View Full Version : Just some thoughts.

11-28-2011, 05:03 PM
So I've talked with quite a few members of this community and to my surprise. They agree with me..... This community is a slowly sinking ship, and unless we wake up to realize this then any hope of bailing out the water will be completely gone.

Which is sad because dedicated members like Mythonian try very hard to keep this place a float and it just isn’t working....

The problem I see is that we have become to complicated and haven’t expanded enough to balance the two out. I mean alot people have these great ideas, but we don’t have the administrative team to carry out such suggestions let alone properly follow through with the ones we have in place.

Spartan suggested simplicity, and I agree. We need to downscale how complex things are to something that is simple and fun for all. We need to run a war with just the basics, no fancy Army credit system none of that. Just a filled war-map and soldiers fighting over the battlefields that cover it.

Secondly we need to make battle-nights more fun, so we need to break-up “God Squads” even if they leave because of it. They need to be broken up and separated so that squads are built to over-all be equally skilled. Therefor when fighting on the battlefield the matches can be much fairer to all. Besides I’d rather have tons of close intense games rather then mostly over-kill wins....

Now onto bootcamps! Yay this is a very fun topic everyone loves to talk about, but I’ve never seen any of the issues from these topics permanently solved. I see a change for about a week and then back to the same old shit....

So here is what I propose, bootcamps for each Army are only to be ran twice a week. Either Army can pick set dates, they don’t have to be the same dates. Now all recruits are then referred to be a Role Played Letter from their recruiter saying the time and date of when their bootcamp will take place. If they cannot attend then they must attend the other bootcamp that week or wait till next week. (And yes I don’t care if they have to miss that battle-night, this is a war-sim not a pity party) Those bootcamps will hopefully at that time have more then one of two recruits and can be ran properly. That means you need to make them really question if they want to be in this community or not. Make them do up downs till their thumbs bleed, or make them run laps for an hour. I don’t care, as long as it isn’t. “Alright here are the rules, okay your done.” Those bootcamps are the reason why we have to create harsher rules, because people don’t respect the community if they aren’t given anything to respect.

Now lastly, we have the “core values” of this community.

Good’ol fun and respect! Whats that FC isn’t about fun and respect anymore? Your right it’s about rules, rules, and more rules. Ya know if respect can be taught we wouldn’t need rules..... Well respect can’t be taught it is earned, and I’m gonna flat out say it right now. 98% of the leadership in this community wants respect, but hasn’t done much to earn it. They think they just *poof* get respect with their shiny rank. Well odds are, if your in that rank and people don’t respect it’s because you didn’t earn it!

So leaders how about you earn, what you want by making sure this place runs properly and isn’t bending at it’s supports.

One last thing, lighten up on the rules! Stop flaunting them around whenever. We all know them, if we break them oh well. Then who ever broke them will get punished!

One last thing, I am putting this in open convo for one reason. So it won’t get closed after the WC feels it isn’t need to be discussed and also for my fellow community members to either side with me or disagree with me and tell me why or how.

11-28-2011, 05:14 PM
Biggest thing? Get us out of Peacetime! It's boring! =P We want WAR!

11-28-2011, 05:38 PM
There will never be such thing as Evenly skilled squads. The reason "God squads" are so good. Is cause they play togeather alot. On both Halo and other games. They know each others play style. Breaking up a god squad wont fix anything.

Nicholas Sapien
11-28-2011, 07:45 PM
in peacetime there is always low activity

11-28-2011, 07:56 PM
Eagle there are a lot of things in this that I would very much like to discuss with you one day, but i will get my main points out here.

First off I am torn in your idea about bootcamps. I LOVE the idea of making them set once or twice a week, and I would very much like to see that system implemented in both armies. But...as for the content of those bootcamps I can't agree with you or disagree. I see the point you are trying to make with "making their thumbs bleed", if we get new members to work to get into this community they will most likely work harder to to help the community out and not cause so many problems. Although, at the same time we need more members, we could always use more members. And some people that are recruited just want to play FOR FUN, not let some person they've never met make their thumbs bleed. I never spoke to Raz, but I have heard stories about how rediculous his bootcamps were back in the Halo 2 era. When I run bootcamps I do just explain the rules. But instead of making them do rediculous crap, I drill into their heads the two most important things I have learned in this community. 1.) RESPECT: I teach them to show respect to their enemy, this community was created to escape all of the assholes on xbox live. That is why we have rules such as no tea bagging, donkey punching, shooting corpses, etc... I also do teach them to respect their superior officers. Because these officers have done a lot for the community (some more than others), and they have dedicated hours of their life to their position. I do not agree with everything superior officers do as I have stated before. But there are different kinds of respect that I believe needs to be explained. Some respect needs to be given for the reasons I explained above. Officers, Respected members, Moderators, and most of all Forerunners. This kind of respect you do what they say because they told you to do it. The other kind of respect has more meaning. This respect is earned. If you earn others' respect they will follow you and do what you say not just because of the position you hold but because they trust you, that is the strongest and most important respect of all. Moving on...the other important thing I teach at bootcamps is 2.) HAVE FUN: I tell new recruits that this community is about meeting new people and having a good time playing a game we all love. I warn them that they will lose games, some games they may get trashed. But this community was founded on escaping the crap others give on xbox live, and to have fun.

