View Full Version : What do YOU want to see from Forerunner Conflict?

01-17-2012, 01:37 AM

Now then, please do not say things like "Less Try-hards" or "So and So to stop existing" because you will promptly executed from the topic. This topic is meant only to see what you guys are really looking for in Forerunner Conflict, in a respectful manner. Don't use individual names or such.

Personally, I'm looking for more War Simulation. It's not for everyone, yes. Which means that sometimes, you're going to have to let some people go. However, I'm looking for a War Simulation. It's been talked about, but never brought about. I want to see more creative writing in the Pre-Battle Posts you know, from imaginary soldiers, little clips of writing about how the War is going on the front line, or something like that. Jonathan Craig was a perfect example of that, bringing frontline news. I would want to look for more Squad unity; ie Squad Emblems, FireTeams actually being used, "SIR YES SIR!"'s. You know what I'm getting at. I look for the Chain of Command being used, drill instructions, Advanced Bootcamps to be used to train soldiers and in return their rank gets raised, such as to Corporal or such. There's no War Simulation in this at all. I was trying to get at some, minimal effect. One or two people can't try to make it happen alone. There should be no "Mixes" or they should be rare. Because Squads should be like family, they should be with each other always. Its hard to do and takes a lot of dedication from the COs and the soldiers alike, but it creates something that sends chills down my spine. It also means being a little harsher in the Armys, which is fine (to a certain extent of course).

Last thing, I always said from the beginning, balanced Armies skill-wise. Then, training actually means something. You work towards beating Squads that are your skill level. Those games where the game winds down to the last kill or point. Those are even matched games, where the weekly practices and drill routines actually help you towards accomplishing hopefully beating that really close Squad from the opposing Army. Not against impossible odds.

Meh, that's my take on it. Please, don't argue or debate in this topic with other people's opinions. Not what this is for. I just want to know what everyone else thinks. It doesn't have to be about what FC is SUPPOSE to be about, just what YOU are looking for from FC. Who knows, maybe some ideas may spark something within the community and change will happen. At least then our Leaders have something to base their decisions off of.

01-17-2012, 01:41 AM
More war-sim which will be happening in R.E.D.D. Spartan's topic has already set my mind on it.

01-17-2012, 01:43 AM
Mephistar, Blackdragonn, Tyranny90, LunarRavens, Deez Nootz, SilverDagger, Malkiewicz, Phillyguy, Snackman90, Coolio911911, and hell, even MicroJupiter all rise from the grave and take over again.

01-17-2012, 01:44 AM
what you said. Disciplined, structed, organized... Hell this place always ran best when it was controlled in an iron grip..

and not controlled by someone who only pushes they ideas or agenda. Someone who hears others, is willing to listen, and don't take shit from anyone.

basically, a leader like reverent decorum but instead if an AI, it'd b a person who knew how to keep order.

the other thing is, ppl need to learn they're place, and shut the fuck up. Too many damn egos in fc. Back in the day, you shut the fuck up, did wat you were told, and acked permission to interject an idea, if you had one.. Not this rampant disrespect and chaos we have now.

01-17-2012, 01:45 AM
I wish I knew what was actually going on. I don't have enough info to make a point.

What I think makes this place unique is the War-Sim aspect. It's why I joined in the first place. My idea in the past was to rate squads based on what the player wanted.

Casual(just wants to play in the battles)
War Simulation(Wants a military-esque experience)

01-17-2012, 01:46 AM
More war-sim which will be happening in R.E.D.D. Spartan's topic has already set my mind on it.

Well hopefully soon Kingfisher (a Unit I will be working on) will be a starting standard to work towards. I aim for it to be a highly war simulated Squad, volunteer of course, as it will require soldiers to give up their emblem rights and have full respect towards their superiors. Sergeants will be called Sergeant, COs will always be called "sir!" Mandatory forum actvity. Hell I planned on having a secondary bootcamp to filter in players to the Squad. Two weekly mandatory practices with meetings, etc. A set standard for what I really look for in a well-rounded Squad in Forerunner Conflict. Squad members coming together to become brothers.

