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View Full Version : FC Update 2.0

11-17-2010, 12:15 PM
Hello one and all,

We have a large update for you guys, so sit tight and enjoy the ride. (That's what I told your collective mothers, by the way.)

The first item on the list is: Why this is FC Update 2.0

Well, we're entering a new phase into Halo: Reach everybody, that's why. Previous updates were on maintenance and setting up the armies... that was it. Now, in Phase 2, we're going to be setting up the wars and continuously try to bring new features and media and all sorts of goodies to you guys on a regular basis. This week is the start of a stream of weekly updates to come. You guys are going to love the media bombs we will drop in the weeks and months to come.

Second item on the list?: FORGETACULAR!

Starting today, the Forge Department will be getting flipping awesome assignments. I am going to assign some maps to their testing division, and then some concepts for their map creation division to create for us. We need some community maps, after all. The Forge Department of the Media Branch will have until January to complete any and all map assignments. However, the faster they finish with a map, the faster High Command and the War Council and admit it into the wars, and perhaps omit a previous map that wasn't as fun!

If you haven't joined the Media Branch, I suggest you take a look here: http://fcwars.net/forums/forumdisplay.php?35-The-Media-Branch

What could possibly top that, you might ask?: WEB DEPARTMENT

Until now, the Web Department has sort of been sitting there and collected a ton of dust. Not anymore. The FC Twitter and Facebook will be updated almost daily, by a good deal of members here. You will all get the latest info as it happen in FC.

What else Angel, what else?: Videos!!!

You guys are going to be able to submit videos to appear on the youtube page of FC. All you have to do is send a link to them to me and we'll put them on the page for you if we think it's good enough to have the FC name stamped to it. These videos can range from video game footage, commentaries, vblogs, and just plain FC fiction fun. (We know the Red FM likes to send video messages to his troops, after all.)

Now, I will give a disclaimer to these videos:
1). If I don't put your video on, don't take it personal. It just means you have to try another one.
2). Send a video worth watching. If you waste my time, I won't consider your videos in the future.

Now, about those gametypes...

There are a few things that we, as a community, need to vote on.

1). Armor abilities

There are a few different theories as to how we should approach armor abilities in FC.

Theory One: We should include all armor abilities, since obviously Bungie made them balanced. Why change what isn't broken?

Theory Two: We should limit armor abilities to only Sprint and Evade and Jet Pack, as they are mobile armor abilities and don't provide distinct advantages when and entire team uses them in any quantity.

Bear in mind, that armor abilities that are not a part of starting loadouts will be available on the map, provided by the Forge Department. Armor Lock, Drop Shield, Camo, and Hologram will be on the maps as power ups.

The Community will be given a voting topic to decide on. You will have one week from today to vote in that topic. After that, a final decision will be made based on how you folks voted.

So, now that you've told us about all these big things coming up, WHEN ARE THE WARS?

The Wars will take place on January 9th. It is the second Sunday of January, and we should have all things finished by January 2nd.

What are we going to do until then?

RECRUIT! We need more people here folks. The more people we have, the more activity will spread, and the more fun media we get to use. FC isn't just a war sim now guys. It's an entire community where we have competition, media, and discussion. We now appeal to a broader audience than those who want to fight in the armies. We have a Forge Department, so recruit Forgers. We have a Video Department, so recruit people who love to make videos. There's so much more to offer the public now, and so we need you folks to bring them here.

What else?


The armies are going to start having events and functions that entertain and train you guys for the coming battles. Each army is required to have some sort of advanced training up. It is also recommended that each army have a few practice tournaments to see which of their fighting units is the best and most active. Incentives should be given to the unit who wins battles, recruits, and shows up for army events. Your army is your family, so start acting like it.

Are you done writing yet? I wanna shoot something.

Yes, I'm done writing. Get active folks, because FC is about to gear up for the fight.

Nicholas Sapien
11-17-2010, 12:27 PM
fing nice

Fiery Grave
11-17-2010, 01:00 PM
I also would like to sugest having voting options for just sprint, or just sprint and evade (as jet packs in a sprint vs evade vs jetpack have an unfair advantage in most situations, you have to think that certain armor abilities counter other and make them fair (like AL counters jetpack fairly well)) and one for everything but jet pack and AL...

