View Full Version : LMAO! Fuckit im out.

01-17-2012, 01:15 AM
I ain't even played yet. But I can already tell this is gonna be just like FC has been the past few years. More problems with less solutions. I had hoped to maybe play a bit in between goin to college, but fuckit.

Until yall get yall act together, I dont see a point. I'll just go the way of the other vets.


I'll be back when yall can figure out FC is one community, not two communities (Redd and Blue) who happen to meet every week. That aint what this place is about.

01-17-2012, 01:17 AM

01-17-2012, 01:20 AM

Lil nigga, I done more for this place than you know. So until I even hear about anyone knowin a thing about you, Stay the fuck out of my topics.

01-17-2012, 01:21 AM

01-17-2012, 01:21 AM

01-17-2012, 01:22 AM
Moved to Respected Member.

It's a bit interesting to hear from Spartan that the armies used to be even more separate and would interact much less, but you're saying that the armies should be even closer together. {not being sarcastic, just intriguing}

QuiterNot appreciated...

01-17-2012, 01:23 AM
Damnit Munkie I wanted you to freak the fuck out on R.E.D.D. soldiers who weren't following orders and such -__- Oh well. I guess I'll see you, Funk, and Spartan on BF3. Your tormenting bastards.

01-17-2012, 01:24 AM
Moved to Respected Member.

It's a bit interesting to hear from Spartan that the armies used to be even more separate and would interact much less, but you're saying that the armies should be even closer together. {not being sarcastic, just intriguing}

Not appreciated...

Naw. Im sayin that ppl need to worry bout the good of the community, not just the good of they're own army.

I couldn't care less bout interaction between the two beyond that. its just it seem like emphasis last 3 wars has been on "Win, no matter wat" instead of "is this gonna work for everyone?"

01-17-2012, 01:25 AM
Damnit Munkie I wanted you to freak the fuck out on R.E.D.D. soldiers who weren't following orders and such -__- Oh well. I guess I'll see you, Funk, and Spartan on BF3. Your tormenting bastards.

I still can if I have time. Startin classes on Wednesday.

01-17-2012, 01:28 AM
Naw. Im sayin that ppl need to worry bout the good of the community, not just the good of they're own army.

I couldn't care less bout interaction between the two beyond that. its just it seem like emphasis last 3 wars has been on "Win, no matter wat" instead of "is this gonna work for everyone?"

Good call. If I recall correctly people would get transferred in RvBR if another army needed players. No ifs ands or butts.

01-17-2012, 01:34 AM
Good call. If I recall correctly people would get transferred in RvBR if another army needed players. No ifs ands or butts.
Exactly. But the last few years had the same problems but nobody would solve them. Its up to the news kids. But if they ignorant as silko, I ain't got much faith anymore.

01-17-2012, 02:16 AM
Munkie, I dont know you really and you don't know me. We maybe talked once or twice in a party but You are a quiter, how about instead of moaning and complaining you actually do something. Because so far, you have just been bit**ing and that will get you no where, not even in real life my friend.

01-17-2012, 02:17 AM
Static...you dun goofed.

01-17-2012, 02:18 AM
Munkie, I dont know you really and you don't know me. We maybe talked once or twice in a party but You are a quiter, how about instead of moaning and complaining you actually do something. Because so far, you have just been bit**ing and that will get you no where, not even in real life my friend.
I've been here for years, made changes, and made solutions. I made a name for myself.
I've done my work.

only time I've heard your name is kids talkin bout how much of a disease you are kid. GTFO.

01-17-2012, 02:19 AM
Before the community was definitely more together. We even took players from opposite sides of the army to try to make crap fair. This community definitely seems to be more about BLUE and REDD than FC.

01-17-2012, 02:19 AM
I ain't even played yet. But I can already tell this is gonna be just like FC has been the past few years. More problems with less solutions. I had hoped to maybe play a bit in between goin to college, but fuckit.

Until yall get yall act together, I dont see a point. I'll just go the way of the other vets.


I'll be back when yall can figure out FC is one community, not two communities (Redd and Blue) who happen to meet every week. That aint what this place is about.


01-17-2012, 02:21 AM
Munkie, I dont know you really and you don't know me. We maybe talked once or twice in a party but You are a quiter, how about instead of moaning and complaining you actually do something. Because so far, you have just been bit**ing and that will get you no where, not even in real life my friend.

Oh and static, your a piece of shit. Theres a reason why i tea bagged you as your Drill instructor in bootcamp and you lost your last life to another recruit. Shut up and get out of the retirment thread ya bitch.

01-17-2012, 02:23 AM
Before the community was definitely more together. We even took players from opposite sides of the army to try to make crap fair. This community definitely seems to be more about BLUE and REDD than FC.

You do undestand that FC is the conflict between REDD and BLUE riteeee?

Also enough of this name calling bullshit. Static is entitled to his own opinion, this is open conversation.

01-17-2012, 02:24 AM
I've been here for years, made changes, and made solutions. I made a name for myself.
I've dkne my work.

only time I've heard your name is kids talkin bout how much of a disease you are kid. GTFO.

Ret, we have never talked, that I don't know anything about you to very likely my own misfortune. However, I may say that despite whatever claims of leaps and bounds you have made for this community our work, is never truly done despite if you have done 90% of this site's fundamental reconstruction, if the work still needs to be done, and you are capable of doing it, then if you care about the community you will continue to provide whatever assistance you can. I am not saying you should do more work, or even that it is right to ask more of those who have already committed so much to this already great community, but don't take blows against what you have worked to build up. Advise those who may seek your advise, and overall try to be a benefactor to this great place.

