View Full Version : Google Fiber

07-26-2012, 04:28 PM
So, being as I live in the KC area, I'm very interested in Google Fiber.
For those of you who haven't heard, KC is the first city that is going to have Google Fiber (Super internet/cable) installed.

My brother just recently got hired at google, and he said that "this is going to change the world completely"

Google is announcing more about Fiber today, here's the links

and the video http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6uZVqPuq81c

Google Fiber has an internet speed of 1 Gigabit, or 128 Megabytes (1GB in 8 Seconds)
that's fucking right. Both Upload and Download.

No over use charges. Unlimited data.
Comes with 1TB of cloud storage in Google Drive.
Network box has 4 Ethernet plugs, and wifi (Wifi is not quite as strong as wired, naturally)
TV's act as wifi hotspots, and have ethernet plugs that allow consoles to plug directly into the TV box (Located near the TV)
So, any TV will work with this.
The Fiber Network is designed to be improved (at no extra cost) and so 1GB per second is just the starting point.

Comes with a firewall.

Television is in top notch HD with hundreds of channels,
2TB Hard drive that also stores DVR recordings.
DVR up to 500 hours of video.
TV's are bluetooth enabled.
Record 8 channels at once.
Like Xbox Smartglass, searching works on tablets and mobile devices with speech recognition.
Live TV and DVR on Tablets/Smartphones.
TV is sharable on Social Media.
Google Fiber works with Netflix, and has its own similar service (Tens of thousands of shows and movies to watch on demand for an extra fee)
Comes with a Tablet to act as a remote

How much does it cost?

The 1st Package: $300 Construction/Installation fee, $120 per month.
Those who sign up now will get the construction/installation fee waived.

The 2nd Package: $300 Construction/Installation fee, $70 Monthly Fee for just internet.
Those who sign up now will get the construction/installation fee waived.

The 3rd package: Construction Fee + $0 Monthly fee (That's right, free internet) for a 7 year contract
5mb down
1mb up

Fiber optics connection adds value to the price of your home (Up to 2k - 5k value increase)

Unfortunately, I can't get it. I'm literally down the street from Kansas City, Kansas.
Hopefully it will expand this direction.

07-26-2012, 05:20 PM
Not so much "Change the world", just change how shitty the ISPs are here in the US. I'm hoping they either come closer to my place (doubtful) or this catches on and it will force ISP to change there horrible ways of overcharging for shitty bandwidth.

07-26-2012, 05:31 PM
Not so much "Change the world", just change how shitty the ISPs are here in the US. I'm hoping they either come closer to my place (doubtful) or this catches on and it will force ISP to change there horrible ways of overcharging for shitty bandwidth.
I don't see how this couldn't catch on, it's designed for America (So really just change America).

If 1GB becomes the standard that could open up doors for a ton of functionality and innovation in the web.

07-26-2012, 05:45 PM
that looks amazing! i hope it eventually get's to canada. but i have to ask, with something that good...what's the catch?

07-26-2012, 05:51 PM
that looks amazing! i hope it eventually get's to canada. but i have to ask, with something that good...what's the catch?
It's not everywhere yet.

Google is a really reliable company, so I don't see any customer service issues or change of price issues.
It may cost more as they expand elsewhere. KC is a testing ground and it's a very expensive process for Google, but they're investing in themselves.
Also Google has a sh*tload of money so its nbd

07-26-2012, 05:54 PM
yay! i can download my porn even faster now!!! Thank you Google!!!