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View Full Version : On the verge of another World War?

02-21-2012, 01:04 PM


Reading both of these makes me wonder if we really are on the verge of World War III. Ya, know we play all of these games and write in our RPG's. Well what if it happens?

02-21-2012, 01:18 PM
truelly.... im not suprised... im actually suprised it didnt start when Bush was president.

Iran loves a good fight, and they talk about how they have all of these WMDs and what they can do.... same with North Korea.

maybe now December 21st, 2012 could be real

02-21-2012, 01:42 PM
Bazonga, Iran doesn't have WMD's...that's why were placin sanctions on them. We thinktheyre trying to make them..

and eagle, this is the same rhetoric we hear from shitstain countries just so they make sure we don't forget about them.. All iran is doing is fukin their own economy, and throwin money at somethin we keep tellin them to stop. I think it'd be more likely that the iranians would have internal conflict from the situation (shit economy, and some of the worlds strongest armies on their doorstep) than themstartin a world war... Besides, they have wayy more powerful enemies than powerful allies. The few allies they have that would actually join them in a war are preoccupied with their own internal struggles..

Nothin is gonna happen on a global scale. Just another war in the middle east.. And that's only if they decide to persist with their hardheaded ways..

...but I do think iran has a play we don't see, cuz they aren't dumb... Wat they're doing will destroy them unless they have a card uptheir sleeve..

02-21-2012, 01:48 PM
Bazonga, Iran doesn't have WMD's...that's why were placin sanctions on them. We thinktheyre trying to make them..

and eagle, this is the same rhetoric we hear from shitstain countries just so they make sure we don't forget about them.. All iran is doing is fukin their own economy, and throwin money at somethin we keep tellin them to stop. I think it'd be more likely that the iranians would have internal conflict from the situation (shit economy, and some of the worlds strongest armies on their doorstep) than themstartin a world war... Besides, they have wayy more powerful enemies than powerful allies. The few allies they have that would actually join them in a war are preoccupied with their own internal struggles..

Nothin is gonna happen on a global scale. Just another war in the middle east.. And that's only if they decide to persist with their hardheaded ways..

...but I do think iran has a play we don't see, cuz they aren't dumb... Wat they're doing will destroy them unless they have a card uptheir sleeve..

Iran isn't the problem. It' Russia and China that kinda scares me... They've already said if the US attacks Iran in any way that they will go to war with the US.

02-21-2012, 01:49 PM
If anything the real threat is Fiji. They're slowly taking over the market with their delicious water.

02-21-2012, 01:55 PM
Iran isn't the problem. It' Russia and China that kinda scares me... They've already said if the US attacks Iran in any way that they will go to war with the US.
dude.. That's syria, which we have no intention of sending troops there...

..and the 1st article ismore an opinion written by an idiot than factual news....

china and russia ain't gonna do a thing...

02-21-2012, 02:08 PM
I was hoping for Homefront 2, but that'll work too I guess.

02-21-2012, 02:50 PM
I watched an amazing two-part episode from "Castle" on ABC that talks about a "linchpin" that is a single domino that would knock down all other dominoes in play.

In the episode, it was the daughter of the Chinese Financial Adviser. If she died and it was blamed on the CIA, he would have China call in America's debt and destroy America economically, which would allow other countries (such as Iran) all around the world to go mainly unchecked while the US is crippled. Then, a World War begins and the US surrenders in August of 2017. It was some scary awesome shit.

02-21-2012, 02:51 PM
Iran isn't the problem. It' Russia and China that kinda scares me... They've already said if the US attacks Iran in any way that they will go to war with the US.

No they haven't.

Next war is with Iran. We cannot let them obtain nuclear weapons. Iran has threatened to wipe Israel off the face of the Earth. I bet the Israelis will launch a preemptive strike in the next 6 months. We of course will go in guns blazing for our share of the black gold.

No one can match the USA's military might. I'm sure we will end the world before we bow to any opponent.(If we went to war with Russia and China)

Also I wouldn't give "castle" much credit.

02-21-2012, 03:11 PM
dude.. That's syria,

china and russia ain't gonna do a thing...

Uhhh no, that was Iran China threatened you over. How does a Canadian know more about who's threatening you country than you do?

European News Online (http://www.eutimes.net/2011/12/chinese-general-threatens-us-with-world-war-3-over-iran/)

02-21-2012, 03:17 PM
d3ad1te, I was just using "Castle" as an example of how connected everything is. It's a great piece of storytelling that, like Homefront, is grounded in reality.