11-17-2010, 02:02 PM
i agree with fiery, plus jet pack would rip some maps a new one, yet others are jetpack friendly..... so different loadouts for different maps?

or do like me and maxdoggy talked about, have a slayer game type named something like "FC slayer", then have different versions that exclude the abilities thatisn't compatible with all maps. for example, "FC Slayer 1.0" would be basic all purpose loadouts, the "FC Slayer 1.2" would include jetpack load out, etc... this way you would only have a few different versions or each game type.

by the way, has it been decided on what game types we will be using?

another idea i just had was, allow AL and DS And Stealth be regular loadouts, but if at anytime in a game more than "x" amount of players are using one of the forementioned abilities that it would automatically count as a match forefit, because to a defensive player in an objective game any of those three are excellent abilities, but to use them on offense is over powered.

"x" amount could be determined by map size, player count, and game type.

11-17-2010, 02:30 PM
It has been decided on what gametypes will be used, the Loadouts are something that will be universal. We won't be able to have different gametypes with different loadouts, as keeping leaders and players accountable on that would be more trouble than it is worth. The same goes with limiting the amount of people using certain armor abilities. We need to treat each of these as if an entire team spammed them. The voting will be up shortly, I think you guys will find it fair.

Fiery Grave
11-17-2010, 03:25 PM
It has been decided on what gametypes will be used, the Loadouts are something that will be universal. We won't be able to have different gametypes with different loadouts, as keeping leaders and players accountable on that would be more trouble than it is worth. The same goes with limiting the amount of people using certain armor abilities. We need to treat each of these as if an entire team spammed them. The voting will be up shortly, I think you guys will find it fair.

but look at jet pack, in maps like sword base or power house you can get to almost any weapon, or any location, faster with that than with sprint or evade, on maps where the practical uses of the jet pack (which there only a small number of right now) like hemmorage it is often used to get somewhere you not really supposed to or be in cheap locations. neither evade or sprint can compare with that. evade gets you places faster and helps you throw off an opponents aiming, while sprint get you places faster than evade its not as useful in a fight. Jet pack on the other hand can do all those things and at times is even faster than both evade and sprint.

I also feel that things like hologram & invis would be fair to add as well as though they are both deception it takes away the advantage of getting places or weapons faster.

no offence or disrespect to any high command or forerunner I feel you guys sometimes miss something when thinking things through. just like your missing some one with a different perspective from the rest of the group.

Mi Boys Dinner
11-17-2010, 03:44 PM
I'm going with Fiery on this one, due to shared experiences with enemy jetpacks.

Ex Zen Mute
11-17-2010, 04:04 PM
I need someway to escape sprinting beatdown rushers. That is were Jetpack comes into play on a lot of maps.

Honestly, I think we should just use default slayer.
If worse comes to worse. We can go Classic. Everyone will be slow and no AAs.

As for Jetpacks getting to places they shouldn't. Kill boxes. Bungie has been slowly adding them in for each one that is found and posting in Optimatch forum in the topics for the map it is located on.

If not, the Forge committee can add them in.

RaZ Vader
11-17-2010, 04:11 PM
Bleghh What a messs

HellSpawn 101
11-17-2010, 04:32 PM
just get rid of armour lock for the small maps and leave it in vehicle maps or larger maps everything els is balanced as it is why not just keep it similar for the most part

11-17-2010, 04:51 PM
but look at jet pack, in maps like sword base or power house you can get to almost any weapon, or any location, faster with that than with sprint or evade, on maps where the practical uses of the jet pack (which there only a small number of right now) like hemmorage it is often used to get somewhere you not really supposed to or be in cheap locations. neither evade or sprint can compare with that. evade gets you places faster and helps you throw off an opponents aiming, while sprint get you places faster than evade its not as useful in a fight. Jet pack on the other hand can do all those things and at times is even faster than both evade and sprint.

I also feel that things like hologram & invis would be fair to add as well as though they are both deception it takes away the advantage of getting places or weapons faster.

no offence or disrespect to any high command or forerunner I feel you guys sometimes miss something when thinking things through. just like your missing some one with a different perspective from the rest of the group.

Again, you will see what you'll be allowed to vote on. The debate is not out yet. First of all, who knows if the current default sword base will be available in the wars? What if we connected the bridges both horizontally and vertically? What if Jet packs were a pick up on the map, not a default loadout? While you guys really do make valid arguments, the truth in the matter is that you don't know what loadouts you'll be able to choose from yet.

The only things that have been decided by the leadership (Yes, leaders, not just forerunners. High Command is involved fully now.), are that each gametype will use the same loadouts, each loadout will have the same starting weapons: AR/Pistol, and any default Bungie map can be replaced by a better version of that same map made by the community.

That being said, you all need to understand the amount of creativity you guys have. You all get to decide which loadouts are used, and which loadouts will be included on each and every FC map. If you want AL, then go ahead and vote for it. If you want Jetpacks or whatever, go ahead and vote on it.

