because having more than one cause networking problem and negatively affected other more used aspects of the game. plus you can now rewind in firefight and campaign.

3) I agree with the DMR, sometimes i do really miss the four shot BR and the spread, but i assume that is only a temporary thing while we all just get adjusted to Reach.

4) I fully agree with the assassination part.

5) Personally i like these maps. Especially the ones remade from Halo 2.

6) I don't use the sword a lot but i can see how this would be annoying, but I think it is mainly just to try and balance all of the weapons. Maybe this will be fixed in October when Bungie does their first live bug sweep and updates.

7)I like the both Rockets and Shotgun are, to me it seems like you have point-blank with the shotgun to get a one shot kill. The Rockets just massive amounts of splash damage.

8)Pistol definitely needs more ammo in each clip.

As for Yehsus, I love it i can play big team and be destroyed by the tank constantly, plus if your steady enough you can just snpe the driver out of the tank and not do damage to it, so you or one of your teammates can take it.

Fiery Grave
09-18-2010, 12:47 PM
The pistol is fine, its not supposed to be exactly like that halo one pistol, it can shoot fast at loss of accuracy or you can be accurate and kill a person in one clip if they are all head shots.

also the DMR > BR if you stop spazzing on the trigger while using it and find the perfect rhythm its a great weapon and really easy to take on 2 people in a row with out dying, But of course the rhythm changes depending on the range slightly

II Recanz II
09-18-2010, 02:36 PM
uhmm... you guys do know that you dont HAVE to do the special assinations right? They only happen if you hold down the beatdown button when your smacking someone in the back.

09-18-2010, 03:41 PM
1) Beat downs suck in Reach.

2) Theater mode got worse.

3) DMR would be better without the redicule getting bigger.

4) Assassination is a problem i just know to tap beatdown and not hold it sown.

5) Maps suck. except the halo 2 remakes.

6) sword is pointless to even consider picking up.

7) rockets are cool how they are. shotgun is overpowered.

8) Pistol does need larger clip.

9) This isnt a complaint but its easy to headshot with sniper.

10) Ranking system blows!

zZ Dr K Zz
09-18-2010, 04:19 PM
These are the dumbest complaints I have seen.

Glad bungie doesn't read this site or the game would be like Halo 3 all over again.

And we don't want to play that piece of broken trash again.

09-18-2010, 04:21 PM
These are the dumbest complaints I have seen.

Glad bungie doesn't read this site or the game would be like Halo 3 all over again.

And we don't want to play that piece of broken trash again.


09-18-2010, 04:53 PM
These are the dumbest complaints I have seen.

Glad bungie doesn't read this site or the game would be like Halo 3 all over again.

And we don't want to play that piece of broken trash again.

Agreed, I dont see any of these problems.

Ex Zen Mute
09-18-2010, 05:14 PM
1. Shields make more sense this way. No more rushing with shooting and beat downs. You are a "weaker" Spartan III. But, beat down and then beat down again from a stupid sprinter gets annoying.

2. I didn't really care for the whole party theater system. It would fuck up when trying to watch a clip together. I am not watching an entire game or longer with other people.

3. You just miss your BR. (Bad Rifle)

4. There is an option I believe to turn off those. Or you can just learn how much you can tap to just back smack.

5. What is so bad about them? I know on most of them you have to learn team placement quite a lot. Running to one area in the same path as your team is not much of a good idea anymore.

6. I hate the sword melee block also but, at the same time, I love it. You have ran into dumbass sprinting sword abusers right? I have many times.

7. Well, you are a weaker Spartan III. You are not a Spartan 2. There is a reason some of the maps are bigger then what they need to be.

8. The Pistol is a SIDEARM. It is not meant to be a main weapon. The magnum was made to finish off opponents that are weak or for CQC. This is not Halo: Combat Evolved when the MISTAKE of the god pistol was made. Use the DMR if you want a bigger clip. They do the same amount of damage.

09-18-2010, 05:37 PM
1. Shields make more sense this way. No more rushing with shooting and beat downs. You are a "weaker" Spartan III. But, beat down and then beat down again from a stupid sprinter gets annoying.

2. I didn't really care for the whole party theater system. It would fuck up when trying to watch a clap together. I am not watching an entire game or longer with other people.

3. You just miss your BR. (Bad Rifle)

4. There is an option I believe to turn off those. Or you can just learn how much you can tap to just back smack.

5. What is so bad about them? I know on most of them you have to learn team placement quite a lot. Running to one area in the same path as your team is not much of a good idea anymore.

6. I hate the sword melee block also but, at the same time, I love it. You have ran into dumbass sprinting sword abusers right? I have many times.

7. Well, you are a weaker Spartan III. You are not a Spartan 2. There is a reason some of the maps are bigger then what they need to be.

8. The Pistol is a SIDEARM. It is not meant to be a main weapon. The magnum was made to finish off opponents that are weak or for CQC. This is not Halo: Combat Evolved when the MISTAKE of the god pistol was made. Use the DMR if you want a bigger clip. They do the same amount of damage.

You sir, are full of win.

Seriously, these complaints you guys have, have a simple solution to it. Go play Halo 3. Reach is a different game (for better or worse). If you wanted Reach to be like Halo 3, well then Bungie should have just made Halo 3.5 then, eh?

09-18-2010, 06:26 PM
Only problem I have is the ranking system, it's not competative. I miss the number system in Halo 2 and believed it had the best ranking system. This BS Always gaining points and moving up from lt. and so forth is dumb in my opinion, everyone will get to the highest rank eventually, same reason made me quit playing Battlefield 2, all there is to do is continue playing, and you'll get there, just doesn't seem fun. I'm losing touch with Matchmaking already :S.

09-18-2010, 06:36 PM
Only problem I have is the ranking system, it's not competative. I miss the number system in Halo 2 and believed it had the best ranking system. This BS Always gaining points and moving up from lt. and so forth is dumb in my opinion, everyone will get to the highest rank eventually, same reason made me quit playing Battlefield 2, all there is to do is continue playing, and you'll get there, just doesn't seem fun. I'm losing touch with Matchmaking already :S.

