View Full Version : FC needs to K.I.S.S ( Opinion )

04-19-2012, 08:50 AM
Suggestion's on how to Revive the community or make it bigger , depending on your perspective of the community.


FC needs to keep everything simple and easy to learn. Why ? because its more accessible to new players and more appealing .FC game types and maps are to big of a drastic of change from the normal halo reach game types ala Big Team Battle .

Here are some things that I find that may turn off some people from the community

- FC game type names

Conflict = Team slayer
Conquest = Five-Plot
Hill 30 = One-Plot
Liberation = Multi-Flag
Occupation = Crazy King
Oddbomb = Hot Potato
Sabotage = Multi-Bomb

Seriously I think the code names/ nicknames are unnecessary , just keep it simple for the new people , make them feel comfortable.

-Weapon location

Just keep the weapon location the same as their match making counterparts.

-Forge world maps and Alter maps

Titan Park
Viery Plaza
Jackal Creek
Delta Facility

Their are way to many new forge maps , ONLY 9/18 maps are from playlist (I don't play big team so some of these maps may be in the playlist). Use the maps from the Big team battle playlist , because it will be familiar for the new recruits and making a better experience for them. Im not saying remove all the external maps and community maps , just use less of them , like 3-5 max .

The more familiar the recruits/new community members are with the game types and maps the more comfortable they are. Comfort plays a big role in attracting and keeping members in the community. The better they know the maps , game types and weapon location/ vehicle location the more fun the will have. I'm not saying this is how the majority of the community thinks , but this might be a perspective of recruits.

Familiar = comfort = Fun = bigger community

04-19-2012, 09:01 AM
Metropolis is being taken out, it is a map off of ForgeHub I found, but it doesn't work with our games as it was meant for traditional play. Most of the ones you listed are playable in Big Team or are Community-made, we like to include community-made maps since people have gone out of the way to make them. In contrary, our community is bigger now than it ever was, and honestly, no one has complained that none of this stuff is familiar. O.o I mean, I myself don't really know our names that we call our gametypes, but that doesn't mean I don't have fun.

We're trying to make it seem more like a War Sim, hence the names. We also try to make it seem /less/ like matchmaking, and more unique.

Like I said, you're the first person to actually say this stuff, I haven't heard anyone else feel uncomfortable about it. If people do feel uncomfortable, I'd urge them to speak about it, cause I didn't know of it O.o If anything, I think our changes will encourage people to become more involved in something new; that's how I always looked at it.

04-19-2012, 09:04 AM
I'm comfortable with settings but casual players will not be. I have been part of the mlg community for awhile and the face they same problem. Their gametypes and maps are to different from the casual player. Yes keep it unique but keep it simple as well.

note all my information about the maps are from http://fcwars.net/forums/content.php?339-FC-Rev4-Attack-Plans-(04-22-12)-03

04-19-2012, 09:13 AM
Well, I mean I like to consider myself as a casual player and I don't mind it xD I get what you're saying though, and really the Officers of the Platoon he's in should be helping with that by reviewing the Maps in the weekly practices and asking if there are any questions about anything FC, etc. I don't think we change TOO much as to where it gets overly confusing.

04-19-2012, 09:18 AM
Yes but im trying to look at it threw their perspective.

Question do you care about improving or if you win or loose.
IF the answer is yes for any of this , this means you are a competitive player , because if you are casual than you wouldn't care.

04-19-2012, 09:59 AM
I'm comfortable with settings but casual players will not be. I have been part of the mlg community for awhile and the face they same problem. Their gametypes and maps are to different from the casual player.

Well the first problem I see is the MLG player part. I am a casual player I will play Halo pretty much just for FC and when one of my friends say" Hey lets go play Halo" and I can tell you I am not confused about the map types. I was not confused about the map types a year a go when I joined and still not confused today. As for the maps I see no reason to not use player made maps created by the members of this community as long as they are good maps, that's what the Forge department is for.

Yes but im trying to look at it threw their perspective.

