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02-15-2012, 07:23 PM

Good day soldiers and members of Forerunner Conflict. I come today to offer a challenge to everyone. It is a Recruitment challenge, yes you read that title correctly. We have tried and failed in the past far too long on Recruitment Drives, so we've decided to add a little incentive to this one. Starting today, you all will receive about two and a half weeks, with this event ending Sunday, March 4th, for the Recruitment Drive. Each successful Recruit that passes Bootcamp will receive the Recruiter a 100 vCash addition to their pool. Remind the Recruit to fill out who recruited them on their Enlistment post! For this Bootcamp to be legitimate, however, a member of the War Council must be present. Make sure to keep in contact with your respective War Council members to see when they can be available for the Bootcamps!

Now for the real incentive. The Army that receives the most Recruits during this drive will earn their Faction 1,000 cR for their War Effort! The catch is, the Recruits added into that Faction for the two week period MUST exceed ten in order for this cR addition to be validated. Basically, the Faction must have received more than ten Recruits in this two week period.

So what are you all waiting for? There are hundreds of thousands of Recruits just waiting to learn about Forerunner Conflict! Stuck on how to recruit effectively? Check out Raz's Tips to Recruiting (http://fcwars.net/forums/showthread.php?1606-RECRUITING-In-MATCHMAKING-%28FOR-IDIOTS%29) for hints! Still can't get any? Maybe you should invest in a facelift and a better personality. =P Nah, you can always hit up the Classifieds on Bungie.net and post a home-made Recruitment ad of your own! Maybe even pester Whoosh or Salvanous to make us some Recruitment Comics to post around! Wouldn't hurt.

So get out there and grab us some Recruits! Happy Recruiting!

02-15-2012, 07:40 PM
You couldn't do this a month ago when I recruited 20+ people from navspecwar, could you? ._.

Ah well, luckily I have some friends interested.

02-15-2012, 11:28 PM
Make sure you are actually recruiting people WANTING AND WILLING to participate!!! We will be checking!! Also, try not to recruit clans! We want original members!!!! NO GO OUT THERE AND RECRUIT GOD DAMMIT. YOU SHOULDN'T EVEN BE READING THIS, GO GO GO GO GO GO.