01-17-2012, 02:25 AM
Munkie, I dont know you really and you don't know me. We maybe talked once or twice in a party but You are a quiter, how about instead of moaning and complaining you actually do something. Because so far, you have just been bit**ing and that will get you no where, not even in real life my friend.

^ This kid....

To those of you who don't know.(because I know I sure as hell didn't when I first met Munkie.) I thought he was just another asshole in the community, which when I joined he kinda was. But he is one of those people who has done a lot more then most here to keep this place going and bettering the community.

I was ignorant enough to talk shit to vets when I was brand new, don't make the same mistake as I did.

He is not a quitter, in fact Munkie is moving on with his life. Just as all members of this community must do at some point.

So Static. STFU.

01-17-2012, 02:27 AM
Ret, we have never talked, that I don't know anything about you to very likely my own misfortune. However, I may say that despite whatever claims of leaps and bounds you have made for this community our work, is never truly done despite if you have done 90% of this site's fundamental reconstruction, if the work still needs to be done, and you are capable of doing it, then if you care about the community you will continue to provide whatever assistance you can. I am not saying you should do more work, or even that it is right to ask more of those who have already committed so much to this already great community, but don't take blows against what you have worked to build up. Advise those who may seek your advise, and overall try to be a benefactor to this great place.

Yea, except for the fact all us vets MASSIVELY contributed and now have LIVES to attend to. If it weren't for us you wouldnt have a little community to go to everyday.

Meanwhile, Munkie is tending to HIS DAUGHTER. So learn the facts first, read up on the vet thread and learn what we've done for 4+ years.

I'm out, this place is hopeless.

01-17-2012, 02:28 AM
Ret, we have never talked, that I don't know anything about you to very likely my own misfortune. However, I may say that despite whatever claims of leaps and bounds you have made for this community our work, is never truly done despite if you have done 90% of this site's fundamental reconstruction, if the work still needs to be done, and you are capable of doing it, then if you care about the community you will continue to provide whatever assistance you can. I am not saying you should do more work, or even that it is right to ask more of those who have already committed so much to this already great community, but don't take blows against what you have worked to build up. Advise those who may seek your advise, and overall try to be a benefactor to this great place.

For those who won't try to attack me, I will help

And, I'm noticing a lot of you convieniently fogot to notice that I'm going to college, and don't have a shitload of time to babysit.
Call me a quitter for deciding not to spend my limited time here, when you guys refuse to take the steps to help it?
Call me a quitter, I call you ignorant

01-17-2012, 02:29 AM
You'll be back. Look I haven't been apart of an army for years.

But I still provide input and feedback when I can.

01-17-2012, 02:30 AM
You'll be back. Look I haven't been apart of an army for years.

But I still provide input and feedback when I can.

I'm in no way leaving FC. I'm just not playing anymore. The fun has been sucked out.

01-17-2012, 02:30 AM
You do undestand that FC is the conflict between REDD and BLUE riteeee?
Yes but that doesn't mean I should hate the opposing army and their opinions are meaningless. Before you actually made friends on both sides of the army, but when it became war time it was best luck to the better team.

01-17-2012, 02:35 AM
Yea, except for the fact all us vets MASSIVELY contributed and now have LIVES to attend to. If it weren't for us you wouldnt have a little community to go to everyday.

Meanwhile, Munkie is tending to HIS DAUGHTER. So learn the facts first, read up on the vet thread and learn what we've done for 4+ years.

I'm out, this place is hopeless.

I didn't mean to offend you bud, I was simply trying to be sincere in my thoughts while showing I meant no ill will or wasn't respecting any of your opinions. I am new here, and I can tell you I still don't know exactly where to go for certain things, but I do know my way around communities and I am simply trying to help in whatever way I can.

And, I'm noticing a lot of you convieniently fogot to notice that I'm going to college, and don't have a shitload of time to babysit.
Call me a quitter for deciding not to spend my limited time here, when you guys refuse to take the steps to help it?
Call me a quitter, I call you ignorant

I am still very new here so I simply am unfamiliar with you, so my apologies. I am not calling you a quitter as I know fully well the constraints of life and wouldn't ask you to put the site above it. I do hope that you will come back and that we have things in better order when you return, hope college goes well for you if I don't hear back from you.

01-17-2012, 02:37 AM
I didn't mean to offend you bud, I was simply trying to be sincere in my thoughts while showing I meant no ill will or wasn't respecting any of your opinions. I am new here, and I can tell you I still don't know exactly where to go for certain things, but I do know my way around communities and I am simply trying to help in whatever way I can.

I am still very new here so I simply am unfamiliar with you, so my apologies. I am not calling you a quitter as I know fully well the constraints of life and wouldn't ask you to put the site above it. I do hope that you will come back and that we have things in better order when you return, hope college goes well for you if I don't hear back from you.
No offence taken. I believe you're misguided, but you're hearts in the right place.

besides, it'd be obvious if I took offence...

01-17-2012, 02:43 AM
Salv, what you don't understand about us is that the guys wearing the green have seen this commmunity in its Golden Age, and Blue or Red, we all worked together and made it prosper. The FC you see today is far from that. FAR from that.

The reason all of us guys in Green are pissed is because it seems like no one listens to what we have to say. We've done more than you know to help this community, most of us have served our times as FM's including me and/or deserved it like munkie.

This community is dying. And no one listens to our pleas to fix the broken stuff after ALL the hard work and time put it. We have a right to be pissed and the right to explode, especially when our words aren't heard.

