View Full Version : The Walking Dead Discussion Topic

03-04-2012, 10:22 PM

I think I can say it's safe to say that a large portion of this community follows this amazing show. I have been a fan since its season 1 premiere and have followed it from then. This show has a deep storyline and strong character development and I believe that is what makes it such an excellent show to watch (although the blood and violence doesn't hurt either). So at the start of tonight's episode I thought it'd be cool to begin a topic for the community's discussion of the show. Some good places to start would be:

The current week's episode.
Favorite character
Least favorite character
Predictions of where the story is headed.
What could be improved about the show or what is good about it.

03-04-2012, 10:24 PM
I'll go ahead and start off.

They need to kill the prisoner kid, but I know they won't cause it won't help the story progression.

03-04-2012, 10:28 PM
not gonna lie, never seen it nor heard of it

03-04-2012, 10:35 PM
not gonna lie, never seen it nor heard of it

Then I suppose you don't really have a reason to be here, now do you? XP

I seriously love this show. Like holy shit. Haha. Good story and zombies? Fulfills my need for horror year round.

I suppose we'll see what happens tonight. I'm really worried about Shane though. I used to like him, but now I want Rick to drop his ass. He's creation dissension in the ranks... and it's pissing me off.

03-04-2012, 10:40 PM
Carlose you're kidding right? Is Xbox all you use your TV for?

& I am with you there Scarekro, to be honest I prefer horror TV shows over horror movies. They may not be as violent but usually the TV shows have better story lines, AHS is a perfect example of that. And you're right about Shane, he's a total badass and is very important for the groups survival but he's done nothing but cause trouble all of season 2. Although Rick has gotten a lot stronger in his leadership of the group so I think they could do without Shane now.

03-04-2012, 11:07 PM
Not reading this thread because of spoilers. But I love it.
I don't have AMC so I have to wait until Monday's when it's up on the internet.

03-05-2012, 12:37 AM
No spoilers yet, but damn tonight was an awesome episode.

03-05-2012, 01:44 PM
Now that the newest episode has been released and its re runs played all last night I am going to post regarding a spoiler.

Does anybody care about what happened to Dale? I know a few people don't like him but I did. He was kinda like the old guy of the group who gave out good advice. And he had a lame death.

Rokkman X
03-05-2012, 01:49 PM
Anybody ever read Max Brooks' work? Some of my favorite stuff that.

03-05-2012, 01:58 PM
For everyone's sake let's clearly mark spoilers :P

Now for the questions asked...

The current week's episode.
Thought it was great. Happy with the final outcome of a certain character, he got on my nerves. Really looking forward to how Carl will be affected after what he did.

Favorite character
Shane. Yea he's done questionable shit, but in that world, I'd be the same. Shoot first, questions later. Let's face it, besides his problem with Lori he's done a pretty good job. Yea him and Rick have at it a lot, but overall Shane's a big part of their survival.

Least favorite character
Blonde chick. Yupp, don't even know her name she's so annoying :P

Predictions of where the story is headed.
Hard to say. Judging from the previews it seems apparent the farm gets overrun sometime soon. I'm hoping for a wedding between Glen and that girl after last nights episode. Possibly a death or two of someone with the farm? Who knows...

What could be improved about the show or what is good about it.
Overall I think the drama drives the show, but a little more action wouldn't hurt. It is a zombie show after all, so a few more bodies to the count couldn't hurt if done properly. Oh and more webisodes!

03-12-2012, 01:45 AM

I'd like to first off begin with a quote.

Predictions of where the story is headed.
Hard to say. Judging from the previews it seems apparent the farm gets overrun sometime soon. I'm hoping for a wedding between Glen and that girl after last nights episode. Possibly a death or two of someone with the farm? Who knows...

I gotta say this is almost spot on. THANK GOD SHANE IS DEAD!!! I loved Shane, he was an amazingly strong character and really drove the storyline progression. But all he has done in season 2 is butt heads with Rick. I think it's pretty obvious that either he or Rick were gunna die sometime soon and I am glad it was him, Rick is a better leader anyways. Although I think it's really gunna screw with Carl (which you could kinda see in the scene after Shane died). Mostly because Shane was the guy Carl would always go to for help/advice (which you could also see earlier in the episode when he talked to Shane about the walker that killed Dale. Wow they make this easy don't they?

As for next week's episode it looks as if all hell is going to break loose. Which I am highly excited for, as much as I love the storyline and character development this season has been a bit lacking in action. I am going to assume that the group will put up one hell of a fight but the house will eventually get overrun and they will have no choice but to destroy it (probably with a lot of gasoline and fire) before they make their escape to find another location to hide in season 3.

