View Full Version : army wartime transfers

10-14-2011, 05:47 PM
now i know that your not allowed to switch armies during a war, but what twitch said gave me a little inspiration.
what if wartime transfers were allowed, but the person(s) transferring could not participate in battles untill the war ended.

That way, it's much simpler for the people who want to switch armies and cut off ties with there old one immediately, and yet it still holds a fairly harsh penalty. it would let someone join another army if they want to switch because they like the people on the other side better or some other similar reason, yet it would prevent them from leaving like some might do. (at least untill the wars over.) this would keep them more involved in the community, without worry about one side gaining a sudden unfair advantage.

we could also allow them to switch back to there old army and participate, however if they switch back they cannot switch during the war again.

10-14-2011, 07:42 PM
I agree. But! There's a chance someone could be spying, and or could sneak their way into a battles.

10-14-2011, 07:54 PM
Can't really sneak their way in a battle unless they have a new gamertag and register on the forums as a different name. Spies are another thing though 0.o

10-14-2011, 08:19 PM
Can't really sneak their way in a battle unless they have a new gamertag and register on the forums as a different name. Spies are another thing though 0.o

this. that would be a part of the whole "no battles" thing. and i'm a bit rusty on transfer procedures but i don't think people are often given officer positions off the bat. although i'm not sure if you keep your rank or if it's an "your enlisted, but you'll probably be promoted easier." thing.

10-14-2011, 08:36 PM
The only Official part of transfer ATM is both FM's must give permission for it to happen. Nothing Official with regards to ranks/responsibilities, althoug most of the time it's based on a person's experience and army needs, all dependant on the FM/Officers.

10-16-2011, 02:10 PM
The only Official part of transfer ATM is both FM's must give permission for it to happen. Nothing Official with regards to ranks/responsibilities, althoug most of the time it's based on a person's experience and army needs, all dependant on the FM/Officers.

Ya you guys do realize that anyone can transfer as long as both FM's give the okay haha

There is not set limit on the transfers.

Good to know you guys are thinking though.