View Full Version : Copyright Spying

Choca Cola
03-15-2012, 09:13 PM

03-15-2012, 09:28 PM
The deal was brokered by the Recording Industry Association of America (RIAA) and the Motion Picture Association of America (MPAA), and coordinated by the Obama Administration. The same groups have weighed in heavily on controversial Internet policies around the world, with similar facilitation by the Obama’s Administration’s State Department.
Note at all surprised. >.>

03-16-2012, 09:43 AM
Note at all surprised. >.>

the robot messed up =P im sure you meant not

03-16-2012, 09:59 AM
I swear ISP's are some evil sons of bitches. I read an article about an Alabama Mayor who wanted to put Fiber Optic wires throughout his entire town so they could have really good internet bandwidth, ISP's lobbied the state government and the government passed laws saying it's illegal to put fiber optic wire where ISP's own internet territory (best name I could come up with :p).

Plus my ISP is fucking retarded, I can't get a better service AT&T because CenturyLink owns everything in my city besides Time Warner Cable, which isn't much better.

03-16-2012, 10:18 AM
they had better get ready to get fucked up like when SOPA was out

03-16-2012, 10:38 AM
An ISP could probably make a fortune about now if they publicly stated they won't support all this.

I'm not going to lie, piracy does take away from the economy a bit. However, most of the stuff people pirate they would never spend money on anyway.

We can have all these pressing problems, yet internet piracy is the one that gets THIS much legislative attention? Oh right, lobbyists, I forgot...

03-16-2012, 10:51 AM
An ISP could probably make a fortune about now if they publicly stated they won't support all this.

I'm not going to lie, piracy does take away from the economy a bit. However, most of the stuff people pirate they would never spend money on anyway.

We can have all these pressing problems, yet internet piracy is the one that gets THIS much legislative attention? Oh right, lobbyists, I forgot...

For something like music, it just changes the type of revenue.

People aren't probably buying their music. But more people are listening, because its free and easy.
There's more demand for music, and more artists get more exposure because of it.

Piracy is just like how Myspace helped music; except it can take away sales.

Now that the artist has more exposure though, more people may be willing to buy CDs/iTunes/Product/Tickets.

03-16-2012, 11:02 AM
It's my computer, I'll watch porn if I want to!

03-16-2012, 11:49 AM
And don't think the musical artists are the ones who want this to happen it's there recording labels. Any artist worth being deemed a good artist, doesn't care about the money, rather they care about the music and how many people enjoy that music.

Either way I don't download anything, but this is complete bullshit.

Anarchy you are spot on about lobbyist. God forbid we focus on cleaning out Wall Street.... ya know the real problem.

I fucking hate the stupid ass puppet leaders of this country.

03-16-2012, 12:45 PM
There isn't any good music anymore so I could care less about the music part and usually artist only have one good song nowadays so iTunes ftw.

timm3h x
03-18-2012, 12:44 PM
listen... i'm sick of people bitching about piracy... see it's real simple... take this community for example... lets say someone were to "pirate" it... they copy the whole community and give away maps, levels, whatever other crap they pirated too and do to this the lack of unique visitors, sign ups and overall activity on this community spirals down and eventually becomes unneeded because this new community has taken over... yes this is an extreme example but imagine something you've spent months if not years on not just for the fun of it but to make a living then you find out it's been stolen and not only has it been stolen but these assholes are sharing it with others. So all of your hard work your sweat, time away from your family and paycheck is all going to shit. Now don't get me wrong i can't say the movie/music/game industry hasn't pull'd some BS cards in recent years. I'm looking at you unneeded 3d movies, online passes and just overall crap music. But regardless it's still someones hard work and dedication... Now i used to pirate ALOT in my younger years... crap i used to download software i didn't even need just to say i had it... then i realized how dumb piracy really is... especially now days, it's so much easier to enjoy things legally and if your intelligent there are many ways to get good discounts legally on alot of stuff as well if not enjoy them for a minor fee... I'm looking at you ad free spoitfy. So really what's the point of pirating anymore and then maybe not any of you but some will go so far to bitch about how bad the economy not realizing piracy is contributing to how bad it is. Now don't get me wrong i think there are some times that piracy will help and is even good in some cases. I know a few people who will download a cd and if they like it they will go ahead and buy the actually cd and a shirt to support the artist but most of the idiots who pirate are just assholes... I know because they come into my job and cry because they got a virus that wipes out thier 200gb movie collection.

03-18-2012, 01:00 PM
None of us are condoning piracy. However, when anti-piracy methods or anything interferes with the general consumer, it becomes wrong.

And by the way, saying that piracy hurts the economy or reduces how much money the artists get is totally false. Hollywood companies, record labels, etc., have been having record-breaking sales each year. This is because that the publicity gained through piracy is actually helping them much, much more than the negligible reduction in sales numbers.

The artists are getting more money then they have ever received in the past, and piracy isn't hurting them. The only thing that piracy hurts is the big corrupt corporations like the MIAA and whatnot, which exploit the artists as much as they do the consumer. These are the big corporations which have lobbyists try to push through legislation and whatnot.

And what's worse, these big corporations like the MIAA are completely unnecessary. The artists don't need them, the consumer doesn't need them, all they do is increase the price of the media so that they can make massive profits. And then they complain because they aren't able to make an additional 5% profit on top of their already insane ratios.

And then you get into the realm of DRM-related things, and it just goes even further downhill. >.>

timm3h x
03-18-2012, 01:04 PM
how is that wrong... if you were to have your things stolen by someone and hired a detective to hunt them down would that be wrong?

i'm not trying to start any crap or arguments just giving another perspective to all of this.

03-18-2012, 01:24 PM
how is that wrong... if you were to have your things stolen by someone and hired a detective to hunt them down would that be wrong?

i'm not trying to start any crap or arguments just giving another perspective to all of this.

The aspect of that is wrong is when it interferes with the regular consumer.

If you hire a detective, but that detective ignores random bystanders and is bothering every single person who is entirely unrelated to the crime, than that detective is doing a poor job and should be fired.

Things like DRM which heavily affect the average consumer shouldn't be done. A few companies refuse to implement them, thank god, while others are forced to use them by their publisher. DRM is effectively a security system which is encoded onto the disk to make it more difficult to pirate.

However, they have never once been successful. All they do is delay the release of a successful pirate by a few days or so. Meanwhile, they interrupt the normal consumer. For games, these DRMs can cause things like:

Forcing the game to always be connected to an online service. This means that anyone who doesn't have an internet connection cannot play the game whatsoever. Also, if your internet cuts out or you lose connection, your game freezes or stops working until your internet connection is back.
Forces you to download additional software in order to run the game. This software may be intrusive to your system or can compromise your system security.
An example of the above would be a specific DRM security that installed drivers onto your computer which detected what software you had installed. If you so much as had a CD writer program or anything that can be construed as related to piracy or the like, the game refused to run, irrespective of whether you paid for the full game. And what's worse, it was nearly impossible to remove these drivers without a deep, intimate knowledge of the registry.

And then, when they begin to try to use government legislation or ISPs to try to reduce piracy, it just affects the average user even more.