View Full Version : You Stay Classy, Forerunner Conflict

01-09-2012, 08:56 PM
I was planning to delay this until the 15th of the month, when battles take place, but I have decided against it. I am retiring from a position of leadership in FC indefinitely. My reasons are my own; I have not revealed them to anyone else although a select group of people have known for at least two months that I was going to trade in a yellow username for a green one. You guys don't need me here anymore, and I'll leave it at that.

I've been here way too long. Some who joined before me or at the same time as me will outlive my stay here, but most of them have not. My cadre of friends has decreased from what used to be the entire community to a small band of brothers I am proud to have known over the years. At one time, I knew the name of every member and knew them personally. So many old buddies have come and gone; Loco, Sean, Sgt Omall3y, Raz, FreedomCleaner, Juggernaut, Snackman, the H2o bros, Larry Morris II, etc. Now, everyone here is a fresh face, and I can't keep up with the times. Believe it or not, I used to be a Private in Red Army. Back then, the aura of this place was radically different. It had a much more brotherly atmosphere, and the armies were at full strength duking it out every weekend. There was never a night where you had to wait for a match-up, and no one gave a flying fuck who they played because EVERYONE was like a best friend to each other with the exception of the few and the proud (AKA some stuck-up bastards I'm not going to name). I can say without a doubt that my best years here were as an enlisted man and as a junior/flag officer. I have always considered HighCom and the administrative team as a job and a duty (how corny of me to say that, I know) and in my opinion I never had any fun as a Field Marshal. I was always better in the #2 slot as a right-hand General anyways.

It's hard to believe how much everything has changed. I have watched it grow and transform into what it has become today, and honestly my feelings couldn't be more bittersweet. I failed my last year here to change what I thought needed changing and right some wrongs, and as a result I will have to live with my decisions.

But I digress. I don't have the stomach for long paragraphs of depressed rebellion like I used to, and I so leave messages of encouragement, humor and possibly angst to the following people.


EriRi 1138: Dad, all I ever wanted was for you to be proud of me. Sniff. In all honesty, I consider you one of my best buddies here and I raise a glass to continued XBL parties of Ahnuld quotes in the years to come. No one else I have learned more from in this community, hands down.

RetRdidMunkie: No one else I'd rather have beside me on a battle night. Period. Forsaken Battalion with you and Dalton as my XOs was fantastic. I hope you stick around here as long as possible (I know you're going to be a marine, so not much longer I suppose.) When you want to, you give some pretty damn good advice to the others. Other times, you're... well, you're retarded.

LocoCrazy: Bro. Skyrim. No more words need be said.

Dalton HD/NickBoehm/Deathhawk: Ah, my favored and prodigal son. My only regret is that in my opinion you never really made use of all the at FC potential I feel you have inside of you. Stay frosty, mah boy. We'll be in touch.

Rengade of Funk and DoctorKnight: You fucking idiots are always causing trouble. But you're my fucking idiots, whether you like being in slavery to me or not. Renegade, don't try to copy Coldest and flip any tanks over in Afghanarabia. Connor, visit a dentist. Both of you, stop drinking so much.

Mythonian: I'll be honest with you, I didn't like you at all when I first met you. Some of the things you did, and the officers who supported you, made me want to vomit at what we had become as leaders. I now see you as an invaluable Forerunner who will no doubt become the next great leader of this community, and I am glad to have called you a friend. What you do in the future, and how you do it, will easily shape how Forerunner Conflict turns out in later years. Keep your chill, Mythonian, and keep using that noggin of your's; those two things are your greatest assets.

SpartanBH: Whatever you do when I'm gone, just make sure you wash your hands afterwards.

EOD Eagle: I still remember you as that scrawny little bastard recruit who thought he was hot stuff until we brought you down a notch. I may be hard on you, but that is because I don't want you to repeat the same mistakes I made (many of which you have already consistently repeated, so I guess I failed there too). Don't let your emotions blind you, and be practical.

Cody/GhostHammer: I may not have always agreed with what you've done, but you're by the book, have a spine and you stick to your guns, and I respect you for that on a level higher than I do for most others here. Be flexible, brother, be flexible.

