View Full Version : Noble Team does not like you.

01-12-2012, 02:07 PM
www.bungie.net/Stats/Reach/CareerStats/enemies.aspx?player=Verbo tenDonkey

Scroll down to the bottom and check the stats =/

Guess they don't like replacements.

01-12-2012, 02:11 PM

EriRi 1138
01-12-2012, 02:54 PM

01-12-2012, 04:41 PM
Kat was driving right?

01-13-2012, 02:35 PM
you think you got it bad check out mine!

http://www.bungie.net/Stats/Reach/CareerStats/enemies.aspx?player=silko 10

2 deaths by marines

113 by Noble team and 1 death to a longsword pilot.

how in the fuck do you get killed by a longsword pilot????

01-13-2012, 04:19 PM
you think you got it bad check out mine!

http://www.bungie.net/Stats/Reach/CareerStats/enemies.aspx?player=silko 10

2 deaths by marines

113 by Noble team and 1 death to a longsword pilot.

how in the fuck do you get killed by a longsword pilot????

you think you got it bad, check out mine!

http://www.bungie.net/Stats/Reach/CareerStats/enemies.aspx?player=silve rsleek%2001

over 300 deaths by noble team, one by a marine, and 3 by pilots.

01-13-2012, 06:21 PM
Guys, 393 deaths by noble team, two by marines, two by pilots....

http://www.bungie.net/Stats/Reach/CareerStats/enemies.aspx?player=Salva nous

01-13-2012, 06:30 PM
I'm waiting for a ride alone in the Falcon or Pelican, and the Pilot to just bail over the water laughing. ONI must be up to something ... we need to investigate! Damn corrupted Officials!

01-14-2012, 03:23 AM
I swear the Reach AI is programed to secretly try and kill you. Kat proves so many women driving stereotypes its beyond redonkulous

01-14-2012, 03:53 AM