I know that was a lot but I believe strongly in what I have said.
As for the "God Teams" if we were to break up friends they wouldn't have fun. There will always be "God Teams", the NFL has them, MLG has them, they are everywhere. The best we can do is to train and practice to become better than them. I am not scared of any BLUE alone or in a squad, I go in and give it my all. And I know my squad does the same.

11-28-2011, 07:59 PM
in peacetime there is always low activity

Not always.

Eagle you need to get your ass back into highcom. Guys you should take this into serious consideration. Ive been saying this a bunch for a while now! No one listens to me tho lol.

But seriously listen to this kid. ALL OF YOU. Hes one of the most dedicated members here. Guy knows his stuff.

11-28-2011, 09:18 PM
@ Nick and Donkey I specifically left out low activity be I understand why, but I have been here when games have come out and this place centered as a hub of conversation for those games. (We kinda broke into that with Skyrim) The problem with that it quite frankly, not many people use the forums for more then is what is needed or at all. I had this problem when I was the Colonel of REDD. No one ever got on the forums, unless they were my officers.

@ Unlucky You come from the era, of bootcamps being done terribly so you have never had an example. I myself had to go through a rather time consuming bootcamp done by Rengade of Funk. Remember the Arch on the beach on Last Resort? Ya me and my group of recruits had to run up and down it 20 times. If anyone in the process fell off or died, we had to start over. Funk would let us get to like 18 and then kill one of us.

To get into Nightwish RaZ ran everyone through his own personalized "bootcamp" of sorts. He talked for hours, and quite frankly was an asshole the entire bootcamp. We ran 5 laps, when we were finished and he lined us up. He told us his controller better not shake from someone firing at him after the game. Sure as shit, (where someone actually fired at him or not) his controller "shook" and we were running 10 more laps.

In this community we always try and compare this place to the military, we are far from it. However we can take certain aspects and mold them into this community. Bootcamps in the actual military, are mean't to break, beat, and train you into becoming a soldier fit for combat. Same goes for this place, bootcamp were originally hard and broke people into how this community can be. If someone can take 30 minutes of laps and up downs then the sorry bastard doesn't belong in this community.

We wouldn't be picking apart these teams, but slipping them into groups to play in different squads. If you have to ruin the fun for a few to improve the fun for many, well then so be it. (I personally believe that such teams are a major issue in this community, because you can't get away from MLG and such if you bring the MLG players and such in....) The whole issue of God-squads is another one of those issues, where people bring up topics on how to fix the issue and then nothing changes.

@ Funk I put in my application ages ago, but I really think the question on be being able to have the ability to prefer cake over pie really got me :D

11-29-2011, 12:16 AM

11-29-2011, 12:36 AM
I agree and support many of these points, simplicity is required!

We did a scheduled boot camp twice a week in BLUE Army for all of last war and it worked out great.

11-29-2011, 02:12 AM
I agree and support many of these points, simplicity is required!

We did a scheduled boot camp twice a week in BLUE Army for all of last war and it worked out great.

Good then lets see some change, agreeing and supporting never solved problems!

11-29-2011, 02:23 AM
I agree with the no credits idea. Honestly it is aimed at High Command and Officers. 90% of each army has no idea how the system works and people below the ranks of these two are never informed about the overall strategy with the credit system. "God Squads" shouldn't be split up (We aren't Communist). As for the simplicity of everything. I agree it should be simplified a bit, but the reason why this community is sinking is because of the members simple as that and I ultimately blame the MLG try hards who come into this community for competition and not the community itself.

11-29-2011, 03:06 AM
Ok eagle, you make a very valid point. And you are right, my bootcamp was very similar to the ones I conduct. And with your idea of boot camps it definatly weeds out the less interested gamers. In my introduction bootcamp the other recruits began dicking around, and continued to do so until the officers instructed them to stop or they would be kicked from the camp...now out of the other soldiers I went through bootcamp with I am the only one who is still active in FC.

Captain Poder
11-29-2011, 03:43 AM
we need to focus less on winning and skill and more on balance

11-29-2011, 09:45 AM
"God Squads" shouldn't be split up (We aren't Communist). As for the simplicity of everything. I agree it should be simplified a bit, but the reason why this community is sinking is because of the members simple as that and I ultimately blame the MLG try hards who come into this community for competition and not the community itself.

It isn't being communist, it's paving the way to allow more people to have fun. If we have to remove specific people from the community to do so then so be it.... I'd rather piss a couple people off and create a fun environment, then sit back and allow these people to stay here and bog down the fun for others.