Rob Zombie/Crouton Agamemnon: Stop dying and coming back to life. Oh yeah, your new gamer tag is as queer as a football bat. Love ya, Mounty Joe. Keep that ego in check.

MedeDust: I want those fucking dog tags.


That's all I've got for addressing individual people; if I forgot you and you're a close buddy then I'm sorry. There are plenty of you guys I could write a message to, but that's just it: there's too many of you.

For all you new people: stick with what works! Don't feel like you need to change something just to make a difference here! Pay attention to what sensible veterans remain as well. They may shoot down your ideas, but it's because you're full of bullshit. Listen to guys like Donkey, Maxdoggy and Gargoyle, they're your best buddies and can help you with anything.

If a Field Marshal, Mythonian or Metkil could please change my user group to Respected Member, I'd much appreciate it.

Here's to hoping I return someday. Who am I kidding, of course I will! When you stay as long as I have, it's inevitable. But for now, I'm out. You stay classy, Forerunner Conflict.


01-09-2012, 09:00 PM
i'm pretty sure loco is still here somewhere...

you going to trade in your gold for green or is this a permabye?

^nevermind that part, missed that sentance.

you'll be remembered. (at least untill someone better comes along, at which point you will be forgotten :P)

01-09-2012, 09:01 PM
i'm pretty sure loco is still here somewhere...

you going to trade in your gold for green or is this a permabye?

Both. Gold for green, and then I'm gone for the longest time. #BillyJoel

I'll end up returning of course.... we always do. Just look at Raz.


01-09-2012, 09:05 PM
Best of luck to ya!

and welcome to green army!

01-09-2012, 09:07 PM
Ah, the day has come.

I respect everything you stand for and everything you have done for this community, Kuhblam.
It's always been a pleasure being around you, Desert Eagle/Gunslinger. Lol. Those were the names of yesteryear, but you will always be Blam Blam. :)

<3 Max

01-09-2012, 09:07 PM
Rengade of Funk and DoctorKnight: You fucking idiots are always causing trouble. But you're my fucking idiots, whether you like being in slavery to me or not. Renegade, don't try to copy Coldest and flip any tanks over in Afghanarabia. Connor, visit a dentist. Both of you, stop drinking so much.

This made my day, well played Blam.

You have made a good impact on FC and left your footprint in its history, I hope that your paths cross with FC's again in the near future.

01-09-2012, 09:21 PM
Today, part of Forerunner Conflict's soul has departed. Sad to see you go, Kuhblam. ='(

01-09-2012, 09:32 PM

You weren't the only one that hated me. I'm pretty sure that deep down, everybody hates me. But it's a love/hate relationship, so it's worth it.

Whenever you decide to come back, I'll still be that cynical bastard acting as the common enemy here, so you'll know where to find me.

(moved to Respected Member)

01-09-2012, 09:33 PM
Muahahaha You'll never have them!!!!! :'( You're gone??

01-09-2012, 09:46 PM
It's been great talking with you Kuhblam, I hope we can continue to talk over the coming months and that you can make sure that I do justice to the FC universe.

01-09-2012, 09:52 PM
kuhblam i salute you ! didnt know you well but i knew you were respected . peace bro

01-09-2012, 09:55 PM
I won't lie a shed a tear, just as I did when RaZ left. Kuhblam I knew you were always hard on me for a reason. (You have explained it many times, but my brain still won't let me understand it.) Without a doubt I'll look back one day and think "what the fuck was I thinking?"

The member that I respect the most is now in the respected members, even though there have been times where I have hated you more then I could imagine. If you've taught me one thing, it would be no matter what the job is. If your the only person that can do, then you have to do it.