03-12-2012, 06:02 AM
Loved this episode, but people are missing a major part which I will get to at the end.

Daryl's Gun (Merle's Old Gun) & Other Group
Alright so at one point Daryl says something along the lines of "Wish I knew where my gun went" when talking to T-Dawg and Rick. So this got me thinking, maybe this is a bit of foreshadowing of if he gets the gun back from Carl what he'll say. Then it dawned on me. Merle is still MIA. Carl has Merle's gun. So what if at the end of next episode Carl is kidnapped but that other group. Maybe their leader is Merle? Crazy group sounds like he could be involved. Now wouldn't that be an interesting thing? Merle sees his gun on some kid and the two groups meet, brothers re-united. Now that would be one hell of a plot twist.

Shane's Death Part One
"...not the only threat out there, keep an eye for each other." - Rick Grimes (The episode we're discussing): How bout that for foreshadowing?
So very happy the power struggle between these two is over. I totally get what Shane did and why he did things, and I was hoping he'd come around. Ah well. Rick's better suited for the group, although I can't imagine many will be thrilled to hear he killed Shane.

Prisoner Death / Shane's Death Part Two
The prisoner was not bitten. He died via broken neck, most likely inflicted by Shane off camera. Daryl and Glenn realize the problem right away. HE WASN'T EVER BITTEN AND WAS STILL INFECTED. This is shown again with Shane. He is stabbed, never bitten, and turns into a walker (I love the human-to-zombie flashes.) This means one of two things...

One: Everyone is infected and upon death become Walkers. Perhaps they hold the key to immunity? Perhaps Lori's baby will be the key?
- This may start next season into exploring what caused the outbreak. Maybe they'll go offensive rather than hiding and find people responsible?
-- Also don't forget the scientist in season one eluded to this when talking to rick in the CDC

Two: Shane is fucking patient zero. He started the whole outbreak somehow, and something he did to the prisoner passed on the infection.
- This is the less likely option

Next Episode (Season Finale)
CALLED IT! Farm is getting overrun. There better be some epic hold the line, stand your ground,. fuck some zombies up action. Hershel saying the whole "This is my farm I'll die here" deal while pumping the shotgun got me going. My predictions for the season finale...

1. Hershel does indeed die on his farm, most likely holding the walkers off while the group runs. (Possible self burning in the house?)
2. Glenn and Maggie run away with the group together. She get's her adventure. (Either that or she dies with Hershel.)
3. Carl shifts from boy to man. He's killed one walker, will probably half to kill another.
4. Glenn takes over the running/ownership of the RV
5. They all leave the farm and hit the offensive rather than hiding.

03-12-2012, 08:22 AM
Awesome episode last night~

03-12-2012, 09:37 AM
I'm confident that folks will die like they did in the comics. However, characters like Daryl, who aren't in the comics, are a bit of a mystery. (Daryl must survive man, he's the man.)

03-12-2012, 11:25 AM

Shane was suppose to get shot through the neck by Ricks son. Which kind of happened... Also a lot more fucked up shit is about to happen if they go by the comics.

03-12-2012, 03:19 PM
I have yet to read the comics....but usually TV/Movies don't follow them too closely.

03-12-2012, 04:53 PM
Also a lot more fucked up shit is about to happen if they go by the comics.

I haven't read the comics, nor will I, so would you kindly tell me what happened in them (and may happen in future episodes)? XP

03-12-2012, 04:56 PM
Looks like we can agree that...
A. They will run, burning the house behind them. (Name of the next episode is "Beside the Dying Fire")
B. Hershel will die defending his home.

Question is where will they go? We're in Nebraska, right?
I'd imagine they would go North to the very cold areas, to hide from walkers. There's not another "safe haven" to flee too.

What about an island? Are zombies able to go through water?

I'm sure that somebody will become a major problem-causer to replace Shane. Either that, or they will fuse with another group and have to adjust.
And Lori will have alot of conflict with Rick about Shane, but Carl will support Rick, and she will come to.

I would love if they started off next season with some kind of future-related flashforward (I just see Daryl living in a city trying to exterminate walkers) which would be cool.

03-18-2012, 08:56 PM
Season Finale begins in 4 minutes!!!

03-18-2012, 10:02 PM
Anyone know what that was at the end? Was that a Jail?

03-18-2012, 10:09 PM
^Yea that's what I guessed it was. Maybe they'll explain in the talking dead but im not gunna watch that.

