View Full Version : Does this make sense?

11-15-2011, 01:19 AM
Alright so I got into a religious debate with this one kid on facebook, and it boiled down to religion killing people. And we choose the Holocaust. Now mind you I've read a 500 page book on Hitlers life from birth to 1941. So I know why Hitler got all pissed at the Jews.... Which is basically because German-Jews signed the Treaty of Versailles ending the war (which Hitler loved to fight in war, gave him something to do because he failed at painting). The Treaty also stripped Germany of it's Armed Forces (I think it was aloud to keep a fraction of it's Navy) and ultimately was the cause of the German Depression because of the war debt it had to pay all of Europe. So Hitler losing his war, and then watching his country become a giant shithole really started hating the Jews because even though a few German-Jews signed the Treaty he blamed all of them.

Now here is where my arguments comes in that just because they were Jews wasn't the reason they were killed. Cause Hitler was fucking crazy, he really had no reason. He just flipped a switch and boom gas ovens were built.

Now tell if I'm wrong of it doesn't make sense, but based off of why Hitler began hating the Jews. Lets say the ones signing the Treaty were German-Blacks (even though there really weren't alot of blacks in Germany at the time, but for the sake of an argument). Then he would of been hell bent on killing all Black people instead of Jews......

11-15-2011, 01:54 AM
The fact that he went after the Jews for non-religious reasons is correct. Religion had nothing to do with it.

In fact, if I remember correctly, Hitler was an atheist, and also Stalin was. Therefore, if you are going to blame religion for wars, you can blame atheism for causing some of the worst people in history to kill millions. I'm pretty sure that takes the cake easily.

"Killing people" is a human thing, and has nothing to do with being religious or atheistic. Being religious doesn't make you 10% more likely to murder someone or something... That is just ignorant thinking.

The argument that religion causes wars or causes people to kill others is one of the most common arguments against religion, and also the most ignorant.

Every so-called "religious war" such as the Crusades or things along the lines of the Salem Witch Trials or Holocaust all have very little to do with religion. All of them, when you really learn about them and look at them, were caused by (1) stupid people doing stupid things or (2) powerful people becoming corrupt and taking advantage of other people. The fact that religion was involved is nothing more than a coincidence.

In reality, wars that were completely unrelated to religion happened ten times as often as ones related to religion, and have killed ten times the people.

11-15-2011, 01:57 AM
Thats what I was trying to say, and then he just started to say that I was using wikipedia. I've switched my views to being agnostic, because of he religious debates on here and other personal reasons. So I was trying to explain to him that being Agnostic is the more intelligent choice, because I've been Atheist and for many Atheist they feel like because they don't believe in God that they are always right and are ignorant to any other idea or fact.

11-15-2011, 10:16 AM
Eagle got into an argument oh my god That's never happened before.

The Nazis did kill black people in the camps... and the mentally disabled.... and gays.... a white americans in the country... and shit tons of chinease as well (mainly their Japanese Allies but still)

11-15-2011, 11:25 AM
Eagle got into an argument oh my god That's never happened before.

The Nazis did kill black people in the camps... and the mentally disabled.... and gays.... a white americans in the country... and shit tons of chinease as well (mainly their Japanese Allies but still)

I know, but the main thing was Jews and I was trying to show that even if they weren't Jews but a non-religious race of humans he would have killed them all. So religion isn't a factor.

11-15-2011, 11:35 AM
I know, but the main thing was Jews and I was trying to show that even if they weren't Jews but a non-religious race of humans he would have killed them all. So religion isn't a factor.

Or maybe it is. Hitler wasnt the first to target large groups of Jews.

11-15-2011, 11:45 AM
Or maybe it is. Hitler wasnt the first to target large groups of Jews.

Hitler did it because he was batshit crazy though, he picked a target because current events and snapped.

11-15-2011, 01:37 PM
This explains it all.... (http://www.mindistortion.tv/iwantyoursoul/?i_am=MADN3SS)

11-15-2011, 01:49 PM
Good to know you stole my soul.

Carpe Vexillum
11-15-2011, 02:13 PM

11-15-2011, 03:27 PM
Hitler went after the Jews because 1. He was extremely envious of their riches, even after the war, and 2. He needed a #1 enemy to rally the German people against. It had nothing to do with religion, he just despised the Jews and how they owned most of the wealth in Germany, even during the "dark days" between 1917 to 1931. Hitler united people and the Nazi party to go against the Jews, but he did also go after everyone else that wasn't full blood German and physically "normal"