Well, thankfully, Bungie did implement Truskill matchmaking in the background, though I think its only for Arena (yet to conform this). So basically the ranks are e-peen meters. Personally, I don't care about my rank (except I do want Captain for ODST shoulders, just saying). Your performance in a game says ALOT more then what your rank says.

Happens to me in all my games. MW2? Rank 30 something. BF:BC2? Rank 17. Reach? Warrant Officer. WoW? 5706 GS(avg ilvl 250.4). All 4 games, I top charts/scoreboards/meters about 70-80% of the time. That is why I don't care much about ranks.

Fiery Grave
09-18-2010, 06:38 PM
Only problem I have is the ranking system, it's not competative. I miss the number system in Halo 2 and believed it had the best ranking system. This BS Always gaining points and moving up from lt. and so forth is dumb in my opinion, everyone will get to the highest rank eventually, same reason made me quit playing Battlefield 2, all there is to do is continue playing, and you'll get there, just doesn't seem fun. I'm losing touch with Matchmaking already :S.


09-18-2010, 06:45 PM
What does Arena do? It tells you you have like 1232 or w/e and fills up 3 bars? I ment 1 to 50.

09-18-2010, 06:55 PM
Arena works like this.

You play 3 games (the bars in the lobby). You get rated on your game performance (Your 1200 or whatever). After 3 matches, you get your average rating from the 3 games. You can continue to play more matches and the rating will be your BEST THREE of all the arena matches you play. This makes your daily rating. Once you get enough daily ratings, you get placed into a division. These are your bragging rights in the competitive world of Reach basically. Rating seems to be based on K/D Ratio, Medals, and commendation. All Matchmaking gamestypes (except Co-op) have these ratings though. Its listed under the scoreboard.

1500 Average here, just throwing that out there.

09-18-2010, 06:58 PM
Meh fair enough I guess, still ticked. Other than that I'd have to say weapon placements are fucked.

Fiery Grave
09-18-2010, 07:03 PM
Also true skill still works in all matchmaking (except firefight) its just in the background.

09-18-2010, 07:53 PM
1) Beat downs suck in Reach.

2) Theater mode got worse.

3) DMR would be better without the redicule getting bigger.

4) Assassination is a problem i just know to tap beatdown and not hold it sown.

5) Maps suck. except the halo 2 remakes.

6) sword is pointless to even consider picking up.

7) rockets are cool how they are. shotgun is overpowered.

8) Pistol does need larger clip.

9) This isnt a complaint but its easy to headshot with sniper.

10) Ranking system blows!

Sounds like your just bad at Halo: Reach. Nothing against you, but these are all complaints that I can see someone who is in LOVE with Call of Duty and the BR... Saying.

The only thing wrong with Reach at this time is the Allied AI in Campagin they never seem to want to get in your vehicle.

Mi Boys Dinner
09-18-2010, 08:18 PM
I'm actually ok with the ranking up. Mainly cause I sucked in Halo 3 cause everything was always focused on rank.

The sword thing is a double edged sword. People rushing with it is gay, but to melee blocking it works wonders......sometimes.

BR is shit compared to DMR. I could only 5 shot people in Halo 3 anyway, so it's nice to have a rifle that is evenly matched on my part.

Concussion Rifle. Has to be the worst thing in existence. My one true hatred.

Sniper Rifles are actually my best friend now. Reach totally reversed my opinion of Sniper Rifles.

09-18-2010, 08:35 PM
Most people complain about the Sword, they toned it down because it used to be an insta-kill weapon. Now it takes skill. Wait skill in Halo? Use dive and bam you can rack up kills. The Sword is a weapon that takes skill to use. The shotgun needs to be powerful seeing that Shotguns in real life are pretty damn powerful.

Assassinations aren't for in the middle of a huge ass firefight! They are mean't to look cool when killing maybe one or two soldiers.

The maps are amazing.

Somone said it already and I don't want to look. Halo: Reach isn't a slightly altered copy of Halo 3. Like Halo 3 was of Halo 2. This game is amazing and if you wanna bitch sell the game and go play Halo 3.

09-18-2010, 09:26 PM
http://www.bungie.net/stats/reach/gamestats.aspx?gameid=365 55944&player=AftershocK%20559#

34 kills-24 headshots-28 sniper kills. the sniper is mine i got dibbs lol

Ex Zen Mute
09-18-2010, 09:32 PM
Sounds like your just bad at Halo: Reach. Nothing against you, but these are all complaints that I can see someone who is in LOVE with Call of Duty and the BR... Saying.

The only thing wrong with Reach at this time is the Allied AI in Campagin they never seem to want to get in your vehicle."DAMMIT CAT! GET IN THE TURRET! QUIT WALKING BACK TO WHERE WE LAST WERE!"

I think Cat and Jun are idiots.
Once Cat drove off the map into a lake below. Next thing I saw was her walking off into the distance. WTF?
Jun on his sniping level. Wow, try to be stealthy and then he wakes everything up. He actually snipes in the first have of the mission. After that, seems he ran out of ammo.

Ex Zen Mute
09-18-2010, 09:34 PM
http://www.bungie.net/stats/reach/gamestats.aspx?gameid=365 55944&player=AftershocK%20559#

34 kills-24 headshots-28 sniper kills. the sniper is mine i got dibbs lolSniper, hitscan, having stupid opponents. I had a faux perfection of 24 kills on the game gametype and map. Damn quitters and bad host switching.

Mi Boys Dinner
09-18-2010, 10:24 PM
Sniper, hitscan, having stupid opponents. I had a faux perfection of 24 kills on the game gametype and map. Damn quitters and bad host switching.

That was a fun game. :D

09-19-2010, 03:28 AM
Canyou have an invasion/firefight custom game?

09-19-2010, 04:21 AM
Invasion. Yes. Firefight you can custom make settings, but not maps.

09-19-2010, 04:41 AM
I believe they should throw the Hang 'Em High and Lockout map onto Reach MM. Anyone hear anything of that sorta plan? Oh, I'd say WTF is with their driving in the campaign (A.I.) I don't understand how they got so bad, really.

