View Full Version : Reminiscing Topic!

02-01-2012, 10:18 AM
Devon's topic: http://fcwars.net/forums/showthread.php?5038-Halo-3-High-Command-Battles

Shows how good R.E.D.D. used to be :p

So after seeing that and thinking back to that night. I want this to be a topic for the newer guys of 2 1/2 years or less. Post your best moments from this community!

http://www.bungie.net/Stats/GameStatsHalo3.aspx?gamei d=1640989606&player=EOD%20EAGLE

^ This was my very first game in this community.

God I remember was Kashik was always suppose to be R.E.D.D.'s Drill Instructor, but he was never active :p

My first game was one of my best, that game was very close and very intense! It was pure fun and intensity and I really wish I could go into a game with that mindset...

MickeyONiel is currently OzzyizSick. Who isn't active anymore.

http://www.bungie.net/Stats/GameStatsHalo3.aspx?gamei d=1641094744&player=EOD%20EAGLE

^ Here is a game which I do believe this was B.L.U.E. Phoenix or Zulu I forget what the hell they were called.

I remember when WSxAngel became R.E.D.D.'s FM after coming back from B.L.U.E. and he spiked activity beyond belief. I felt proud being a soldier in his army even if we was a very short termed leader.

Then we have the melting of Avalanche!(B.L.U.E.'s Capital) Gargoyle made that very very very very interesting and fun for me! R.E.D.D. marched with pride.

My first squad, Reaper Squad didn't have the best players. But damnit we always had pride and we always held our heads high!

Then you get into the Reach wars and I've only had one game that was fun and intense it was an oddball game on Sanctuary.

So please post yours and I'll try and think about more of mine.

02-01-2012, 12:43 PM
Tales of the Veterans seems to be an appropriate topic for this.

02-01-2012, 12:55 PM
Tales of the Veterans seems to be an appropriate topic for this.

This is for the newer guys, not the Veterans of this community. Thats the point I was trying to get across, to talk about topics that most of the member base actually know about or remember.

02-01-2012, 01:11 PM
There goes Eagle again trying to create another rift between the new guys and veterans again

02-01-2012, 01:19 PM
There goes Eagle again trying to create another rift between the new guys and veterans again


Veteran.. If you have served in a war before this current one you are a veteran. Maybe not entitled to the Green usergroup... But you still are a veteran.

02-01-2012, 01:49 PM
There goes Eagle again trying to create another rift between the new guys and veterans again

There goes Spartan being a troll again...

No, the reason is I don't want people putting stories here that more then half of the current community understands. Plain and simple.

02-01-2012, 01:52 PM
I have some games ill share later tonight when i get home from school.

02-01-2012, 02:03 PM
I agree with Eagle, tales of the Veterans topic was mostly geared towards older games. Nothing wrong with this topic, even older members can share their Reach battle experience. He just wants the newer members to feel involved. God you guys take everything over analytically.

02-01-2012, 02:30 PM
I agree with Eagle, tales of the Veterans topic was mostly geared towards older games. Nothing wrong with this topic, even older members can share their Reach battle experience. He just wants the newer members to feel involved. God you guys take everything over analytically.


02-01-2012, 02:41 PM
I agree with Eagle, tales of the Veterans topic was mostly geared towards older games. Nothing wrong with this topic, even older members can share their Reach battle experience. He just wants the newer members to feel involved. God you guys take everything over analytically.

Seriously stop assuming anything that a non-vet says is attack against the Vets. If you want this community to get better don't smite other members of this community. WE ARE A COMMUNITY not two opposing factions constantly bickering at one another.

EDIT: Man my English is bad, back to China I go....

02-01-2012, 03:22 PM
There are going to be stories from the old generation that the new generation wont understand I.E. the terminal battle, but for the most part the reach wars will be the common ground just seems like the old generation doesnt like the new one much...

02-01-2012, 03:27 PM
There are going to be stories from the old generation that the new generation wont understand I.E. the terminal battle, but for the most part the reach wars will be the common ground just seems like the old generation doesnt like the new one much...

What does that have to do with anything. We aren't all mentally challenged. I'm sure the "earlier guys" can wrap their brains around a few Halo 2 battles.

I just think its stupid that you guys even make the distinction between the two groups.

02-01-2012, 04:18 PM
Alright guys drop it, if you can't stay on topic I'll start handing out infractions for causing useless drama.

02-01-2012, 06:19 PM
Ahhhh, y'all remember Donkey's Interactive Story? That was fun while it lasted. So was Angel's. And even though I didn't get into the Zombie one, that was a good one too...


02-01-2012, 06:42 PM
Ahhhh, y'all remember Donkey's Interactive Story? That was fun while it lasted. So was Angel's. And even though I didn't get into the Zombie one, that was a good one too...


I kinda wish our Creative Writing Department was a lot more active!

However I do miss those stories, anyways. We will have plenty of good times to share from our LARP!

EriRi 1138
02-01-2012, 10:15 PM
I like how you just threatened to hand out infractions for being off topic and then proceeded to post something that was off topic.


02-01-2012, 10:19 PM
I like how you just threatened to hand out infractions for being off topic and then proceeded to post something that was off topic.


