View Full Version : Funny Jokes/one liners

01-05-2012, 12:45 AM
post as many funny jokes you can think of... come on... lets have some fun ;)

Dear McDonald's,

Thank you for not selling hot dogs.

Sincerely, I don't think I could order a super-sized McWeiner with a streight face.

"I wasn't that drunk!"
"Dude, you whent up to a smi-truck and whispered 'I know your secret... Optimus Prime"

Boy: "Why do you streighten your hair?"
Girl: "Because it makes it longer."
* days later*
Doctor: "So tell me again, how did you burn your penis?"

Teacher: "What is a dictator?"

apparently "a potato that looks like a penis" is not the right answer.... :clown::clown::clown::D:D :D

Mr Funktastiiic
01-05-2012, 01:02 PM
Me - You're that one sperm cell your mum should of swallowed

Me - You're a A star wank stain!

zZ Dr K Zz
01-05-2012, 08:48 PM
Harry Potter fell down a hill....

...JK Rowling!