09-19-2010, 05:51 AM
yea the AI in campaign is pathetic.

09-19-2010, 09:49 AM
1) Beat downs will not kill someone unless you completely break their shield. In other words you need to 4 shot beat them down. In Halo 2 and 3 you could just shoot them twice and beat them down. I really hope they patch this otherwise beat downs are pretty pointless (unless your sprinting and going for a double beat down).

1.) Shields in Halo: Reach work like they always should have. These energy shields are much like Kinetic Barriers (a la Mass Effect) that deflect anything from coming in. That means if you beat down while shields are still on, any damage done will NOT go through the shields and will only be applied to the strength of the shield.

In example, a guy has a sliver of shield strength left, you beat him down. Said beat down collapses the shields (sending out a minuscule amount of energy out as it fails). All of your power from your beat down was used to break the shields and was repelled as it bounced off and the shields failed. Now, with no shields, any and all damage done will be given to the armor/health of the individual.

If the person has full shields, the first beat down is enough to collapse the shields (because your damage done is awesome, not epic, because you're a Spartan III, not a Spartan II).

Understand the mechanics Bungie has employed in Halo: Reach now?

09-19-2010, 09:55 AM
In example, a guy has a sliver of shield strength left, you beat him down. Said beat down collapses the shields (sending out a minuscule amount of energy out as it fails). All of your power from your beat down was used to break the shields and was repelled as it bounced off and the shields failed. Now, with no shields, any and all damage done will be given to the armor/health of the individual.

And here's my problem with this:
Armor lock.

I'm tired of people not dieing or killing me when we go into a DMR fight, only to have him go into armour lock when I get him no shields.
He's then got the advantage (because he has regained health)
Depriving me of a kill.

It's even worse when you hit eachother once, dropping shields, he pops in for a second and smacks you again, killing you and not him

Other than that, I don't mind the system, but I just need to understand how to use it. Because currently I blow at the new type of melee.

Fiery Grave
09-19-2010, 11:10 AM
yea the AI in campaign is pathetic.

Dude, let see you make a game with A.I. that can realistically drive in a combat situation....

Most games do not have this option they just have pre determined paths for them to follow....

AI will almost always suck at driving because they are not human. They don't know what you want them to do, they can't tell if you want them to speed past some covies or if you want them to stick around to kill them, thats why generally in videogames A.I.'s don't drive.

Halo's A.I. system is fairly advanced at this time.

and death hawk

Armor lock doesn't give people much time to heal, if they do and your in a dmr fight its still 1 head shot to kill them as armor lock doesn't last long enough to recharge your shields, unless you haven't been shot for a few second. and they don't get much of an advantage for using it when they come out you'll know exactly where there head is going to be.

and for the beat down battles thats just using the armor lock like its supposed to be used, saying that is like saying sprint is unfair because people can get to power weapons fast than people with out it or invis because its harder to see the person.

Dreaded Vegas
09-19-2010, 11:16 AM
same here, there isnt that many problems, the only ones htat i can see is that there is a couple of maps that are biased towards one team.... that it. Gameplay is awsome, forge is purely imaginful, and campaign is an amazment.

09-19-2010, 12:09 PM
Warthog gun = underpowered.

II Recanz II
09-19-2010, 01:32 PM
Warthog gun = underpowered.

Seriously. Not only did they nerf the damage on it, but they also kept the stupid overheating system on it.

09-19-2010, 03:12 PM
armor lock is for noobs

II Recanz II
09-19-2010, 03:17 PM
armor lock is for noobs

douche. :fuck you:


09-19-2010, 04:33 PM
Tsk tsk wrong Feiry. You see, Halo 2, the A.I. would actually drive it almost as good as anyone of us would drive it, they wouldnt zoom past the covies, but they would circle around them (Fairly well) and you'd be able to fuck shit up. In Reach, they drive into trees, reverse, back into the tree, reverse, in the tree again....

09-19-2010, 06:22 PM
For all those who bitch about Armor Lock, you can still kill them from behind. I have done it right after someone went into Armor Lock.

Armor Lock was made to fight vehicles not individual soldiers. So stop bitching, on top of that your shield don't have enough time to recharge in Armor Lock.

zZ Dr K Zz
09-19-2010, 07:02 PM
For all those who bitch about Armor Lock, you can still kill them from behind. I have done it right after someone went into Armor Lock.

Armor Lock was made to fight vehicles not individual soldiers. So stop bitching, on top of that your shield don't have enough time to recharge in Armor Lock.
Yes, your shields do have time.

You have to time it right, but your shields can recharge while in Armor Lock.

L0rd Kanti
09-19-2010, 07:46 PM
I agree with beatdowns, assassinations are fun but i see your point in competitive play because everynow and then ill find my self in it when i didnt want to be. I really like the bloom i think adds a lil more skill into the game and love watching ppl spam that shit to fail and rage.

09-19-2010, 08:02 PM
Apparently people don't understand Armor Lock either.


Armor Lock does NOT recharge your shields after immediate usage of losing your shields.
Armor Lock DOES recharge your shields along the timeline of you normally recharging your shields (5-7 seconds).
Armor Lock DOES NOT accelerate this process, it only prevents further damage and allows your shield regeneration timeline to continue.


09-19-2010, 08:16 PM
Apparently people don't understand Armor Lock either.


Armor Lock does NOT recharge your shields after immediate usage of losing your shields.
Armor Lock DOES recharge your shields along the timeline of you normally recharging your shields (5-7 seconds).
Armor Lock DOES NOT accelerate this process, it only prevents further damage and allows your shield regeneration timeline to continue.


It's funny how many times this has been said and people still go on about the shield recharging.

09-19-2010, 09:58 PM
Eh the only thing I've noticed but not sure if I hate it or love it, is how the sniper rifle can take down a scorpion tank in a couple shots. Just seems weird.

Well, it is a "High velocity, Armor piercing" bullet. Did you know its capable of picking the hat of an elite at 2000 yards?

Mi Boys Dinner
09-19-2010, 10:07 PM
Well, it is a "High velocity, Armor piercing" bullet. Did you know its capable of picking the hat of an elite at 2000 yards?