As for my vote, I'll vote on Theory 2 for now, perhaps excluding Jetpacks. I honestly think the other armor abilities will be more fun to have on the map than to have an entire enemy team potentially use the cheapest one. Whether or not you guys agree with me is up to you, but that's just how I feel on the subject.

The Forge Department will fix any and all maps that are to be used in the wars. They will have four or so weeks of intensive testing to break and repair any maps, including the default ones. You will all find that there will be few maps that have places for jetpacks to camp on.

In the past, FC and even its predecessor, RVBR, created their own style of Halo. They did not have the same starting weapons as matchmaking, or even the same rules. They made their own stuff, and that's why we've given you guys your own options for doing that.

11-17-2010, 04:54 PM
Kill the Dust Tossers save the world.

11-17-2010, 05:31 PM
Kill all the Zak Melcows in the world.

Fiery Grave
11-17-2010, 06:07 PM
I need someway to escape sprinting beatdown rushers. That is were Jetpack comes into play on a lot of maps.

or you can just shoot them normally and still win..... those double beat downs are no problem if you play smart.... besides most of the time if it going to work your not going to have time to lift off that much to get away from the beat down

11-17-2010, 06:15 PM
I don't like Jet packs...that is all

11-18-2010, 05:48 PM
I am personally going to side with all armor abilities being used with some as pick-ups. Just because people whine doesn't mean it makes sense to remove something. I also find it very hard to believe an entire team will power-whore one ability together; diversity wins the game and most players are smarter than that.

zZ Dr K Zz
11-18-2010, 06:34 PM
I am personally going to side with all armor abilities being used with some as pick-ups. Just because people whine doesn't mean it makes sense to remove something. I also find it very hard to believe an entire team will power-whore one ability together; diversity wins the game and most players are smarter than that.
I agree with what he said. Let all the armor abilities be there. If a team is having a slight advantage with one then all they have to do is fight fire with fire, though I doubt it will be that big of a deal.

11-18-2010, 07:07 PM
there should not be armor lock ability in halo reach period. i vote no amor lock what-so-ever

zZ Dr K Zz
11-18-2010, 07:41 PM
Why does everyone complain about that armor ability? I don't see a problem with it.

Fiery Grave
11-18-2010, 07:48 PM
Why does everyone complain about that armor ability? I don't see a problem with it.

because they don't want to change their play style to counter it so they just want it gone instead

11-18-2010, 08:10 PM

zZ Dr K Zz
11-18-2010, 09:08 PM
because they don't want to change their play style to counter it so they just want it gone instead
True. Very true.

I guess that's why I never saw the big deal about it.

11-18-2010, 11:21 PM
All armor abilities acceptable. Armor lock = Be more patient and tactical Jetpacks / Dusttossers = Big floating target just sitting there crying for a sniper round to the dome piece and a nice shinny medal for my awards. <3

11-19-2010, 01:03 AM
armor lock is the noobiest loadout in halo reach reach IMO.

11-19-2010, 01:10 AM
armor lock is the noobiest loadout in halo reach reach IMO.

I couldnt agree more, but we cant let our own vendetta get the better of us my friend. We should let everything go and see what becomes of it. If it becomes a problem then what ever is will be dealt with. Leave it to the Forrunners and HC <3

Fiery Grave
11-19-2010, 01:10 AM
armor lock is the noobiest loadout in halo reach reach IMO.

.... you opinion isn't fact

11-19-2010, 02:50 AM
People dislike armor lock for 2 reasons.

1: When somebody is in armorlock they become an attention magnet (can be good or bad. usualy its bad)
2: beatdown "block". You go to smash somebody, they enter then leave armor lock leaving them unharmed and their foe shieldless. I'm sure you understand what will follow.

and a possible 3rd reason: anti-stick. If yhey're stuck. boom! armor lock and 0 damage done. Same with rockets and other explosives.

I am personaly on neutral ground for armor lock. Sometimes i use it. But when i do I NEVER do the beatdown block. I normaly choose armor lock when vehicles are in play or the enemy team is nade spamming.

Fiery Grave
11-19-2010, 09:04 AM
People dislike armor lock for 2 reasons.

1: When somebody is in armorlock they become an attention magnet (can be good or bad. usualy its bad)
2: beatdown "block". You go to smash somebody, they enter then leave armor lock leaving them unharmed and their foe shieldless. I'm sure you understand what will follow.

and a possible 3rd reason: anti-stick. If yhey're stuck. boom! armor lock and 0 damage done. Same with rockets and other explosives.

