View Full Version : wat up im RoA I3iggi3

MLG l3iggi3
05-03-2012, 07:43 PM
I know that my gamertag having RoA i it can be a little wierd seeing that Fc is in a little fight with RoA, i assure you though i am not a spy or anything i just wanted to do something other than being in a clan on Xbox live. I do not agree with most of the things that RoA is doing and if it comes down to it i will leave the caln. :/ I just wanted to get that out there, i just hope that my future teammates and i will get along, just ask xx drifter Xx how cool i can be. :)

05-03-2012, 08:19 PM
Forerunner Conflict is not a clan. We are a community. The difference is that we don't "fight" other communities or clans for that matter. Any conflict RoA has had with an FC member is purely personal with that member, and at the most, a single faction.

Welcome to FC anyway. Clans mean little to us. That can be good or bad, but for you, I think that is a good thing. Make yourself at home.

05-03-2012, 08:19 PM
welcome to FC. Sure theres problems between FC and RoA at the moment, however im sure we can put that to the side to atleast welcome you to the community and make sure you and others have fun while here.

05-03-2012, 10:13 PM
Problems or no problems, you got a clean slate. So, welcome aboard Admiral General.

05-03-2012, 11:43 PM
Welcome biggie, as far as I'm concerned we have no problems with you. I do hope you enjoy your time with us. If you have any questions I will be more than glad to assist you.

Fateless Wolf
06-05-2012, 10:45 PM
well hmm how cool can u be biggie? nah u were the best member in my branch back then i considered u my 2nd in command personally ur a great gamer man glad to have u aboard and yes this is a late reply but welll its me what can u expect lol and those fools back in RoA know very well what i could do to them if they tried to use u as a spy thats why this tried so hard to keep me in RoA now look at em hahahahaa but no seriously if u were a spy id be disappointed coughardcough but yea....