View Full Version : Is halo 4 going to be TOO much like COD?

timm3h x
03-06-2012, 02:45 AM
Truth be told, I couldn't care less about the Chief's new look. He's a big dude in green armor and a gold visor, and unless you put the different iterations of his design side-by-side most people would be hard-pressed to explain precisely what's changed about him from game to game. He's clearly the Master Chief. His armor a little more detailed. It's evolution; 343 made some tweaks without screwing him up, which is all they really needed to accomplish.

What I found a lot more interesting is how different the game itself seems to feel. Granted, we didn't play it ourselves, but simply watching the demo run-through of the multiplayer map was enough to convey a sense of change. Chief seems to move a little more? well, not slowly, exactly, but with more mass and inertia than before. The sound effects he creates while running have more weight behind them, too. Movement in Halo has always felt a bit like gliding -- a smooth and almost frictionless experience -- even if it doesn't move as fast as many other shooters. That looks to have changed with Halo 4, and the overall effect is remarkably similar to -- wait for it! -- Call of Duty.

In fact, I'm pretty comfortable saying that Halo 4 as a whole looks designed to crib from Modern Warfare and bring that hyperactive multiplayer style to the Halo world. The screen display didn't look quite as cluttered as Modern Warfare 3's, but between the score ticker on the right and the constant HEADSHOT proclamations popping up over a downed foe, it's definitely getting there. I'm not sure how I feel about that. The Halo series could use some shaking up, to be sure, but I was hoping for fresh ideas rather than a bunch of elements carried over from one of the few shooters that people have played even more than the Halo series. Am I being unreasonable here?


03-06-2012, 02:49 AM
i can slowly see it going there... i wish it wouldnt, but i can see how it might be

03-06-2012, 03:00 AM
Lol... Did that guy seriously just say that having more realistic mass/inertia and clearer sounds makes it more like CoD??

No, Halo 4 is not at all going to be similar to CoD, at least not more so than previous Halo games. However, it will obviously give us more customization options. For example, I expect to have options allowing for more fine-tuning of how the game is played, and allowing us to more directly affect the mechanics of the game.

From Forge to custom games to the very theme of many games within Halo, the entire atmosphere and playstyle, saying it's similar to CoD is such an ignorant statement...

If adding more customizability means becoming more like CoD to you, you might need to re-think some things. Halo has always been more customizable than CoD, or mostly any other shooter ever, and adding even more options doesn't make it CoD.

Sure, if you changed the settings in a specific way, you might end up with something similar to CoD, but that doesn't mean the game itself is like CoD. That just means it's extremely customizable.


03-06-2012, 06:48 AM

They haven't even played the game yet.

03-06-2012, 08:03 AM
Everyone always relates every new game to cod, if it is a 1st person shooter its based off of cod apparently.

03-06-2012, 08:14 AM
>watches a video with about 8 seconds worth of gameplay

Rokkman X
03-06-2012, 08:38 AM
The series as a whole is becoming like CawaDooty. In that 343 is probably going to be force feeding us a halo game every year now. More frequent releases means a lower quality product. I mean look back to the Bungie era. When ODST dropped, we got ALL of 3's maps on a single disc, a whole new and awesome campaign with a new mode, AND a Beta key for Reach. With Anniversary, we got a recycled campaign and a $20 DLC download. There's no comparison in my opinion, 343 is just there so M$ can make money on something that hasn't been overdone (I bet Capcom wishes it could've done this), Bungie on the other hand wanted to make great games, which they did and still do. Making lots of money was just a side effect to this.

03-06-2012, 08:47 AM
If they went in a direction that was even a bit like COD, it wouldn't break my heart. Right now, I'm looking for 343 to make a game that sets itself apart from any COD (IF or Treyarch), and any Halo that has come before.

I remember playing Halo: Combat Evolved back in the day. I want the FPS genre, especially Halo, to evolve again and give me a quality product that is absolutely worth every dollar I spend on it. MW3 was certainly NOT worth $60 dollars, and I'm having serious doubts about any other title in the next year, except Halo 4.