01-17-2012, 02:46 AM
Salv, what you don't understand about us is that the guys wearing the green have seen this commmunity in its Golden Age, and Blue or Red, we all worked together and made it prosper. The FC you see today is far from that. FAR from that.

The reason all of us guys in Green are pissed is because it seems like no one listens to what we have to say. We've done more than you know to help this community, most of us have served out times as FM's including me and/or deserved it like munkie.

This community is dying. And no one listens to our pleas to fix the broken stuff after ALL the hard work and time put it. We have a right to be pissed and the right to explode, especially when our words aren't heard.
For the love of god, this!

01-17-2012, 02:47 AM
The only reason it was a golden age was because I was 15 and didn't have to run an army, being enlisted was my golden age. I had nothing better to do than devote my time to RvBr, friends(who joined RVBR with me), and school(LMAO)

For many others this time will be there "golden age".

01-17-2012, 02:51 AM
The only reason it was a golden age was because I was 15 and didn't have to run an army, being enlisted was my golden age. I had nothing better to do than devote my time to RvBr, friends(who joined RVBR with me), and school(LMAO)

For many others this time will be there "golden age".
mine was being enlisted, and also running the army.

01-17-2012, 02:52 AM
I can understand when your words are unheard, I have been there and done that before and still tried to do whatever I could to be of assistance. If you want to kick and scream, if you want to fight back I am not stopping your from doing what you believe. You say this community is dying and maybe to you it might be, but whatever is occurring it is more accurate to call it "Change", if nothing more than the preservation of the site's health and to not alarm new members.

I know that I am not the person to talk to about any issues, and if I was I might say that is a big time problem, lol. What I can say though, is that if you are able to come back and respond the way you did with me, being sincere, wanting to talk things through, allow people to hear your perspective without your emotions messing with your speech and the other party being able to do the same you will very likely be able to come to some agreement, if not only an internal one.

01-17-2012, 02:56 AM
I can understand when your words are unheard, I have been there and done that before and still tried to do whatever I could to be of assistance. If you want to kick and scream, if you want to fight back I am not stopping your from doing what you believe. You say this community is dying and maybe to you it might be, but whatever is occurring it is more accurate to call it "Change", if nothing more than the preservation of the site's health and to not alarm new members.

I know that I am not the person to talk to about any issues, and if I was I might say that is a big time problem, lol. What I can say though, is that if you are able to come back and respond the way you did with me, being sincere, wanting to talk things through, allow people to hear your perspective without your emotions messing with your speech and the other party being able to do the same you will very likely be able to come to some agreement, if not only an internal one.
Don't let emotions affect my speech?! :-O

you obviously don't know me! Lol

01-17-2012, 03:01 AM
Don't let emotions affect my speech?! :-O

you obviously don't know me! Lol

I warned you I didn't.... >.>

But yeah, I would say after all the time I have spent pestering Myth about concepts, if you truly believe in the concept you think will provide more stability to the site, then talk to the Founders, the WC. If they will not hear you out try to talk with the community and try to get them see your point. I know I for example would love to hear exactly how you would change things, I may not agree with you but I would love to hear it. :)

01-17-2012, 03:03 AM
we just need to get you into a party with "the group". Too much to type.

I'm goin to bed.

01-17-2012, 03:04 AM
Alright, just send me a friend request some day and when we all have some time to talk I would love to hear what you have to say. :)

EriRi 1138
01-17-2012, 03:16 AM
Alright, i'm going to attempt to settle this.

Please bear with me as this will be a long post :/

Eagle admitting to being wrong about there being some kind of 'Vets vs New Kids' war. There never has been, and the rest of this post, btw, will be from a non-biased perspective.

A new member joins and has a good time for a week or so in his army, wins a couple battles, maybe gets promoted to corporal and has fun with a few new friends, he sees potential here. Then he realizes that there are topics on this forum that older members are posting in saying 'this place is dying, it's not as good as it was, i can't do this anymore, i'm out, sorry' and they think 'hey, wait a minute. I just got here and I love it here! I'm prepared to defend this place, i see so much potential! If we all just hold hands and sing things will get better, we just have to persevere!" and then they go forward and accuse the vets of being arrogant and biased towards their own glory days and accuse them of giving up when the going gets tough.

And the vets (myself included) may be wrong in saying "This place will never be as good as it was in Halo 2" because that isn't fair to the newer generation. We haven't even given them a shot in our own mind. But the truth is, Halo 2 was so enjoyable to us because OUR leaders (ex: Raz, Spartan, BlackDragonn, Micro, Meph etc) made it so great, and we appreciate them for creating that atmosphere for us.

And we did our damn best to recreate that feeling when we (people who joined in Halo 2) got a shot at leading during Halo 3, but it just wasn't the same, despite our hard work. Albiet, it was still really great, especially the first couple of wars, but it just wasn't as 'perfect' as Halo 2 was. And as the quality of the War Sim drops with each new Halo title, we continue to miss Halo 2 more and more simply because of how nostalgic it was.

And therein lies the problem. These relatively newer members, Eagle, Static, Silko, etc never got to see Halo 2. So when the vets say 'this place will never be like Halo 2' they become offended. After all, this is all they know, and in Eagle's case (a while ago), he took it as a personal attack against his generation, and wanted to fight back, and when you look at it from his side, it seems noble.

But the fact is, it wasn't. We are both in the wrong, older and newer members. It shouldn't be about which generation had the better warsim experience. It's not a competition; although there's nothing wrong with reminiscing about your history here, i.e. the Tales of the Veterans topic. That should be 100% fine. In 3 years, today's Enlisted can do the same thing. We've had our run.