They're also expensive.

09-20-2010, 08:03 AM
For all those who bitch about Armor Lock, you can still kill them from behind. I have done it right after someone went into Armor Lock.

Armor Lock was made to fight vehicles not individual soldiers. So stop bitching, on top of that your shield don't have enough time to recharge in Armor Lock.
Somebody woke up on the wrong side of the bed today...

Ex Zen Mute
09-20-2010, 07:02 PM
They're also expensive.
Going along with the Sniper now being Anti-Everything (Except Hunters).
4 sniper shots to a banshee with a finish up of 3 DMR/magnum shots.
I piss those guys off.

zZ Dr K Zz
09-20-2010, 07:32 PM
Snipers and SWAT need their own fucking playlist.

I don't know how the most boring gametypes ever got this damn popular.

SWAT = MW2 fans

Snipers = BFBC2 fans

Although that's intertwined :/

09-20-2010, 08:01 PM
Snipers and SWAT need their own fucking playlist.

I don't know how the most boring gametypes ever got this damn popular.

SWAT = MW2 fans

Snipers = BFBC2 fans

Although that's intertwined :/

Shame on you for using the Words MW2 when talking about Halo. I have loved SWAT since Halo 2. MW2 can go suck a fat one now.

Mi Boys Dinner
09-20-2010, 09:55 PM
Going along with the Sniper now being Anti-Everything (Except Hunters).
4 sniper shots to a banshee with a finish up of 3 DMR/magnum shots.
I piss those guys off.

Win. It's very radical. :D

Snipers and SWAT need their own fucking playlist.

Fucking yes. They always show up on Big Team Slayer.

I'm sorry, I chose to play Big Team Slayer, not Swat and Snipers.

Fiery Grave
09-20-2010, 11:15 PM
Tsk tsk wrong Feiry. You see, Halo 2, the A.I. would actually drive it almost as good as anyone of us would drive it, they wouldnt zoom past the covies, but they would circle around them (Fairly well) and you'd be able to fuck shit up. In Reach, they drive into trees, reverse, back into the tree, reverse, in the tree again....

In halo 2 the A.I. would drive around an area until all enemies were dead, so if one grunt was in a build and couldn't come out/ wouldn't come out, the driver would drive in circles for hours. and if you were to put a halo 2 marine in that same situation of being trapped between two trees he would have the same problem, the halo 2 environment just didn't allow for that as much as they were much more barren, but I do recall it happening to me once

They're also expensive.

It cost 400,000$ to fire this gun for 12 seconds

Going along with the Sniper now being Anti-Everything (Except Hunters).
4 sniper shots to a banshee with a finish up of 3 DMR/magnum shots.
I piss those guys off.

Hunters get owned by snipers now, you don't need to even aim for the orange spot, they do well against vehicle but at a high price of 4-6 bullets, which could be 4-6 kills when you could use grenades and anti-vehicle weapons

Mi Boys Dinner
09-21-2010, 12:49 AM
It cost 400,000$ to fire this gun for 12 seconds

Hunters get owned by snipers now, you don't need to even aim for the orange spot, they do well against vehicle but at a high price of 4-6 bullets, which could be 4-6 kills when you could use grenades and anti-vehicle weapons

I see what you did there.

Hunters get owned in three shots. :D

Ex Zen Mute
09-21-2010, 08:47 AM
Hunters get owned by snipers now, you don't need to even aim for the orange spot, they do well against vehicle but at a high price of 4-6 bullets, which could be 4-6 kills when you could use grenades and anti-vehicle weaponsI have yet to on hunters that are not on legendary.
I ran out of ammo when shooting hunters.

Cat, why don't you go fight the hunters and stop running back to me?

09-21-2010, 10:11 PM
I agree with Dr.K Mmhm. The playlist may need to be changed a bit.

09-22-2010, 01:10 PM
playlists and ranking system and add br and it will be an amazing game IMO

Fiery Grave
09-22-2010, 01:53 PM
aftershock get over your love of the BR, halo 1 (the best halo) didn't have a BR, and now reach (the second best halo) doesn't have one either... get over it.... the DMR> BR any day

Ex Zen Mute
09-22-2010, 03:01 PM
playlists and ranking system and add br and it will be an amazing game IMO
Then play Halo 3?

09-22-2010, 03:06 PM
Halo reach is not the second best halo!
1. halo 2
2. halo 1
3. Tie between 3 and reach

sgt alvarez
09-22-2010, 03:28 PM
These are the dumbest complaints I have seen.

Glad bungie doesn't read this site or the game would be like Halo 3 all over again.

And we don't want to play that piece of broken trash again.

lol so true, and 1st the shutgun doesnt have that incredible of a range and youre right why complain about reach settings not being like halo 3 when all you have to do is plaay halo 3.... yeah its a little different no biggie 2 months from now youll all be loving it :)

09-22-2010, 03:57 PM
i hope so alvarez

L0rd Kanti
09-22-2010, 04:44 PM
Blame the way the bloom works for everything lol, bungie needs to fix it imo because even when paced it is still inconsistent.

Sgt Omall3y
09-22-2010, 06:21 PM
Its still fun to play

09-22-2010, 08:47 PM
Blame the way the bloom works for everything lol, bungie needs to fix it imo because even when paced it is still inconsistent.

I have never had it being inconsistent for me. It's all about timing. I have out DMRed people because I don't spam the trigger, I wait until the bloom is almost all gone then I fire and I win 98% of the time.

09-22-2010, 10:01 PM
aftershock get over your love of the BR, halo 1 (the best halo) didn't have a BR, and now reach (the second best halo) doesn't have one either... get over it.... the DMR> BR any day
Well, it's just a matter of opinion. I say patato; you say poetato
But points for taking it semi-personally!

I have never had it being inconsistent for me. It's all about timing. I have out DMRed people because I don't spam the trigger, I wait until the bloom is almost all gone then I fire and I win 98% of the time.
Dude nice statistic

Fiery Grave
09-22-2010, 10:25 PM
The biggest problem with reach that I just hit is.......

