View Full Version : Deadliest Warrio-Star Wars Edition--Wookie vs Ewok?

09-16-2011, 01:59 AM
Okay so I want to start my own little mini series of a deadliest warrior thing on FC.
-Today I began to wonder if an Ewok could beat/kill a Wookie?? Who do you think will win??? Let the debt begin, but keep this clean, no bashing on someones opinion. This is meant to be fun :)

*large in numbers
*live in tree tops
*primative weapons

*modern weapons
*large targets
*not cameoflauge with surroundings

09-16-2011, 02:08 AM
Thats like putting Big Foot against a midget...

09-16-2011, 02:38 AM
Ewoks... duh.... did you not see episode 6? lol

09-16-2011, 03:18 AM
OK if we just took a bunch of wookiees and a bunch of ewoks in a open field then yes Wookiees hands down. It depends on if they are on Kashyyyk-Wookiees or Endor-Ewoks.

Also lets clear some things:

Wookiees can be very stealthy in a woodland/forest, infact when the Mandalorians where going around conquering everything during the days of the Old Republic, they where worried if that Wookiees would use the trees in order to ambush and use hit and run attacks.

They are resourceful, they can make a spaceship out of wood!!

Sadly the Ewoks would get curb stomped in a straight out fight against a wookiee. Kashyyyk has never been completely conquered ever. It is almost impossible due to the massive forests. You would have to glass half the planet just to root out the furry bastards. The Ewoks would fall much fast due to the lack of tech. They caught the Imperial forces on Endor off guard and there were other very important factors that influenced the battle.

09-16-2011, 12:13 PM
.......Yea i would have to say Ewoks too bc they super cute, and cutiness can be a distraction method........BUT Wookies have it in with the jedis, until they were kill off by the clone troops, so i guess if the wookies want they could allied themselves with the jedis to use the force to get the ewoks Hmmmmm

09-16-2011, 03:09 PM
I'm sorry but if you pitted a Wookie against an Ewok the Wookie would beat the living hell out of the Ewok...

09-16-2011, 03:25 PM
I EAT EWOKS!!! In fact the wookies would use the first wake of ewoks as clubs to beat the rest of the ewoks into submission.... Sorry, no challenge, ewoks lose!lol...and then the balding wookies use them for toupees...

09-16-2011, 04:19 PM
We're over-thinking this. Wookie > Ewok. Common sense, people, common sense.


09-16-2011, 05:07 PM
We're over-thinking this. Wookie > Ewok. Common sense, people, common sense.


I respect your OPINION but something tells me that an Ewok would win!! I'll email deadliest warroir and submit this idea of a wookie vs ewok, (Doubt they'll do it but still never hurts to try) and we can get a professional stats.

09-16-2011, 05:33 PM
This is just a stupid question. Wookies would win. End of story.

More appropriate question: Stormtroopers vs Nazis?

09-16-2011, 05:51 PM
I respect your OPINION but something tells me that an Ewok would win!! I'll email deadliest warroir and submit this idea of a wookie vs ewok, (Doubt they'll do it but still never hurts to try) and we can get a professional stats.

Your lack of Star Wars knowledge disturbs me.

09-16-2011, 07:11 PM
Your lack of Star Wars knowledge disturbs me.

Well your lack in the force in me about my "lack of star wars knowledge" disturbs me greatly Youngling

Mi Boys Dinner
09-16-2011, 08:27 PM
This is just a stupid question. Wookies would win. End of story.

More appropriate question: Stormtroopers vs Nazis?


09-16-2011, 08:47 PM

Hitler won.

09-16-2011, 08:49 PM
.....................*fac epalm* thats all

09-16-2011, 09:55 PM
Ewoks have rocks. Wookies have Chewie.... I win.

09-16-2011, 10:04 PM
Hitler won.

Actually, I personally think Vader won that. But I'll admit that Hitler had some really good ones. Haha.

09-16-2011, 10:18 PM
Actually, I personally think Vader won that. But I'll admit that Hitler had some really good ones. Haha.

It's just every time Vader says "Everything you've done, I invented it." I always go, no ... no you didn't Vader.

Mi Boys Dinner
09-16-2011, 11:30 PM
I lol'ed at "Here step in my shower". I'm going to Hell. (Also, I've been watching shows about Hitler. ._.

But back on topic(I know right?), I believe that wookies would win due to sheer power. My opinion, deal with it.

Al Capone111
09-16-2011, 11:33 PM
This is just a stupid question. Wookies would win. End of story.

More appropriate question: Stormtroopers vs Nazis?


SuRroundeD By 1
09-16-2011, 11:43 PM
Vador obviously won that rap.

09-16-2011, 11:44 PM

Those Stormtroopers are using guns instead of blasters. This picture is irrelevant.