01-17-2012, 01:52 AM
Mephistar, Blackdragonn, Tyranny90, LunarRavens, Deez Nootz, SilverDagger, Malkiewicz, Phillyguy, Snackman90, Coolio911911, and hell, even MicroJupiter all rise from the grave and take over again.

hell, why not... personally after reading Spartans post, i stand on the side where this IS a war-sim... not a friends list

01-17-2012, 01:58 AM
hell, why not... personally after reading Spartans post, i stand on the side where this IS a war-sim... not a friends list
Thnk god someone finally gets it. For some reson ppl have been actin like this place is about them lately.. It isn't. Its about the community. I'd rather lose 30 ppl n see this place keep its soul than gain 100 and see it lose it. This is not ksi. This is Fc. Its a war sim. FC needs to go hardcore again. Iys gotten to lax, and ppl got too damn comfortable. When the feel of a warsim comes back completely, I'll be back bea4ing gifts.

01-17-2012, 02:00 AM
I feel like this place should be a community within a war-sim, but still keep the community the way it is. I made a post before I became FM. Ultimately the post where Ghost asked me if I wanted to be the FM. Where I was talking about how we really don't have a war-sim anymore expect for a few parts. We need more role playing and alot more people saying yes sir no sir. Asking permission to speak, and just over all sporting the R.E.D.D. or B.L.U.E. flag.

01-17-2012, 02:06 AM
I feel like this place should be a community within a war-sim, but still keep the community the way it is. I made a post before I became FM. Ultimately the post where Ghost asked me if I wanted to be the FM. Where I was talking about how we really don't have a war-sim anymore expect for a few parts. We need more role playing and alot more people saying yes sir no sir. Asking permission to speak, and just over all sporting the R.E.D.D. or B.L.U.E. flag.

Eagle i used to agree with you about the roleplaying this, but thats not what we need... we need alot more then that, and roleplaying shouldnt even be thought about unless its your leader giving you an order and you finnish your response with "yes, sir"...

01-17-2012, 02:07 AM
Roleplaying is what makes this community a war-sim. I mean go read some stories. They used to play battles like a war would play out. Giving covering fire, so on and so forth. Now a days we play like sports teams....

01-17-2012, 02:09 AM

You can still have a community and a war sim. The only thing that needs to change is the discipline within the armies. Rule with an iron fist. If people don't like it they can change their usergroup to white and be a regular member. Just because you aren't in an army doesn't mean you aren't apart of this community.

It's that simple.

01-17-2012, 02:09 AM
eagles kinda right. But focus should be on discipline and working for the good of the community

01-17-2012, 02:10 AM
Role-playing is the last thing needed. Sure, you can have a backstory and all that stuff, but not everyone needs to be involved and all that AI shit was annoying as fuck. KEEP. IT. SIMPLE. Then when more people join, you can expand. Don't just go all out in the beginning, that is selfish. You want to do it slowly so that the new people that join can be part of an ever-expanding war. Galactic Wars was probably our best "story" war cause it was a simple story line: The Nova Republic were rebels against the World Federation. The Nova Republic used Covenant weapons on their home territories, World Federation used Human weapons. KEEP. IT. SIMPLE. Focus on what needs to be done to make the actual experience fun, not just a forum silly-willy story

01-17-2012, 02:10 AM
What I want is a community. I don't mean I want to forget the sides, or even the War-Sim as I actually love those things, or at least to an extent. In total I just want to see everything become cohesive and fit together.


In terms of the two armies, I would love to see things become balanced, and have monthly or quarterly analysis of the two sides strength based on a formula revolving around:
-Win to Loss Ratio
-Battle Rank Proficiency

Each of these can be given proper numerical values for each solider and this can be done by a the War Council, or even brought down to each Squad Leader to evaluate each member of his squad.

B.L.U.E. and R.E.D.D. Armies

I would like to see a greater participation of the members to being part of their sides along with being a greater part of Forerunner Conflict. I would love to see each side having their own events exclusively for R.E.D.D.'s or B.L.U.E.'s in which we could go over selective training (more on that later) and each side could feel comfortable that atleast one thing was going to be available for them to go to each week in which they could bond, and build on their teamwork with their army and with their squad. I would also like to see universal events, in which side doesn't matter in the slightest, these would be events in which we can all get together as Forerunner Conflict and truly enjoy the company of friends regardless of color, if only once a week or every other week.

I know in past events that I have hosted that we tend to have a nice turn out, but there are always people that are late, by a rather sizable time period and it can be truly annoying as the host to not know where someone is. It is one matter if someone wants to be part of an event, and indicates ahead of time that they will be late, but it is another issue entirely when the host is in the dark to a participants whereabouts. So I guess in total I would like to see the members be more responsible about when they sign up for events, and indicating if they won't be able to make it, or will be late.