Daily credit limits...... like WTF

09-23-2010, 06:35 AM
No playable elites in mm except in invasion and elite slayer

09-23-2010, 07:40 AM
The biggest problem with reach that I just hit is.......

Daily credit limits...... like WTF

Say what now?

09-23-2010, 07:49 AM
The biggest problem with reach that I just hit is.......

Daily credit limits...... like WTF

What was the cap at

Fiery Grave
09-23-2010, 07:50 AM
Say what now?

there is a daily credit cap, its not 100% clear, but its believe to be around 100k-140k credits a day. which really sucks.

and bungie has said very little about it, I found it out by reaching it then I searched bungie.net and found out what I could, that its daily and its between 100k-140k credits a day.

09-23-2010, 08:06 AM
there is a daily credit cap, its not 100% clear, but its believe to be around 100k-140k credits a day. which really sucks.

and bungie has said very little about it, I found it out by reaching it then I searched bungie.net and found out what I could, that its daily and its between 100k-140k credits a day.

Well.. I suppose that's... reasonable.
I don't think a whole lot of people achieve that and its probably just to stop cheaters.

Still tho, that's kinda shitty

Mi Boys Dinner
09-23-2010, 10:59 AM
It really does suck, but Bungie does what Bungie does.

zZ Dr K Zz
09-23-2010, 02:52 PM
A 100k-140k is a lot of credits to get in one day.

Bungie probably put it there so people wouldn't level up too fast.

It's there way of saying "hey were glad you like playing the game and all, but you need to slow down a bit."

It's only a daily limit so there is no reason to get worked up about it. If it was a weekly limit then I would be mad.

09-23-2010, 03:04 PM
I wanna know where the fuck you get the time to earn 100k credits a day? Cause as of now I'm callin no life...

09-23-2010, 03:19 PM
I wanna know where the fuck you get the time to earn 100k credits a day? Cause as of now I'm callin no life...
well you get like 1.5k every gruntalypse and that takes like 10 mins.

09-23-2010, 04:29 PM
if you play reach enough in one day to get that many credits then you have absolutely no life.

Fiery Grave
09-23-2010, 10:03 PM
if you play reach enough in one day to get that many credits then you have absolutely no life.

You get 1200 cr average in gurntpocolypse (not to mention I upped three commendations to onyx (2500,2000,1500) and one to gold as well as three silver.

let see 100,000 / 1200 = 83.333... each game took me about 7-8 minutes so i'll go with 8 to be fair, 83.33*8 = 666.6 now divide that by 60 to get the number of hours. 666.6/60 11.11 that means I would have had to play 11.11 hours to get that, guess what i didn't play that much, I played 5-6 hours because I got a large amount of commendation that drastically boosted the points I got + the fact I got more that 1300 with out commendations more often than I got 1100 I would say it wasn't that bad.

zZ Dr K Zz
09-23-2010, 11:38 PM

09-24-2010, 01:12 AM
No Life? Or playing smart? Go for commendations along with the right game type and you'll fly threw...

09-24-2010, 09:02 AM
*Plays creepy music*

Mi Boys Dinner
09-24-2010, 02:38 PM
*Plays creepy music*


09-24-2010, 11:30 PM
no life.

Fiery Grave
09-25-2010, 12:51 AM
no life.

and you have nothing better to do than sit there calling us no lives?

its not really that hard to do if you try.

Now seriously drop it because its starting to piss me off and its off topic

09-25-2010, 01:15 AM
Really guys? Halo: Reach is a completly different game. It's different than all the other Halo games ever made. It's in its own catagory. There is no way, shape, or form that Halo:Reach should be compared to other Halos. Reach has sooooo many new and different things added that completly change up all tactics. They've been devolping this game for years. They've been sitting and thinking for years of what they could do. Then, they spend months testing what they've thought of. Point? Everything put in this game isn't something Bungie just threw in becasue they were out of time. They put everything in this game for a reason. If you don't like it you probably don't understand it. Personally, I don't think this topic shouldn't been made. This is Bungie's last Halo game and they put time into this. A LOT OF TIME. Just to come out and say what they've spent years on sucks and shit like that is really actually dick-ish.

p.s. no life =)

09-25-2010, 02:06 AM
=D relax fiery im kidding jeez

zZ Dr K Zz
09-25-2010, 02:33 AM
It is sad though to see people with 4 Onyx Commendations already.

That is a lot of time spent to get to a fake rank to buy a piece of armor.


09-25-2010, 04:06 AM
It is sad though to see people with 4 Onyx Commendations already.

That is a lot of time spent to get to a fake rank to buy a piece of armor.


Wait the ranks are fake? FUCK!!!!

The one thing I see wrong with Reach is that on Legendary.......

1.Elites can survive being stuck with plasma grenades.

2.Jackets can survive a Wraith shot....

3.Skirmishers slide to either side of the warthog when you hit them and take little damage.

4.Ghosts can survive up to 4 rockets.

5.You get ass raped when driving because Needle rifles can hit the fuckin tire and you take full damage

6.Elites take 2-3 1/2 DMR clips to take down.

7.Needler won't look on to Ultra's and higher ranks from distance, but below Ultra it will.....

8.Even from a long distance plasma bolts (not needles) are dead on accurate.

9.Jackels can take 5 shots to their bodies.

10.Half the time your Spartan allies fuck you over. i e: They fire when your being sneaky or run next to you when your in cover so a shit load of grenades come your way.

11.Plasma can kill you very quickly when your shields are down, but it can't kill the Covies as fast when their shields are down.

12.Jun tells you the Sniper rounds can take the hat off an Elite at 2000 yards, yet it takes 3 rounds to kill an Elite (normally)

As you can see their is alot of things wrong, I know it's legendary. Still all it does is make your weak as hell and the Covies insanely powerful. I mean shit your shields can't even take more then 4 plasma bolts and their down and the Elites can take until your plasma rifle or repeater overheats and still be intact.

**Note that the Spartan III's for some reason in Reach to not use SPI (Semi-Powered Infilitration) Armor, which they were designed to use. (Referenced from Ghost of Onyx) They instead use the same Armor Chief uses. MOLJINR Armor. Yet Chief can survive more.

