View Full Version : Helljumper Episode 2

02-16-2012, 01:43 PM

Haven't watched it yet, but here it is! /excitedness.

EDIT: Biggest thing so far that bothers me is no mesh attaching the helmet to the body piece. T_T Maybe that's just me being OCD.

Acting was a little better this time. It's hard to keep track of who is who, since they all look alike xD But the graphics were pretty well. Considering they're running off of their own money and the few donations they get, I think it's really well done. The costumes must have taken forever to make. Overall, I think it's pretty well done, better than I could do to say the least. 8.5/10!

02-16-2012, 02:13 PM
ODST's wouldn't take their helmets off as much, nor would they call a civilian sir in that manner.

Also a plasma bolt to the back would melt that armor right off.

02-16-2012, 04:18 PM
Honestly... It was hard to watch.

If you took this projects whole budget(for all the episodes) and restructured it for a short video. Similiar to this http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Zw684xM2cUo&feature=channel_video_tit le they would have a MUCH better end product. instead they decided to create a long narrative, which has horrible writing and acting. The props aren't bad but they need some touching up.(rub some dirt on them)

They also need to research some military protocols because the movement looked horrible. I don't understand why you would put such emphasis on story when they couldn't accomplish it. If I had the amount of money they had I would have spent it on a better CGI director and better props. Then created a short 3-5 minute short.

02-16-2012, 04:32 PM
it's a bit dissapointing, but good considering.

02-17-2012, 12:56 PM
Donkey, it's not just you. The fact that there's no connection between the helmet and armor bothered me as well. And it pisses me off to no end that they keep taking their helmets off. They're in a war zone. That wouldn't happen. And the armor is still too clangy and metallic for me. But the acting is much better. However, there isn't a lot of story development in this episode. It's really slow. Nevertheless, I enjoy it and have hope that it will improve.

02-17-2012, 02:41 PM
It was a big sporadic, but there is a little storyline. I agree, it isn't as defined as it should be, it's hard to keep track of. They have too many character interruptions to stay on one "storyline" too long. Like the "Trap" part was kind of random, I didn't even know who it was. Coulda been removed. However, that one "lone wolf" ODST that the main character didn't want to bring, did come back to help out that one two-man team of ODSTs and showed a compassionate side he never showed before. Hopefully they actually focus in on a single line of events, cause it is hard to understand what is being shown when they keep flipping around and it's only fifteen minutes.

02-17-2012, 02:44 PM
I feel it was loads better than the 1st episode, and to be honest I feel as if everybody's complaints are just being knit-picky. They delivered about just as much as I could expect from an indie production. For now I am going to count my blessings and just be thankful there are some fans with enough resources to produce something that apparently the all mighty Hollywood cannot.

Daaaah Whoosh
02-17-2012, 03:15 PM
I just wish I'd been in charge of costume design. There's a lot to the ODST armor that I think you could make with fabric. I always sort of assumed that the first layer of armor was something like a Kevlar bodysuit, possibly flame/plasma retardant, and on top of that was some armor plating, but everyone seems to think that it's either armor or a black shirt. I don't understand why, if it's so hard to make armor, they would choose to put the most effort into it, when the part that everyone notices is how the bodysuit doesn't even cover the neck. If they'd made the chest and arm pieces more modular, and done something, anything, to the black undersuit to make it look combat-appropriate, then I think they would solve both the problems of how they look a little too blocky and the metallic clangs that keep resounding through the scenes.
That, and I wish they'd keep the assault rifles fully automatic. I know battle rifles have a tendency to go missing for large chunks of the canon, but if you want to place your shots with precision, I feel like the assault rifle would be your last choice.

On the side of the acting, I tried to stop looking at everyone, and just accept the words they were saying as if I was reading the script. Unfortunately, that didn't help much. The whole thing sounds like a bad fanfiction based on a much better short story from Halo: Evolutions. I can't help but wonder if I'd do a better job acting and writing the whole thing.

The effects are also not what I would have expected. I understand they're very limited in their resources, but that's usually what makes low-budget films so good: when you take what you have and make something good out of it. When they couldn't show the shark in Jaws, they showed you the shark's perspective, which turned out to be awesome. And when they didn't have CGI, they had really cool puppets, which looked just fine in the right settings- just watch the original The Thing. All I'm saying is that if you can't do something well, then don't. Try it a different way, make it look right. If they had someone make ODST armor, Marine armor, and all sorts of weapons, then I'm sure they could have found someone who was good with special effects.

I'm sorry for being so pessimistic, it's just that I have high standards for myself, so I expect the same from other people. It's a good video, and it's nice to see some live-action Halo, I just wish that instead of trying to do something and falling short, they'd taken what they had and made what they could out of it.

02-17-2012, 03:55 PM
I feel it was loads better than the 1st episode, and to be honest I feel as if everybody's complaints are just being knit-picky. They delivered about just as much as I could expect from an indie production. For now I am going to count my blessings and just be thankful there are some fans with enough resources to produce something that apparently the all mighty Hollywood cannot.

My point is... Don't do it if you can't achieve it.

I've been told over and over to create something you can do WELL not something MEDIOCRE.

02-17-2012, 06:07 PM
still, had to high of expectations... still dissapointed :/

02-18-2012, 05:17 AM
Was it supposed to be funny? Cuz I laughed my ass off.


OH I'M SAD NOW... GUESS I'LL TAKE MY HELMET OFF.... No wait fuckit... ima just take it off every time i talk... AND ESPECIALLY HAVE IT OFF WHEN IM WOUNDED


... jesus christ really? I thought I was supposed to be watching a Halo Movie... not some stupid soap opra.


And lastly... Who misses a single grunt with aimed shots from less than 20 feet away and then uses a FUCKING GRENADE to kill it?

I'm proud to say I'm the 14th dislike.

Daaaah Whoosh
02-18-2012, 12:44 PM
Amen, Funk.

I just remembered, an ODST who got stuck wouldn't flail around like an idiot. He would drop down and cover the grenade with his body so that his squad wouldn't get hit. These guys are supposed to be well-trained.

02-18-2012, 01:04 PM
training is one thing, but if something like that really happens, training goes out the window and you just try to get it off.

02-20-2012, 11:38 PM
I couldn't finish it... I really couldn't. Disappointing.

02-21-2012, 02:46 AM
training is one thing, but if something like that really happens, training goes out the window and you just try to get it off.

02-21-2012, 02:59 AM

amazing story

02-21-2012, 01:30 PM
a few years ago some other kid won the MoH for throwing his body on top of a land mine, saving his entire squad.

He was sadly killed doing so.

Daaaah Whoosh
02-21-2012, 02:08 PM

This is exactly what I think of when I think of an ODST. Someone who stares death in the face, and then tries to send it back to the enemy. The ODSTs are dropped, from orbit, in small metal eggs, behind enemy lines, with no support other than from their squadmates. So, if one of them got stuck, I'd like to think that he'd do the brave thing, and either drop down, or return the grenade to its owner.