Unlucky you've got a lot to learn about the past of this community and how thing used to be run. I still have much to learn myself, but with what I currently know I can help younger members such as yourself aspire to become the next in line leaders of this place.

@Poder. Thank you for saying what I said, just again.....

Captain Poder
11-29-2011, 10:00 AM
i was just simplifying it :)

11-29-2011, 10:10 AM
Either way, should we stricken up our policy? One way I like is that if each Recruit had to have a Sponsor with them in order to join, and they had a one week probation period where the Sponsor would have to teach them the ropes and make SURE the Recruit understands the policiies of Forerunner Conflict. Then, we run one of the two weekly bootcamps for the Recruit.

11-29-2011, 10:57 AM
It isn't stricken up our policy, it's just resorting to the old ways that always worked. This isn't a policy, it's simply how things should be. As for the Sponsor idea, that is already the role of the squad leader.

11-29-2011, 12:31 PM
This community has always had God Squads. As long as if there is an equivalent squad or at least close in skill on the other army it is fine. We haven't had a problem with stacking yet. And my point about the MLG try hards are they make up a BIG portion of our community. The only thing they have to offer to this community is their skill. Most of them mute their mics opponents during the battle night lobbies which is the ONLY time they have a chance to talk to the opposing army because most of them don't even go on the forums. THAT is not what this community is about. We have had GREAT players before but they were here for the COMMUNITY not just Halo.

11-29-2011, 12:39 PM
This community has always had God Squads. As long as if there is an equivalent squad or at least close in skill on the other army it is fine. We haven't had a problem with stacking yet. And my point about the MLG try hards are they make up a BIG portion of our community. The only thing they have to offer to this community is their skill. Most of them mute their mics opponents during the battle night lobbies which is the ONLY time they have a chance to talk to the opposing army because most of them don't even go on the forums. THAT is not what this community is about. We have had GREAT players before but they were here for the COMMUNITY not just Halo.

Here is the problem with "god-squads" even if they have a balanced squad to play against in the opposing Army, they get bored facing the same players over and over again. So they want to play other squads, then here is where you have the problems. Because no one wants to play a game where they go in knowing they don't stand a chance, and come out having their asses handed to them. Stacking has been resolved for the time being, but as new leadership steps up old issues will arise again....

So if you section up those "god-squads" and move them around everything becomes more balanced. Those MLG try-hards are a major problem with this community you are spot on and will not deny that. Only people still recruit in these MLG kids because they want to win....

Johnkilla had this plan for when he became FM or even as a general to bring in tons of MLG kids for BLUE and win the war that way...... People like him should be removed from this community immediately. (Thank god he fell off the face of the Earth)

11-29-2011, 12:55 PM
Ya'll a bunch of conformists.

Jk. I always said the system was to complicated. Even when I was FM, but Raz told me to shut up and deal with it. It is astoundingly to complicated for the community to work properly. Pick a fucking map and kill eachother for it. Simple

Ad for the administrative help. I've offered my hand countless times. I'm now not even in an army. Can I assist now? :)

Captain Poder
11-29-2011, 01:00 PM
then perhaps we develop a tier system for each squad, Bronze tier is composed of squads who win 30% of the time, Silver Tier is composed of sqauds who win 50% of the time and Gold tier is composed of squads who win 70% of the time. we could make it so a squad in Gold tier cant face a Bronze Tier but can face a Silver Tier or a Gold Tier. it would work the same way upwards as well, a Bronze cant face a Gold but can face a Silver or another Bronze. thoughts? opinions?

11-29-2011, 01:06 PM
Potatoes. Simple.

No but I feel this comunity is quite crap. I have debated leaving a few times. I think I will stick around just t osee what happens. We need a fresh clean slate. New rules, HighCom, and maps.

Captain Poder
11-29-2011, 01:09 PM
of course... potatoes are the key, they conduct electricity and can host our site.... its genius, now i have to kill elementary to get a patent for it. lol

11-29-2011, 01:09 PM
Eagle, don't disrespect people. It's not good.

As for the MLG-esque people, let them be. They aren't running the community, they're just here for fun like we are. You face tough challenges in your life, and you have to deal with it to overcome it. As a Squad Leader, you should be looking up to fighting them! Hit up matchmaking with your Squad and try to become better. Don't whine about it.

11-29-2011, 01:09 PM
Here is the problem with "god-squads" even if they have a balanced squad to play against in the opposing Army, they get bored facing the same players over and over again. So they want to play other squads, then here is where you have the problems. Because no one wants to play a game where they go in knowing they don't stand a chance, and come out having their asses handed to them. Stacking has been resolved for the time being, but as new leadership steps up old issues will arise again....