What we all need to understand is that it's never going to be Halo 2 again. Not because it's the newer members fault, but because it's outdated. We can't go back in time to use that game any more. We have to stick with Reach and look forward to Halo 4 and hope that things will improve then.

That being said, the objective here isn't to try to make it Halo 2 again, because that is impossible. Instead, as a whole, we all need to make Reach the best 'Reach' it can be, so that today's enlisted can look back during Halo 6 and say 'Man, I sure do miss Reach. Those were our good 'ol days'. - Just like my old leaders did that for my generation when we had Halo 2.

By that time, current generation, you're going to get some newer kids bash you for reminiscing, and they will be wrong too, until you repeat to them everything I just told you.

I know this is long, bear with me. To restate myself,

Don't bash the vets for trying their hearts out to make this place as good as it was for Halo 2 and failing. Because we did fail. Because Halo 2 is gone. So when we lose our patience and say "this place is dying! Halo 2 was the best!", just realize that our hearts are breaking, because we have lost our days of glory. And I promise you behind each remark like that that the vets are saying whole heartedly, "We really did try to make this place as best we could for you, but we just can't make it like Halo 2."

And you, younger generation, need to take that hidden message, and appreciate it, not get upset at us. For we have done everything we could, made changes we saw were for the best (whether or not they are currently frowned or smiled upon), offered solutions that fixed potential problems, and tried to give you the same environment our leaders gave us, 5 years ago.

So when a vet retires, whether that be stops fighting, stops leading, or stops participating altogether, it's not because they chose not to fight the good fight. It's because they've done all they can do to shape this place for the next generation. They've hit their wall. And it'll differ between people as well. For me, I've done all I can do to lead and fight, but I still have time here and there to advice, like I am doing right now. Other people simply don't even have time to show up here any more, because, whether we want to accept it or not, we're getting old. Next year, I will have lived for two decades. That's cray-cray. College will only get more intensive and time-demanding as I continue (especially if I get my Bachelors of Fine Arts in Graphic Design ;) ).

That being said, please, don't call Munkie a 'quitter', for reasons mentioned before. Instead, no matter the circumstances or how well you knew him, say 'Thank you' to him. Thank him for literally giving his time to you to create a better tomorrow for you to look back on.

I'm really sorry that was so long, but there's just so many topics about this right now and it's been pent up in my head for a while.

Please take it to heart.

-EriRi 1138, joined 1/24/07

01-17-2012, 03:35 AM
EriRi's post

wow... that was really deep and it make 100% sence... i never thought about it like that...

also another way you know a vet isnt done with this community even though they say they are is that they dont have their account deleted... hell RaZ is still hidding here (waiting to hear him say something), Yehsus is back, Kuhblam is still gonna be around, Loco is still popping in and out every once in a while and a bunch of others...

EriRi i ask that you copy what you posted, make it a seperate thread, then get it posted on the main page... everyone needs to read that, its a serious eye opener... atleast it was for me

zZ Dr K Zz
01-17-2012, 03:38 AM
Extremely well said Eri.

I am very Nostalgiac for Halo 2 since that was the peak of my gaming experience that could never be toppled and I remember all the friends (as well as enemies) that I made while playing that game. Following up on MLG and just being obsessed about that game completely.

I did play in one war in Halo 3 (FC 2 I believe?) and it wasn't as enjoyable. It wasn't because of the people that I was playing with or how it was being run. It was because of the game, Halo 3, the MP was broken and felt clunky (I mean seriously, equipment?!, the fuck bungie).

I haven't participated in the wars in Halo: Reach yet, but I would love to, unfortunately I work on almost every Sunday so my activity in the wars would be bare minimum.

I would love to help REDD army out. Freelancer or something?

Again, Eri, I love you and that was poetic justice that you typed up there. Very well said, my dear friend :)

01-17-2012, 03:55 AM
Alright, i'm going to attempt to settle this.

Please bear with me as this will be a long post :/

Eagle admitting to being wrong about there being some kind of 'Vets vs New Kids' war. There never has been, and the rest of this post, btw, will be from a non-biased perspective.

A new member joins and has a good time for a week or so in his army, wins a couple battles, maybe gets promoted to corporal and has fun with a few new friends, he sees potential here. Then he realizes that there are topics on this forum that older members are posting in saying 'this place is dying, it's not as good as it was, i can't do this anymore, i'm out, sorry' and they think 'hey, wait a minute. I just got here and I love it here! I'm prepared to defend this place, i see so much potential! If we all just hold hands and sing things will get better, we just have to persevere!" and then they go forward and accuse the vets of being arrogant and biased towards their own glory days and accuse them of giving up when the going gets tough.

And the vets (myself included) may be wrong in saying "This place will never be as good as it was in Halo 2" because that isn't fair to the newer generation. We haven't even given them a shot in our own mind. But the truth is, Halo 2 was so enjoyable to us because OUR leaders (ex: Raz, Spartan, BlackDragonn, Micro, Meph etc) made it so great, and we appreciate them for creating that atmosphere for us.

And we did our damn best to recreate that feeling when we (people who joined in Halo 2) got a shot at leading during Halo 3, but it just wasn't the same, despite our hard work. Albiet, it was still really great, especially the first couple of wars, but it just wasn't as 'perfect' as Halo 2 was. And as the quality of the War Sim drops with each new Halo title, we continue to miss Halo 2 more and more simply because of how nostalgic it was.

And therein lies the problem. These relatively newer members, Eagle, Static, Silko, etc never got to see Halo 2. So when the vets say 'this place will never be like Halo 2' they become offended. After all, this is all they know, and in Eagle's case (a while ago), he took it as a personal attack against his generation, and wanted to fight back, and when you look at it from his side, it seems noble.

