View Full Version : Dream Scene

Carpe Vexillum
09-19-2011, 04:49 PM
Does anyone have this? Or even know about it. I just figured out how to get Windows Dreamscene on my Win7 and a XP machine. I will share with you my findings =D!!!

First some history!!!

Windows Dreamscene was first and only implemented in Windows Vista Ultimate as an Extra Feature. Since no one really liked Vista, let alone got the Ultimate Package. This feature is rarely talked about. Now you may ask what did this awesome feature do? I'll tell you, it let you put looping or just video as your background! As you can imagine this would be pretty cool and with some examples below you can see the awesome it produces. I know there may be 3rd party apps which allow you to load a video to your desktop background, but this particular version was implemented by Microsoft. So I trust it more.

Dreamscene Enabler ::

(Hint: Once you run the program as an Admin, and click Enable. You right click a .WMV video file, and click 'set as desktop'.)
(Warning: I have noticed that with 'Youtube Downloader', when you convert the file to .WMV that Dreamscene encounters an encoding error. But I re-coded the .WMV file to .WMV in 'Any Video Converter' and it works just fine now. Yay for DOT!)


Carpe's Dreamscene Reference ::




09-19-2011, 05:27 PM
nvm... didnt run it as Admin lol

now its working... time to get the porn going

09-19-2011, 05:41 PM
how do you recode the files... i have my capture card recordings working fine, but what about the other stuff

09-19-2011, 07:48 PM
(3 comments in a row cuz http://i839.photobucket.com/albums/zz318/camelnicole/GIFs/like_a_boss.gif)<-------------------------
this is fuckin sweet dude... i somehow got mine to play ALL of the Battlefield 3 videos on my desktop right after each other lol.... l

Carpe Vexillum
09-20-2011, 12:12 AM
=p it is epic.