View Full Version : 9/11

09-07-2011, 10:16 AM
When 9/11 happened I was only in kindergarten. But still every September 9 I watch the same video to honor the people that died and the families that were split apart. If you want to help honor those who died, post what you remember of that day and some way to help remember what happened for the ten year anniversary of this tragic day.


EriRi 1138
09-07-2011, 12:33 PM
Few days early sport.

09-07-2011, 01:14 PM
Few days early sport.

We can always just get the ball rolling on the issue, as for some Americans it tends to be a big issue.

09-07-2011, 02:19 PM
i was in 3rd grade, in new york helping my uncle move into his new house up near brooklyn... I heard a loud boom, couldnt see much... then my uncle whent inside and check the news (he was already living there for a few days, just we brought the last of his stuff)... we saw nothing at first, but about 5 min later the broadcaster changed to breaking news and showed the coverage on the WTC...

I had no idea wtf happened, but once i saw the second plane hit, i burst into tears...

Every year since iv looked at the facts of 9/11 and kinda studied them.... however... im not gonna get into this... lets just say, i dont trust our government anymore.

09-07-2011, 04:19 PM
Yes i know it's early, but I just wanted to go ahead and start the thread since i saw a 9/11 thing on tv

09-07-2011, 04:26 PM
lets just say, i dont trust our government anymore.

They don't force you to live here, you know.

09-07-2011, 04:50 PM
They don't force you to live here, you know.

yeah, your right... but i love seattle and its people... i just hate the government lol

09-07-2011, 04:55 PM
You hate something you don't fully understand.

Which is typical for all humanity.

09-07-2011, 05:41 PM
You hate something you don't fully understand.

Which is typical for all humanity.

while i don't believe that 9/11 was a conspiracy, i do believe our government is corrupt and there are some very good reasons to hate our government.

09-07-2011, 05:55 PM
Weather governement is/was/will always be corrupt or not, 9/11 was a tradegy. And it's never a few days early to morn the dead.

09-07-2011, 06:04 PM
I don't understand. We hardly ever morn the dead from the The kkk murders. Saint valentines day masacre. The earthquake in los Angeles. Hurricane katrina. There's so many events where lost a lot of innocent American lifes yet we just pass those up like nothing most of the time.

09-07-2011, 06:14 PM
I don't understand. We hardly ever morn the dead from the The kkk murders. Saint valentines day masacre. The earthquake in los Angeles. Hurricane katrina. There's so many events where lost a lot of innocent American lifes yet we just pass those up like nothing most of the time.

I think it is more in effect that America as a country was attacked for its ideals and its freedom that we all experience. We cannot control "natural events" and thus people blame science or religion for these things and do not mourn so heavily the loss of life.

As 9/11 was the only attack on the mainland USA in modern history (since WWII), it resonates so much so with the people of this country.

09-07-2011, 06:20 PM
I was in 2nd grade when 9/11 happened. I woke up at about 8 and got ready for school which starts at 9. My grandpa had the news on and I asked him what was happening. He told me that two planes had crashed into the Twin Towers in New York City. I was surprised but I didn't fully understand what was going on. I live on the west coast so by the time I had heard about it on the news, it was 11 am in New York. I went to school and all the kids were talking about it. Some even joking about it. I dont blame them for doing so, none of us really understood what was happening and what the cause and effect of all this would be. Our teacher tried to be calm and do her job, but all the kids were asking her questions about what was happening and she tried to explain to the best of her ability without over stepping her bounds as a second grade teacher. The day ended and I went home. The TV was still on and by this time, all the cameras where focused on the remains of the Twin Towers. I went to sleep thinking none of it. But as I grew older, I began to realize what happened that day. Every year I try to watch the Re-air of the 9/11 coverage that the news channels do. And it always hits me on how real it all is.

The thing that gets me the most every time is the jumpers. People throwing themselves out of windows because they can't breath in the smoky buildings.

That's my little story about 9/11.

Now lets try and keep this thread centered on 9/11 stories and remembering the people who lost their lives that day. I dont want to see any of this conspiracy bullshit.

09-07-2011, 06:25 PM
Not to mention none of those events(terrible as they all were) didn't have huge part bringing us into an almost ten year war on terrorism. Those events brought us closer together, however 9/11 brought us together, and pissed us off.

09-07-2011, 07:06 PM
i fully understand what Mede was saying however just like Gargoyle said:

Those events brought us closer together, however 9/11 brought us together, and pissed us off.

9/11 brought everyone together at that moment... people who didnt care were still watching. However when Katrina was happening only a select few cared, let alone it was a natural disaster...

Saints Valintines Day Massacure was a tragady... hell yes it was, but it was solved and it kinda was a dragged out sequesnce with Capone (not our Capone)... that also only affected a select few...

reason 9/11 is still a massive tragedy is because of how it was done, how it began, how it "ended", and the after-math... we may have been on a 10 year "War on Terrorism", but its not over, people still have questions....

My personal thoughts on 9/11 were created in either a post or blog one here many months ago, and im not gonna bring them here... so to sum this up...