02-21-2012, 03:19 PM
Uhhh no, that was Iran China threatened you over. How does a Canadian know more about who's threatening you country than you do?

European News Online (http://www.eutimes.net/2011/12/chinese-general-threatens-us-with-world-war-3-over-iran/)

lol... Rhetoric =/= cause for worry.

if we believed all the rhetoric countries have made, north korea would rule the world.

they've taken steps wih syria. They ain't done shit for iran..

...and also, never heard of you're source, and the sources I use don't say shit about this.

02-21-2012, 03:21 PM
No they did Deadite. Ghost already posted a link so I wouldn't have to go searching :p

We've already kinda stopped them by (it hasn't been official), but by assassinating their scientists... Either that or Israel has been doing it :p

It isn't just the oil we are over there for, Israel is very important to us as well.

As for the US's military might. China's population is roughly 4x ours. (Unless I'm doing the math wrong)

Then we have Russia on top of that.

I'm sorry, but we wouldn't stand a chance. I can guarantee North Korea would hop on the bandwagon with China, and I do believe that the enlisted size of North Korea's military is about the same size as ours.

...and also, never heard of you're source, and the sources I use don't say shit about this.

If you really think that the big media channels/websites will actually talk fully about this. You're mistaken. This isn't something the people leading this country would really want out in the streets.

And munkie this isn't coming a small nation with no power, this threat is coming from a world economic power.

02-21-2012, 03:31 PM
No they did Deadite. Ghost already posted a link so I wouldn't have to go searching :p

We've already kinda stopped them by (it hasn't been official), but by assassinating their scientists... Either that or Israel has been doing it :p

It isn't just the oil we are over there for, Israel is very important to us as well.

As for the US's military might. China's population is roughly 4x ours. (Unless I'm doing the math wrong)

Then we have Russia on top of that.

I'm sorry, but we wouldn't stand a chance. I can guarantee North Korea would hop on the bandwagon with China, and I do believe that the enlisted size of North Korea's military is about the same size as ours.

If you really think that the big media channels/websites will actually talk fully about this. You're mistaken. This isn't something the people leading this country would really want out in the streets.

Dude, I don't just read us news. I read brit papers that are on the web, and talk a lot with my uncle, who reads the rio times for all his info...

3 different continents for my news sources... All reputable and known... Vs 2 I've heard nothin about....

...and are you one of those conspiracy theorists that thinks the news is edited? It is spun a certain way, because places have their own political agendas, but they don't all outright censor info cuz "big brother" told them to... (which is what ur sayin)...

..and even if they do, they can't touch brit oapers, and the rio times wouldn't care...

02-21-2012, 03:33 PM
I really just want the United States to get it over with and annex Canada. The United Territory of North America has a nice ring to it.

plus if it comes to war between us folk I've had a burning desire to go to Loco's house and execute him with an empty soda can and a wet towel. Dont ask.

02-21-2012, 04:01 PM
No they did Deadite. Ghost already posted a link so I wouldn't have to go searching :p

We've already kinda stopped them by (it hasn't been official), but by assassinating their scientists... Either that or Israel has been doing it :p

It isn't just the oil we are over there for, Israel is very important to us as well.

As for the US's military might. China's population is roughly 4x ours. (Unless I'm doing the math wrong)

Then we have Russia on top of that.

I'm sorry, but we wouldn't stand a chance. I can guarantee North Korea would hop on the bandwagon with China, and I do believe that the enlisted size of North Korea's military is about the same size as ours.

If you really think that the big media channels/websites will actually talk fully about this. You're mistaken. This isn't something the people leading this country would really want out in the streets.

And munkie this isn't coming a small nation with no power, this threat is coming from a world economic power.

Sorry. Nope.
http://www.google.com/url?sa=t&rct=j&q=&esrc=s&source=web&cd=1&ved=0CDEQqQIwAA&url=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.firs tpost.com%2Feconomy%2Find ia-china-plan-iran-oil-cuts-of-10-percent-or-more-220740.html&ei=s_dDT_KaDLPo2gW-iLiOCA&usg=AFQjCNHNI3CGV1M9RkO0B XMTtp_imiDuxA&sig2=OYn0Wq81NXV-T6F6eHi_bA

China is cutting back on Iranian Oil. Helping the EU's sanctions against those crazy bastards.

