View Full Version : Movie Review: TED

06-29-2012, 08:00 PM

So I just got back from watching Seth MacFarlane's first motion picture "TED". Most of you probably already know what it's about, but for those who don't I will fill you in.

Jon Bennet(Mark Wahlberg) made a wish as a kid that his teddy bear come to life. His wish comes true and years later he and Ted still live together. His girlfriend (Mila Kunis) wants to move forward with their relationship but feels that Ted is holding Jon back and tells Jon to ask Ted to move out.

This movie is EXACTLY what I expected to see from what I saw from the previews. Seth MacFarlane does not disappoint in this film. Occasionally it did make me feel as if I was watching Family Guy with it's occasional cut scenes but that all past as the movie progressed. You really got a feel for the bound between Ted and Jon as characters. Every actor did an amazing job in this comedy. It was cool to see some of the actors who also did voice work in Family Guy. I laughed so hard I nearly peed myself lol Please Note: Do not drink lots of water before seeing this film.

The CGI for Ted was awesome. He looked as real as possible. Guess those checks from American Dad, Family Guy, and The Cleveland show really paid off. It was also really cool seeing Ted interact with people and objects. Was VERY realistic.

I mean overall it is worth seeing. I wanted to share this with you guys because I really loved this movie and think everyone(who enjoys Seth macFarlane's work) would really appreciate it. I don't wanna rant about every little detail that makes this movie so good....otherwise I would spoil it all.


06-29-2012, 08:18 PM
Moved to TV/Movie Talk in Multimedia.

You do know there are other parts of the forum besides 'The Spambox'...

06-29-2012, 08:49 PM
I whent to the mid night release last night, to get told to leave because i didnt have my ID. They said it has been a strick force to have ID on you in order to watch a R rated film and they have always checked ID..... This was their first time ever doing it and it totally ruined the night for me. I got super wasted, and the fuckin ticket seller just killed the whole fuckin day for me.... hella pissed


Warning, there are tits in that video..... not like its gonna stop any of you

06-29-2012, 08:59 PM
Also, since you saw the movie, you might like this if you havent seen it already lol


06-29-2012, 09:13 PM
Honestly I thought it was complete shit.

All the laughs felt forced.

06-29-2012, 09:22 PM
Moved to TV/Movie Talk in Multimedia.

You do know there are other parts of the forum besides 'The Spambox'...

Well aware of that lol Just couldn't find it/looked and didnt see it. Ty for moving it though <3

- - - Updated - - -

Honestly I thought it was complete shit.

All the laughs felt forced.

You must not like Family Guy then lol