I would love to see more use of Squad Gamertags, in which the squads could get together on a more frequent basis to build on their cohesion, or even to simply hang out and have fun in a random game. I don't see a problem in a squad emblem, though I believe if we were to have one it should be discussed among the entire squad and then only optional but requested. I can speak in experience with 251st, we have a gamertag with members on it, though it may be wise to update that gamertag with members who are willing to be part of events, and to actually provide announcements to the squad about upcoming squad, and army events. This not only keeps everyone in the loop but provides a more professional feel if only in my eyes.


I think it would be fun to have designated training nights in which we could get together either as a squad, or on rare events as an army to drill certain concepts such as No-Scoping, Pro-Pipe Usage, CQC training or many other things, all of them sound enjoyable and worth having. HOWEVER I would not dare make such events required as the moment you make something required you make it a chore. If you want to promote participation in Training Nights then you could easily provide a certain amount of Training Nights in order to achieve a new rank.


Okay, I personally am not a fan of War-Sim, if I am in a crowded lobby and I need to say "Sir, Permission to speak Sir, Salvanous" I will 9 times out of 10 just mute my microphone and wait until the game starts. Despite this I know that many members appreciate this and it is part of the community and wouldn't dream of seeing it anything less than polished. I think that however we shouldn't force it down people's throats as to those simply looking for a good time may not overly appreciate "Running Laps" or being called a maggot as they are reloading their DMR. What I advise, is making a distinction in which certain events are "War-Sim Events" in which it is a requirement to respect and interact with the War-Simulation behavior, these events can be few or they can be many depending upon the communities taste but if you provide distinction between "Here to have fun and laughs" and "Here to have fun with War-Sim" you will probably get better feedback.


What I want is simple, but rather difficult at the same time: I want a community in which when we want something, we have the staff, and the community able to understand how to make what we want a reality and talk about it in as rational a way as possible, though I know we will all get hot headed many times over. I want to try to accommodate what everyone wants and give everyone a place within the site, and a place within events in which they can feel happy knowing they are part of a cohesive army, a close group of friends, and a close and listening community.

01-17-2012, 02:15 AM
eagles kinda right. But focus should be on discipline and working for the good of the community

Added to my list of things to do in R.E.D.D.

01-17-2012, 02:15 AM
What I want is a community. I don't mean I want to forget the sides, or even the War-Sim as I actually love those things, or at least to an extent. In total I just want to see everything become cohesive and fit together.


In terms of the two armies, I would love to see things become balanced, and have monthly or quarterly analysis of the two sides strength based on a formula revolving around:
-Win to Loss Ratio
-Battle Rank Proficiency

Each of these can be given proper numerical values for each solider and this can be done by a the War Council, or even brought down to each Squad Leader to evaluate each member of his squad.

B.L.U.E. and R.E.D.D. Armies

I would like to see a greater participation of the members to being part of their sides along with being a greater part of Forerunner Conflict. I would love to see each side having their own events exclusively for R.E.D.D.'s or B.L.U.E.'s in which we could go over selective training (more on that later) and each side could feel comfortable that atleast one thing was going to be available for them to go to each week in which they could bond, and build on their teamwork with their army and with their squad. I would also like to see universal events, in which side doesn't matter in the slightest, these would be events in which we can all get together as Forerunner Conflict and truly enjoy the company of friends regardless of color, if only once a week or every other week.

I know in past events that I have hosted that we tend to have a nice turn out, but there are always people that are late, by a rather sizable time period and it can be truly annoying as the host to not know where someone is. It is one matter if someone wants to be part of an event, and indicates ahead of time that they will be late, but it is another issue entirely when the host is in the dark to a participants whereabouts. So I guess in total I would like to see the members be more responsible about when they sign up for events, and indicating if they won't be able to make it, or will be late.


I would love to see more use of Squad Gamertags, in which the squads could get together on a more frequent basis to build on their cohesion, or even to simply hang out and have fun in a random game. I don't see a problem in a squad emblem, though I believe if we were to have one it should be discussed among the entire squad and then only optional but requested. I can speak in experience with 251st, we have a gamertag with members on it, though it may be wise to update that gamertag with members who are willing to be part of events, and to actually provide announcements to the squad about upcoming squad, and army events. This not only keeps everyone in the loop but provides a more professional feel if only in my eyes.


I think it would be fun to have designated training nights in which we could get together either as a squad, or on rare events as an army to drill certain concepts such as No-Scoping, Pro-Pipe Usage, CQC training or many other things, all of them sound enjoyable and worth having. HOWEVER I would not dare make such events required as the moment you make something required you make it a chore. If you want to promote participation in Training Nights then you could easily provide a certain amount of Training Nights in order to achieve a new rank.