I'm sorry but do you really think population size has ANYTHING to do with military power? You have no clue what you are talking about Eagle.
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_countries_by_mili tary_expenditures

I shouldn't even have to explain to you why you are wrong. Look it up.

02-21-2012, 04:06 PM
Thank you deadite. Liking you more and more.

02-21-2012, 04:06 PM
I really just want the United States to get it over with and annex Canada. The United Territory of North America has a nice ring to it.

plus if it comes to war between us folk I've had a burning desire to go to Loco's house and execute him with an empty soda can and a wet towel. Dont ask.

war of 1812: round 2.

let's go Canada! we'll pwn teh americans.

02-21-2012, 04:09 PM
d3ad1te, I was just using "Castle" as an example of how connected everything is. It's a great piece of storytelling that, like Homefront, is grounded in reality.

True that. As a film major story sounds pretty solid.

They are remaking Red Dawn. I think it was already remade but the director had to change the enemy from China to North Korea.

Any war with China would be self-destructive to both nations. We need China to make our shit, China needs US to buy their shit.

02-21-2012, 04:14 PM
@Munkie. The whole media thing isn't a conspiracy, it's the truth.

I forget what went on over-seas at the time, but remember when the guy from Florid was burning Qurans? When all of the news was covering that, something happened over-seas that only a few news sources actually covered.

However this topic is for another day.


http://www.nytimes.com/2012/02/21/world/middleeast/iran-warns-us-over-syria-as-crackdown-intensifies.html?exprod=m yyahoo

Both Russia and China voted against the resolution.

As for military power, numbers can very well over whelm technology. If we have 1/3 of the world knocking at our doorstep, we wouldn't be able to fight them off for very long.

I understand how powerful we are, but our new found military hasn't really gotten into any wars to prove we can beat everyone. The small wars/operations we have gotten into haven't been victories.

02-21-2012, 04:20 PM
I understand how powerful we are, but our new found military hasn't really gotten into any wars to prove we can beat everyone. The small wars/operations we have gotten into haven't been victories.


These wars we have been fighting aren't conventional. WW3 wouldn't be some hit and run bullshit.

Again with the population size. It DOESN'T matter. Look at what happened to the Russia and China in World War II.

02-21-2012, 04:22 PM
If a war happens so be it. Not like Humanity can go a single day without some group of people fighting over dumb shit. Just stop paying attention to it until the draft comes so you can run your bitchass up to Greenland and hide away for the rest of your life. Wars will never end, therefore anytime I see shit about a new war possibly starting I just don't give a fuck. Hopefully someone hits the Big Red Button that blows up the entire world and creates (A) The Zombie Apocalypse, (B) A world like Fallout, or (C) Everyone is dead=No more problems and animals will once again rule the world without stupid humans running around and messing everything up =D

02-21-2012, 04:23 PM
just putting this out there... US has never been defeated, we have left before we could have lost.... i dont see a single military out there that can beat the US military...

we have had numerous odds against us and still prevailed...

in other words, if a nation goes to war against the US, they are FUUUUUUUUUUUUUCKED lol

and now to Ollie Williams for the Blacky Weather Forcast, how does the weather look Ollie?


02-21-2012, 04:28 PM
If a war happens so be it. Not like Humanity can go a single day without some group of people fighting over dumb shit. Just stop paying attention to it until the draft comes so you can run your bitchass up to Greenland and hide away for the rest of your life. Wars will never end, therefore anytime I see shit about a new war possibly starting I just don't give a fuck. Hopefully someone hits the Big Red Button that blows up the entire world and creates (A) The Zombie Apocalypse, (B) A world like Fallout, or (C) Everyone is dead=No more problems and animals will once again rule the world without stupid humans running around and messing everything up =D

but we are animals, and we do rule the world.

we are just animals.

02-21-2012, 04:30 PM
just putting this out there... US has never been defeated, we have left before we could have lost.... i dont see a single military out there that can beat the US military...

we have had numerous odds against us and still prevailed...

in other words, if a nation goes to war against the US, they are FUUUUUUUUUUUUUCKED lol

and now to Ollie Williams for the Wacky Weather Forcast, how does the weather look Ollie?