The ideal situation would be to split up the God Squads to make everything more fair. But you have to realize that they are also friends too, so splitting them up they will either refuse to and quit the wars or possibly join another squad and lose interest. There is a possibility that they will join another squad and just stick with it, but these God Squads are use to winning so unless they get stuck with another winnable team they may not enjoy playing in FC. If more people would expand their horizons in this community it would bring this community a lot closer. I am with you EAGLE in this idea, but I am skeptical about it working out. In my 4 years of this community I have not once been in God Squad, but above average and mediocre squads I would love the see more people who are skilled realize that you can have fun not playing with God Squads

11-29-2011, 01:25 PM
then perhaps we develop a tier system for each squad, Bronze tier is composed of squads who win 30% of the time, Silver Tier is composed of sqauds who win 50% of the time and Gold tier is composed of squads who win 70% of the time. we could make it so a squad in Gold tier cant face a Bronze Tier but can face a Silver Tier or a Gold Tier. it would work the same way upwards as well, a Bronze cant face a Gold but can face a Silver or another Bronze. thoughts? opinions?

That is simply masking the problem it isn't a solution, people don't want to constantly play the same squads over and over again it gets boring. I've thought about a system just like this in the past, but everytime I said no because it won't work.

@ Donkey. I've heard many people say you are to peaceful, you don't like making people upset or mad. You prefer a healthy compromise, which I respect. However during times like these, you can't and I stress can't keep everyone happy. We have to choose who we want to remain in this community and make sure they are well off, if it means losing a few members then so be it.

@ Blackhawk. Don't worry I'd be skeptical too, but doing such things would return this community to it's fun based mindset. It is currently in a win, win, win! Mindset.

back @ Poder. If we did put that plan into effect it would just circle around to people trying to win, they would want to be in the higher group of squads. That is not what we want right now.

Remember guys, if you truly believe in these changes you need to help out in the process. Don't just expect your HighCom and the WC to solve these issues. The things that I have laid out infront of you, have to be changed by the community not just a new section of the Accords.

11-29-2011, 01:27 PM
Should bring in more War-Sim feel. Call your Officers SIR. Have similar emblems. Interactive Armies, Army meetings regularly. Squads as a TEAM instead of just a get together on a Sunday. Thats what I used to enjoy back in the day.

11-29-2011, 01:36 PM
Should bring in more War-Sim feel. Call your Officers SIR. Have similar emblems. Interactive Armies, Army meetings regularly. Squads as a TEAM instead of just a get together on a Sunday. Thats what I used to enjoy back in the day.

That comes with the changes, because you know that I want that war-sim roleplay feel back in this place. We need to change this community back to when it just came down to getting away from MLG and Matchmaking and rather just having a good time every Sunday by kicking the shit out of the opposing army.

Scarekro Squad last war spent an entire fucking off, dancing in game and not being serious and they had a blast doing it. I mean when ever I play games with squads like VbD I notice the atmosphere is always about winning and it isn't fun. But when I play with Scarekro Squad and my friends we win games, and it isn't because were better. It just comes down to close intense games.

Our first game on Spire for the Beta War, me and ClearOrangeZero spent a good amount of time in game wondering how the hell we could get the BLUE flag back to our base without the carrier taking heavy fire. We figured it out and won the game that way.

Sanctuary oddball, I can honestly say REDD one with a bit of luck and a shit ton of frag grenades because if BLUE had the ball for a millisecond more they would have won the game.

This all comes with simplicity though, and simplicity is something that we don't have in this community.

11-29-2011, 02:03 PM
I dont see what vCash and the cR system has to do with blocking your fun. That doesn't make it so you can have fun in the games or not? Only stressful if you're an Officer or in HighComm.

And just because you don't have fun in serious game-play, doesn't mean they don't. To each their own.

11-29-2011, 02:18 PM
I dont see what vCash and the cR system has to do with blocking your fun. That doesn't make it so you can have fun in the games or not? Only stressful if you're an Officer or in HighComm.

And just because you don't have fun in serious game-play, doesn't mean they don't. To each their own.

No it's the simple fact that this community has become very complex and we haven't expanded enough to balance out those complex additions. Trust me I've been in HighCom and it gets very boring spending 2+ hours planning attacks..... Not to mention keeping track of your Army credits...... I actually stopped going to those meetings, because of how much I learned to hate it.

Its the simple fact that, this community is dying. So we need to cut back on what we do to save this place, if you haven't noticed. This is going on the second war and the War Council hasn't gotten any new members.....

To each their own, but how far does that go until we've broken the reason why this community was formed? The answer is, we've already gone to far. How many people come and stay in this community once they are recruited? Not very many, sure we get a few here and there, but about 70% of the members we recruit are never heard from again after their 1st battle-night. So why is that?

Captain Poder
11-29-2011, 02:24 PM
there is a difference between having fun and doing your job, id much rather sacrifice fun to do my job than suffer the aftermath of not doing my job and having fun

11-29-2011, 02:31 PM
there is a difference between having fun and doing your job, id much rather sacrifice fun to do my job than suffer the aftermath of not doing my job and having fun

And that is a problem.... This community I do believe was founded on the ideals of having fun, and sacrificing fun to do a job isn't something that should happen. Your job should be fun to you.