My salute goes out to you, hopefully when you return it won't be to put out the fires ;p

EriRi 1138
01-09-2012, 09:58 PM
In order of the nicknames I have called you since you joined up until now;

-Still Gunslinger because iDesertEagle was a fucking stupid name

In all seriousness, I'm flattered I have been such an influence, and I want you to know I return the feeling. You have by far been my favorite soldier, officer, leader, and forerunner. I am legitimately proud to call you one of my own men. You have shown that you possess the best qualities of each and every great leader that this community has ever known, and you did so while remaining stern, fair, sensible, lighthearted, compassionate, respectful, and highly entertaining. You have my envy.

*salutes proudly*

01-09-2012, 10:00 PM
Alrightly Blam Blam, here's where I get Sensitive.

Kuhblam, you where the heart, soul, and glue of REDD when I joined. Every time the "Redd army curse" struck it's toll on the current FM, you jumped up and resumed FM activities. Not only that, you were a example to be followed by my generation of FC members and even today by the newest generation. You followed the rules, not friendship and you actually helped me realized what an officer really means.

And when you became a Forerunner, I was sad that you had to leave your army but I still knew that you'd continue to be that great example setting for all.

Although, truly the saddest part of this all, is the utter lack of Ron Burgundy quotes I'll no longer hear....

So by the power of Abraham Lincoln's corn cob pipe, have fun Blamers!

01-09-2012, 10:09 PM
Words can't express my gratitude for everything you have done, especially for R.E.D.D. You always were out rock, and picked up the slack, including mine at times. You're a gentleman, level headed and respectable, and I tip my hat to you Alfred. Thank you for being a steady hand at the helm during rough waters.

01-09-2012, 10:48 PM
I miss you...I miss your musk. I think we should get an apartment together.

zZ Dr K Zz
01-09-2012, 11:09 PM
Kuhblam's leaving?!


Someone hold me :(

01-09-2012, 11:21 PM
Kuhblam, I didn't get to know you all that well, but i'd have to be mentally retarded to not understand what you mean to FC. I wish you the best of luck.

01-09-2012, 11:24 PM
Well, I knew it was coming, but not this soon. But I knew exactly was the topic was about when I saw "Stay classy Forerunner conflict" in Open Convo.

Kuhblam, here's when I go gay on ya.

You were a damn awesome leader. I had a hell of a time serving under you in redd when you were just absolutely loving your time in field marshal. Hell, I even enjoyed it when i was running Bad Company and you kept putting squad after squad into it... Eventually making my dinky little recruit squad into a make shift battalion kept together by duct tape and popsicle sticks. And back in the day, when I still actively did shit and was on the forums in school on my phone probably more then Eagle does today, being under you as a general was awesome. Well Ima stop there before this gets way too fruity.

Lastly, this belongs here:


Stay classy, SpitFuck.

I'll be pouring a glass of mead in your honor.

01-10-2012, 12:09 AM
Kuhblam, you and i hardly saw eye to eye, however i always had respect for you... i knew your intentions and agreed to them (but hey i was BLUE, so of course i hated you :P)...

anyways, it sucks to see you walk away, but like you said "you will be back", we all come back at one point... its hard to walk away from something like this...

ill see you in the future, chances are ill still be here

stay frosty

01-10-2012, 12:17 AM
see ya bra. FORSAKEN FOREVER!!!

01-10-2012, 01:28 AM

Dalton HD/NickBoehm/Deathhawk: Ah, my favored and prodigal son. My only regret is that in my opinion you never really made use of all the at FC potential I feel you have inside of you. Stay frosty, mah boy. We'll be in touch.

Rengade of Funk and DoctorKnight: You fucking idiots are always causing trouble. But you're my fucking idiots, whether you like being in slavery to me or not. Renegade, don't try to copy Coldest and flip any tanks over in Afghanarabia. Connor, visit a dentist. Both of you, stop drinking so much.


Thanks Kuhblam. I agree, but the reasoning is because I decided to apply it to real life. And it's going to make me upwards of $15,000 in my bank, coming out of college. Which is how much my parents make in a year.
So know that you taught me to be a better, more driven person... while no one else was.

If there was one person in this community that I feel like I know, it's you. And I've met Doug in person. Three times.