The ONLY reason I will buy it is because I want to see what 343 is like as a studio. I've already seen Infinity Ward, Bungie, Treyarch, and some others. For Bungie, honestly, it just seemed like they were going so fast through their remaining games so they could finally get out from under Microsoft, that they did very little innovation. Why, for their last game, did they not bring in any major new features to the franchise? They expanded Forge, Expanded Firefight, and gave us armor abilities (Really, only a replacement for equipment anyway.) I did not see many new or inspired features, did you?

I'm giving Halo 4 its chance as 343's first major product. I've really enjoyed waypoint, so I am encouraged a bit that they will do the series right.

In a market dominated by big developers, I want to see how the new guy turns this out.

03-06-2012, 09:08 AM
why would halo want to be like COD? Halo is already 1000x better, COD puts me to sleep

03-06-2012, 09:28 AM
lol I think a remember everyone saying Reach was gonna be like Call of Duty all because he had bloom in it...

Heres what I have to say, Halo set the bar for how a 1st Person Shooter should be, and it keeps setting that bar. Call of Duty has been the same for about four years now. Halo has changed, and it will change again.

343 is a mix of Halo players and original Halo: CE development team members. I doubt they will be force feeding us games every year, because they wouldn't want that. Besides they allowed Halo: CEA to be $40, when you damn well know any Halo fan would have paid over $60 bucks for that game....

03-06-2012, 10:08 AM
when you damn well know any Halo fan would have paid over $60 bucks for that game....

False. I would have simply paid 1200 MS points for the download instead.

I want Halo 4 to be so good, and to have so much time and effort put into it (clearly, not just what they say.) that COD players shake with fear that their franchise's Golden Age has come to an end. I'm mostly a COD player (Though BF3 is just plain better. Just sayin') and Halo is the franchise that made me love shooters.

I'm actually glad they're changing the movement in Halo. The movement was pretty much the main reason why I've kind of fallen out of the franchise. I can't imagine that a 1-ton soldier moves like a banshee (the fictional creature, not vehicle.)

I want more tactics, less BS, and more innovation to combat. I like that they're trying to give their multiplayer a story, for example. If it's a good story, then I'll enjoy it. If it's a bad story, I'll just treat it like past Halo's. I don't want this to be another Halo. I want it to be a new Halo. I will not hold it to the other Halo's, and neither should anyone here. It has the chance to make me catch my breath at launch again, which hasn't happened since Halo 3. I want 343 to woo me, not expect me to pay them for a franchise title, not polished work.

This year, only three games were really worth my $60.

1.) Gears of War 3

Say what you will about the franchise as a whole, Epic Games gave me the most polished title this year, with dedicated servers to fix the lag and host issues that Gears in the past have had issues with, and balanced weapons that suit different playing styles without being overpowered. The only weakness, if there is one, is in the maps that were available on launch and the DLC that was already on the disc but still required money to unlock. For a game that clearly displays developer effort and love and care, I was okay with spending the extra money.

2.) Elder Scrolls 5: Skyrim

While the game had many glitches on launch, Bethesda has seriously put thought into that game. Not ONLY did they deliver a story that is original for the franchise, they re-evaluated their old systems and made the character progression completely in the power of the player. You no longer have to choose the opposite affinity for your character so that you don't progress too fast. They made an entire language for the game, both written an spoken. You cannot deny the effort that went into the design of the game, even if it had a good deal of code glitches upon launch. (Most were repaired in the first week.)

3.) Star Wars: The Old Republic

This game did for MMO's what I hope Halo 4 does for FPS. They took the traditional elements behind MMO's like Warcraft, and polished the mess out of them, brought a new feature to MMO's: Full Voiced Dialogue. The entire game is scripted and voiced, and, like bioware tradition, every decision will affect the outcome of the game. The game's story is absolutely MASSIVE. Your character can reach the final level and not even finish chapter 3 (there are six chapters per character.) With active support and additions to the game happening almost every two or three weeks since launch, it is very evident that Bioware and EA are very dedicated to this title, something that I have yet to see from Blizzard in recent years. The release of The Old Republic definitely gave the WoW developers a reason to go to work in the morning again.