Captain Poder
11-29-2011, 02:42 PM
i sacrifice my fun in order for my army to have fun, i feel no shame in doing that.

11-29-2011, 02:47 PM
i sacrifice my fun in order for my army to have fun, i feel no shame in doing that.

But what fun do you sacrifice? Because when I was a General in REDD I gave up fun and my army still didn't have fun...

11-29-2011, 02:48 PM
No it's the simple fact that this community has become very complex and we haven't expanded enough to balance out those complex additions. Trust me I've been in HighCom and it gets very boring spending 2+ hours planning attacks..... Not to mention keeping track of your Army credits...... I actually stopped going to those meetings, because of how much I learned to hate it.

Its the simple fact that, this community is dying. So we need to cut back on what we do to save this place, if you haven't noticed. This is going on the second war and the War Council hasn't gotten any new members.....

To each their own, but how far does that go until we've broken the reason why this community was formed? The answer is, we've already gone to far. How many people come and stay in this community once they are recruited? Not very many, sure we get a few here and there, but about 70% of the members we recruit are never heard from again after their 1st battle-night. So why is that?

The CO is to blame if he loses the interest of the soldier. And not every member that starts out loving this place is going to stay after the first battle night. Maybe it isn't what they expected. Honestly, in REDD, so far there hasn't been many reasons for new recruits TO stay. There's no activities, no Squad practices, so if he hasn't seen anything of the community, and there currently isn't anything going on, why should he stay? Activity is what we're losing, we need more things to do. Become more interactive.

As for the cR and troop movements and everything, well then maybe that isn't for you. Maybe Colonel is your rank then, in charge of soldiers but not having to worry about the more important things. Max basically handled it all for BLUE, I was Lt. General and never had to deal with any of that stuff, so I can't offer anything from experience. But I agree, it should be toned down a bit. Make a simpler cR system so that we can still have the Risk feel of a real War, but not have the daunting task of keeping track of everything.

11-29-2011, 03:31 PM
Don't get me wrong I love the vCash system itself, but Army credits without and expanded administrative team is next to pointless. And I love the political aspect of this community it's really the only thing that has kept me here. I don't want to fight, but I want to keep this place alive and strong.

11-29-2011, 04:20 PM
No it's the simple fact that this community has become very complex and we haven't expanded enough to balance out those complex additions. Trust me I've been in HighCom and it gets very boring spending 2+ hours planning attacks..... Not to mention keeping track of your Army credits...... I actually stopped going to those meetings, because of how much I learned to hate it.

Its the simple fact that, this community is dying. So we need to cut back on what we do to save this place, if you haven't noticed. This is going on the second war and the War Council hasn't gotten any new members.....

To each their own, but how far does that go until we've broken the reason why this community was formed? The answer is, we've already gone to far. How many people come and stay in this community once they are recruited? Not very many, sure we get a few here and there, but about 70% of the members we recruit are never heard from again after their 1st battle-night. So why is that?

it definately is a problem that there's no activity. Not many people stay to get involved with the community after they see it's only like one battle a week and that's it. they'd rather go to smaller groups of friends that play daily. i'll be working more on that next war.

It's also extremely difficult to recruit in such a long peacetime.

recruit- so, what do you do?
Recruiter- well, right now? not much really...

Funk would let us get to like 18 and then kill one of us.


11-29-2011, 05:10 PM
To silver, thats not trolling, its agressively teaching lol.

Ok heres where i add in. I read the thread and no one got even close to mentioning it. You know what all of your problems are? Its the fact you guys feel this place needs constant improvements. You all have this mind set of "how can i make this place better?" Which in turn causes things to become more complex. Put it simply, you're fixing something that doesnt need to be fixed.

Hell, for example when i was field marshal attacking a map consisted of telling raz i wanted it and Dr Doom (Blues FM) telling me to fuck off its his map lol. I didnt have to go through woring about how many troops i had, stupid perks that angered my army's squad, or throwing maps to gain more fake e-money.

That being said, instead of thinking of improvements, think of ways to make it more simple. Our community prospered in H2 and H3ish because of simplicity. Sure a lot of you have awesome ideas but some of it is too much. For one we dont have the memberbase to support such things and if we did we dont have the dedication in the member base like we did. We do have lots of active members but none of them want to do shit.

And once again, ill be holding a "class" this weekend for anyone red or blue on how to do a boot camp PROPERLY. message me on here if you're interested.

11-29-2011, 05:45 PM
Yes cause if you dont make up bullshit things that do nothing then the Army could not function.

Idk, when the war happens, Im going to play to have fun. If that means driving a gunnerless hog into a group of soliders both blue and red killing them and my own teammates so be it. We'll laugh about it eventually. Then someone in high comand will tell Funk to yell at me and Funk will be like yeah sure whatever. Why cause we ran a bootcamp togeather<3

11-29-2011, 06:19 PM
1) No more recruiting from the MLG playlist or anyone that gets upset if they lost.

