View Full Version : Website Going Mobile? (I need your opinion!)

05-23-2012, 07:35 PM
So I'm sitting here preparing everything for tomorrows maintenance and something popped into my head.

What would you guys think if FC had its own iOS/Andriod App for you to use on your mobile devices? Here's the catch, full forum integration. You'd be able to access the forums at any time in a mobile friendly environment.

The cost of this is quite high, so I want your guys opinion before I do anything. Tell me what you guys of this idea.

05-23-2012, 07:38 PM
Cost is high? How much higher? I'd really say no if it costs too much more. I can access it fine mobile-wise, infact 50% of the time I'm on the site, I'm mobile.

05-23-2012, 07:43 PM
I say no just because of the cost and you don't need an app to view the forums on a mobile device.

05-23-2012, 07:49 PM
Cost is high? How much higher? I'd really say no if it costs too much more. I can access it fine mobile-wise, infact 50% of the time I'm on the site, I'm mobile.

The cost is just a one deal (besides the BS yearly payment to Apple for the iOS version of it).

I can access it fine mobile-wise, infact 50% of the time I'm on the site, I'm mobile.

I'm basing my experience off of me accessing the forums on my Razr. To me it's a pain, but that's just me which is why I ask for your guys input.

I say no just because of the cost and you don't need an app to view the forums on a mobile device.

I'm aware of this, it's more of a convenience thing. It would be optimized to view the forums on a mobile device.

05-23-2012, 07:51 PM
If it seems within our grasp (money included) then I would say go for it. But only under 1 big condition.

Include Windows Phones!!!

05-23-2012, 07:58 PM
Why can't we just make a mobile version of the website (as in www.m.fcwars.net) and not make an app? Wouldn't it be much cheaper (and universal)?

05-23-2012, 08:30 PM
Why can't we just make a mobile version of the website (as in www.m.fcwars.net (http://www.m.fcwars.net)) and not make an app? Wouldn't it be much cheaper (and universal)?

That requires a 2nd license to run a second copy of the forums on another domain (which would be almost triple the cost of this). There are some other things we can do, but I want to work out all the possibilities first.

05-24-2012, 01:26 AM
"Want to spend all day on a forum waiting for something new?" "There's an app for that." "Want a place to pretend you're in the army?" "There's an app for that." "Want to meet geeky singles?" "Wait" "Oh there's apps for that."

Carpe Vexillum
05-24-2012, 10:36 AM
Okay so how many people that voted actually have an adequate mobile device? And be honest. . . who will use an app a lot compared to when they are at home. Basically who needs it. This does not include for when your away from the house for a couple hours >.<"

If we have enough people interested and such I will be willing to help with the costs.

05-24-2012, 07:28 PM
i think we shouldnt do this... it sounds like a great idea and a possible must do in the future, however im sure we are fine with just the website... i can only see about 2-5 people using the app since they cant be next to their PC/Mac at that second.... worth jumping the price up for only 5 people? no...

05-24-2012, 07:31 PM
half the time I browse the forums is on my iphone, and its largely painless.

Do it if we have to, but its not worth the price to me.

05-27-2012, 10:37 AM
I agree i have a mobile phone but its quite easy to access the site without an app...It would possibly open us up to those who strictly do mobile phones, but then again I don't see a need for it other than expanding purposes...I think we could do without it for now...why put our resources into something that is not necessarily needed at the moment.

Just my thoughts

05-27-2012, 10:43 AM
A majority of the time when I'm on the forums here its from my phone and I have little to no problems