There's 2 things I would like to point out/discuss.
1st- It seems to me as if Rick is becoming sort of a dictator now and the group may not be too comfortable with that. I get the feeling that the group is starting to lose their trust in him. Especially after keeping the fact that they were infected secret from them and he killed another member of the group.

2nd- What was up with that wanna be sith with the katana and the 2 chained-armless zombies?

03-18-2012, 10:14 PM
I guess it was a spin-off that Rick is now a dictator, and it's like they're in jail cause they have no say? Or perhaps they'll try to hold out in a prison, that would actually be kinda cool =D But really, I agree with what Rick did. It's not really that big a deal that he kept the fact they're all "infected" a secret. I mean, what good would it have done? Not much. Just extra stress. And after the Shane incident, it's kind of an example why a democracy might not be the best idea. I mean, Rick has lead them great thus far. This is where they need Dale =( He'd have the best lines for this.

I'm gonna go ahead and say I have absolutely no idea what that Sith was. I literally thought it was a Sith at first xD Perhaps keeping the chained zombies around makes it seem like he's a zombie too and the other Walkers won't go after him?

03-18-2012, 10:14 PM
1: Rick told them STRAIGHT up that they can go if they want. Some were already saying they should so I don't think what Rick said/doing is bad. He has been doing good so far.
2: I dunno but I can not wait to see who/what she is. SHE LOOKS BAD ASS!!

03-18-2012, 10:31 PM
I'm pretty sure it's a prison. Guard towers and barbed wire fences. I think they'll end up holding out in there, which would be beneficial because it would be easy to defend and may house weapons and some armor.

That mysterious character at the end seemed like a girl to me. And why the hell did they have pet zombies? The pets were also missing their bottom jaw as well as their arms, in case you guys didn't notice.

03-18-2012, 10:33 PM
MaxDoggeh says, "And it's a chick named Mishawn (sp?). She figured out how to live in the zombie apocalypse and is apparently a large part of the comics." About the Sith Woman.

03-18-2012, 10:38 PM
MaxDoggeh says, "And it's a chick named Mishawn (sp?). She figured out how to live in the zombie apocalypse and is apparently a large part of the comics." About the Sith Woman.

Just got done watching Talking Dead and they announced that the hooded chic is Michonne--> http://walkingdead.wikia.com/wiki/Michonne_%28Comic_Series% 29

03-18-2012, 11:33 PM
ok now that we know who she is, whats so significant about her?

03-19-2012, 05:40 AM
Alrighty now THAT was a finale.

Here's what we got folks...

Farm Scene
Went faster than I had thought, was REALLY awesome with the camera angles and mood they created. Glad some of the background kids got killed off, they were just wasting space. Figured Glenn and Maggie would end up leaving together at the end of that fight (Called it!) Was happy Hershel is still alive, he's got a lot of potential to be really interesting. Nice to see Daryl come back for Carol, that really solidified the bond with those two as characters.

That's what they called it on "Talking Dead" anyways. He's given them a lot of input till now and really has had to make the hardest choices out of everyone. As Bear said, he gave them the chance to leave and they didn't so I think they'll adjust to the new leadership. It seems like in killing Shane he took the Alpha Male part of Shane and added it to the logical side he had which should be interesting to watch next season.

HUGE character in the comics. Originally brought to the group by Otis (In the comics) but obviously that's not the case in the show. Curious how she'll treat Andrea and if she has a "group" at all or if they'll join Rick and the others at some point. Was a little "bleh" when I saw that part. Kinda unrealistic in what I thought to be a pretty realistic representation of what a real Zombie Apocalypse might be (The whole hood thing and Walkers on chains ruined it, maybe a regular chick with a sword and maybe a zombie ear necklace like Daryl would've been more believable?) Should be interesting to watch how she fits into it all being someone who has indeed figured out how to live in the new world.

Confirmed on "Talking Dead" that it is a jail. Pretty solid place to hold up. Should be interesting how that all pans out (Security guards already owning the place perhaps?) Needless to say, at the end of the Walking Dead Season 2 Memorial montage on the Talking Dead the quote said "Jail or Bust" so my guess is there's going to be some major events there. It's been confirmed that the last 2-3 episodes of this season will be what most of Season 3 will be like, so the climax of this season is going to be the norm for next which has me excited.

Now if you'll excuse me, I'm going to go try and fast forward time to Season 3...

03-19-2012, 09:39 PM
^can't I just watched "Talking Walking Dead" on IGN and they basically confirmed everything that Cody just stated. I am greatly anticipating season 3. This ought to be good.