2) Be more strict in bootcamps... hell, i wasnt strict... however i wish i was, otherwise half the people i did bootcamp for wont be here.

3) If someone fails bootcamp, both sides need to be informed and delt with together.

4) MLG has come to run this area, and it shouldnt be... but sadly alot of us just let it go. Im kinda ignoring it since only a select few people are trying to stop it... for every 1 MLG player that isnt granted into a army, about 5 more are granted in.... so we stop 1, but we end up getting 5 because someone needed spots filled in their squad. That bring another issue:

5) Officers (and up) listin up please (i said please). You guys put alot of weight on people below you (aka: Fill this squad in 1 week, get your entire squad practicing, etc.) that causes people to take the easy way and recruit the wrong kind of people (MLG tryhards or just about anyone they find.)

Like for example, i found out how i was recruited and its not a good way to do so (sorry Nick). Like you need to find those good, fun and joyful players that you think that can laugh off at a lose or congradulate the enemy when you win... not sending a message to every person you played saying "Join Forerunner Conflict, we are a war-sim on Halo Reach where 2 armies fight for maps....." (alot more to that)... like sure that helps promote, but you never know if your recruiting the wrong kind of people, remember who you played and talk to them individually, not as a group, that way its 1v1 questions and communication.

If we can snap out of all of this im pretty sure this community would fix it self, but we need to help it by not doing these kinds of things that we are already doing... pointing out these problems is step 1, step 2 is preventing these things, step 3 is keeping it that way...

alot to ask, but should be done

11-29-2011, 06:25 PM
Gotta ask, whats wrong with having MLG-esque people again? And again, how are they running this place? I think you guys are replacing the word "MLG" with the word "skilled." There is a difference.

And I mass recruit like that, I play several games to fill up my recent players list, and then send them all message, excluding people I remember had betrayed for Sniper, etc. Then, I judge by their responses whether to respond back, and then Bootcamp separates the ones who deserve to be here or not.

11-29-2011, 06:39 PM
Gotta ask, whats wrong with having MLG-esque people again? And again, how are they running this place? I think you guys are replacing the word "MLG" with the word "skilled." There is a difference.

And I mass recruit like that, I play several games to fill up my recent players list, and then send them all message, excluding people I remember had betrayed for Sniper, etc. Then, I judge by their responses whether to respond back, and then Bootcamp separates the ones who deserve to be here or not.

Heres a prime example of "MLG players running this place"... remember my Dark Rain? we were basic players untill ShineBlind, iRomel, and Adeltafunction came in (i found them in Team Slayer)... later to find they play MLG ALOT and bitch when things dont got their way (mainly Shine, Delta and Romel were quiet)... but when you give them a power (like i did with Shine), everything changes... my squad was built for fun and meeting new people... but once Shine became my 2nd in Charge, he did things his way. Some were benificial, but not all... they then worry about what "They" want, not the squad... Shine just wanted to win... i stripped his rank and within just seconds he applied for REDD, i told REDD you shouldt do it, you would regret it, but they did it anyways (i dont really blame REDD on it)... and now look, Shine is Permabanned...

Cockiness gets into everyone, but for those people who can seperate "fun" and "competitive play" from each other should be in this community, but those who cant and are only stuck in the mindset of "winning" shouldnt be allowed in this community, but we are allowing it... let alone some give power to people that really shouldnt deserve it (i relised that after i did it)...

thats what i mean by running...

11-29-2011, 06:55 PM
Then they get permabanned. They don't run it for long.

11-29-2011, 06:58 PM
I wish you guys would compile your issues in smaller paragraphs <.<
But this is what I see. (And no one take this the wrong way, it is in no way meant to be demeaning.) You guys talk too much about these problems. All I ever hear about is this problems. Eagle, if you spent as much time helping as you do typing, things might be better in your eyes. Rosa Parks never complained about white seat, she did something about it. Less discussing, more action. Now, I'll be the first to say with all that's going on for me now, I haven't contributed to REDD or this community as much as I would've liked, but I'm going to do something about some of this stuff. So here we go:
1. Squads are given to people who reflect leadership. Is this always the case? Very simply put, NO. But look what happens to those who don't deserve it, their squad gets either stripped or the leader is replaced. There is no way we can go into squads and justify if they have enough skill or not. Some people are better than you, big whoop. I'm not the best, but I can carry my own weight. Instead of demanding these "God squads" be dismissed, why don't you guys use that. Use a weakness, turn it into strength. There's going to be squads better and worse than yours. Regulating people based on their skill, shows that we put too much emphasis on skill. As a community, that looks bad on us. "We expect you to be respectful, mature, and somewhat skilled...just not too skilled" That doesn't sound right at all.

2. Bootcamps and how they are ran depends on the person that is running it. Personally, as long as all rules are explained and recruits were not troublesome, that is good enough. Bootcamps don't need to be this big, long huge deal. It is this community's test that we give to those who try to become one of us. And what about those we have schedule problems? "You can't make it to the scheduled bootcamp, looks like you're out" When I run bootcamps, I try to make it fit around the recruits' schedule, not mine.

