View Full Version : Ninja finally...

09-08-2011, 11:31 PM
I finally got Firefox happy? I was able to clear up some room and download Aion and Firefox. I had went through my iTunes and deleted movies and music, I don't care about any more.

Oh shit sorry folks looks like I just got a error message from Aion saying I don't have enough room. Gotta uninstall Firefox. So suck it up untill next time *Smiley face*

09-08-2011, 11:49 PM
google chrome>>>>

09-08-2011, 11:52 PM
yea but I knew google was alot more memory lol anyway its IE9 for the time being...

09-09-2011, 03:24 PM
dude, a browser takes little room, Firefox takes about 38 MBs on this PC. You shouldn't have to delete music and movies to download a browser. 1 movie takes about 4 to 8 GBs.

09-09-2011, 03:31 PM
I just don't think you are well educated in computer basic.

09-09-2011, 03:34 PM
Ninja I know this might sound bad, but get rid of all of your hentai and you should be good...

09-09-2011, 05:56 PM
Ninja I know this might sound bad, but get rid of all of your hentai and you should be good...
Noooo! I can't do that... ANd as for I actually am educated I have taken courses that include 3DSMAX and other programs.. Thats if your reffering to me Aion took up from 20GB to 908MB soo yea and firefox with all its addons takes about or just more than that next time don't say I don't know my own computer silko.

09-11-2011, 12:10 AM
Ninja, if you know so much about computers then downloading and installing a internet browser shouldn't be that hard then.

Fiery Grave
09-11-2011, 12:37 AM
Noooo! I can't do that... ANd as for I actually am educated I have taken courses that include 3DSMAX and other programs.. Thats if your reffering to me Aion took up from 20GB to 908MB soo yea and firefox with all its addons takes about or just more than that next time don't say I don't know my own computer silko.

how many add on did you download? i had google chrome and firefox on the same comp and it took less than 50 MB..... also 3DS max is animation software..... it doesn't make you instantly educated in computers knowing how to use it.....

the fact you use IE9 shows that to begin with..... why not just remove IE9?

09-11-2011, 01:37 AM
Noooo! I can't do that... ANd as for I actually am educated I have taken courses that include 3DSMAX and other programs.. Thats if your reffering to me Aion took up from 20GB to 908MB soo yea and firefox with all its addons takes about or just more than that next time don't say I don't know my own computer silko.


being taught how to use one program doesn't mean you know anything about a computer itself, all it means is you know how to use that program.

google chrome and firefox take almost no space....... if you have 20GB of add-on's you must have like 10000 different ones.

google chrome takes up about 350 MB of data after adding everything (program files etc), that's nothing.

and as fiery said above, the fact that you allow yourself to even think about using internet explorer shows you do not know much about computers.

i am not trying to be a dick about your computer knowledge but IE is soooo bad.


just look at some of the graphs, they start on the second page of the article. (make sure too look at the graph and see if a larger score is better or a smaller score is better.)