1. Vietnam=We knew we were gonna lose so we pulled out
2. War of 1812-We were gonna lose until Britain completely ran out of money. Them and the Canadians COMPLETELY WHIPPED our asses that war, and the most famous battle (Battle of New Orleans which romanticized Andrew Jackson) was fought after the war technically came to an armistice but the troops from both sides didn't get the memo until AFTER the battle (true story).
3. Israel would kick our ass if not for our sheer numbers
4. It's the "Blacky weather forecast", not wacky weather -_-

02-21-2012, 04:37 PM


There. They not only have the world's largest population, but they are also building a military to match their new economic power. The U.S. won't be the top tiered super power that is was through the 20th century.

EriRi 1138
02-21-2012, 04:38 PM
What Deadite is saying, Eagle, is that their population doesn't matter because they're not going to get every single man, woman, and child to hold rifles. You aren't born into the military. You enlist in it. And not everybody does that.

Population size does not equal military size.

As for Armageddon, bring it the fuck on. This planet is shit.

02-21-2012, 04:39 PM
1. Vietnam=We knew we were gonna lose so we pulled out
2. War of 1812-We were gonna lose until Britain completely ran out of money. Them and the Canadians COMPLETELY WHIPPED our asses that war, and the most famous battle (Battle of New Orleans which romanticized Andrew Jackson) was fought after the war technically came to an armistice but the troops from both sides didn't get the memo until AFTER the battle (true story).
3. Israel would kick our ass if not for our sheer numbers


4. It's the "Blacky weather forecast", not wacky weather -_-

totally knew that, just testing you ( ._.)

RaZ Vader
02-21-2012, 04:49 PM
Give me a news source from America

02-21-2012, 04:52 PM
Give me a news source from America

I gave you the Times.....

02-21-2012, 04:58 PM
I really just want the United States to get it over with and annex Canada. The United Territory of North America has a nice ring to it.

plus if it comes to war between us folk I've had a burning desire to go to Loco's house and execute him with an empty soda can and a wet towel. Dont ask.
well now im curious :P

02-21-2012, 06:14 PM
Thank god im going into Nuclear and Hazmat Specialist :)

Suck it.

02-21-2012, 06:22 PM
Thank god im going into Nuclear and Hazmat Specialist :)

Suck it.

Yea you'll be the poor bastard sent in to "assess" a serious outbreak of some Hazardous material when the zombie apocalypse starts. Call us when you find out hey? :P

In all seriousness congrats. Hopefully we won't need too many of that kind of work should there be any violence in the Middle East. No Nukes = Good Nukes

02-21-2012, 06:22 PM
We still outspend china by 7x their own military.

It would take them 30 years to get to our current level.

Also Israel is our ally... They do have amazing special forces and our guys go over there for training. But man to man combat wouldn't even decide a war anymore. It's all about hardware.

02-21-2012, 06:29 PM
But man to man combat wouldn't even decide a war anymore. It's all about hardware.

^ this

02-21-2012, 06:49 PM
We still outspend china by 7x their own military.

It would take them 30 years to get to our current level.

Also Israel is our ally... They do have amazing special forces and our guys go over their for training. But man to man combat wouldn't even decide a war anymore. It's all about hardware.

Does America have a stealth aircraft carrier?

Hell I read in a Popular Mechanics three years ago that China was working on an anti-gravity bomb.

And we spend so much on our military because of how spread out it is, we don't push money into the newest and best. I mean we are just now thinking about/switching out standard rifles for our infantry.

http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Military_budget_of_the_Un ited_States

Almost 1/2 goes into funding Operations and upkeep for our foreign bases.


And then this.

02-21-2012, 06:53 PM
[QUOTE=EAGLE;60140]Does America have a stealth aircraft carrier?

Hell I read in a Popular Mechanics three years ago that China was working on an anti-gravity bomb. [QUOTE]


02-21-2012, 06:58 PM
Eagle .. most of our money goes towards the Defense Department. I think we're safe.

02-21-2012, 07:21 PM
Eagle, you dont live in Seattle like me, but there is this GIANT radar ship that has high defencive equipment ported here... it was funded by the US government. From up here in Seattle it can measure how far a baseball whent all the way down in San Francisco easily... Its not like our army is stuck with WW1 kinds of weapons, we are actually well advanced. China just likes pushing things forword and to their limits with their technology. We play it safe to be sure it works and then spend the millions/billions/trillions of dollars on these kinds of things...

just trust me, the US is fine lol

This isnt the full story, but this is the fastest one i can find http://blog.seattlepi.com/thebigblog/2011/05/10/giant-sea-based-radar-vessel-nears-seattle/

02-21-2012, 08:21 PM
Is that a joke? XM25

You do understand all the things you listed are needed for a powerful military....

