View Full Version : "Off-Games"

05-07-2012, 08:44 PM
Everyone has "off-games" (or at least that's what I call it) once in a while, when you play horribly for no apparent reason, and can never seem to get any kills. I had a couple just the other day, while playing with my fellow REDD for the first time. I'm sure I made a great impression. I posted here to hear stories of other people's "off-games", because as horrible, and embarrassing as they can be... They can be kind of funny. I look forward to hearing some funny stories from you all :)

05-07-2012, 09:02 PM
Well i think you already know all of my off games lol.but yes you can be off for no reason what so ever espetially if you havent played for quite a while and its your first game back for 1 month which i what exactly happend to me i think my score was like 3-16 on S.W.A.T and i was kinda pissed so i started talking to myself during the game saying stuff like. "oh weres Butter Boots? come on were are you? are you in this room? (BANG ''BroodIchyban was killed by Butter Boots'') OH there he is sitting in the vending machine room. i just wanted a drink!!!! can i just have one? All i want is a Reach Pop ( BANG BroodIchyban was killed by Butter Boots) NOPE APARENTLY NOT" but then again after in most cases you laugh at what just happend.

05-07-2012, 09:17 PM
I'll post when I remember one.

05-07-2012, 09:19 PM
Off games for me are chained. If I do bad and get shut down, that carries over into other games for me. I've had my fair share of hiccups

05-07-2012, 09:23 PM
Any of the games I played yesterday during battle night, or today with Rokkman and Salvanous xD Haven't played Reach in so long. I basically go through an off-game whenever I take a long hiatus from the game, or if I play a game with totally opposite controls, then try to return.

Can't really think of a solid example though. Yesterday I threw some pretty dumb grenades though, that just bounced back at me. xD

05-07-2012, 11:51 PM
Any of the games I played yesterday during battle night, or today with Rokkman and Salvanous xD Haven't played Reach in so long. I basically go through an off-game whenever I take a long hiatus from the game, or if I play a game with totally opposite controls, then try to return.

Can't really think of a solid example though. Yesterday I threw some pretty dumb grenades though, that just bounced back at me. xD

you did pretty good last night on BTB with me though

05-07-2012, 11:58 PM
you did pretty good last night on BTB with me though

Thanks lol I haven't played in weeks. BTB is my game though. =)

05-08-2012, 12:23 AM
I played a game almost a year ago which I considered an ultimate "off" game. I was with a full party in OcR and we matched up with another party in BTB and we knew these guys, they were a solid BTB Team at the time. Anyways it was on Paradiso---the old map that screwed over REDD's spawn. Anyways they got Banshee/laser control and pushed a Tank onto our spawn. First career game in Halo that I got 0 Kills, but I only went -4. Just couldnt finish my kills, and I played extremely cautiously to boot.

Needless to say we lost that game. OcR has been in BTB rebuild ever since the end of H3.

05-08-2012, 12:24 AM
Worst time I've ever had was during a High Command battle on Gemini in Halo 2...halfway into the game, I got a fierce case of the Hershey Squirts (if ya get my drift)...needless to say, it hit me outta nowhere and I immediately dropped my controller without quitting and ran to the bathroom for a good 10 minutes (games were 20 minutes back then). I came back with 2 minutes left and we just barely won the game, and as my army was bitching at me of "WHERE THE FUCK DID YOU GO SPARTAN?!" I calmly told them "I just had the most unpleasant experience in the bathroom...I dont think I completely wiped myself clean either." and that phrase sent everyone into a hysterical laugh.

05-08-2012, 12:31 AM
LOL Spartan that gave me a good laugh.

05-08-2012, 01:09 AM
Worst time I've ever had was during a High Command battle on Gemini in Halo 2...halfway into the game, I got a fierce case of the Hershey Squirts (if ya get my drift)...needless to say, it hit me outta nowhere and I immediately dropped my controller without quitting and ran to the bathroom for a good 10 minutes (games were 20 minutes back then). I came back with 2 minutes left and we just barely won the game, and as my army was bitching at me of "WHERE THE FUCK DID YOU GO SPARTAN?!" I calmly told them "I just had the most unpleasant experience in the bathroom...I dont think I completely wiped myself clean either." and that phrase sent everyone into a hysterical laugh.

lol nice

05-08-2012, 10:39 AM
These are some great stories, and they make me laugh. It's great seeing that even very high ranking, well known, respected members of FC still have off-games. keep the stories coming! I love 'em

