View Full Version : FC promotional video

Fateless Wolf
06-05-2012, 10:09 PM
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RDdYHzZmYLM if anyone is interested in seeing my recruitment video heres the link feel free to leave me some feed back and the video in my opinion is crap my laptop was lagging like crap and a lot of it i believe could have been done better so sometime ill re due it but if let me know what u think if i nailed it on the head or if i strayed off topic and if it sounds like if u were a new recruit it definitely made u want to check this out thxs hellwolf out.

06-05-2012, 11:29 PM
For the love of God and all that is holy, use spellcheck.

EriRi 1138
06-05-2012, 11:40 PM
I'm going to go cut myself.

06-05-2012, 11:52 PM
you should use actual gameplay footage from FC... and like how i was respectfully criticized about, have FC leader speak about FC in them... this is a community built around fun, that video makes it look like we are somewhat MLG players, when we really aren't

and dont listin to these guys, your spelling isnt great nor is your grammar, however i understood you completely

06-06-2012, 12:08 AM
If you are promoting a group through video format, the content of the video represents the community as a whole to the eyes of the viewers.

Using this, FC is projected as a bunch of illiterate children who think RvB is cool so they made a website for it...

EriRi 1138
06-06-2012, 12:10 AM
If you are promoting a group through video format, the content of the video represents the community as a whole to the eyes of the viewers.

Using this, FC is projected as a bunch of illiterate children who think RvB is cool so they made a website for it...


I've said it before and I'll say it again. We need to stop doing these spur-of-the-moment little videos that, i'm sorry and it's nothing personal, are just not that great. It makes our community look lackluster. We need a professional promotional video done, with gameplay, voices, and story. No text with spelling errors, cliche plot, and extremely over-used music.

And I'll admit my first comment was rude, but it's only because this is like the 6th time I've had to adress this same issue. That being said, if you want comments and criticism, if you truly want to improve, listen to what I'm saying and know that I don't think you're a terrible person, just that the video was terrible. Organize a meeting, have people volunteer to make a promo, get a good voice actor or two, make it action packed but fun and entertaining, and showcase what makes Forerunner Conflict, Forerunner Conflict, and not another dime-a-dozen Halo group that loves Breaking Benjamin.

06-06-2012, 12:50 AM
I don't want to sound disrespectful because Forerunner Conflict appreciates any time and effort put into helping the community, but this video is nothing helping us in the way we would prefer. When it comes to our community, we want to look as professional as possible. We are (hopefully) still in the making of a real promotional video that is being filmed by Deadite, and while we appreciate any other help or ways of promotion, as a Forerunner I'd like to see any promotional content BEFORE it's posted. This video seems incredibly rushed and as the others said, the spelling is...well to be blunt, atrocious. It's little things that make big impacts. You wouldn't write your resume with terrible spelling, would you? You need to make sure it looks as professional as possible, spellcheck it, proof read it, and then make sure SEVERAL OTHERS proof read it as well before you launch.

As I said, any kind of promotion we appreciate, but at the same time it needs to be appropriate. I will very kindly and respectfully ask that you please take it down for now. I'm extremely sorry that we don't find very useful, but you are by far more than welcome to attempt at making a new one! Just make sure you spell-check it and show it to other people (mainly the leaders and such) before releasing it onto the internet. Remember, it's constructive criticism. For someone to succeed, sometimes it takes a little failing =)

06-06-2012, 12:56 AM
Yeah going to have to agree with EriRi. While I do appreciate the attempt and the desire to promote and help the community, over all that video was very lack luster. It looks like any other Halo clan filled with 13 year olds. If we are going to do a video we really should include real game play from Battle Nights or other game nights like the invasion video that was posted on Machinima.

RaZ Vader
06-06-2012, 12:39 PM
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RDdYHzZmYLM if anyone is interested in seeing my recruitment video heres the link feel free to leave me some feed back and the video in my opinion is crap my laptop was lagging like crap and a lot of it i believe could have been done better so sometime ill re due it but if let me know what u think if i nailed it on the head or if i strayed off topic and if it sounds like if u were a new recruit it definitely made u want to check this out thxs hellwolf out.

http://i18.photobucket.com/albums/b125/Razgriz1988/AngryBaldGuyTrollCharacte r_e46d5537b09621c779b2e14 5cf70f933.png

but seriously.. I appreciate the thought. But as stated above.. future videos should be planned out and more prepared.

06-06-2012, 03:31 PM
*watches video* Why is this 2389 in the related? *mumbles and cuts xbox power cord*
Video was AWFUL!!No Offense To The Maker Of The Video.
Use actual FC Gameplay?

Fateless Wolf
06-07-2012, 06:50 PM
its good feedback but if u would have read the top i even said the video was shit and the feedback didnt have to be completely negative if you hated its fine then just say it nicely because i figured id make a nice thing for the community and if i was totally off u could have just said it without pointing out everything u hated about it and saying it in a negative way....... and to be honest i do take some offense because some of the negative replys were un called for bazongas was the only one i really think was nice about it......

06-07-2012, 06:58 PM
bazongas was the only one i really think was nice about it......

Iv gotta be the 1% lol

EriRi 1138
06-07-2012, 07:14 PM
its good feedback but if u would have read the top i even said the video was shit and the feedback didnt have to be completely negative if you hated its fine then just say it nicely because i figured id make a nice thing for the community and if i was totally off u could have just said it without pointing out everything u hated about it and saying it in a negative way....... and to be honest i do take some offense because some of the negative replys were un called for bazongas was the only one i really think was nice about it......

Hellwolf, I've been where you are. I've actually been there a bunch, for almost a whole year straight. When I first got into GFX and started making sigs, every time I posted something an older member named KillaDawg would comment and run my work into the ground with his harsh criticisms. He did it a lot. At first I just thought he was a dick, but then I realized he knew what the fuck he was talking about. Eventually I actually learned from his harsh criticisms. And today, I am in one of the most successful graphic design schools at the University of North Texas.

Don't take offense to it. Learn from it and you'll improve. That's the reason you ask for Comments&Criticisms. To learn and improve. No one hates you. Your video just sucked. In the Art world, you'd hear far worse. Trust me.