But the fact is, it wasn't. We are both in the wrong, older and newer members. It shouldn't be about which generation had the better warsim experience. It's not a competition; although there's nothing wrong with reminiscing about your history here, i.e. the Tales of the Veterans topic. That should be 100% fine. In 3 years, today's Enlisted can do the same thing. We've had our run.

What we all need to understand is that it's never going to be Halo 2 again. Not because it's the newer members fault, but because it's outdated. We can't go back in time to use that game any more. We have to stick with Reach and look forward to Halo 4 and hope that things will improve then.

That being said, the objective here isn't to try to make it Halo 2 again, because that is impossible. Instead, as a whole, we all need to make Reach the best 'Reach' it can be, so that today's enlisted can look back during Halo 6 and say 'Man, I sure do miss Reach. Those were our good 'ol days'. - Just like my old leaders did that for my generation when we had Halo 2.

By that time, current generation, you're going to get some newer kids bash you for reminiscing, and they will be wrong too, until you repeat to them everything I just told you.

I know this is long, bear with me. To restate myself,

Don't bash the vets for trying their hearts out to make this place as good as it was for Halo 2 and failing. Because we did fail. Because Halo 2 is gone. So when we lose our patience and say "this place is dying! Halo 2 was the best!", just realize that our hearts are breaking, because we have lost our days of glory. And I promise you behind each remark like that that the vets are saying whole heartedly, "We really did try to make this place as best we could for you, but we just can't make it like Halo 2."

And you, younger generation, need to take that hidden message, and appreciate it, not get upset at us. For we have done everything we could, made changes we saw were for the best (whether or not they are currently frowned or smiled upon), offered solutions that fixed potential problems, and tried to give you the same environment our leaders gave us, 5 years ago.

So when a vet retires, whether that be stops fighting, stops leading, or stops participating altogether, it's not because they chose not to fight the good fight. It's because they've done all they can do to shape this place for the next generation. They've hit their wall. And it'll differ between people as well. For me, I've done all I can do to lead and fight, but I still have time here and there to advice, like I am doing right now. Other people simply don't even have time to show up here any more, because, whether we want to accept it or not, we're getting old. Next year, I will have lived for two decades. That's cray-cray. College will only get more intensive and time-demanding as I continue (especially if I get my Bachelors of Fine Arts in Graphic Design ;) ).

That being said, please, don't call Munkie a 'quitter', for reasons mentioned before. Instead, no matter the circumstances or how well you knew him, say 'Thank you' to him. Thank him for literally giving his time to you to create a better tomorrow for you to look back on.

I'm really sorry that was so long, but there's just so many topics about this right now and it's been pent up in my head for a while.

Please take it to heart.

-EriRi 1138, joined 1/24/07

Well said.

01-17-2012, 04:06 AM
Alright, i'm going to attempt to settle this.

Please bear with me as this will be a long post :/

Eagle admitting to being wrong about there being some kind of 'Vets vs New Kids' war. There never has been, and the rest of this post, btw, will be from a non-biased perspective.

A new member joins and has a good time for a week or so in his army, wins a couple battles, maybe gets promoted to corporal and has fun with a few new friends, he sees potential here. Then he realizes that there are topics on this forum that older members are posting in saying 'this place is dying, it's not as good as it was, i can't do this anymore, i'm out, sorry' and they think 'hey, wait a minute. I just got here and I love it here! I'm prepared to defend this place, i see so much potential! If we all just hold hands and sing things will get better, we just have to persevere!" and then they go forward and accuse the vets of being arrogant and biased towards their own glory days and accuse them of giving up when the going gets tough.

And the vets (myself included) may be wrong in saying "This place will never be as good as it was in Halo 2" because that isn't fair to the newer generation. We haven't even given them a shot in our own mind. But the truth is, Halo 2 was so enjoyable to us because OUR leaders (ex: Raz, Spartan, BlackDragonn, Micro, Meph etc) made it so great, and we appreciate them for creating that atmosphere for us.

And we did our damn best to recreate that feeling when we (people who joined in Halo 2) got a shot at leading during Halo 3, but it just wasn't the same, despite our hard work. Albiet, it was still really great, especially the first couple of wars, but it just wasn't as 'perfect' as Halo 2 was. And as the quality of the War Sim drops with each new Halo title, we continue to miss Halo 2 more and more simply because of how nostalgic it was.

And therein lies the problem. These relatively newer members, Eagle, Static, Silko, etc never got to see Halo 2. So when the vets say 'this place will never be like Halo 2' they become offended. After all, this is all they know, and in Eagle's case (a while ago), he took it as a personal attack against his generation, and wanted to fight back, and when you look at it from his side, it seems noble.

But the fact is, it wasn't. We are both in the wrong, older and newer members. It shouldn't be about which generation had the better warsim experience. It's not a competition; although there's nothing wrong with reminiscing about your history here, i.e. the Tales of the Veterans topic. That should be 100% fine. In 3 years, today's Enlisted can do the same thing. We've had our run.

What we all need to understand is that it's never going to be Halo 2 again. Not because it's the newer members fault, but because it's outdated. We can't go back in time to use that game any more. We have to stick with Reach and look forward to Halo 4 and hope that things will improve then.

That being said, the objective here isn't to try to make it Halo 2 again, because that is impossible. Instead, as a whole, we all need to make Reach the best 'Reach' it can be, so that today's enlisted can look back during Halo 6 and say 'Man, I sure do miss Reach. Those were our good 'ol days'. - Just like my old leaders did that for my generation when we had Halo 2.