03-06-2012, 11:03 AM
Going to agree with Myth. More Customization doesn't = COD. Just because you can select a load out doesn't mean you are a COD want to be. If that is true then Battlefield, Mass Effect, and several other great games are all COD want to be. In fact COD steals from Halo. They stole the Theater mode, the file share system (Blackops) and they stole creating game types from Halo (MW3). The whole movement thing, just because you make more sound when you walk doesn't make you COD. If it does then Republic Commando is another COD. Games in the past have spent time giving realistic footsteps in both the movement and sound



Fucken saying Halo is COD because Chief makes louder footsteps. Thats one of the biggest load of bullshit I have heard all week and I watched the Guild Summit for SWTOR Yesterday and that was a 8 hour bullshit fest.

Edit: Making sure people know at the side of the screen how Bob killed billy makes you COD then once again every other major shooter out there is just a COD rip off. Thanks for posting this so I now know that these people are not a good source of info because they are godless fucken morons that can't figure out their asshole from a hole in the ground and I wont be bothered to ever check their website for information.

Rokkman X
03-06-2012, 11:37 AM
One reason I have a lack of faith in 343 is their not having a backbone as far as Reach goes. Again to make the Bungie comparison, When 343 brought us the title update they beta tested it. Good choice. They took a lot of community feedback. Good choice. But, they didn't follow through with it. They didn't say, "Ok this and this is gonna be changed because of balancing issues and this is the new bloom settings.". No they pussy-footed around with it so now we have to go back and forth between updates and non, just because they don't want to hurt anyone's feelings. This creates a huge rift in the community now. If they would've just implemented the update and said DEAL WITH IT, those very few who couldn't or wouldn't adapt would be left behind, and the community would be better off as a whole.

Dark Souls is better than Skyrim imo. You can get DaS at almost half the price too.

03-06-2012, 12:01 PM
>watches a video with about 8 seconds worth of gameplay

I know a little more then you guys do and it will have more features like CoD has.

But i have to agree with Silko on this with the fact CoD has taken a massive amount of stuff from Halo.

But when Halo (or any other game) takes one thing from CoD, instantly they are copy cats.

Beta will be announced at E3 this year

Ex Zen Mute
03-06-2012, 01:08 PM
I know a little more then you guys do and it will have more features like CoD has.

But i have to agree with Silko on this with the fact CoD has taken a massive amount of stuff from Halo.

But when Halo (or any other game) takes one thing from CoD, instantly they are copy cats.

Beta will be announced at E3 this year

GAH! NDA. NDA. They said nothing about a Beta.
Most said was Frankie saying a Beta would interrupt them.

03-06-2012, 01:14 PM
GAH! NDA. NDA. They said nothing about a Beta.
Most said was Frankie saying a Beta would interrupt them.

dude, my aunt has direct connections to the XBL area within Microsoft (because she works in the XBL division) and she said a beta is almost set to be announced at E3

H2O Yordle
03-06-2012, 01:15 PM
I know a little more then you guys do and it will have more features like CoD has.

But i have to agree with Silko on this with the fact CoD has taken a massive amount of stuff from Halo.

But when Halo (or any other game) takes one thing from CoD, instantly they are copy cats.

Beta will be announced at E3 this year

So you work at Bungie? or 343? How do you know more then everyone else if your seeing the same shit? Also if everygame is taking stuff from CoD cause there FPS's then CoD took that from 007 Golden Eye.

Ex Zen Mute
03-06-2012, 01:18 PM
dude, my aunt has direct connections to the XBL area within Microsoft (because she works in the XBL division) and she said a beta is almost set to be announced at E3

I am not saying you are a liar. I am saying you may have broken a Non Disclosure Agreement (NDA).

