View Full Version : Heart Attack Grill Debate

02-22-2012, 01:33 PM
So not sure if any of you guys heard of this place (started in Phoenix, now has another one in Vegas) but it's been catching some big news headlines. This restaurant called The Heart Attack Grill serves burgers such as the Double Bypass and Triple Bypass which can contain between 6000-8000 CALORIES for just ONE BURGER. Recently a guy just had a Heart Attack at the place (ironic, isnt it?) and now there is another big debate in America about the way we as Americans eat. If you are over 350lbs, you get burgers FOR FREE at the Heart Attack Grill. Here is a news video clip on the place:


The owner of the restaurant is so demented I would probably love to have him as an Uncle.

But what do you guys think about this place? I personally thing it's atrocious. It makes me hate Americans more and more. Sure, I realize everyone has their own right to eat what they want and take care of their body in their own way...but to me this place is just promoting obesity. It's disgusting.

02-22-2012, 01:43 PM
America was founded by rich bastards wanting to escape paying taxes, we're all about free trade. As long as there is demand for fatty burgers, there's nothing wrong with this.

I'd go there once, but I'm a skinny bastard.

02-22-2012, 01:44 PM
i agree with you spartan, it is just absolutly disgusting

02-22-2012, 01:47 PM
America was founded by rich bastards wanting to escape paying taxes, we're all about free trade. As long as there is demand for fatty burgers, there's nothing wrong with this.

I'd go there once, but I'm a skinny bastard.
Not gonna lie, I'd probably go there once to try it...but to me it's just disgusting that they are promoting the extremely obese people to get FATTER FOR FREE...thats probably what is most disturbing.

Mi Boys Dinner
02-22-2012, 01:56 PM
My friend showed me this a couple years ago. Some stuff looks good to eat to me, but I'm fat, no need to kill what's left of my life span.

02-22-2012, 01:57 PM
I have been told that the guy who created this place was a nutritionist and he was sick and tired of people not listening to him. So he said fuck it Im going to make a place that will kill off these people and get a message out to the rest of America. He even says something like this in the video. I am in full agreement with this guy. If these people want to kill themselves by eating such food let them. Hopefully Americans who care about their bodies will get the message and start taking care of themselves

02-22-2012, 02:15 PM
Hey, Its not like people are being forced to eat there.

And the owner is a genius.

02-22-2012, 02:29 PM

I heard about this before. My one question is: how can you fit 6,000+ calories into a single burger? And how do you manage to eat that? Is it like, a slab of pure grease and transfats or something? lol

02-22-2012, 02:31 PM
They cook everything in like 1.5-2lbs of pure LARD lol

02-22-2012, 02:54 PM
yuck! this must be gross -__-

02-22-2012, 04:30 PM
Now, I love me a good burger. As does any proper American, but how the hell could someone eat more calories in one sitting then I do in a day!

02-22-2012, 04:39 PM
cuz there a fatty fat McFatterson

02-22-2012, 04:46 PM
Now, I love me a good burger. As does any proper American, but how the hell could someone eat more calories in one sitting then I do in a day!

Well first you open your mouth then you chew

You get the idea :P

Project X A02
02-22-2012, 04:52 PM
Wasn't that place in Diner, Drive-Throughs, and Dines of the Food Network, cause the name sounds familiar! I wouldn't eat there it just goes to show you that common-sense isn't common any more!

02-22-2012, 04:59 PM
I think if they took ID and limited people to one visit a year or regulated it somehow it would be ok IMO. Freedom of choice is an important thing for all peoples, but the fatc money is made of such a gross idea is a bit troubling. I'd go there just say say I did :P

Project X A02
02-22-2012, 05:01 PM
I wonder if you have to sign some kind of release form before you eat any of their products!

02-22-2012, 06:30 PM
1: Ill try his food.
2: Its fucked up on how he still uses a dead person to promote his food.
3: 350+lbs = free Burgers??? i need to gain weight.
4: I actually understand and can agree to what the owner is doing (to an extent).
5: Ill go try the food, its worth the experience.
6: If i die, i love you guys.

02-22-2012, 08:06 PM
I wish Rick Santorum got a heart attack