By that time, current generation, you're going to get some newer kids bash you for reminiscing, and they will be wrong too, until you repeat to them everything I just told you.

I know this is long, bear with me. To restate myself,

Don't bash the vets for trying their hearts out to make this place as good as it was for Halo 2 and failing. Because we did fail. Because Halo 2 is gone. So when we lose our patience and say "this place is dying! Halo 2 was the best!", just realize that our hearts are breaking, because we have lost our days of glory. And I promise you behind each remark like that that the vets are saying whole heartedly, "We really did try to make this place as best we could for you, but we just can't make it like Halo 2."

And you, younger generation, need to take that hidden message, and appreciate it, not get upset at us. For we have done everything we could, made changes we saw were for the best (whether or not they are currently frowned or smiled upon), offered solutions that fixed potential problems, and tried to give you the same environment our leaders gave us, 5 years ago.

So when a vet retires, whether that be stops fighting, stops leading, or stops participating altogether, it's not because they chose not to fight the good fight. It's because they've done all they can do to shape this place for the next generation. They've hit their wall. And it'll differ between people as well. For me, I've done all I can do to lead and fight, but I still have time here and there to advice, like I am doing right now. Other people simply don't even have time to show up here any more, because, whether we want to accept it or not, we're getting old. Next year, I will have lived for two decades. That's cray-cray. College will only get more intensive and time-demanding as I continue (especially if I get my Bachelors of Fine Arts in Graphic Design ;) ).

That being said, please, don't call Munkie a 'quitter', for reasons mentioned before. Instead, no matter the circumstances or how well you knew him, say 'Thank you' to him. Thank him for literally giving his time to you to create a better tomorrow for you to look back on.

I'm really sorry that was so long, but there's just so many topics about this right now and it's been pent up in my head for a while.

Please take it to heart.

-EriRi 1138, joined 1/24/07

I thank you.

- Join Date: 4/15/2007

*hands sword and compass to new generation, takes a swig, kicks back and watches*

Mr Funktastiiic
01-17-2012, 04:40 AM
TO MUCH TO READ! DID NOT READ! :D Much love munkie hope you come back someday... I hope you know... you will always be my bitch <3

01-17-2012, 10:45 AM
my quiter comment was a joke btw!

01-17-2012, 01:22 PM
I'm lovin how many of yall actin like I'm leavin FC..... I'm just done wiyh the wars.....

...I hate it when km misunderstood....

01-17-2012, 01:40 PM
Halo 2 wars were not PERFECT.

Of course RvBr felt better to us than the H3 wars. It was the first time we experienced the war simulation.

I'm sure many of the new recruits are having just as much fun as we did, if not more.

01-17-2012, 02:21 PM
In my opinion all you self proclaimed vets are not realizing that we are being extremely selfish in trying to make this community how we want it and the way see it as fun and for some reason even if we want to grow we don't give a fuck if it's fun for the newer people. Man does that make perfect sense. You guys say it yourselfs that we can't satisfy everybody well why the hell does everything have to be the way we want it? Just because you have more years here doesnt mean you know what's best. The moment I see something productive from what you do here then I will believe that you know what you're are doing. You're time here means shit to me, my time here means shit to me. You're effort and input is what matters to me, and no that does not include the amount of time you spent crying that this place has changed and how it use to be fun for you and how they just don't show your favorite cartoons anymore, I've been here 4 damn years and some of you almost as much or more, I think it's time to let go of our child play. This community will still run without you because most of you have been in and out of position doing almost nothing, yes its true. So don't bullshit the community with lies that they have no idea how much work you put in to here because I sure havent seen most of it. All my years I just saw a small group of people that never gave up and worked together for the newer members and it was always the same people. And no not all vets fall in that category only a couple and only a few are still around. I don't even want to include myself there because I'm on in off but at least I have a cool head and know what I'm saying. Oh yes, i really did just bash my own friends. Deal with it and grow up. See you on BF3. Edit: I almost forgot to make myself look special, -Joined 2/16/08

01-17-2012, 02:37 PM
In my opinion all you self proclaimed vets are not realizing that we are being extremely selfish in trying to make this community how we want it and the way see it as fun and for some reason even if we want to grow we don't give a fuck if it's fun for the newer people. Man does that make perfect sense. You guys say it yourselfs that we can't satisfy everybody well why the hell does everything have to be the way we want it? Just because you have more years here doesnt mean you know what's best. The moment I see something productive from what you do here then I will believe that you know what you're are doing. You're time here means shit to me, my time here means shit to me. You're effort and input is what matters to me, and no that does not include the amount of time you spent crying that this place has changed and how it use to be fun for you and how they just don't show your favorite cartoons anymore, I've been here 4 damn years and some of you almost as much or more, I think it's time to let go of our child play. This community will still run without you because most of you have been in and out of position doing almost nothing, yes its true. So don't bullshit the community with lies that they have no idea how much work you put in to here because I sure havent seen most of it. All my years I just saw a small group of people that never gave up and worked together for the newer members and it was always the same people. And no not all vets fall in that category only a couple and only a few are still around. I don't even want to include myself there because I'm on in off but at least I have a cool head and know what I'm saying. Oh yes, i really did just bash my own friends. Deal with it and grow up. See you on BF3. Edit: I almost forgot to make myself look special, -Joined 2/16/08

Mede I think you missed the point of this entire thread, and quite frankly most of everything else that has gone on....

01-17-2012, 02:43 PM
Mede I think you missed the point of this entire thread, and quite frankly most of everything else that has gone on.... I wasn't talking to you, so obviously you missed mine. Yes I was harsh but that's how it came and I hold no regrets.