During my time here, you were the biggest legacy. At least to me. The older vets always talk about Raz and all the other ancients. But for us H3 children, you're my Raz. I didn't even know Raz existed until after my first year here, in which you and Zetal were my primary correspondents.

Forsaken. It holds a warm special place in my heart, as does everybody's youngling years here. That's the FC magic.

I might cry :(

PS. In order to be cool I took a shot of Crown Royal Whiskey for you leaving. (but of course Doug outdid me with a glass. fgt.)
PSS. Hukkunah Mattata.

~Dalton HD

Mi Boys Dinner
01-10-2012, 02:20 AM
Someone tell me that I'm just having a nightmare.

01-10-2012, 02:54 AM
I hope to still game with you Kumblam (bam) haha....p.s. I don't get a special message? haha

Mr Funktastiiic
01-10-2012, 04:31 AM

<3 I do remember you joining though i think i was in FC about a week or two before you oh how much i have accomplished compared to you! You will be forever missed and never loved <3

01-10-2012, 07:44 AM
Sad to see you go kuhblam we always had some great time on halo 3 i always seen you as a great guy and a great leader. But i guess all people leave eventually i hope to see you comeback some time soon. Well best of luck to what ever you plan to do now. PS. Disappointing i didnt get my own paragraph lol.

Captain Poder
01-10-2012, 08:59 AM
the power of the green army is increasing, lol ... take care kuhblam

01-10-2012, 10:28 AM

At least he included you, ya fookin coont!

Now foight meh fer may fookin shoo lehces!

01-10-2012, 10:56 AM
At last, all members of our group have evacuated. Lol

Sad to hear tht FC lost the ducttape that held it together.

Also... I only pulled a jesus once.. ass hat.. I love you. <3 ttyl babe?

01-10-2012, 11:45 AM
Sad to hear tht FC lost the ducttape that held it together.

Hey! I'm still here :p

01-10-2012, 12:12 PM
Uuuuhhh... Alex... You were far from a member of this group.. no offense..

Loco, Eri, Munk, Kratos, Dr. K, Reconz, Renegade, Dalton.. I dont need continue, you get the gist of the group.. its easiest described as "FEAR"

01-10-2012, 12:13 PM
Ps...notice how I didn't put Cinnors name in there? Trollololol

EriRi 1138
01-10-2012, 12:15 PM
I think he meant that he considers himself duct tape, Robby 'ol boy.

01-10-2012, 12:32 PM
Hey! I'm still here :p I don't get it...

01-10-2012, 01:08 PM
Eagle aint ducttape... lol

01-10-2012, 04:48 PM
I love you guys. Too many encouraging, bordering on homosexual words for my brain to handle.


01-10-2012, 05:16 PM
I love you guys. Too many encouraging, bordering on homosexual words for my brain to handle.


Hear you loud and clear Mother Bird, *Sniff*. Fiesta Burrito, out, *Sniff*

01-10-2012, 05:20 PM
I love you guys. Too many encouraging, bordering on homosexual words for my brain to handle.


I find it hard to believe that you care that they're homosexual since you're hard 99% of the time. ;)

Mr Funktastiiic
01-10-2012, 05:26 PM
Ps...notice how I didn't put Cinnors name in there? Trollololol

I hate you somtimes :( AND ITS CONNOR!!

01-11-2012, 11:46 AM
I think he meant that he considers himself duct tape, Robby 'ol boy.

Thats exactly what I mean't.

Eagle aint ducttape... lol


As to Blam. I found this.

http://www.ragetrolling.com/var/resizes/Do%20Not%20Cry.jpg?m=1320 016783

01-11-2012, 11:57 AM
Thats exactly what I mean't.


As to Blam. I found this.

http://www.ragetrolling.com/var/resizes/Do%20Not%20Cry.jpg?m=1320 016783

Kuhblam is Nurse Joy... duh.

01-11-2012, 01:09 PM
Stay classy blam blam

Sgt Omall3y
02-06-2012, 02:34 AM
I havent necrod post since i came here but see ya gunslinger4079. Ill come back on xbl to rape you sometime

EriRi 1138
02-06-2012, 02:49 AM