Question do you care about improving or if you win or loose.
IF the answer is yes for any of this , this means you are a competitive player , because if you are casual than you wouldn't care.

FC is not based around improving your skills as a Halo player it is about 1 key word


Thank you for your perspective but I am going to respectively disagree. As the saying goes " If it isn't broken don't fix it"

04-19-2012, 10:19 AM
FC is not based around improving your skills as a Halo player it is about 1 key word

Thank you for your perspective but I am going to respectively disagree. As the saying goes " If it isn't broken don't fix it"

I think you mis-understood me because he said he was casual , im saying if he was truly casual he would not give a fuck plus I am not confused by maps , maybe the gametype names. I tried to recruit some of my friends to community and they won't go because they find it to different when they see the names for the game types and the maps they arn't familiar with. They want something that they can just hop on and play.

04-19-2012, 10:30 AM
Our goal since FC (or RvBR, our first name) was created was to create a completely new and unique way to play the Halo game series that differed from matchmaking and competitive gaming. We are a war-simulation community, and our target group is people who are interested in joining and role-playing in such a community that makes it feel like a real war. While we highly encourage and accept casual HALO gamers to join our community, we are not changing our 6-7 year old foundation of what a war on HALO would feel like.

I completely understand that you are looking from a casual gamers' perspective, but there is a reason we have these forum boards. People can see what the gametypes are and what the maps are. We don't want to be like a side-matchmaking project where friends play against/with friends. We want to be the unique experience that separates Forerunner Conflict from the rest of the generic dime-a-dozen communities/clans on HALO. If people are turned off by how we detail our games and such differently, then so be it. But for everyone else in the community, those little details are probably which attracted them in the first place!

I appreciate your concerns with how we are a little more complex, but we are not going to change what has been unique for us since the beginning.

04-19-2012, 10:35 AM
"but there is a reason we have these forum boards. People can see what the gametypes are and what the maps are". Problem with this is that they have to go on the website to understand it .

04-19-2012, 10:35 AM
As far as FC goes, I'm about as casual as you can get. Heck I roleplay on Halo. In-game, sure I take it seriously. I want to win. I'm not the kind of person that yells at everyone if we lose, I love the close ending games. Doesn't really make me a competitive player.

And if they don't join because we changed the names of the gametypes ... I don't know. Essentially, they just have to play one game and theyll understand the gametypes. It's what makes us different. We're not casual in the sense that we play straight customs. We have our own way of doing it.

04-19-2012, 10:41 AM
"As far as FC goes, I'm about as casual as you can get. Heck I roleplay on Halo. In-game, sure I take it seriously. I want to win. I'm not the kind of person that yells at everyone if we lose, I love the close ending games. Doesn't really make me a competitive player.

And if they don't join because we changed the names of the gametypes ... I don't know. Essentially, they just have to play one game and theyll understand the gametypes. It's what makes us different. We're not casual in the sense that we play straight customs. We have our own way of doing it."

Yes but it should be more accessible . First impressions are very important and if people don't understand it from first glance they won't give it a chance , why? because its time consuming.

Rokkman X
04-19-2012, 10:43 AM
I'm not sure of how everyone views casuals, but the way you're portraying them kind of makes them seem like players that we do not want in our community. The kind of gamer that A) Doesnt ask questions, B) Asks the same questions repeatedly if at all C) Does not read or comprehend what is read. I can go on but you get the picture. Casual players are not stupid, they just don't put the time into actually learning about the game they're playing. They want to have fun in the easiest way possible. Either way i don't think we want the former in our group at all, and the latter will not be interested.

04-19-2012, 11:31 AM
"but there is a reason we have these forum boards. People can see what the gametypes are and what the maps are". Problem with this is that they have to go on the website to understand it .

Good. We need more people from the community actually ON the site. Our community is about 80% on this site and 20% on Xbox. Sure that 20% is the most important chunk, but if you actually want to be involved and make a home for themselves here. FC is about as simple as it can get, because people still want complexity. I enjoy complexity for certain things here.

