View Full Version : Why am I in BLUE?

01-01-2012, 12:24 PM
After the website got hacked I got put back in BLUE? Lots of Open Convo threads are gone...... I have got every pm I have sent and recieved again.
Did I mention Im in BLUE? Last time I checked Im in REDD. Site Last Night:

01-01-2012, 12:30 PM
Someone hacked us last night.

Probably pretty proud of himself, unfortnuatly for him all of are stuff was backed up and things are being placed back in order. Just pm Myth, he'll fix it...

01-01-2012, 12:30 PM
This is currently an issue as the website was reverted to a date one month ago. Therefore, any and all changes that occurred (such as people switching armies) has been completely lost.

In the name of togetherness and being respectful, please try not to disclose any information between armies as we try to fix this process.

A good way to help us figure out who is where is to post in the Peacetime Transfers topic in the Enlistment office so the administration team can get everyone where they need to be.

Thanks and sorry for the unforseeable inconvenience.

01-01-2012, 12:48 PM
Sorry, Max. But unforeseen isn't exactly what I was thinking. I thought something like this would happen...