View Full Version : Some Crazy Stuff

09-20-2011, 12:06 AM
Some of you know and most of you don't that I played high school football for almost four years. In the 2009 season I placed top 10 ten in the Big 8 league in So Cal for most sacks and most prevented 3rd down conversions. Some other stuff too but Idk. Anyways last summer our coach became a total ass and started cutting players like crazy for stupid reasons a group of line men myself included skipped our hell week and got cut immediately. No shcolarship for me. Yay! -_- So I haven't been in the movement for 13 months. No running no lifting. Today I decided to finally break the rest and get back in to shape. I did Ten 50 yard sprints and fuuuuuucccccckkkkkkkkkk I almost passed out. The worst Expirience ever and I was alone. It took me 20 mins of breathing hard before I literally collapsed and passed out. When I finally woke up I went to the emergency room to see if I was alright. I had high blood pressure and I had fat beginning to clogue up my arteries. Really bad stuff. I am now over wait and its going to be a pain in the ass to get back into shape. So as a quick warning and suggestion if you are one of those active people be careful when slowing down or stopping the effects are drastic. I'm going to go get checked this weekend to see if anything else is wrong. I still want to play college football.

09-20-2011, 12:53 AM
Damn dude. that sucks. Hope it alll gets betta tho bra.

09-20-2011, 01:31 AM
Bro I feel you. I graduated in May and I had been playing football for 7 years bro. First year 7 yrs old, 2nd year 11 yrs old broke my collar bone and didn't play again until I was 13. Got to the Championship only to lose because the other team had 15 yr old high school kids who got cut for grades and went to play youth leagues. I then played all four years of High School and loved every minute of it. Won league champs my senior year and I got the pin for my jacket to prove it. Its Sept now I am in bad shape I went for a 10 mile hike with my uncle Saturday and my quads where dead today as I climbed up the stairs to go to class. I know how you feel bro

Captain Poder
09-20-2011, 01:37 AM
Football FTL, Basketball FTW

anyway..... i havent been able to do crunches or situps for 1 year and 6 months due to my 2 surgeries, but it will be a relief to be able to do them again after im fully recovered from surgery

09-20-2011, 01:40 AM
Football FTL, Basketball FTW

anyway..... i havent been able to do crunches or situps for 1 year and 6 months due to my 2 surgeries, but it will be a relief to be able to do them again after im fully recovered from surgery

Hey at least my sport isn't in a lock out anymore =P

09-20-2011, 07:58 AM
Fuck all yall bitches.

I'ma a pole-vaulter.

09-20-2011, 11:48 AM
Thats why you dont skip out on hell week

EriRi 1138
09-20-2011, 04:25 PM
Thats why you dont skip out on hell week

QFT. (Except my 'Hell Week' is three weeks of 12-hour-day marching band rehearsals)

But I won't get into which is harder, in fact no one should unless you've been involved in both Texas football and band and can speak from experience. I've only had to suffer through one of the two.

Fact is, as much as it sucks that you had to go to the ER, it pays off to use your discipline, especially the discipline you've learned here (that's right kids, back in the day, members of FC were disciplined!) to help apply it to things in real life, like going to your Hell week even though it's hell. You would have gotten some free moneyz. And that's always good.

Hope you can turn it around though man. Our fabled MedeDust can't just go down without a fight. REPRESENT.

09-20-2011, 05:06 PM
Joel i thought you played at USC homie. lol I hope you dont die niggz.