H2O Yordle
04-19-2012, 11:48 AM
Man, I was expecting warpaint and rock and roll. :( Dissappointed

04-19-2012, 11:51 AM
1. People can join Forerunner Conflict for the community aspect. They don't have to join solely for the wars. If they want to make new friends and talk to new people then we are more than happy to have them.

2. We keep the wars a little more complex for our own uniqueness, like I said. When people go through boot camps, they realize that the war part is very serious and in all honesty may not be for the casual gamer who doesn't want to role-play a little and take the time to appreciate what the community as a whole have done to make FC what is today. If they don't want to take 5-10 minutes of their "precious video game lives" to read a few rules and regulations, then we honestly don't have an interest in those people. We highly encourage website usage as well because it allows for newer people to have an easier connection to not only the community, but to people in their army so they can get informative updates.

3. As Donkey said, it only takes one battle night to understand what the gametypes and maps are. Mythonian also has posted files to where people can download FC maps and gametypes. We don't want to be like matchmaking playlists where its only on Bungie default maps and gametypes that people play. That would make our individuality as a community disappear. We've never had complaints or concerns on this subject before, frankly because 99% of the community enjoys (most) of the maps and gametypes that we use.

04-19-2012, 11:53 AM
I can agree with that because honestly if they don't want to go on the website then they have no business in FC honestly, like it makes everyone's job so much harder if they don't go on the website. Because that is where the updates for army's and community as whole goes into place.

Even if you don't care to post on the website which is fine just look at all current topic's. Because if you don't agree with it and there are others that don't agree with what ever the problem is. There are some people just waiting for someone else to speak up. It is a lot more likely to be revoked if it was the start when everyone is interested in the topic and still considering different things.

As for changing the game type names back to normal names. Like slayer and CTF, i say nay. Because that is some of the things that makes the community unique in little things like these. To be frank it's not even that big of a deal because if people are too lazy to remember the names of game types (which isn't to hard) they could either just say the normal name and everyone would understand.

Honestly things are pretty simple here as long as you have been here for like 2 battle nights. xD

Edit: Basically what he said ^

EriRi 1138
04-19-2012, 01:52 PM
I lol'd.

04-19-2012, 02:07 PM
To be honest I only know what Conflict and Hill 30 is and I have been here for a bit lol

RaZ Vader
04-19-2012, 02:32 PM

(joking aside) This is the first time I had someone complain about our "complexity" We do have our forums here to help people try and understand, and if they don't they can simply ask. As others said, we are a War-Sim. We try to make things as simple as possible, and keep a more unique feel. We are testing out a lot of new things in halo Reach. I am confident when halo 4 is released, we will be balancing out what works, and what doesn't. And making it easier for people to understand.

H2O Yordle
04-19-2012, 02:35 PM
Simple steps to keep it Simple.
1. If you arent in High Command, dont worry about it. Just play in battlenights and practices
2. If your an Officer, do your job and follow the rest of step one
3. If your in Highcommand, well it sucks to be you
4. ???
5. Simple Profit

04-19-2012, 03:21 PM
"but there is a reason we have these forum boards. People can see what the gametypes are and what the maps are". Problem with this is that they have to go on the website to understand it .

You should always be on the website anyways... Playing on sundays is just part of what FC is... the forum boards is the other part.

04-20-2012, 01:07 AM
They want something that they can just hop on and play.

That's part of what makes us different. We are looking for commitment to the community.

Problem with this is that they have to go on the website to understand it .

To be blunt, thats just too damn bad. If people are not willing to use the site then so be it but when they complain about being confused then its on them not us.

To be honest I don't see what the problem is. If you don't want to go to the website then don't complain about not understanding how things work. If your friends are not willing to make the commitment then they aren't meant for the community

04-20-2012, 01:43 AM
KISS. Knights In Satan Service. Shit yea. Im up fr it. KISS is a sick band...WAS a sick band.

Seriously though. agreed. keep shit simple.