I am personaly on neutral ground for armor lock. Sometimes i use it. But when i do I NEVER do the beatdown block. I normaly choose armor lock when vehicles are in play or the enemy team is nade spamming.

those are some of the advantages of AL the only other three I can think of is, live a few seconds longer, defend against swords, and distractions.

people see thees advantages and think "well no other AA has those many it must be over powered" but then they don't realize that AL, bubble,and evade are the only three armor abilities that are meant for in combat situations, the rest provide out of battle support or just before battle.

jetpack - not the best thing to do in battle because you make yourself a easy target (though I feel this one is over powered but I won't get into it)
evade - move faster and dive out of harms way
sprint - get to weapons faster
invis - go invis (only good out of battle if your in a fight and you just activate it your not doing anything)
hologram - throws out a distraction (only works if your not seen using it)
drop shield - drops a bubble that protects the player and friends for a few seconds (but is so slow that unless you use it right away you won't live)

AL also has the most disadvantages, you become a immovable, your a big target, you give the enemies time to set up, you cannot get to weapons faster, you can't shoot and if people time there grenades correctly your not going to survive going into it. most of the time when people go into it its when they are low health and there isn't enough time to heal if you been hitting them constantly. blocking beatdowns is just using it smartly, your not going to penalized some one for using jet pack to get up in an area no one else can, or a sprint guy for getting to a weapon first, which is doing the same thing in different ways

11-19-2010, 11:00 PM
does an opinion have to be a fact?

Fiery Grave
11-20-2010, 01:03 AM
does an opinion have to be a fact?

I am saying just because you feel that way doesn't mean its true...

11-20-2010, 01:05 AM
People have a plan usually when they play. Does it really matter if someone else uses it and you don't. Still really shouldn't affect you in much of any way, just gotta play a bit smarter.

11-20-2010, 01:42 AM
Armor lock, camo, drop shield, sprint, jetpack, evade, whatever. I'm still going to slaughter Red Soldiers in this coming war.


11-20-2010, 01:55 AM
I am saying just because you feel that way doesn't mean its true...

that made no sense

zZ Dr K Zz
11-20-2010, 08:21 AM
Armor lock, camo, drop shield, sprint, jetpack, evade, whatever. I'm still going to slaughter Red Soldiers in this coming war.


*see what I did thar?*

11-20-2010, 08:29 AM

see what I did thar?

No, i can't see "it"....

that's wat she said....

11-21-2010, 09:33 AM
Nice finally some news! Did High Com of both armies and the Forerunners ever come to a conclusion what the starting weapons will be?

11-21-2010, 01:00 PM
It will most likely be AR/Magnum start.

11-21-2010, 04:36 PM
That's good.

11-21-2010, 08:50 PM
It will most likely be AR/Magnum start.

Not happy.

11-22-2010, 03:49 PM
It will most likely be AR/Magnum start.

i wont stand for this!

11-22-2010, 04:23 PM
Then you can sit for it, honeybunch.


Get it? The joke? Pretty good, huh.

11-22-2010, 06:01 PM
Then you can sit for it, honeybunch.


Get it? The joke? Pretty good, huh.

Beat me to it. Lmao.

Things can change. Things might change. Things might not change.

Let HC and the Forerunners to their thing, and something might happen.


11-22-2010, 06:51 PM
I don't matter as much for the starting weapons. Anything but DMR/Magnum starts. DMR/AR seems the best.

11-22-2010, 08:03 PM
I'd prefer DMR as a placed weapon on the map. BTB has been ruined by DMR spawns already. AR/Needle Rifle?

11-22-2010, 08:26 PM
I'd prefer DMR as a placed weapon on the map. BTB has been ruined by DMR spawns already. AR/Needle Rifle?

Extreme disagree there. Only thing wrong with BTB is the terrible maps.

zZ Dr K Zz
11-22-2010, 10:19 PM
It better be Assault/Magnum start or i'mma be pissed.

EriRi 1138
12-16-2010, 07:45 PM
Boo Jetpack.

12-16-2010, 07:49 PM
.... you opinion isn't fact

Are you sane? IMO means IN MY OPINION... he was stating his opinion... when did he even come close to saying it was a fact

12-16-2010, 08:52 PM
Borderline necroing?

Look at the date when it was posted... -.-

12-17-2010, 12:26 AM
Are you sane? IMO means IN MY OPINION... he was stating his opinion... when did he even come close to saying it was a fact

thank you

Fiery Grave
12-17-2010, 09:24 AM
Since people want to necro this and obviously can't read what i said with that is yes thats your opinion, but it doesn't make it true.... please read more carefully