View Full Version : Occupy Wall Street.

10-04-2011, 01:36 PM
I just read a bunch of articles on Rolling Stone and I must say from what I hear of this I am quite happy except when I hear that police start arresting protesters. It's about time that the people of this country start recognizing where most of our problems come from!

The funny part is when I go to wikipedia about it, it turns out that it all started in Canada ^.^

Anyway for any of those who know about this please comment I want to hear your opinions!


10-04-2011, 01:41 PM
400 peaceful protesters arrested, pepper sprayed, and beaten to the ground? Yeah I'd say that's pretty unconstitutional.

10-04-2011, 01:47 PM
400 peaceful protesters arrested, pepper sprayed, and beaten to the ground? Yeah I'd say that's pretty unconstitutional.

If I was in New York right now you can bet your ass I'd be there!

10-04-2011, 01:48 PM
If I was in New York right now you can bet your ass I'd be there!

If I didn't have to be in college right now, I'd be there too. Only a two hour drive for me. Tax the shit out of the big money corporations, they're just walking over the government. Need to increase taxation for overseas corporations. Bring the jobs and factories home.

10-04-2011, 01:52 PM
If I didn't have to be in college right now, I'd be there too. Only a two hour drive for me. Tax the shit out of the big money corporations, they're just walking over the government. Need to increase taxation for overseas corporations. Bring the jobs and factories home.

They aren't walking over the government, they are paying the government to allow them to walk over them haha

This is by far the best document I have ever read.


10-05-2011, 08:49 AM
http://contract.rebuildthedream. com/?rc=rtd_home

This is in my sig, but I want it to go out to a wider range. Read it, it isn't long.

10-05-2011, 08:58 AM
Medicare for all probably wouldn't work/help. Just my opinion.

10-05-2011, 09:15 AM
Medicare for all probably wouldn't work/help. Just my opinion.

Donkey I love how your the only one besides me that seems to care about this....

As for Universal Medicare, it might or might not work. It's a great idea, but alot of great ideas don't work in reality. Does Mass. have universal state Medicare? We need to observe how it works at a state level before we decide to use it at the federal level.

WATCH! (http://current.com/shows/countdown/videos/occupy-wall-street-actor-and-activist-mark-ruffalo-shares-his-first-person-account-of-the-movement)


I would get a lol out of this.

10-05-2011, 04:49 PM
If the police tell you to do something, do it. If not, there's gonna be problems. Bunch of dumbasses, those who got arrested. Same goes to those who were bystanders and got arrested; chumps should've taken a different route to lunch or work.

Sure, it's pretty corrupt that the banking corporations paid a pretty sizable amount to the NYPD to ensure their involvement in "keeping the streets clean" and such. But what the hell do these protesters expect to accomplish by having this kind of stuff? It's the U.S.A, not Libya. Things are a little bit different here. It's called conventional political participation; get with it.

Hell, more power to you I guess. Good job bringing more attention to the subject, but it's all symbolic in the end. That's the way capitalism is.


10-05-2011, 05:33 PM
Politics? In MY FC?

How isn't this a flamewar yet?

10-05-2011, 06:06 PM
If the police tell you to do something, do it. If not, there's gonna be problems. Bunch of dumbasses, those who got arrested. Same goes to those who were bystanders and got arrested; chumps should've taken a different route to lunch or work.

Sure, it's pretty corrupt that the banking corporations paid a pretty sizable amount to the NYPD to ensure their involvement in "keeping the streets clean" and such. But what the hell do these protesters expect to accomplish by having this kind of stuff? It's the U.S.A, not Libya. Things are a little bit different here. It's called conventional political participation; get with it.

Hell, more power to you I guess. Good job bringing more attention to the subject, but it's all symbolic in the end. That's the way capitalism is.


Politicians won't fix a damn thing and if they do, they'll find some way to ruin it by leaving a loop hole. American politics are interesting, but the people behind them are nothing more then cheaters, liars, and bastards.