Okay, I personally am not a fan of War-Sim, if I am in a crowded lobby and I need to say "Sir, Permission to speak Sir, Salvanous" I will 9 times out of 10 just mute my microphone and wait until the game starts. Despite this I know that many members appreciate this and it is part of the community and wouldn't dream of seeing it anything less than polished. I think that however we shouldn't force it down people's throats as to those simply looking for a good time may not overly appreciate "Running Laps" or being called a maggot as they are reloading their DMR. What I advise, is making a distinction in which certain events are "War-Sim Events" in which it is a requirement to respect and interact with the War-Simulation behavior, these events can be few or they can be many depending upon the communities taste but if you provide distinction between "Here to have fun and laughs" and "Here to have fun with War-Sim" you will probably get better feedback.


What I want is simple, but rather difficult at the same time: I want a community in which when we want something, we have the staff, and the community able to understand how to make what we want a reality and talk about it in as rational a way as possible, though I know we will all get hot headed many times over. I want to try to accommodate what everyone wants and give everyone a place within the site, and a place within events in which they can feel happy knowing they are part of a cohesive army, a close group of friends, and a close and listening community.

I'm sorry but you just listed all the stuff that USE to happen.

Also the only time you should be required to ask permission to speak is in training and officer meetings.

01-17-2012, 02:18 AM
I agree with Eagles but the biggest problem right now seems to be the imbalance.

01-17-2012, 02:20 AM
i think people are led to they have to be part of an army to be in this community... people force other to sign up for an army...

fuck, just let them scout the community as long as they want and let them make their own decisions of what to do... i think we force people to do things a little to much for stupid shit.... But with having a leader with an iron fist, i fully agree with..

Eagle, theres a line of types of Roleplay... A roleplay that is verbal within your army is great, but the kind of stuff where someone plays a Spartan and the other is an elite is stupid (in my opinion, im probably alone on that)....

Personally i want a leader that GIVES orders.
I dont want a leader that ASKS to give orders.

you dont complete what your asked to do? your demoted
complete what you did? you get placed on a list for a future promotion but still monitored
piss of your leader? kicked out of the army
kicked out of an army? cant apply back for a full war is complete
Get kicked out of both Armies in 1 War? Black Listed for a full year... or longer

thats the kind of leader i want

01-17-2012, 02:21 AM
The back-story isn't even an issue. People do that shit on their own time.

FC is doing SOMETHING RIGHT. AS we have been around for 6 years now. I mean the longest hiatus from war we had must have been like what 6 months?

01-17-2012, 02:27 AM
I'm sorry but you just listed all the stuff that USE to happen.

Also the only time you should be required to ask permission to speak is in training and officer meetings.

What do you mean Used to happen? Mind filling me in, sorry I am still not familiar with the site's full history. >.>

01-17-2012, 02:33 AM
What do you mean Used to happen? Mind filling me in, sorry I am still not familiar with the site's full history. >.>

Inner-Army Squad tournies
Advanced Training(Hog driving, sniping, BRing, Jumps, flag tosses)
Regiment/Platoon/Battalion/Squad Practices

in 2006 I was in a training. Microjupiter and some other motherfucker were running the practice. Basically we had to cross around the outskirts of coag without losing anyone. A hog would come at random intervals and try to kill us. It was FUCKING AWESOME. I also remember BR training with Nightwish on Lockout.

01-17-2012, 02:36 AM
Yes, but why did we stop I guess is what I should have asked.

01-17-2012, 02:37 AM
Idk I haven't been in the wars for a very long time. I think it also depends on which army you are in.

EriRi 1138
01-17-2012, 02:37 AM
If you want more discipline in your armies, you drill it into your men. You make it abundantly clear that you don't let shit fly, and if your soldiers think they can get away with being subpar, inform them otherwise.

Actually discipline them.

Fill up your ranks. There should be no missing positions. If you have an empty spot but don't know who should take it, make an informed choice, PM them saying 'can you handle this?' and if they say 'hell yeah' then you promote them to it. If they aren't doing their job, or aren't being respectful, inform them that they can and will be easily replaced.

Once you have all your ranks filled, up, don't be afraid to fucking demote some kids if they aren't doing things right.

BE A COMMANDER. It is said that good leaders rule with either love, respect, or fear.

Fuck that. Possess all three.

Like it's been said, rule your army with an iron fist. Take charge. Accept no bullshit. Do this, and hopefully your men will respect you and enforce anything you say with devotion.

