View Full Version : New Season of South Park

03-28-2012, 10:28 PM
Does anyone else think that this first 3 episodes of this new season absolutely suck? They seriously cannot get one good episode out so far. I admire the fact that they put out episodes only days before it aires on tv, but these episodes are absolute crap and I personally think they need to take their time in making their episodes.

03-28-2012, 10:33 PM
as a Die Hard South Park fan, I have been disappointed the past 5 years with the episodes that have come out. It seems like for every one good episode there are 3 bad ones nowadays. I personally liked the Toilet Administration one this season, but the past other episodes kinda sucked (even tonights). But I still will watch it...just because...It'll never be as funny as the past though. My biggest beef is that they focus more on current events than just making funny unrelated-to-anything episodes. Plus I really miss Officer Barbrady...he was by far the funniest person on the show. After Chef died, South Park took a major dip in humor...

03-28-2012, 11:31 PM
Haven't seen this week's ep (On the west coast so if you mother fuckers ruin it for me) But I liked the toilet one and cash for gold wasn't all that bad. The only really funny part was when Cartman was having that convo with that Chinese lady. Going to agree with Spartan there are a few bad eps before a good one comes out. One of my favorites was this one


They have lost their touch I'll agree

03-29-2012, 01:21 AM
ok saw the new ep that was fucken terrible

03-29-2012, 01:53 PM
There was one season where I thought all the episodes were hilarious.....it may have been season 12? I can't remember. But the last season was sooooo boring I'm not even dissapointed I've been missing the last few eps of this season.

03-29-2012, 02:42 PM
Here's a website where you can watch all the south park episodes:

I highly recommend watching Chickenlover from Season 2, Merry Christmas, Charlie Manson from Season 2, Rainforest, Shmainforest from Season 3, The Succubus from Season 3, and the Death Camp of Tolerance from season 6. Those are my top 5 favorite episodes!

03-29-2012, 03:33 PM
Scott Tenorman is my all time favorite.

03-29-2012, 03:58 PM
I actually like season 15, but it has to be uncessored for me to enjoy it...

One of my favorite episodes is when the internet is getting over used and only one place has internet, but its very weak lol


04-03-2012, 11:15 PM
I thought these past few episodes were hilarious and I rather enjoyed them. You guys really can't be complaining about how the show has changed because that happens with ALL things over time. Halo has changed, Adam Sandler's movies changed, musicians change, etc. It's almost impossible to not change. It happens.

I'm excited for the Jewpacabra. ^__^

04-03-2012, 11:22 PM
yeah I think Jewpacabra will be good

04-03-2012, 11:30 PM
yeah I think Jewpacabra will be good

Yeah I am excited for it. It seems more South Parkish.

Also the show hasn't been changing they just always have some shitty episodes here and there, but usually come out with one funny ass episode that makes you forget about their past crappy ones ;D