All in all I love Reach these are just some things I have encountered and do not like.

zZ Dr K Zz
09-25-2010, 05:05 AM
That's how its always been with legendary. Halo ODST and Halo 3 had more bullshit on their legendary playthroughs with Brute Chieftain's using invincibility.

Legendary is not hard at all in this game. I find it to be one of the easier Halo titles to complete.

I think Halo 2 still has one of the toughest campaigns to beat on Legendary.

09-25-2010, 11:22 AM
What I hate is that the computers fucking suck at driving.

09-25-2010, 11:29 AM
That's how its always been with legendary. Halo ODST and Halo 3 had more bullshit on their legendary playthroughs with Brute Chieftain's using invincibility.

Legendary is not hard at all in this game. I find it to be one of the easier Halo titles to complete.

I think Halo 2 still has one of the toughest campaigns to beat on Legendary.

Halo: CE was the hardest fuckin' Legendary game evar!

Mi Boys Dinner
09-25-2010, 12:51 PM
That's how its always been with legendary. Halo ODST and Halo 3 had more bullshit on their legendary playthroughs with Brute Chieftain's using invincibility.

Legendary is not hard at all in this game. I find it to be one of the easier Halo titles to complete.

I think Halo 2 still has one of the toughest campaigns to beat on Legendary.

Solo? I think not good sir.

Fiery Grave
09-25-2010, 02:05 PM
Solo? I think not good sir.

yes it is, try playing through the library on legendary solo, or any level of halo 2 solo.... you get fucking raped

it took/takes me 2-4 times longer for every game to beat solo legendary (halo 3 is the same, ODST i would say 2, 3 for halo:CE, and 4 for halo 2)

Legendary is meant to be hard though, you have to play smarter.... but still its easier than most halo games. Legendary isn't realistic to the world of halo, normal is and heroic is the way the games are designed to play

also they are not wearing the same armor as the chief (mrk V) its a modified variant of it, weaker and not as enhanced no where near as much armor strength. (its mrk 5 (b))

09-25-2010, 02:49 PM
Fiery MJOLNIR armor is the same thing all around just the shielding system is more advanced every new model.

Here is how the Armor in Halo should work. Spartan MJOLNIR was designed to be almost impenatrable with bullets. So bullets should do less damage to Spartans in modes like Invasion while Plasma go course does more.

Elite armor is designed to withstand plasma, it cracks when bullets hit it due to the high velocity and focus point of a bullet and not a spalsh from plasma. So Elites should take more damage from bullets and less from Plasma. As for the shields they are in fact kinetic barriers (at least the Spartan Shields are). So thats why Kinetics do less damage to them and plasma does more.

I kinda wish you did use SPI Armor in Reach though seeing that it's what Spartan III's due. Ontop of that it kinda makes Ghosts of Onyx a book that isn't true to Halo: Reach. Spartan III's were trained in large masses to perform huge ops that would most likely kill all of them.

The only time you see another Spartan III is in the final level I forget the name but it's the one that you are buy yourself and fight till death.

Then we have George who is a Spartan II yet has the Spartan III shielding system..... I kinda wanna know why? I mean Halsey talks about her Armor when honestly it isn't her armor at all. It's ONI Section 3's knock off of Halsey's near perfect armor.

I like Spartan III's alot, alot more then Spartan II's mainly because Spartan III's are the newest generation of Spartans and are smaller and sleeker.

Then comes everyone thinks Jun is the Chief we all know those people are retarded, their is no possible way. For one you see Jun's face and his voice is different and ontop of all of that Chief leaves Reach and heads to Halo Halsey stays on Reach.... Then leaves.

09-25-2010, 04:34 PM
The only time you see another Spartan III is in the final level I forget the name but it's the one that you are buy yourself and fight till death.

Then we have George who is a Spartan II yet has the Spartan III shielding system..... I kinda wanna know why? I mean Halsey talks about her Armor when honestly it isn't her armor at all. It's ONI Section 3's knock off of Halsey's near perfect armor.

I like Spartan III's alot, alot more then Spartan II's mainly because Spartan III's are the newest generation of Spartans and are smaller and sleeker.

Then comes everyone thinks Jun is the Chief we all know those people are retarded, their is no possible way. For one you see Jun's face and his voice is different and ontop of all of that Chief leaves Reach and heads to Halo Halsey stays on Reach.... Then leaves.

What. The. Fuck.

Do you ever care to make sense? Like saying where this stuff comes from? You're worse than Loco.

You be rappin' e'erybody out 'der.

09-25-2010, 05:37 PM
Terrible grammer Rookie.....
It's suppose to be like this: Bullets do more armor damage, plasma does more shield damage.
That's why people used to duel-wield SMG and plasma rifle back in Halo 2 & 3. It was a perfect combo in therory

09-25-2010, 05:40 PM
Well Maxdoggy it comes from the Halo:Books and my brain.

Mi Boys Dinner
09-25-2010, 06:40 PM
Oi, Fiery, let me clarify.

Dr. K said that Reach was easy on Legendary.

My post was to mean that playing Reach on solo Legendary was difficult. I was not refering to the other games in the series.

zZ Dr K Zz
09-25-2010, 07:20 PM
I meant that it was easy on Solo Legendary.

There is nothing difficult about it.

Mi Boys Dinner
09-25-2010, 10:57 PM
Tell that to my 300+ Deaths.

Fiery Grave
09-25-2010, 11:13 PM
Fiery MJOLNIR armor is the same thing all around just the shielding system is more advanced every new model.

Here is how the Armor in Halo should work. Spartan MJOLNIR was designed to be almost impenatrable with bullets. So bullets should do less damage to Spartans in modes like Invasion while Plasma go course does more.

Elite armor is designed to withstand plasma, it cracks when bullets hit it due to the high velocity and focus point of a bullet and not a spalsh from plasma. So Elites should take more damage from bullets and less from Plasma. As for the shields they are in fact kinetic barriers (at least the Spartan Shields are). So thats why Kinetics do less damage to them and plasma does more.

