View Full Version : Halo Wiki Recruitment

05-05-2012, 04:56 PM
I posted a page about FC in the halo wiki, thanks to Spartanbh's posting in the waypoint forums, and UNLUCKY NUM13ER's Recruitment Camp today. The link can be found here (http://halo.wikia.com/wiki/Forerunner_Conflict:_Revo lutions). Please edit this to get the most information possible in, ASAP. I took some stuff from our lore section in the forums, to add some information.

05-05-2012, 05:27 PM
Looks good Coda, perhaps it will help bring in new members.

05-05-2012, 06:50 PM
Good Idea. :gun2:

05-05-2012, 09:14 PM
The page you created was deleted because it's not the type of information that belongs on the Halo Nation wiki.

From their FAQ:

Halo Nation is designed for the incorporation of canon from the Halo universe...that has been officially recognized to exist in the Halo world.

Since our community is not canon, it does not belong on the wiki at all. Thus, it was removed.

Probably wouldn't have gotten many recruits anyway (not sure how anyone would find it via Halo Nation in the first place. xD)

05-05-2012, 09:49 PM
The page you created was deleted because it's not the type of information that belongs on the Halo Nation wiki.

From their FAQ:

Since our community is not canon, it does not belong on the wiki at all. Thus, it was removed.

Probably wouldn't have gotten many recruits anyway (not sure how anyone would find it via Halo Nation in the first place. xD)

Yeah, I noticed that. I see why it was deleted. However, there are other communities on the Halo Wiki, and I think there should be allowances for large communities such as FC. FC has been around for years, and has over a thousand members (yes, I know not all of them are active). Dispite not being officially recognized by 343 (hey, has anyone actually contacted 343 to see if they could make this official? I don't know if they would or not, but they did that with roosterteeth) it is still a large Halo community, like Halo Waypoint, or Roosterteeth.

05-05-2012, 10:54 PM
The likelihood of FC being acknowledged by 343i at this moment is effectively zero. RoosterTeeth was known by hundreds of thousands of people, if not more, and had become iconic of Halo itself, so their situation was very different from our own.

05-05-2012, 11:30 PM
The likelihood of FC being acknowledged by 343i at this moment is effectively zero. RoosterTeeth was known by hundreds of thousands of people, if not more, and had become iconic of Halo itself, so their situation was very different from our own.

I know. They were much more popular. It was just an idea

However, the idea if FC is iconic. Anyone who has truly played halo, knows that what FC is doing right now, is not fan-made. It is halo. Let FC live on, not as FC, but as the thought of FC. Heroes live forever, not in body, or by name, but in spirit. Let FC live forever in spirit, as the hero it is.

05-06-2012, 12:59 AM
I know. They were much more popular. It was just an idea

However, the idea if FC is iconic. Anyone who has truly played halo, knows that what FC is doing right now, is not fan-made. It is halo. Let FC live on, not as FC, but as the thought of FC. Heroes live forever, not in body, or by name, but in spirit. Let FC live forever in spirit, as the hero it is.

*Slow Clap*attempted Shakespearean* talk very inspirational speech Coda, no really. I giveth thou credit. Credit for trying and for at the bottom LEAST attempting to help, even whence others say ney.