3. If you guys have problems with specific people, hows 'bout telling people that. I've had people tell me of problems, and I've told people of my problems of others. This community is based around fun, and no one has the right to demand undeserved respect, but for the love of Jesus and Mary Jo's love farm, play nice? PWEEASE??

One of the aspects I have that others as well feel like are part of a reason why I'm a good leader is that I am truthful. Even if it is bad or good. But this is coming from me and me alone. I don't care what the hell you guys say. I don't really even bat an eyelash when a petition type thing like this is made. Leaders does/should not want words, but actions. You all have jurisdiction over something. Weather it's squad/platoons/companies/or the whole army. Use the jurisdiction you do have to make things better for yourselves. Ripple effect guys. If everyone focuses on their own situations, then there shouldn't be a lot of problems, if any. Frankly, I don't care if some of you guys don't understand the whole army credit system. It's not really your job and you guys put too much stress on yourselves for it. Worry about yourselves first, then your army, then your community. If you do things right, you'll find out that by helping yourself, you're bettering your army, which in turn betters the community as a whole.

Head my words of wisdom, for my hands are cramped and I can't feel my right kneecap.

11-29-2011, 07:16 PM
To silver, thats not trolling, its agressively teaching lol.

Ok heres where i add in. I read the thread and no one got even close to mentioning it. You know what all of your problems are? Its the fact you guys feel this place needs constant improvements. You all have this mind set of "how can i make this place better?" Which in turn causes things to become more complex. Put it simply, you're fixing something that doesnt need to be fixed.

Hell, for example when i was field marshal attacking a map consisted of telling raz i wanted it and Dr Doom (Blues FM) telling me to fuck off its his map lol. I didnt have to go through woring about how many troops i had, stupid perks that angered my army's squad, or throwing maps to gain more fake e-money.

That being said, instead of thinking of improvements, think of ways to make it more simple. Our community prospered in H2 and H3ish because of simplicity. Sure a lot of you have awesome ideas but some of it is too much. For one we dont have the memberbase to support such things and if we did we dont have the dedication in the member base like we did. We do have lots of active members but none of them want to do shit.

And once again, ill be holding a "class" this weekend for anyone red or blue on how to do a boot camp PROPERLY. message me on here if you're interested.

11-29-2011, 07:19 PM
Way to post the same reply Rengade. =)

11-29-2011, 07:20 PM
People need to read it, looks like it got dismissed to yell about mlg kids

11-29-2011, 07:55 PM
Garg I can't do what I want because I'm not in HighCom anymore. Everything that I have said can only be done by the War Council and not myself. I can't simplify this community, because it's currently not my place to do it.

The reason for having 2 set dates is to get one recruits into a single bootcamp, instead of having one recruit bootcamps all the time. Honestly that is the first sign of how terribly organized things are in this community. When I joined I was told when my bootcamp date would be, and if I couldn't attend then I would have to come at a later date. It made me feel like I was joining an actual military force.

Garg this isn't about fixing things, this about bringing this community back to it's roots.

11-29-2011, 08:01 PM
Eagle, now would be a great time for you to be a FM.

The number one thing is numbers. The ideal recruit is a well mannered, young person that is probably interested in military.
Thats the type of kid who will stay, which if you look at the butterfly effect, adds a TON of others, maybe even some like them.

They are rare though, its like a diamond in the rough. But you have to keep trying and trying and networking as much as possible, and it will happen.

11-29-2011, 08:02 PM
WHY DONT YOU GUYS JUST DO SOMETHING INSTEAD OF SITTING AROUND AND BS'ING. It's not that hard...really it isn't as hard as you guys are making it out to be. We started RvBR with 8 people on a random impulse to start up a new war community, and we let everything flow from that impulse. Just DO IT.

11-29-2011, 08:08 PM
WHY DONT YOU GUYS JUST DO SOMETHING INSTEAD OF SITTING AROUND AND BS'ING. It's not that hard...really it isn't as hard as you guys are making it out to be. We started RvBR with 8 people on a random impulse to start up a new war community, and we let everything flow from that impulse. Just DO IT.

In time Spartan, in time. These suggestions and opinions can't be enacted by people like myself right now. If I could do what I think is right then this place would be sitting pretty.

11-29-2011, 08:29 PM
No Offense Eagle, but you don't exactly know what the roots are. I don't even truly know what the roots were. You've only been here for a little over a year and even then you weren't exactly active. But what have you tried to do. I mean, really try. Not talk about, not bring up, not mention. Actually Do?

11-29-2011, 08:36 PM

11-29-2011, 08:40 PM
WHY DONT YOU GUYS JUST DO SOMETHING INSTEAD OF SITTING AROUND AND BS'ING. It's not that hard...really it isn't as hard as you guys are making it out to be. We started RvBR with 8 people on a random impulse to start up a new war community, and we let everything flow from that impulse. Just DO IT.

with todays kind of HCs, the suggestions get shot down fast and/or ignored... thats preventing from these kinds of "change"

11-29-2011, 08:41 PM

Okay Im done now. But I agree with pervious statments.

