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View Full Version : Clan promotion

Insan3 ninj4
10-11-2010, 11:26 PM
As I believe strongly in the promotion of videos and other things on YouTube I think that all members of the clan should be looking for good videos of gameplay they have gotten or some good clips they have gotten as well to in the future have a community montage.

Now I think these should both be ongoing projects, Gameplays will always be uploaded to the clan channel and whatever promotional content will be uploaded as well.

Montages will be made once enough clips have been submitted and editors have been picked and clips have been recorded and yada yada.

Basically the core purpose of this post is to get two stickied posts in the ongoing projects sub-forum.

I would like one to be: Submit Gameplay clips
- This is where members will be able to submit clips by either uploading to their file share and telling me to upload or watching the video with me, which is more fun on my behalf.

The other would be: Submit Montage clips
- Here they would do the same as above except the clips would be recorded and sent to someone who has enough hard drive space to hold clips until a montage is produced.

This is just a rough little setup thing I would like to see, I could do it myself if I get the access to do it or someone else could do it on my behalf. More details are to follow.

~ Ninj4

10-13-2010, 01:09 PM
As I believe strongly in the promotion of videos and other things on YouTube I think that all members of the clan should be looking for good videos of gameplay they have gotten or some good clips they have gotten as well to in the future have a community montage.

Now I think these should both be ongoing projects, Gameplays will always be uploaded to the clan channel and whatever promotional content will be uploaded as well.

Montages will be made once enough clips have been submitted and editors have been picked and clips have been recorded and yada yada.

Basically the core purpose of this post is to get two stickied posts in the ongoing projects sub-forum.

I would like one to be: Submit Gameplay clips
- This is where members will be able to submit clips by either uploading to their file share and telling me to upload or watching the video with me, which is more fun on my behalf.

The other would be: Submit Montage clips
- Here they would do the same as above except the clips would be recorded and sent to someone who has enough hard drive space to hold clips until a montage is produced.

This is just a rough little setup thing I would like to see, I could do it myself if I get the access to do it or someone else could do it on my behalf. More details are to follow.

~ Ninj4

I agree about community montages, those usually attract alot of views and if we circulate them around we can use it as a good recruitment technique.

As for gameplays, I suppose so. Never hurts to have more videos.
When we get some more people or at least the roster done I'll put this up in the hub

10-13-2010, 03:19 PM
I don't know. Don't you guess think we'll be attracting the wrong crowd with montages and stuff like that. I mean this community is suppose to be about fun not skill. Idk, just my opinion I guess..

Insan3 ninj4
10-13-2010, 05:25 PM
Well to be honest, everyone who has added me has been a scrub. Just saying. There would most likely be not the best people joining. But I mean either way it will help the clan become bigger which is ALWAYS good.

10-14-2010, 07:14 PM
Well to be honest, everyone who has added me has been a scrub. Just saying. There would most likely be not the best people joining. But I mean either way it will help the clan become bigger which is ALWAYS good.

What gives you the right to call people scrubs? Lets keep the derogatory comments to yourself.

Insan3 ninj4
10-14-2010, 10:53 PM
Didn't know you guys were so sensitive around here. *Some lads who weren't the best at the game*

10-14-2010, 11:33 PM
Didn't know you guys were so sensitive around here. *Some lads who weren't the best at the game*

How many halo 3 50s do you have and in what playlists?

10-14-2010, 11:36 PM
*cough* Keep it clean *cough*

:rules: (hehe, these new smilies rock)

10-14-2010, 11:44 PM
*cough* Keep it clean *cough*

:rules: (hehe, these new smilies rock)

XD Thats an awesome smilly, im being friendly I promise. I mean no disrespect.

10-14-2010, 11:49 PM
How many halo 3 50s do you have and in what playlists?

Hush, Mr. "7(ish) 50's" :hammer:

10-14-2010, 11:54 PM
Hush, Mr. "7(ish) 50's" :hammer:

Actually its 14 because of the dbl exp weekend play lists like mythic brawl, legendary brawl and v-day dbz. =P <3 love you Kaz

Mi Boys Dinner
10-14-2010, 11:56 PM
Don't rub your 50's in my face. :(

10-14-2010, 11:56 PM
Actually its 14 because of the dbl exp weekend play lists like mythic brawl, legendary brawl and v-day dbz. =P <3 love you Kazzz

Lol, it looks like you fell asleep in the middle of saying my name xD <3

10-14-2010, 11:56 PM
i think that if there are some that think montages will attract the "wrong" kind of crowd and that this community truly is for fun which i believe to be true we should make funtages!