Ex Zen Mute
03-06-2012, 01:18 PM
So you work at Bungie? or 343? How do you know more then everyone else if your seeing the same shit? Also if everygame is taking stuff from CoD cause there FPS's then CoD took that from 007 Golden Eye.


03-06-2012, 01:18 PM
So you work at Bungie? or 343? How do you know more then everyone else if your seeing the same shit? Also if everygame is taking stuff from CoD cause there FPS's then CoD took that from 007 Golden Eye.

read the post above yours

H2O Yordle
03-06-2012, 01:19 PM
Pics or it didnt happen.

03-06-2012, 01:20 PM
I am not saying you are a liar. I am saying you may have broken a Non Disclosure Agreement (NDA).

ehh, could careless i gave you guys a heads up ubout last years E3 that Halo 4 was going to be announced and CEA... and i wasnt saying you were calling me a liar, i was just saying im getting more info a little sooner then most people

03-06-2012, 01:21 PM
Pics or it didnt happen.

I dont know how you can take a picture of a phone call, but whatever

03-06-2012, 01:32 PM
One reason I have a lack of faith in 343 is their not having a backbone as far as Reach goes. Again to make the Bungie comparison, When 343 brought us the title update they beta tested it. Good choice. They took a lot of community feedback. Good choice. But, they didn't follow through with it. They didn't say, "Ok this and this is gonna be changed because of balancing issues and this is the new bloom settings.". No they pussy-footed around with it so now we have to go back and forth between updates and non, just because they don't want to hurt anyone's feelings. This creates a huge rift in the community now. If they would've just implemented the update and said DEAL WITH IT, those very few who couldn't or wouldn't adapt would be left behind, and the community would be better off as a whole.

Dark Souls is better than Skyrim imo. You can get DaS at almost half the price too.

I completely disagree. What they did was add more customizability into the game.

Right now, if you want to play pre-TU, you can. If you want to play TU 85% bloom, you can. If you want to play 0% bloom, you can. You have the option to play the game however you want, and that is a good thing.

They've added another option that you can customize, and I completely disagree when you say that it was a bad thing or that they only did it because they didn't have a backbone.

Also, due to the nature of how they added the settings to the game, they couldn't change pre-existing gametypes. Meaning that 100% bloom would always be able to be played. Also, various niches who are relatively isolated would prefer to have things different from the rest of the Halo community, and that isn't a bad thing. If MLG wants to customize things a certain way, than 343i should give them that option. And they did. And that's a good thing.

Dark Souls is a different type of game than Skyrim. >.>

I know a little more then you guys do and it will have more features like CoD has.

But i have to agree with Silko on this with the fact CoD has taken a massive amount of stuff from Halo.

But when Halo (or any other game) takes one thing from CoD, instantly they are copy cats.

Beta will be announced at E3 this year

I'm curious what other possible features are similar to CoD that Halo hasn't had for years, and that aren't simply more customizable aspects. >.>

I can't think of any, which leads me to suspect that they are probably very minor or negligible.

EDIT: @Bazonga, it might be a good idea to put in your sig that your aunt works at Microsoft. It seems that every time you say anything you have to explain it again and again. xD

03-06-2012, 01:39 PM
@Bazonga, it might be a good idea to put in your sig that your aunt works at Microsoft. It seems that every time you say anything you have to explain it again and again. xD

true... ill do that now

03-06-2012, 02:20 PM
They better not mess with the causal side of Halo.

03-06-2012, 02:37 PM
They better not mess with the causal side of Halo.

I certainly hope they would not make that decision. It would be a terrible business decision, so I highly doubt it would happen.

03-06-2012, 02:41 PM
i just want my flamethrower, i want my Campfires back

03-06-2012, 04:23 PM
I just want to play a good Halo game.

03-06-2012, 04:50 PM
I just want to play a good Halo game.


RaZ Vader
03-06-2012, 06:30 PM
I just want to play a good Halo game.