01-17-2012, 02:55 PM
Mede, shut the hell up.

You obviously don't have a damn clue wat I was sayin, and you're just taking an opportunity to act as if you're more humble and somehow more rightous than us...

I'm not having fun. So I'm done battling.
I have made a difference, but I've also been inactive the past year or two cuz I have a lot on my plate...

You're a goddamn hypocrite. Seen nothing from me? Only thing you do that sets you apart is make a damn warmap.

And don't try n say you wasn't talkin to me. There are 4 threads that that post would be more suited for, yet you chose my retirement thread.

01-17-2012, 03:10 PM
I believe the Vets here are truly trying to help this community and are just giving their input. I don't blame you Munkie for not doing the wars anymore and I wish you best of luck with your situation.

01-17-2012, 03:13 PM
attempt to prevent a fight:

Boy: Why do you streighten your hair?
Girl: It makes it longer.
*few days later
Doctor: So tell me again, how did you burn your penis?

01-17-2012, 03:16 PM
And we're back to square one where obviously a defense mechanism is the best way out. Humble and righteous? This isnt a church. None of us are having fun anymore but why should we be the hault for the newer members And hypocrite? I never exalted myself. Never mentioned anything I do and don't plan on it because I do it cause I like it. I'm just another guy trying to have fun like the rest of us but obviously we're not willing to come to reason. And I was talking to everybody who took offense to it. Comments will follow and show it. That simple. I'n done I pissed you off again and I don't want this to turn into a pointless argument.

EriRi 1138
01-17-2012, 03:16 PM
Halo 2 wars were not PERFECT.

Of course RvBr felt better to us than the H3 wars. It was the first time we experienced the war simulation.

I'm sure many of the new recruits are having just as much fun as we did, if not more.

I know it isn't perfect. That's why I put it in quotes. It is idolized as being 'perfect' to the older members, but we were only enlisted in Halo 2 and couldn't see what went on the HC where I'm sure all the imperfections were being adressed.

And the rest of your post is the exact point I was trying to make.

And Mede, idk if you were addressing me but i put the date on mine so the reader could see that I was only new when Halo 2 was ending, emphasizing my point that AOD just repeated; RvBR only felt perfect to us because it was the first time we experienced anything like it. Not because I want brownie points.

I've already got plenty of those. :3

01-17-2012, 03:18 PM
attempt to prevent a fight:

Boy: Why do you streighten your hair?
Girl: It makes it longer.
*few days later
Doctor: So tell me again, how did you burn your penis?

01-17-2012, 03:20 PM
I know it isn't perfect. That's why I put it in quotes. It is idolized as being 'perfect' to the older members, but we were only enlisted in Halo 2 and couldn't see what went on the HC where I'm sure all the imperfections were being adressed. And the rest of your post is the exact point I was trying to make. And Mede, idk if you were addressing me but i put the date on mine so the reader could see that I was only new when Halo 2 was ending, emphasizing my point that AOD just repeated; RvBR only felt perfect to us because it was the first time we experienced anything like it. Not because I want brownie points.I've already got plenty of those. :3 It's cool eri I was just using it to make my point more obvious not to make you look bad for it.

01-17-2012, 03:22 PM
And we're back to square one where obviously a defense mechanism is the best way out. Humble and righteous? This isnt a church. None of us are having fun anymore but why should we be the hault for the newer members And hypocrite? I never exalted myself. Never mentioned anything I do and don't plan on it because I do it cause I like it. I'm just another guy trying to have fun like the rest of us but obviously we're not willing to come to reason. And I was talking to everybody who took offense to it. Comments will follow and show it. That simple. I'n done I pissed you off again and I don't want this to turn into a pointless argument.
mede, I apologise for my outburst. But I saw your post as disrespectful and directed at me.

and I still have no idea why it was posted here, out of all the topics bout change that are going in, you post in my retirement thread, where I'm just saying I'M out because I'M not havin fun. Nowhere jn here did I try to force my views or say vets werebetter than...

and as for defensive, dude, you briught it out. I already been attacked countless times in this thread alone....

01-17-2012, 03:27 PM
I'm sorry aswell, I tend to stay away from things like this and stay quiet but sometimes I think that's where I mess up. I chose this thread because I was inspired by Eric's post but in a more angry way. We're all on the same boat, all of us old guys and we're all starting to let go of what we based most of our time on. It gets to us but these are things newer members will look at and will learn from, or at least I hope. I'm done after this war anyways I have other things to focus on.

01-17-2012, 03:30 PM
I'm sorry aswell, I tend to stay away from things like this and stay quiet but sometimes I think that's where I mess up. I chose this thread because I was inspired by Eric's post but in a more angry way. We're all on the same boat, all of us old guys and we're all starting to let go of what we based most of our time on. It gets to us but these are things newer members will look at and will learn from, or at least I hope. I'm done after this war anyways I have other things to focus on.
that's wats hapoenin wit ne riight now. Real life is more imoortant, n I'm catchin flak? That's y I'm kinda all rage mode

01-17-2012, 04:04 PM
I know it isn't perfect. That's why I put it in quotes. It is idolized as being 'perfect' to the older members, but we were only enlisted in Halo 2 and couldn't see what went on the HC where I'm sure all the imperfections were being adressed.

And the rest of your post is the exact point I was trying to make.

And Mede, idk if you were addressing me but i put the date on mine so the reader could see that I was only new when Halo 2 was ending, emphasizing my point that AOD just repeated; RvBR only felt perfect to us because it was the first time we experienced anything like it. Not because I want brownie points.

I've already got plenty of those. :3

Hehe nobody has called me AOD in a longg time.