I was talking about people posting off topic posts, that were causing useless drama.

02-01-2012, 10:29 PM
well I suppose I'll be the first one to post an actual on topic.

I found my bootcamp, given by good 'ol Syfe. I was joined by the Baca family:
http://www.bungie.net/Stats/Reach/GameStats.aspx?gameid=730 716379&player=UNLUCKY%20NUM13ER

And here's my first battle, it was a ton of fun even if we lost:
http://www.bungie.net/Stats/Reach/GameStats.aspx?gameid=732 639795&player=UNLUCKY%20NUM13ER

And THIS, was perhaps my best game ever in FC. I went with a +30 K/D and trashed the BLUES on guess what map? Tritan. I owned the Rocket Launcher and the BLUES knew it:
http://www.bungie.net/Stats/Reach/GameStats.aspx?gameid=767 260367&player=UNLUCKY%20NUM13ER

SuRroundeD By 1
02-01-2012, 10:30 PM
I'm going to do something revolutionary . . . I'm going to post ON TOPIC (croud cheers), haha no really here goes nothing:

I have loved being a part of this community so far, and hope to continue to be a part of it. My best match ever happened last battle night, and my 2nd best (of this war) was posted on the FC youtube channel. But those weren't even the most fun matches I've ever had. THE MOST FUN match I have ever played on FC had to be (this is about the fourth time I've told this story) 2nd Assaults match with Violent By Design, Hill 30 on Cardinal and the match came down to one point . . . it was soo close at the end, literally with 2 seconds left the score was tied, and at the last second VbD got into the hill for the win. I went negative that game . . . but that was the most heart racing, adrenalin pumping game of Halo Reach I've ever played. That is also the reason I was almost disappointed that VbD joined BLUE this war, even though I'm not the best of players, the most satisfaction comes out of beating a squad that is better than you.

Anyway, I wouldn't consider myself a Vet . . . I've been through half a war (the last one) but I would say a Vet is at least someone who has been in FC for over 1 year . . . I think there is a ribbon for it anyway.

02-02-2012, 12:49 AM
^ You know I think I was playing as a filler for VbD in that game. I remember in the last 10 seconds I dropped the shields of the last BLUE in the hill before i died and then Guzzie and Aftershock came around the corner, killed him, and jumped in the hill to score the very last points to get us that 1 point win. That was an amazing game. :thumbs up:

02-02-2012, 12:59 AM
We're not starting another "Vets vs New" fight again

That was the most stupid drama I've seen. And that's saying something considering where it came from.
What are we? Females?

anways. How about that Paradiso?

02-02-2012, 01:09 AM

just a general warning to everyone here

I'm watchin your behavior, so youshould too.

02-02-2012, 01:14 AM
We're not starting another "Vets vs New" fight again

That was the most stupid drama I've seen. And that's saying something considering where it came from.
What are we? Females?

anways. How about that Paradiso?

Fuck Paradiso!

And watch it. My warning still stands.

No, but seriously fuck that B.L.U.E. stronghold of a map!

: War Council Meeting:

Eagle: Paradiso is like the red headed step-child of FC.

Funk: Hey... I lost my virginity to a red head.

Party: >.<

EriRi 1138
02-02-2012, 04:04 AM
I did too. You'd better not be hatin on our ginger women. I'll give you an infraction. :P

02-02-2012, 04:09 AM
Are me and surrounded the only ones staying on topic? Everyone else seems to be warning everyone else about infractions. >.<

EriRi 1138
02-02-2012, 04:15 AM
Yeah, I was being satirical. Enough with the threats. Just use your head and enjoy responsibly.

And it's hard for some of us to stay on topic when 3/4th's of the people in this community aren't supposed to be posting in this topic because we haven't been here for less than 2 years.

But I digress.

02-02-2012, 11:43 AM
All this talk about Vets and whose been here for a period of time just makes the rift bigger. Topics separating the "Vets" from the Newbies shouldnt even exist, the conversation about vets shouldnt even exist cause in reality. Who cares?

Think what you want, its creative criticism.

02-02-2012, 01:42 PM
Paradiso was full of sooo much fail and awesome.

I legitimately held a special advanced training session to teach people in BLUE how to use the Banshee with skill. The reason for this?



02-02-2012, 02:27 PM
I did too. You'd better not be hatin on our ginger women. I'll give you an infraction. :P

Mexican girls are more fun.

SuRroundeD By 1
02-02-2012, 04:05 PM
^ You know I think I was playing as a filler for VbD in that game. I remember in the last 10 seconds I dropped the shields of the last BLUE in the hill before i died and then Guzzie and Aftershock came around the corner, killed him, and jumped in the hill to score the very last points to get us that 1 point win. That was an amazing game. :thumbs up:

Haha I believe that last guy was me, and yes it was a great game.

+1 for all the gingers out there, I am one of the most discriminated against kids at my school simply because of my red hair . . . not really . . . but I am a ginger.

02-02-2012, 06:47 PM
I did too. You'd better not be hatin on our ginger women. I'll give you an infraction. :P

And my first girlfriend was a red head. Though not a day-walker, as she was Italian.
And she didn't have a soul. Not because she was a ginger, but because she's a damn woman.