I kinda wish you did use SPI Armor in Reach though seeing that it's what Spartan III's due. Ontop of that it kinda makes Ghosts of Onyx a book that isn't true to Halo: Reach. Spartan III's were trained in large masses to perform huge ops that would most likely kill all of them.

The only time you see another Spartan III is in the final level I forget the name but it's the one that you are buy yourself and fight till death.

Then we have George who is a Spartan II yet has the Spartan III shielding system..... I kinda wanna know why? I mean Halsey talks about her Armor when honestly it isn't her armor at all. It's ONI Section 3's knock off of Halsey's near perfect armor.

I like Spartan III's alot, alot more then Spartan II's mainly because Spartan III's are the newest generation of Spartans and are smaller and sleeker.

Then comes everyone thinks Jun is the Chief we all know those people are retarded, their is no possible way. For one you see Jun's face and his voice is different and ontop of all of that Chief leaves Reach and heads to Halo Halsey stays on Reach.... Then leaves.

*Cracks knuckles* ahh you wish to try against halo lore with me? well here I go

Spartan MJOLNIR mrk 5 (a) was the first system to have shields, which was reversed engineered from elites shields, and the mrk 5 (a) shields were slightly stronger than elites, the mrk 5 (b) was significantly weaker than an elites shields.

All MJOLNIR armor before the 5 was shield-less, it was however (and the newer versions still are) impervious to small arms fire, not the pistol small arms as the pistols used in the games are more like heavy pistols but the kind of pistols and small arms rebells would have easy access to though many got their hands on UNSC weapons as well. it would be the kind of guns civilians would be allowed to buy for personal protection. though it still would take damage from the heavier caliber UNSC weapons, some thing you have to take as game play reasons (like being shot in the foot can kill you, and shooting right in the chest does the same as shooting at the un armored joints)

Shields are weak to plasma because the shields work by sending an energy pulse at the target and stop it, its easy for it to do this to the small size of a bullet, but when plasma washes over an area it depletes more energy.

SPI armor would be a bad use for game play, it had no shields and only advantage it had was a weak camo.

The spartans of NOBLE were taken out of these large groups of spartans before they all died, they were turned over to the army by kurt and mendez to fight innies. (though I don't like this Idea thats what was claimed to have happened)

I don't get this "The only time you see another Spartan III is in the final level I forget the name but it's the one that you are buy yourself and fight till death."

Kat, Emile, Carter and Jun were all Spartan III's and the bodies at the end were randomly generated and are not there to signify the other spartan III but just in general how almost every spartan company (except alpha and beta) were completely wiped out on reach.

George is using mrk 5 (b) armor, most likely because he doesn't know about the (a) variant or was never given access to it because he is army and not marines. when Halsey says her armor she is wondering who screwed with her armor design.

SIII are wimps compared to SII's, even if given the same armor system SII's are stronger faster and smarter as well as better trained, look how George dwarfs the other SIII's and he isn't an overly large Spartan he is just average.

Mi Boys Dinner
09-25-2010, 11:25 PM
*cough cough* Mark VII *cough cough*

09-25-2010, 11:38 PM
Not enough in the matchmaking playlist (MLG, SWAT, SNIPERS, ACTION SACK ect)

09-25-2010, 11:57 PM
MLG ruined Halo...... Period if you don't agree it's because you were blinded by MLG.

MLG ruined Halo 3's fun factor by makin everyone and I mean every fucking one a BR whore. BR this and BR that. My BR is amazing. I can out BR you, 1v1 BR?

Arena suits my competitiveness just fine and I hope to never see an MLG playlist. Swat and Snipers on the other hand I want to see playlists for.

Although I do like how they have the current playlist set up.

09-26-2010, 12:11 AM
MLG ruined Halo...... Period if you don't agree it's because you were blinded by MLG.

MLG ruined Halo 3's fun factor by makin everyone and I mean every fucking one a BR whore. BR this and BR that. My BR is amazing. I can out BR you, 1v1 BR?

Arena suits my competitiveness just fine and I hope to never see an MLG playlist. Swat and Snipers on the other hand I want to see playlists for.

Although I do like how they have the current playlist set up.

Agreed so much.

Seriously, MLG is a plague in the video game industry. They've killed so many things that make a game even remotely fun.

09-26-2010, 12:23 AM
MLG ruined Halo...... Period if you don't agree it's because you were blinded by MLG.

MLG ruined Halo 3's fun factor by makin everyone and I mean every fucking one a BR whore. BR this and BR that. My BR is amazing. I can out BR you, 1v1 BR?

Arena suits my competitiveness just fine and I hope to never see an MLG playlist. Swat and Snipers on the other hand I want to see playlists for.

Although I do like how they have the current playlist set up.

If we don't agree it's because some people have a difference in opinion.

And also, those hopes of never seeing an MLG playlist will be dashed next month ;)

If MLG isn't fun for you, then just don't play it.

09-26-2010, 12:34 AM
If we don't agree it's because some people have a difference in opinion.

And also, those hopes of never seeing an MLG playlist will be dashed next month ;)

If MLG isn't fun for you, then just don't play it.

You don't get my point it ruined Halo 3...... I mean ruined it everyone and once again I mean every fucking one went ape shit crazy over the BR. I mean Halo 2 caught the begining of it, but thank god Halo 2 era ended before the damage was done. Halo was founded on a community that loved to have fun. MLG brought the era of people becoming douche bags, because they can out BR you. I never hated the BR until MLG rolled around.

It ruined those late nights of Halo 3 custom games. I mean they were still their but some way or another 1v1 BR battles would happen. Then came the abuse of all other weapons. (SMG, Pistol, etc.) The biggest thing that pissed me off was they brought back the Assault Rifle and the BR ran it straight into the ground because it was even better at CQC then the AR was.

I say FUCK MLG, I want it to go die it a fucking house fire in the middle of the Earth after drinking Anti-Freeze.