01-17-2012, 04:28 PM
ANDDDDDD to conclude:


01-17-2012, 06:24 PM
Alright, i'm going to attempt to settle this.

Please bear with me as this will be a long post :/

Eagle admitting to being wrong about there being some kind of 'Vets vs New Kids' war. There never has been, and the rest of this post, btw, will be from a non-biased perspective.

A new member joins and has a good time for a week or so in his army, wins a couple battles, maybe gets promoted to corporal and has fun with a few new friends, he sees potential here. Then he realizes that there are topics on this forum that older members are posting in saying 'this place is dying, it's not as good as it was, i can't do this anymore, i'm out, sorry' and they think 'hey, wait a minute. I just got here and I love it here! I'm prepared to defend this place, i see so much potential! If we all just hold hands and sing things will get better, we just have to persevere!" and then they go forward and accuse the vets of being arrogant and biased towards their own glory days and accuse them of giving up when the going gets tough.

And the vets (myself included) may be wrong in saying "This place will never be as good as it was in Halo 2" because that isn't fair to the newer generation. We haven't even given them a shot in our own mind. But the truth is, Halo 2 was so enjoyable to us because OUR leaders (ex: Raz, Spartan, BlackDragonn, Micro, Meph etc) made it so great, and we appreciate them for creating that atmosphere for us.

And we did our damn best to recreate that feeling when we (people who joined in Halo 2) got a shot at leading during Halo 3, but it just wasn't the same, despite our hard work. Albiet, it was still really great, especially the first couple of wars, but it just wasn't as 'perfect' as Halo 2 was. And as the quality of the War Sim drops with each new Halo title, we continue to miss Halo 2 more and more simply because of how nostalgic it was.

And therein lies the problem. These relatively newer members, Eagle, Static, Silko, etc never got to see Halo 2. So when the vets say 'this place will never be like Halo 2' they become offended. After all, this is all they know, and in Eagle's case (a while ago), he took it as a personal attack against his generation, and wanted to fight back, and when you look at it from his side, it seems noble.

But the fact is, it wasn't. We are both in the wrong, older and newer members. It shouldn't be about which generation had the better warsim experience. It's not a competition; although there's nothing wrong with reminiscing about your history here, i.e. the Tales of the Veterans topic. That should be 100% fine. In 3 years, today's Enlisted can do the same thing. We've had our run.

What we all need to understand is that it's never going to be Halo 2 again. Not because it's the newer members fault, but because it's outdated. We can't go back in time to use that game any more. We have to stick with Reach and look forward to Halo 4 and hope that things will improve then.

That being said, the objective here isn't to try to make it Halo 2 again, because that is impossible. Instead, as a whole, we all need to make Reach the best 'Reach' it can be, so that today's enlisted can look back during Halo 6 and say 'Man, I sure do miss Reach. Those were our good 'ol days'. - Just like my old leaders did that for my generation when we had Halo 2.

By that time, current generation, you're going to get some newer kids bash you for reminiscing, and they will be wrong too, until you repeat to them everything I just told you.

I know this is long, bear with me. To restate myself,

Don't bash the vets for trying their hearts out to make this place as good as it was for Halo 2 and failing. Because we did fail. Because Halo 2 is gone. So when we lose our patience and say "this place is dying! Halo 2 was the best!", just realize that our hearts are breaking, because we have lost our days of glory. And I promise you behind each remark like that that the vets are saying whole heartedly, "We really did try to make this place as best we could for you, but we just can't make it like Halo 2."

And you, younger generation, need to take that hidden message, and appreciate it, not get upset at us. For we have done everything we could, made changes we saw were for the best (whether or not they are currently frowned or smiled upon), offered solutions that fixed potential problems, and tried to give you the same environment our leaders gave us, 5 years ago.

So when a vet retires, whether that be stops fighting, stops leading, or stops participating altogether, it's not because they chose not to fight the good fight. It's because they've done all they can do to shape this place for the next generation. They've hit their wall. And it'll differ between people as well. For me, I've done all I can do to lead and fight, but I still have time here and there to advice, like I am doing right now. Other people simply don't even have time to show up here any more, because, whether we want to accept it or not, we're getting old. Next year, I will have lived for two decades. That's cray-cray. College will only get more intensive and time-demanding as I continue (especially if I get my Bachelors of Fine Arts in Graphic Design ;) ).

That being said, please, don't call Munkie a 'quitter', for reasons mentioned before. Instead, no matter the circumstances or how well you knew him, say 'Thank you' to him. Thank him for literally giving his time to you to create a better tomorrow for you to look back on.

I'm really sorry that was so long, but there's just so many topics about this right now and it's been pent up in my head for a while.

Please take it to heart.

-EriRi 1138, joined 1/24/07

http://www.bungie.net/stats/gamestatshalo2.aspx?gamei d=648278843&player=xWarPath77x - I believe that is my bootcamp game - Joined 2/5/2007

I have been here only about a week and a half less than Eri, I have seen this community go through its highs and lows....I completely agree with Eri about our Golden Years it was good for us, and now it isn't because we have seen the workings of it and we have seen the transitions. I, personally, believe that it didn't help that we lost our leaders (Ballistic, BlackDragonn, etc.) as the years went on without any proper "training" from them. But it is up to those in charge now (the WC, Mede, Fuzzy, Eagle) to make it "perfect" for the current enlisted.

This is my input,


Joined 2/5/2007

Captain Poder
01-17-2012, 06:25 PM
bye Ret, i give you permission to trollololol my voice just one more time.

01-17-2012, 06:27 PM
Poder,like I need permission.