05-08-2012, 11:15 AM
I'm like a a super mega mlg pro so I don't really have off games, but when I used to care about Halo Reach I would go into team snipers allot because I was actually pretty good with the in Halo 3. Anyways, I've always been a lone wolf, so one night I'm in matchmaking and I'm carrying everybody I team up with winning every game. The very next night I get on again and my first game was decent for a warmup, the next game I started blaming the size of the screen(I use a projector) the third game I start yelling at the players that can't hear me. By the fourth game I am just missing every shot and getting frustrated shooting my sniper like it's a heavy machine gun. I thought maybe my luck would get better if I kept going but I eventually walked out of the room and went for a walk before I punched a hole through my wall. Yeah that's pretty much when I would play xbox more often.

05-08-2012, 11:58 AM
I'm like a a super mega mlg pro so I don't really have off games, but when I used to care about Halo Reach I would go into team snipers allot because I was actually pretty good with the in Halo 3. Anyways, I've always been a lone wolf, so one night I'm in matchmaking and I'm carrying everybody I team up with winning every game. The very next night I get on again and my first game was decent for a warmup, the next game I started blaming the size of the screen(I use a projector) the third game I start yelling at the players that can't hear me. By the fourth game I am just missing every shot and getting frustrated shooting my sniper like it's a heavy machine gun. I thought maybe my luck would get better if I kept going but I eventually walked out of the room and went for a walk before I punched a hole through my wall. Yeah that's pretty much when I would play xbox more often.
oh my.

05-08-2012, 12:42 PM
My most recent "off-game" was the first game I played on Ridgeline a few weeks ago. I did absolutely terrible and that was one of the few negative games I've ever had in FC. I was completely ashamed. Lol.

05-08-2012, 11:00 PM
I'm like a a super mega mlg pro so I don't really have off games, but when I used to care about Halo Reach I would go into team snipers allot because I was actually pretty good with the in Halo 3. Anyways, I've always been a lone wolf, so one night I'm in matchmaking and I'm carrying everybody I team up with winning every game. The very next night I get on again and my first game was decent for a warmup, the next game I started blaming the size of the screen(I use a projector) the third game I start yelling at the players that can't hear me. By the fourth game I am just missing every shot and getting frustrated shooting my sniper like it's a heavy machine gun. I thought maybe my luck would get better if I kept going but I eventually walked out of the room and went for a walk before I punched a hole through my wall. Yeah that's pretty much when I would play xbox more often.

Remind me not to get on your bad side

05-08-2012, 11:53 PM
Ask anyone in Resistance. I never have an off-game. Neverevereverevereveever. Ask Fuzzy!

Carpe Vexillum
05-09-2012, 01:33 AM
Anytime I play with Bazonga... idk why.

05-09-2012, 01:50 AM
^I actually enjoy playing with him, he makes me look like an MLG pro when we play together

Choca Cola
05-09-2012, 08:29 AM
Off Games... ANYTIME I play with Tacos, it's like without him go positive, with him, go negative.
The only time I have ever done well is when someone else isn't in the room commentating or trying to play split-screen with me.

05-09-2012, 10:27 AM
Off Games... ANYTIME I play with Tacos, it's like without him go positive, with him, go negative.
The only time I have ever done well is when someone else isn't in the room commentating or trying to play split-screen with me.

I agree, I find it much harder while playing split screen

05-09-2012, 10:33 AM
I agree, I find it much harder while playing split screen

100% agreed

05-09-2012, 01:36 PM
This doesn't really count as an off game but once in H3 matchmaking I was in a snipers match and I got 13 kills without dying, so out of the excitement I told my partners I was going to get a perfection. Well one of my partners said "No you're not" and proceed to betray me. I went 16-1 with my 1 death from a team mate.

05-09-2012, 01:42 PM
This doesn't really count as an off game but once in H3 matchmaking I was in a snipers match and I got 13 kills without dying, so out of the excitement I told my partners I was going to get a perfection. Well one of my partners said "No you're not" and proceed to betray me. I went 16-1 with my 1 death from a team mate.

ouch that must have sucked.

05-09-2012, 01:44 PM
Oh yea I was pissed, I had that D-bag on my friends list, not anymore though ^_^. Plus I didn't get as many perfections back then as I do now.

05-09-2012, 01:47 PM
Oh yea I was pissed, I had that D-bag on my friends list, not anymore though ^_^. Plus I didn't get as many perfections back then as I do now.

lol well thats good