View Full Version : Respect is back and it's a bitch

EriRi 1138
01-18-2012, 03:31 AM
It's been a while since I've been in the spotlight, and now that I have some serious pull I'm going to use it.

WAKE UP. This is not your playground. You are not the big tough kid you think you are, and you are not special.

Everyone is going to follow the rules. (http://fcwars.net/forums/showthread.php?4540-The-Accords-Revision-3#Member Conduct) Privates, Field Marshalls, and even you, grizzled veteran Johnny Glorydays. Now, it's been some time since I've been in charge of swinging the banhammer, but I haven't forgotten how to use it. That being said, I'm also not going to quote the Forerunner Conflict Accords very often - if at all - excluding right now to show you that I don't have to.

Article VI 2.7: For significant violations or in extraneous situations, varied punishment or disciplinary action may be used instead of or in addition to the above.

This is an extraneous situation, ladies and gents. Recent behavior has been fucking sickening and dishonors this community's foundations. So as far as punishments are concerned, I'm going to do things the way I was brought up to do them. The respect level of this community has plummeted from where it was in the past, and I'm going to do my best to restore it. If I feel like you are overstepping your boundaries, I'm going to do something about it. I'm talking warnings. Infractions. Suspensions. And if I have to, my dusty banhammer will taste blood once more.

However since I am not entirely without mercy, I will give you a shopping list of just a few things I'm out to get.

Inappropriate content
Intentional/Malicious trolling
Inciting or otherwise disrespectful comments

And obviously anything else I find lackluster I will adress directly. And this all applies to the Facebook Group, too.

I don't expect all of you to like this. And I sure as hell don't expect all of you to support it. But I'm going to do it because someone has to. I am not doing this to be a dick, I'm doing this because this community deserves more from it's members. It has a reputation that is begging to be upheld. And if you aren't willing to respect it, or your peers, I'm going to drill it into you until you do.

Make it easy on me, please. I like a lot of you. I really do. But I love this community and it's legacy.

So this is it. Things are changing, starting now. You either choose the red pill, and play nice, or you choose the blue pill, and I shove the red pill down your throat.

Have a nice day.