Fix things, leaders. That's what I want to see.

(aside from the obvious imbalance issues)

01-17-2012, 02:42 AM
This may sound silly but being able to LEAD in FC is going to transition into real world skills. You are working with real people here.

Time management, discipline, delegating power, decision making, working with others... These are very important skills to have. What better way to learn than playing a video game?

01-17-2012, 02:44 AM
This may sound silly but being able to LEAD in FC is going to transition into real world skills. You are working with real people here.

my dad was a drill srgt. in Veitnam lol

iv gone through some serious shit lol

01-17-2012, 02:45 AM
Yeah, I can tell your right off the bat if you need me to do something I am more than happy to try my hand at it if you come to me and ask me and are respectful. If you come up to me yelling though your chances lower quiet quickly.

01-17-2012, 02:49 AM
Yeah, I can tell your right off the bat if you need me to do something I am more than happy to try my hand at it if you come to me and ask me and are respectful. If you come up to me yelling though your chances lower quiet quickly.
Yelliny? Sometimes, not often. Usualy only bc

But authoritive? Demanding? Without any other option? Yes.

01-17-2012, 02:54 AM
I don't know exactly what you mean, but essentially you talk to me with a cool head, and are respectful and I tend to be a very calm and pleasant person. :3

01-23-2012, 10:03 AM
See what happened was that with the War-Sim y'all let the good things go as new people got into power. There was always something to work on back in Halo 2. In order to prove yourself to use anything there was a training program for it. We had things that meant something, it was more military back then, and less favorites. Nonetheless you need to bring back the old days of FC wait, before it was called FC bring back how it was in RvBR, and have a Strict power over those under you. A Military War-Sim is suppose to be disciplined and that is what makes it fun, not everyone can join, but that is what makes it good to know you made the cut.

01-23-2012, 11:10 AM
How in the hell are yiu a respected member

Oh and this topic is gunna get closed for obvious repost of something stated like a bajillion times before.

01-23-2012, 11:14 AM
Okay, 1 stay on topic. 2 that is none of your concern, if I was put as a Respected Member then there is a reason for it.

Also, try to get some proper grammar and punctuation please.

So are you guys willing to do what I said? Bring it back to the RvBR days of AWESOMENESS!!!!! :D

01-23-2012, 11:19 AM
Edit. Didnt notice it was a 4 page topic.

1. Your trash.

2. Fuck grammar its the internet.

3. Stop being ignorant. Living in the past is what made the vets piss the new kids off in the first place. Umm go read any post ever by Eri recently and you'll understand.

01-23-2012, 11:21 AM
There goes Funk, raining on everyones parade again.

01-23-2012, 11:27 AM
Excuse me if I have offended you in anyway, but I for one know that things were a lot better in Halo2 then they are now Rengade. SO I would like to ask you to calm down and don't get things out of hand. It seems that you are the only one here that has a problem with me here, if there are more then they are free to express it, but this is getting out of hand and your members don't need to see how it is getting here. So please lets stay on topic.

01-23-2012, 11:41 AM
Maybe it was better to you. BUT if you had actually been here all this time, you would have seen that specific topic has been flamed about many times.

I may be a vet from H2 but personally FC 2 was my favorite as i was mainly involved with a dif warsim than RvB in H2. It may be YOUR favorite. But its not fact that ot was the best. The guys from that era that lead us are mainly gone aside from spartan. It would be impossible to bring it back.

So if you HAD been here all this time all that i just said would have been old news for you. Now keep your "HALO 2 WAS THE BEST LETS GO BACK TO THAT CUZ GHIS SUCKS" attitude away and if you do want to put forth help, join an army and make things better at the source.

01-23-2012, 11:49 AM
Well I am sorry Rengade, I will give you the fact that I haven't been here for recent events, but I was only comparing the wars from Halo 2 and Halo 3. I was only giving my input to just show my thoughts of the situation. I am not here to put you guys down that have worked hard, I am only saying that it was more disciplined here. So as you said Spartan is the only one that was from that era and he alone can't bring it to what it was, but there are some of you that were here when he was and when others were in charge. I was just trying to say that some of you need to step it up a bit and get it going to make FCRev. the best War-sim around.

Also, I can't join an army due to the fact I would then be Double Duty, which is something I cannot do.

01-23-2012, 12:12 PM
Where are the the Modss?????? Oh wait.... Closed. Infractians Given.

Way to go guys, yet another topic closed that was created for the betterment of this place....

Please leave your anger outside when you come into topics such as these.