09-20-2011, 06:16 PM
Damn dude. that sucks. Hope it alll gets betta tho bra. Thanks man.
Bro I feel you. I graduated in May and I had been playing football for 7 years bro. First year 7 yrs old, 2nd year 11 yrs old broke my collar bone and didn't play again until I was 13. Got to the Championship only to lose because the other team had 15 yr old high school kids who got cut for grades and went to play youth leagues. I then played all four years of High School and loved every minute of it. Won league champs my senior year and I got the pin for my jacket to prove it. Its Sept now I am in bad shape I went for a 10 mile hike with my uncle Saturday and my quads where dead today as I climbed up the stairs to go to class. I know how you feel broPainful.
Football FTL, Basketball FTWanyway..... i havent been able to do crunches or situps for 1 year and 6 months due to my 2 surgeries, but it will be a relief to be able to do them again after im fully recovered from surgeryThat's allot different I chose to stop.
Thats why you dont skip out on hell weekLol so Ironic.
QFT. (Except my 'Hell Week' is three weeks of 12-hour-day marching band rehearsals)But I won't get into which is harder, in fact no one should unless you've been involved in both Texas football and band and can speak from experience. I've only had to suffer through one of the two. Fact is, as much as it sucks that you had to go to the ER, it pays off to use your discipline, especially the discipline you've learned here (that's right kids, back in the day, members of FC were disciplined!) to help apply it to things in real life, like going to your Hell week even though it's hell. You would have gotten some free moneyz. And that's always good.Hope you can turn it around though man. Our fabled MedeDust can't just go down without a fight. REPRESENT.I've always had high respect for the people that make it all the way in marching band. It seems like a real bitch.
Joel i thought you played at USC homie. lol I hope you dont die niggz.I thought you were black.

09-20-2011, 09:01 PM
know what you mean, used to run track in junior high and high school. cant run for shit anymore. plus could practically dunk a basketball back in those days, 24 now and can barely grab the rim. so now i cant jump or run for more than 10 feel lol j/k

09-20-2011, 11:22 PM
I feel your pain.

played 4 years of high school football and was getting looked at by a few schools for scholarships but i dislocated my knee and sprained my MCL twice during my senior season and completely ruined my chances.

I played D line, you?

09-20-2011, 11:54 PM
O-line for me Center

09-21-2011, 12:30 AM
I was D Line. Mostly DE

Captain Poder
09-21-2011, 12:30 AM
i play center in basketball, 6'8" FTW

09-21-2011, 12:33 AM
Chess player for now 6 years, shits intense

09-21-2011, 01:20 AM
i play center in basketball, 6'8" FTW

6'2" 245 lbs ;)

09-21-2011, 03:18 PM
I know what you mean to man, cept I never played sports really other then Pro Rec Soccer lol.

But yea up until 8 months ago I was the least bit in shape. Not necessarily fat or anything but just weak. Ran like a 12 min mile tops lol. Since enlisting for the marines I've been forcing my body into an athletic state... its been quite a bitch. But eh now I can run a 10min 1.5 mile. But damn its been work. All I can say is, thank God Almighty for the creation of the Camelback.

09-21-2011, 08:09 PM
6'2" 200lbs when I used to play Left Tackle and Trap Guard.

Now I'm 6'3.5" and 185lbs and I am the Drum Major for our 200 Member Marching Band. Lol.

09-21-2011, 09:15 PM
Dang, I had no idea so many people play or played football! Currently at the moment, I'm a Sophomore starting JV with a about 10 minutes of Varsity time under my belt;) Started JV all last year as a true freshman and hopefully I can get over my injury problems so I can start Varsity next year. 6'1", 220 lbs. and sadly I don't have the balls to say I'd call everyone who played D-Line out when they played and destroy them like I did the All-Stater when he thought he could jack me up on Punt Block. Alternating Tackle, Tight End when we play the Heavy-Sets.

Also an avid Basketball player. Would be playing in High School, but had to commit to one sport.

09-21-2011, 09:30 PM
But yea up until 8 months ago I was the least bit in shape. Not necessarily fat or anything but just weak. Ran like a 12 min mile tops lol. Since enlisting for the marines I've been forcing my body into an athletic state... its been quite a bitch. But eh now I can run a 10min 1.5 mile. But damn its been work. All I can say is, thank God Almighty for the creation of the Camelback.

used to easily run a 5min or less mile, now i don't even think i could last 5 min jogging lol

09-22-2011, 06:52 PM
6'2" 245 lbs ;)

nice, i was 6'2 275 and ran a 5.0 sec 40 yard dash before i hurt my knee but I lost most my speed after I hurt it.

09-23-2011, 05:08 PM
nice, i was 6'2 275 and ran a 5.0 sec 40 yard dash before i hurt my knee but I lost most my speed after I hurt it.

Quoted for Truth. Used to fastest in the entire district on both sides of the line, but jacked up my ankle, lost all the speed after that.

09-23-2011, 08:30 PM
To long for me to want to read...noth that I would anyway. Regardless, Dust; You are one of the 8-ish cool kids here.

Your still a fag by the way.