Besides it just so happens to be in the Declaration of Independence that founded this nation, that we as the people have the right to abolish a government if it isn't properly serving the people.

Sure this is capitalism, but the government has to draw the line somewhere. When I hear stories about how peoples jobs are being moved overseas that just shows me that America's fucked up Education system is finally kicking into effect and it won't change until our educational system goes into a total reform. The No Child Left Behind Act needs to be kicked to the curb, all it has done is hamper how we are taught. If a student can't keep up in class due to a real learning disability then he needs to be taught different. However if the kid is lazy? Then fuck him let him taste what he'll have the rest of his life.

10-05-2011, 06:28 PM
Go ahead overthrough the best long lasting government in history. I'll just live my life and let people live there's I got real problems to worry about.

10-05-2011, 06:48 PM
Go ahead overthrough the best long lasting government in history. I'll just live my life and let people live there's I got real problems to worry about.

People wouldn't over throw the government they would just fix the broken problems.

10-05-2011, 07:07 PM
People wouldn't over throw the government they would just fix the broken problems.That is impossible. Why? Basic cycles we will never be able understand. Problems create opposition, opposition create solutions, solutions create mistakes, mistakes creates knowledge, knowledge reveals more problems, then we start over.

10-05-2011, 07:22 PM
It's possible, anything is possible. It would have been said impossible for 13 small colonies to over throw the greatest military power in the world, but yet we did it. Whether we get politicians to start actually mending the problems or we as the people see the government as needing cleansing there isn't anything that we can't do.

Captain Poder
10-05-2011, 07:25 PM
Politicians won't fix a damn thing and if they do, they'll find some way to ruin it by leaving a loop hole. American politics are interesting, but the people behind them are nothing more then cheaters, liars, and bastards.

Besides it just so happens to be in the Declaration of Independence that founded this nation, that we as the people have the right to abolish a government if it isn't properly serving the people.

Sure this is capitalism, but the government has to draw the line somewhere. When I hear stories about how peoples jobs are being moved overseas that just shows me that America's fucked up Education system is finally kicking into effect and it won't change until our educational system goes into a total reform. The No Child Left Behind Act needs to be kicked to the curb, all it has done is hamper how we are taught. If a student can't keep up in class due to a real learning disability then he needs to be taught different. However if the kid is lazy? Then fuck him let him taste what he'll have the rest of his life.

when i was in high school, i had help with aspergers through my IEP. the Left behind act did nothing for me because i didnt get help until my junior year of high school.... my disability has been featured in articles across my school district.

for those that dont know my name, it is Zach Parker.... here is the article

article (http://www.psdschools.org/news/2011/05/rmhs-senior-zach-parker-advocates-himself-and-others-aspergers)

10-05-2011, 08:39 PM
Too much idealism.

It's not as simple as you think it is, Eagle. The Constitution/other founding documents are too general, and really don't do jack squat against underhand stuff, etc.

You want to start changing things around at the "Washington level?" Here's how you start (it's literally impossible and is nowhere as simple as I make it out to be. I'm actually missing stuff too).

1. Destroy the PAC/Interest group system.
2. Commit genocide on the lobbyists in this nation.
3. Get people to go to primaries and choose candidates with a good shot of voting out undesirable/corrupt incumbents.
4. Change term limits to single, extended periods of time so politicians are less concerned with re-election.
5. Lower the goddamn defense budget (of course, all my support goes to our troops. Just we're getting into wars we can't finish.)

There you go. Good luck.


10-05-2011, 08:41 PM
It's possible, anything is possible. It would have been said impossible for 13 small colonies to over throw the greatest military power in the world, but yet we did it. Whether we get politicians to start actually mending the problems or we as the people see the government as needing cleansing there isn't anything that we can't do.

Its a litttle bit more complex than that.

10-05-2011, 09:09 PM
If you want to be apart of politics there's a hell of allot more that you need to learn Eagle. Trust me.

10-05-2011, 09:25 PM
Tax the god forsaken rich people not the ones who are struggling to get by. Fucking corrupt people is what makes me want to get out of this fucking country.