View Full Version : Bullying.

10-06-2011, 01:18 PM
I know we've discussed this before, but for my school I am about to freak because of this whole laptop bag thing. They seem to care more about the laptops then things that truly matter such as stopping bullying. Now I'm not saying that the laptops aren't important, but as I said before they bought protective cases last year so they can be housed in non-padded bags. So logically we shouldn't have to use the bags unless we take our protective cases off.

Anyways from what I've seen in my school, the administration doesn't really do much to prevent bullying. Why? Well bullying isn't as simple as that one asshole in high school who picks on anyone smaller then him. Everyone bullies because lets face it, people like trying to be hardasses in front of their friends. So they try and insult someone to make themselves look cool, and in the real world it doesn't make them look cool, but at a highschool level it does. So when teachers or the administration say it doesn't make you look cool, they are only 50% right.

But then we come to teachers, I watch as teachers don't even give a shit when a student is bullied. They just look up and then right back down at whatever the hell they are doing. It happened to me, more then once. An entire group of kids would just make fun of me all over a stupid rumor, and the teacher never did a damn thing. In fact I wanted to move away from my school because of it, and when I told my friend about it he started threatening kids ^.^ That was always funny as hell to watch.

Since then of course I've learned to not let kids walk over me, and to brush shit off my shoulder because they are simply ignorant fucks who don't care to learn about someone before they go naming. Which I still do, but only for the sake of humor.

So the next time my Assistant Principle tries to give me a detention I want to just blow up on him, and tell him of all the things that the school should try and enforce and care more about. Starting with bullying.

EriRi 1138
10-06-2011, 03:43 PM
Um. How do laptop cases and bullying correlate. Am I missing something?

10-06-2011, 03:51 PM
Um. How do laptop cases and bullying correlate. Am I missing something?^This

10-06-2011, 03:55 PM
Um. How do laptop cases and bullying correlate. Am I missing something?

Well, the ratio of different laptops is directly related to the number of bullying cases annually by multiplying the number 20 against 4,521. Duh.


10-06-2011, 03:55 PM
Eagle is saying that the school adminastrators care more about the laptops rather then caring about the student body.

10-06-2011, 04:10 PM
I care about this, because I totally go to the same school as you do.

Oh wait...

10-06-2011, 04:40 PM
So much hatred towards this thread. -__- <sigh>

10-06-2011, 05:13 PM
Its whatever really. Look at all the bullies in the world. How many of them are successful later in life? Most aren't. Bullies never help things but in my point of view, it helps. I've seen many people bullied in my life and I've stood up for most of them. That causes the bull-ied to have more self esteem.

10-06-2011, 05:16 PM
Well, the ratio of different laptops is directly related to the number of bullying cases annually by multiplying the number 20 against 4,521. Duh.


Mind = Blown


10-06-2011, 05:19 PM
You know how people are always like "just ignore the bully cuz all he wants is a reaction". Well that doesnt work. Punching a bully in the jaw does. Know from experience. You just gotta find a way to get the kid to touch you first. Then its considered "self defense".

Choca Cola
10-06-2011, 05:22 PM
Sadly I can make the same laptop analogy, some things in life don't change unless solved directly. Like what RENEGADE says. :)

10-06-2011, 05:31 PM
Well on the bullying matter. I have been messed with from hell a back. At first I just ignore them, well that doesn't really work all too well. So I just decided to kick there asses. I been over 4 fights since the beginning of school this year, I sure hell get respect now.

10-06-2011, 11:04 PM
Static got it right gents, it isn't suppose to be a correlation.

EriRi 1138
10-07-2011, 11:32 PM
Then continue to work on your writing skills until the general consensus of readers understands the analogy lol.

Oh yeah, and don't take shit. Fight back, whether it's with your fist or your mind.

10-08-2011, 10:25 AM
Are we still in grade school? Bullying? Really?

10-08-2011, 11:56 AM
Eagle, work with poetry, it makes you a hell of a better thinker and writer.