02-21-2012, 08:50 PM
Is that a joke? XM25

You do understand all the things you listed are needed for a powerful military....

Two of the three things I listed China is developing (Anti-Grav Bomb) or already has (Stealth Aircraft Carrier).

As for the XM25, thats all well and good, but it's taken this long to develop and finally utilize that tech. I mean I remember when a couple years back they were talking how soldiers would soon be outfitted like the soldiers in Ghost Recon Advanced Warfighter were.

02-21-2012, 09:02 PM
Two of the three things I listed China is developing (Anti-Grav Bomb) or already has (Stealth Aircraft Carrier).

As for the XM25, thats all well and good, but it's taken this long to develop and finally utilize that tech. I mean I remember when a couple years back they were talking how soldiers would soon be outfitted like the soldiers in Ghost Recon Advanced Warfighter were.

There is no such thing as an "anti-gravity" bomb. Maybe they are researching it but I assure you it wouldn't matter, why would I be afraid of this? We already have nukes which can obliterate the entire planet.

China is developing 3 aircraft carries to match India's and Japans upcoming carriers. Also XM25 is going into fullscale production next year.

Not that any of this shit matters because pretty much everything is going to be autonomous in the next 30 years. Human pilots and maybe even soldiers will be obsolete.

Civilian casualties will continue to rise until the only casualties of war are civilians. That's when drones will do all our bidding dun dun dunnn.

02-21-2012, 09:35 PM
Eagle. I laughed my ass off cuz an antigrav bomb is impossible right now.. Hell scientists can't even figure 9ut if gravitons are real. Lol.

can't make a bomb if you have no science. Ur sources are flawed dude. No disrespect.

02-21-2012, 10:25 PM
Eagle. I laughed my ass off cuz an antigrav bomb is impossible right now.. Hell scientists can't even figure 9ut if gravitons are real. Lol.

can't make a bomb if you have no science. Ur sources are flawed dude. No disrespect.

True that man. I was going to put that in my post. We are on the same page here.

Eagle you know we are just trying to prove our points. Still love ya. These topics are a great part of FC, because we can have quasi-intelligent discussions. I swear when I first joined I never noticed these type of conversations.

edit: I'd also like to point out that technically none of us are right. Who really knows wtf is going on. But the news so far has led me to believe Israel and Iran are going to go at it. I think "big wars" like the World Wars are over with. Since all of the top countries have nuclear weapons I bet we will see more cold war type of bullshit.

02-21-2012, 11:38 PM
i dont read up on anything, im just waiting for shit to hit the fan

02-21-2012, 11:51 PM
Deadite I would love to think that another World War would never happen, but some crazy fucking people inhabit this world.

02-21-2012, 11:54 PM
look at why wars start every day, race, religion, land, views. war is everywhere, and it will never stop, its human nature to fight eachother no matter how much we try to stop and hide that nature of ourselves, it will always be there

02-22-2012, 12:09 AM
look at why wars start every day, race, religion, land, views. war is everywhere, and it will never stop, its human nature to fight eachother no matter how much we try to stop and hide that nature of ourselves, it will always be there

Hm I think this is true... But who knows. If we get ourselves off of fossil fuels(fusion) then maybe we wouldn't have to settle our differences through violence.

02-22-2012, 12:14 AM
If gas jumps another 25 cents, I'm going to start my own goddamn war.

02-22-2012, 12:20 AM
If gas jumps another 25 cents, I'm going to start my own goddamn war.

I think Crammer from Mad Money said it might be 5 bucks a gallon by the end of the summer, and if Iran pulls their oil off our markets. We're fucked.

02-22-2012, 12:21 AM
this wouldnt be that much of a problem if we didnt export 80% of the oil we made <_<

02-22-2012, 12:25 AM
I dun leik warz.

They're not nice.

Things that aren't nice, I don't liek.

Therefore, I dun leik wars.

02-22-2012, 12:39 AM
If gas jumps another 25 cents, I'm going to start my own goddamn war.

02-22-2012, 12:45 AM
when i look at gas prices, makes me glad i dont have the money for a car, i ride my bike everywhere

H2O Yordle
02-22-2012, 12:49 AM
when i look at gas prices, makes me glad i dont have the money for a car, i ride my NARWHAL everywhere


02-22-2012, 12:51 AM
<_< idiot

H2O Yordle
02-22-2012, 12:53 AM