I dont see how they can be "wrong" by wanting to join our community that we want to be fun and AT THE SAME TIME competitive, if you ask me competitiveness in what makes things fun, but then again i am a competitive person.

10-15-2010, 12:00 AM
@ Toasta- Indeed
@ Dinner- Im not =( if you had given me your account i would have lone wolfed you a 50 in a couple hours.. <3
@ Kaz- yeah dude i carried on your "z" iny our name and thats what it made. lol

10-15-2010, 12:00 AM
if you ask me competitiveness is what makes things fun, but then again i am a competitive person.


Mi Boys Dinner
10-15-2010, 12:11 AM
Robby, I rather be safe. ;D

10-15-2010, 12:12 AM
Robby, I rather be safe. ;D

haha lol It would be safe with me. =P I have no use for your account. <3

Mi Boys Dinner
10-15-2010, 12:15 AM
Wear a condom. xD Ok, being off topic, soooooooooo.........


10-15-2010, 12:24 AM
Wear a condom. xD Ok, being off topic, soooooooooo.........


i love dinner, the person and the meal. mmmmmm.......

Mi Boys Dinner
10-15-2010, 12:25 AM

Insan3 ninj4
10-15-2010, 07:53 AM
Can still make a community montage, it doesn't have to be a skill montage it could be any kind of montage, just saying the possibilities have increased and are more readily available. As for 50's I only had 1 in slayer, but I got high in every playlist mostly by myself. That although is irrelevant to why I called them scrubs. Apposed to the MLG kids thinking they are the shit calling kids scrubs, I simply meant it in the way that they were little kids who weren't good at the game. So sorry to those who took offense to it.

10-15-2010, 08:02 AM
Can still make a community montage, it doesn't have to be a skill montage it could be any kind of montage, just saying the possibilities have increased and are more readily available. As for 50's I only had 1 in slayer, but I got high in every playlist mostly by myself. That although is irrelevant to why I called them scrubs. Apposed to the MLG kids thinking they are the shit calling kids scrubs, I simply meant it in the way that they were little kids who weren't good at the game. So sorry to those who took offense to it.

Don't worry about it Insan3 mostly everyone who has commented on this Topic has at least one 50 or at least a high 40 so you really didn't offend any of them. Just watch what you say in the future..some people get really touchy about there skill.
I think it would be a good idea for us to have at least one promotional video for the start of fcwars for reach.
Montage video might take a while because not everyone (with out a 50 in halo 3) will have good clips already.

Mi Boys Dinner
10-15-2010, 09:39 AM
In this community, we like to have fun. Why not make film funny game nights like Sean did in the past? :)

10-15-2010, 11:02 AM
I say we start pooling clips together. =) We can go half skill and half funny moments.

10-15-2010, 12:30 PM
Yeah we really do have to make some type of video for FC. Why don't we just do it all. I mean like everything out there. Make a Machinima, montages, achievement vids, funny shorts. I mean, we have a lot of potential for that shit.

10-15-2010, 03:44 PM
If you all recorded your own clips with the bungie minutes then you would have enough to make a promotional video without using a capture card and it would be great quality.

Insan3 ninj4
10-15-2010, 04:13 PM
Yes, back to the main reason this topic was made, to get other ORGANIZED topics made so if you have a clip, you can post you have one and your name will be added to a list where I will talk to you about recording. This can get done right now, it doesn't need to be in the future you can start right now.

ALSO I would like to say as a personal Channel promotion feature, I am uploading Daily videos of Epic fails and Epic wins. So if you have any and want them on the net send them to me and I will post them.

~ Ninja

10-26-2010, 09:13 PM
You guys ever seen the BFBC2 Squad Combat trailers? I'll make one of those for FC if I can get help. We just need to film like 30 seconds of live gameplay but it has to be good.

and I'll put it on Machinima.com