09-26-2010, 01:58 AM
Yeah, it's not really that we have a choice weather or not to play the set MLG playlist, it's more that MLG infects games. I went into MLG for a while, hated it, and left. I never played MLG in Halo 3 and agree compeltly with Eagle. All you ever heard about was either:
A. My BR
B. Wanna 1v1
C. Look at my BR
Or D. Something invovling the other team being scrubs. These video games are exactly like this community in fact. It's made for fun. F.U.N. Something almost no MLG player knows about. In fact, who was the people who wined, moaned, complained, and bitched about Halo Reach (mostly the DMR) the most? The MLGers. MLGs are like spolied little kids, they think there the shit, complain alot, and bitch even more when they don't get their way.

In other news. I agree with everything you listed there firey. EXCEPT, the first shielding technology actually originated from a Jackle's shield and was finalized using an elites shielding technology.

09-26-2010, 02:19 AM
Yeah, it's not really that we have a choice weather or not to play the set MLG playlist, it's more that MLG infects games. I went into MLG for a while, hated it, and left. I never played MLG in Halo 3 and agree compeltly with Eagle. All you ever heard about was either:
A. My BR
B. Wanna 1v1
C. Look at my BR
Or D. Something invovling the other team being scrubs. These video games are exactly like this community in fact. It's made for fun. F.U.N. Something almost no MLG player knows about. In fact, who was the people who wined, moaned, complained, and bitched about Halo Reach (mostly the DMR) the most? The MLGers. MLGs are like spolied little kids, they think there the shit, complain alot, and bitch even more when they don't get their way.

There were faaaar more "OMG BRING BAK BRS!" threads on B.net than there ever were on the MLG forums. In fact, the majority of MLG players welcome the DMR, since it's far less random than the BR.

09-26-2010, 02:30 AM
There were faaaar more "OMG BRING BAK BRS!" threads on B.net than there ever were on the MLG forums. In fact, the majority of MLG players welcome the DMR, since it's far less random than the BR.

This guy ^^^^^^^

I have been in games where MLG players are and they tell me all the time the DMR is garbage compared to the BR and they hate Bungie from removing.

09-26-2010, 03:10 AM
This guy ^^^^^^^

I have been in games where MLG players are and they tell me all the time the DMR is garbage compared to the BR and they hate Bungie from removing.

Most actual MLG fans aren't playing matchmaking, lol. They're all in customs 'til the new MLG playlist comes out.

09-26-2010, 04:04 AM
MLG ruins good things.

09-26-2010, 09:14 AM
...welcome the DMR, since it's far less random than the BR.

Fuckin' reticule bloom.
That shit is responsible for around half of my deaths. It's not that I can't dmr. I just shoot a lil bit to fast and it catches up to me.
But what am I supposed to do? Stop shooting?

09-26-2010, 09:34 AM
Fuckin' reticule bloom.
That shit is responsible for around half of my deaths. It's not that I can't dmr. I just shoot a lil bit to fast and it catches up to me.
But what am I supposed to do? Stop shooting?

Yes. Heaven forbid you need to not spam the trigger! I'm gotten into so many scenarios where it is DMR vs DMR. The other person just pulls the trigger as fast as possible, I time my shots to match the bloom. I win, everytime. I don't understand why everyone complains about it. Oh no! I have to actually take my shots!

"It's not that I can't DMR"

You know what that one line says to me? Tells me that your one of the people blinded by the BR bullshit from Halo 3. If your going to blame a little bit of weapon bloom(seriously it's such a small one), then go back to Halo 3. Don't let the door hit you on the way out.

09-26-2010, 09:40 AM
Yes. Heaven forbid you need to not spam the trigger! I'm gotten into so many scenarios where it is DMR vs DMR. The other person just pulls the trigger as fast as possible, I time my shots to match the bloom. I win, everytime. I don't understand why everyone complains about it. Oh no! I have to actually take my shots!

"It's not that I can't DMR"

You know what that one line says to me? Tells me that your one of the people blinded by the BR bullshit from Halo 3. If your going to blame a little bit of weapon bloom(seriously it's such a small one), then go back to Halo 3. Don't let the door hit you on the way out.

Wow, uh well I'm flattered that you care, really, but, lay off? I know I just need to time my shots, I'm working on it.

Fiery Grave
09-26-2010, 10:29 AM
Wow, uh well I'm flattered that you care, really, but, lay off? I know I just need to time my shots, I'm working on it.

He is trying to point out that you said " "It's not that I can't DMR" and then you said a little bit of weapon bloom grows on its self on you causing you to lose, which means you can't DMR because that is 80% of using the damn gun.

who else finds that the DMR is to accurate while trigger spamming? I find the even though the reticule is maxed in size its still shooting fairly accurate and give those trigger spammers a fairly good chance at still winning. I find only 1 - 2 shots out of a battle will be way off and the rest are fairly accurate.

09-26-2010, 10:36 AM
He is trying to point out that you said " "It's not that I can't DMR" and then you said a little bit of weapon bloom grows on its self on you causing you to lose, which means you can't DMR because that is 80% of using the damn gun.

who else finds that the DMR is to accurate while trigger spamming? I find the even though the reticule is maxed in size its still shooting fairly accurate and give those trigger spammers a fairly good chance at still winning. I find only 1 - 2 shots out of a battle will be way off and the rest are fairly accurate.

Depends on the range really. Short to Mid you can get away with it. Long? You have to time your bloom.

09-26-2010, 01:48 PM
Eagle...your a bk

09-26-2010, 03:36 PM
Eagle...your a bk

Fuck you, just fuck you! :nuke:

09-26-2010, 04:33 PM
Fuck you, just fuck you! :nuke:

..... o.O

09-26-2010, 05:20 PM
Hahaha eagle....

ANYWAYS, people clearly have different opinions on MLG which is fine. Just stop spamming this forum with the same recycled post. Its annoying. If you dont like MLG dont play it or talk of it, its quite simple actually.

zZ Dr K Zz
09-26-2010, 05:33 PM
MLG sucks.

09-26-2010, 05:59 PM
Fuck you, just fuck you! :nuke:


09-26-2010, 07:46 PM
Dr.K "MLG sucks."

Don't hate what you can't beat. =P Much love brah.

09-26-2010, 08:17 PM
*Face Palm*