11-29-2011, 08:42 PM
No Offense Eagle, but you don't exactly know what the roots are. I don't even truly know what the roots were. You've only been here for a little over a year and even then you weren't exactly active. But what have you tried to do. I mean, really try. Not talk about, not bring up, not mention. Actually Do?

Hold on, let me go jump into HighCom real quick to do everything..... I've said it multiple times. The things I have said here can not be done by people such as myself. It's up to the War Council.....

And I do know the roots, because I've talked to members who used to be here during that time period.....

11-29-2011, 08:44 PM
2. Root

Slang, commonly used in Belfast, for an erect penis. Can also be used to describe someone that is particularly irritating

11-29-2011, 08:52 PM
God Heavy I <3 you....

So then why do you keep criticizing if you are unwilling to do things yourself? Eagle, you were in a position of command. It seems throughout history, you've had the most problems when you're not in some form of charge. You willing gave up your power and position within your army. You wanted to be a soldier. Saying that you're the answer to all of our problems doesn't solve shit. Dedicated, hard workers like Donkey, Unlucky, Sangheli, ghost(sorry for naming only redds, i don't know any blues and will not name anything you deserve your credit on), weather people love them or not, they're doing their part. It's easy to be on the sideline and point out issues, but it's another to get in there a patch 'em up yourself.

11-29-2011, 08:56 PM
2. Root

Slang, commonly used in Belfast, for an erect penis. Can also be used to describe someone that is particularly irritating

I have the weirdest boner right now.

In all truth. I wonder what would happen if you guys did FC like it was back in FC1/FC2 (My golden years in this community).

Everything seemed to run smoothly.
Except Spartan Camps.

Fuck Spartan Camps.

11-29-2011, 08:59 PM

11-29-2011, 09:07 PM
God Heavy I <3 you....

So then why do you keep criticizing if you are unwilling to do things yourself? Eagle, you were in a position of command. It seems throughout history, you've had the most problems when you're not in some form of charge. You willing gave up your power and position within your army. You wanted to be a soldier. Saying that you're the answer to all of our problems doesn't solve shit. Dedicated, hard workers like Donkey, Unlucky, Sangheli, ghost(sorry for naming only redds, i don't know any blues and will not name anything you deserve your credit on), weather people love them or not, they're doing their part. It's easy to be on the sideline and point out issues, but it's another to get in there a patch 'em up yourself.

I couldn't do anything under Ghost, honestly I even tried to do my job and then got yelled at for it.... and then got my rank revoked.

I wanted to be a soldier, because I couldn't do anything in my HighCom position.

Ontop of that, when we implemented all of these ideas. We planned on the community growing, that didn't happen.

This isn't about hard-working people Garg, your honestly missing the complete and total point of this entire topic.

On a side-note I already sent my application for BLUE's HighCom so I can infact make these simplifications happen.

11-29-2011, 09:17 PM
Alright whatever, you win. Imma go masturbate and talk to my girlfriend because im tired of argueing with you.

11-29-2011, 10:48 PM
Imma go masturbate and talk to my girlfriend

At the same time?

11-29-2011, 10:49 PM
Alright whatever, you win. Imma go masturbate and talk to my girlfriend be

cause im tired of argueing with you.

Lol you mean your e-girl? Gonna go F the shit outa er disc drive? Go get em tiger!

Well ima go do something productive for the first time in a while here. Got that 20 bucks for the site too.

For the first time (prob the last) in a while i agree with gargoyle. Time to stop endlessly bitching like occupy wallstreet and do sonething about it.

11-29-2011, 11:14 PM
Alright whatever, you win. Imma go masturbate and talk to my girlfriend because im tired of argueing with you. Do you have room for one more maybe?

11-29-2011, 11:17 PM
Do you have room for one more maybe?


Choca Cola
11-29-2011, 11:24 PM
*Gasp* finished reading, man you guys can post.

11-30-2011, 12:02 AM
with todays kind of HCs, the suggestions get shot down fast and/or ignored... thats preventing from these kinds of "change"

We don't ignore anything. Even if it is "shot down" or if we never post, we read it and consider it.

We've been working on simplifying and consolidating what we have for awhile, and hopefully it works out.

For those complaining about the Army Credits and such: I kept track of 99% of all of that for you guys... >.>

11-30-2011, 12:11 AM
^ Should try to talk to this guy sometime. Hes interesting ;D

11-30-2011, 12:11 AM
For those complaining about the Army Credits and such: I kept track of 99% of all of that for you guys... >.>

Ya I know haha thats why I try not to voice those arguments aggressively. I know you do all of that work...

Captain Poder
11-30-2011, 12:15 AM
If you need anything done theere is one robot with all the ramifactions to do so. his name is Skynet aka Mythonian